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! ll the visual arts depend heavily on ordering

the various elements according to the
artist’s preference, with the assumption that the
aesthetic” (a term Winogrand, for one, hated).
The critical argument for “informal” composition
was that when used by non-photographers, the
visual impressions presented by the world are camera occasionally delivered “happy accidents,”
disordered and often chaotic. Photography is in which what would normally be seen as BUSY4HEMOSTOBVIOUSVARIABLEWASEXPRESSION
no exception. In fact, it requires more effort in tilted camera angles and bad framing created ANDACTIONFROMTHECHILDREN4HISWASWHATYOU
organizing the image than do other arts, for the interesting, unexpected juxtapositions and WOULDNORMALLYEXPECTTOMAKETHEDIFFERENCE
reason that the camera records everything in geometry. Sometimes artifacts like camera shake BETWEENAGOODANDANORDINARYSHOT ANDWAS
front of it. A painter selects from the view, but a and flare would contribute, again “happily.” In
photographer has to subdue, diminish, or hide the hands of an expert, and made deliberately, INTODIFFERENTACTIVITIESITWASTHENAMATTEROF
the elements that are unwanted. Photographers’ vernacular composition could have artistic value. OBSERVATIONANDWAITING ( ,
writings on this stress this time and again. The critic Sally Eauclaire, writing on the !SUSUAL HOWEVER DESIGNCANADDANEXTRA
Edward Weston, early in his career, in 1922, Color Formalist photographer William Eggleston, LAYEROFIMPROVEMENT ASTHESEQUENCESHOWS IN
wrote that for photography, landscape was too typifies the view at the time: “In the careless TIMEORDER4HETWOFINALSHOTSBOTHSUCCESSFULLY
“chaotic... too crude and lacking in arrangement,” cropping, negligent alignments, and imprecise
and it took him several years of work to meet the exposures of amateur snapshots, Eggleston GRAPHICALLYCOHERENTWAY PRECISELYBECAUSETHEY
challenge. Ansel Adams wrote, “For photographic recognized potent effects that under his direction HAVESTRUCTURE4HEMAJORDIFFERENCEBETWEEN
compositions I think in terms of creating could produce mesmerizing contrasts and shifts THETWOISINTHEATTITUDE°ANDSOVISUAL
configurations out of chaos, rather than following of conventional emphases.” More recently, IMPORTANCE°OFTHEBOYCLOSESTTOTHECAMERA
any conventional rules of composition.” Cartier- Graham Clarke, on Lee Friedlander’s composition
Bresson called it “a rigorous organization of the in the image Albuquerque (1972), writes, “At first
interplay of surfaces, lines, and values. It is in glance it appears as a bland and nondescript )
this organization alone that our conceptions and image, but then begins to resonate with a rich
emotions become concrete and communicable.” and profuse meaning... It resists any single focal n`k_k\XZ_\i#kXYc\#Xe[XZ_Xc\k$jkpc\gcXp_flj\
The mountaineer-photographer Galen Rowell, point, so that our eye moves over and over the Y\_`e[%K_\i\jlck`jZc\Xi\efl^_#XZZ\gkXYc\#Xe[
writing specifically about a composition in Death image without any point of rest, any settled
Valley, begins with, “At first the scene appeared or final sense of unity (and unitary sense and )%8]`ijkjk\gkfnXi[jcffb`e^]fik_\jkife^\jk
very jumbled to me....” He is about to leave, when meaning).” Tellingly, he uses the very absence of m`\ngf`ekXe[Zfdgfj`k`fe`jkfnXcbXifle[
he thinks again and returns: “The zones that had apparent skill to justify the artistic value of the
first seemed so jumbled now converged in strong image. “Resonate” and “profuse meaning” are, of k_\Z_`c[i\e_XjZ_fj\ekfj`kXkk_\fggfj`k\
diagonals that I was able to compose by moving course, tell-tale signs that the art critic is avoiding j`[\f]k_\kXYc\%9lkk_\j_fk[f\jeËknfib#fe
my camera position back and forth.” analysis and invoking mysterious insight on the
In Chapters 1 through 5 we have examined part of a viewing elite, in which the reader is `eZcl[`e^k_\[`jkiXZk`e^cpYXi\nff[\enXccXkc\]k2 * -
the tools available for imposing order on an invited somehow to participate. Xe[efk\efl^_f]k_\gX`ek`e^XZk`m`kp`jm`j`Yc\%
+%K_`jm`\ngf`ekdX[\dfi\j\ej\%K_\i\`jX^ff[ \p\ZfekXZkaljkdXb\jk_`jX[`]]\i\ekb`e[f]g`Zkli\%
image, and doing this would seem to be so This is the argument, though of dubious j\ej\f][\gk_]ifdk_\Yfp`ek_\]fi\^ifle[kfk_\ @]n\XeXcpq\k_`j`dX^\#n\ZXej\\k_Xkk_\\p\$c`e\
basic that the questions of interest are to do logic. As we saw on pages 94-97, artifacts in Zf_\i\ekfek_\fggfj`k\j`[\f]k_\kXYc\#lj`e^
fk_\iZ_`c[i\e#Xe[fekfk_\Z_Xc\kY\_`e[#Xe[k_`j jkiX`^_kflk]ifdk_\Yfpkfk_\m`\n\idXb\j`kk_\
^`m\jk_\\p\jfd\k_`e^kf[fÇcffb`e^XZifjjk_\ jkife^\jk]fZljf]Xkk\ek`fe%=XZ\jXcnXpjZXiipX
with how and in what style. But what do we photographs can work very well, but they do XZcfj\im`\nf]k_\dliXc%EfkfYm`flj]ifdk_\
]iXd\]ifdfe\kfk_\fk_\i%9lkZXe`kY\`dgifm\[6 jkife^m`jlXcn\`^_k#jfk_Xk[\jg`k\k_\mXi`fljjkife^
make of photography that appears to deny the so by trading on what we know an accurately Zfcfij#k_\k_i\\fk_\i]fZ`f]Xkk\ek`feXi\`e[\\[
organization of image components? We need taken image should look like. In other words, \m\en`k_Xn`[\$Xe^c\c\ej#k_\fk_\i^iflgf]
,%8cfn\iZXd\iXgfj`k`fe[f\j`dgifm\k_\j_fk#]fi k_\k_i\\]XZ\jfek_\fggfj`k\j`[\f]k_\kXYc\%K_\
knfi\Xjfej%=`ijk#`kglkjljXkk_\Z_`c[i\eËjc\m\c# [peXd`Zjf]k_\g`Zkli\Xi\jkife^cpZfekifcc\[Ypk_\
to address this because a significant proportion to be successful and accepted, they can only be Z_`c[i\e`jflkf]]iXd\%
n_`Z_`jdfi\`emfcm`e^%J\Zfe[#`kdXb\jdfi\f]k_\ Zlim\f]k_\kXYc\#\dg_Xj`q\[Ypk_\iX`eYfnZfcfij
of art photography from the 1960s onward occasional. Willful disregard for the principles iX`eYfngXkk\ieXe[#n`k_k_\jXd\n`[\$Xe^c\c\ejXj Xe[Ypk_\[`jkfik`e^\]]\Zkf]k_\)+dd\]cc\ej#n_`c\
does challenge these norms. It began with of composition and design can only be justified lj\[k_ifl^_flk#^`m\jXdfi\[peXd`ZZfdgfj`k`fe% k_\]XZ\j#p\ccfnYfo#Xe[Ycl\n`e[fnXZkXjjkfgj
photographers such as Garry Winogrand and Lee conceptually—by saying, in effect, “this is not
-%K_\Yfpcffb\[lgXe[k_\ejn`m\cc\[ifle[`e_`j Xifle[k_\]iXd\Ypk_`jjkilZkli\#`kifXdjk_\g`Zkli\
Friedlander in America, and the identification a normal photograph.” This, in fact, is how the + j\Xk%K_\\ogi\jj`fe`j^ff[Xe[_fc[jk_\m`\n\iËj kf\oXd`e\k_\mXi`flj[\kX`cj#YlkXcnXpji\kliejkf
of what art critics began to call the “snapshot snapshot aesthetic has developed in recent years, \p\%@e]XZk#Yfk_f]k_\j\cXjkknf`dX^\jXi\]`e\2k_\ k_\]XZ\f]k_\Yfp%

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