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I deal with: Ma confrunt cu…, am de-a face cu..

, ma ocup I am responsible for (+noun/-ing): Sunt responsabila pentru

cu… I am responsible for the quality working of the team.
I deal with many clients with different core businesses. I am responsible for the new tasks performing.
I deal with a lot of new employees because our company
increases fast My job involves (+noun/-ing): Jobul meu implica
I deal with accounting My job involves compliance of the Norwegian Laws.
My job involves attention to details.
I handle: Ma ocup
I handle myself of this client because he has a lot of I take care of : Am grija de
specialities. I take care that all my tasks be met by the end of the day.
I handle of you later. Now I’m in a hurry. I take care of everyday tasks.

I oversee: Supraveghez: I report to- raportez catre

I oversee my colleagues making sure that they respect the I report to my TL at the difficult situations.
required rules. I report to TL all the QA tickets received.
I oversee the production line.
I studied for – am studiat pentru
I am in charge of (+ noun/-ing): Sunt responsabil de I studied for my degree at Lucian Blaga university
I am in charge of invoices booking. I studied for my exam more than 3 months.
I am in charge of Trade team coordination.
I am in charge of the good disposition of my colleagues. I have no regrets in/for
I have no regrets for talking my current job
Isn’t the cost of living very high? Nu este costul vietii foarte ridicat?
I have free use of company swimming pool = Am libertatea de a folosi piscine companiei
I work for= lucrez pentru / I work at = lucrez la
I manage = gestionez
I leave for work = plec la lucru
I arrive at work= Ajung la lucru
1. Meeting the deadline = finish on time: Everyday we try to do the best to meet the deadline.
2. Fall behind the schedule = make slow progress : Don’t worry, we felt behind the schedule but we still have time to catch up.
3. Catch up = get back to the original schedule
4. Be back on track = work with a predicted schedule : Try to be back on track in this new project.
5. Finish ahead the schedule = finish before the planned date : Congratulations! You finished ahead the schedule this task.
Good job!
6. Allocate/plan resources = make use of people, money, time: Please, allocate more time for this job. We need to finish it
before the weekend.
7. Stay within/on the budget = spend the right amount on money: We can go anywhere but with the condition to stay on the
8. Delegating tasks = give people responsabilities: I want to delegate Ana and Ramona to finish this task as soon as possible.
9. Get done a task = do a job; I trust us, you can get done this task.
10. Getting updates = receive reports on progress: Refresh this page and wait to get updates.

Asking for an update: Allocating a task:  I’m sorry, I can’t

 How are the things going?  Can you…?  I’m afraid I’m busy
 What’s happening with?  You can …  I’d prefer not to
 Where are we with?  I/We need somebody to … Summarizing
Giving an update: Offering to do something  So, to recap…
 So far go good  Why don’t I…?  X is/am/are going to
 Everything’s on truck  I’ll …  It’s all going according to
 We’re (+ing)  I can..if you want plan
 We’ve  Leave it with me.
finished/completed… Declining to do something

Word With countable noun With uncountable noun exaples

Few, fewer x Fewer cats, few cars
Little, less least x Less food, little time
Many, several x Several books, many pens
Much x Much sleep0.
Say what you are:
Interested in…., tired of…, excited about…, bored with…., exhilated by…., frightened of….

Isn’t keen on= nu se omoara dupa

Is fond of = ii este drag de
To achive = a realiza
As soon as = imediat ce – I came as soon as possible I could. /You shall eat as soon as possible, we are in a hurry.
While = in timp ce- While I was talking to him, she appeared in front of us./ John was reading while his sister went out.
During = in timp ce – Durring the class I felt asleep. / During the math class, we were playing Sudoku.
Until= pana cand – He was kind enough to wait until she arrived./ I will wait until you will pay the rest.
By the time= pana cand/ce –She had cleaned the house by the time I got home. / By the time you was there, the lesson had finished.

Time markers:
Near future; Next 10 years; in a month or two ; short term; in ten year’s time ; long term; long time from now; next year; shortlyS

Make- for constructing, building, creating something that not exist yet- make a coffee, make food, make profit
Do – when someone performs an action, activity, task that already exist. – do the homework, do my hair, do my makeup, do the bed

Grades of comparison
Grad Positive Comparative Supperlative
One syllable and 2 syllable adj ending in -y adjectiv Adjectiv+er (the)adjectiv+est
Other 2 syllables and adj with more than two syll. adjectiv More/less – adjective -than The most/least +adj.
Irregular adjectives Good Better The best
Bad Worse The worst
Many/much More/less The most/the least
Far Farther/further The farthest/the furthest
Old Older/elder The oldest/the elder
Late Later/the latter The lattest/the last

Adjectiv + ing – to talk about the person, place or thing that is making us feel a certain way
Adjectiv + ed – are used to talk about how we feel

Asking for information Commenting Giving options

 Do you know something  I don’t know  I love it
about…  I couldn’t tell you..  I’d recommend it
 Do you know anything  I imagine  It’s great/good/OK
about  I think/I don’t think it’s
 What do you think of…  It depend on…

GET To get up = a se trezi/ridica

To get on = a se urca(intr-un mijloc de transport)
To get off = a cobora TAKE
To get on = a se intelege take off= to remove
To get on with = a continua take up = started
To get out of = a evita take over = take control
To get down = a se intrista take after = resemble= a semana
To get by= a se descurca take away= remove
To get away with = a scapa nepedepsit take out = invite out
To get at = a esprima take back= return
To get over = a trece peste ceva

Afixes: -full; -less; -able; -ese; -iac; -ic; -ive; -os; -er; -hood; -ness; -ship; -ess; -ee; -ism; -ive

Type If clause Main clause

1. Simple present Will+ infinitive (1st form of the verb)
2. Simple past (2nd form of the verb) Would + infinitive (1st form of the verb)
3. Past perfect [ had + 3rd form of the verb] Would +have+ Past Participle(3rd form of the verb)

1. Merg cu tine daca iei masina.

I will fo with you if you take the car.

2. As merge cu tine daca ai lua masina.

I would go with you if you took the car.

3. As fi mers cu tine daca ai fi luat masina.

I would gone with you if you had taken the car.

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