A Few Months Earlier

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A guy saves a girl from thugs and after a series of events the two end up living together and happily ever
after or a princess sees a stable boy and for some absolutely funny and illogical reason the two end up
falling in love. That is the typical type of love story found everywhere, in movies, in plays, tv series,
folklore and fairytales. If that is the type of romantic story you are looking for then this short but long
story aint for you. This o beloved reader is the tale of an extreme idiot and an equally astounding and
unique idiotess.

Still dilly dallying and dancing all over the place, he felt it. The sensation of a humans body behind her,
she had bumped onto her, she turned towards him with irritated eyes that were flickering with slight
rage. The contact had not been long but he definitely had bumped onto her and no matter how you
looked at it he was the one who was wrong. When her eyes met his instead of feeling sorry and guilty
and after gulping once he managed to squeeze his raspy voice out.

“I-I am s-sorry.”

He said in a clumsy manner, it was not that he was rude but he was mesmerized, he was overwhelmed,
he was shocked and for the first time something churned inside him. In a nutshell he was charmed but
by what he had no idea however this would change his view of that girl for the rest of his life_____

A few months earlier……

If you were to describe Sirzechs Knightlord then seven out of ten people they would say he was a care
free spirit with a little naughtiness hidden behind his apathetic expression while other three would
cancel the little from naughtiness and add extremely. In a nutshell his life was one filled with laughter,
trouble and even more laughter. There was however one particular uncanny trait he also had, dancing
was not a talent he had but rather an extension of expressing himself, whenever he was happy and
there was music added to the equation then he would dance till exhaustion and if there was no music,
well his mind would not disappoint, it would provide just the fine tune for him to dance to.

Sitted on the crowded and slightly dilapidated classroom which was full of graffiti to an extent that one
would almost think it was a paint coating, Zechs was chilling with his pals. This was a new school but he
was not fresh out of friends, he had six others from his previous school seated forming a misshapen
circled in one of the corners. The only thing in abundance in that classroom to rival the graffiti on the
walls was the noise.

“Just like I thought girls this side are way off the charts.”

Naturally that was the only topic one could expect in that situation considering a guys only group was
formed, the one who said that was the oldest among the guys around there, his eyes were facing
towards the door were a couple of girls were chilling. His mischievous expression said it al, you could
guess the perverted and lecherous thoughts reflected in his eyes like a mirror to his inner world. For
Sirzechs, he was not really that interested instead perchance his eyes had rested on a certain corner
spot were there was a lone individual who was already immersed in her studies. Even before speaking to
her everyone could tell she was a loner and the serious type, the exact opposite of Sirzechs who liked to
enjoy his life to the fullest.

“Hey Zechs.”
The guy next to him nudged him after that statement and pointed at his prey, his perverted friend who
was also the oldest was none other than Phillip, he was rather lean, actually scratch that he was thin jus
like Zechs but taller and more sturdy. He was childish somewhat and had gotten himself the nickname of
dancehall father from their previous school.


Zechs asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That girl, I like her. Do you know her name?”

It had barely been a week since they arrived there and he was already eyeing someone. As expected of a
boy, Zechs had been eyeing a few girls too after all but this guy seemed to be genuinely interested in
that girl.

The girl in question was this face, she also seemed to be the quiet and serious type but in her case she
seemed to exude a certain melancholic and sad sense of maturity like someone who had seen her entire
life’s hardships. Zechs’ brains immediately told him that this girls was an absolutely no, she was his polar
opposite and anyway he was not the type who believed the shitty stuff about opposites attracting and
the likes.

“She is not bad but definitely not your type and nope I do not. Have you forgotten I only pay attention to
what I am interested in and everything else is filtered?”

Zechs responded with disinterest and turned his sight back to the corner diagonally opposite to his, he
was interested in the lone girl, by now everyone knew her name, Asante Asana. Why did everyone know
her? It was because everyone copied from her. His growing interest in her was not because of her hard
work nor was it a romantic interest but rather on the fact that she seemed lonely and awkward.

(I am going to speak to her.)

Just like that he made his mind. The following few weeks was him getting to know or rather trying to get
to know the girl but well she was the skeptical type and the distrusting type.

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