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The second-grade group “B” in the public secondary school “Adolfo López Mateos” is
composed of 40 students between 13-15 years old. The English classes are conducted
by only one teacher, Pedro Calderón. According to the teacher, there are no official
detected students with special needs, but it was observed that at less two students
could have a kind of attention deficit, which must be treated with more attention so that
they can learn at the same pace of their classmates.
Students’ behavior can be defined as an unstable and disorganized since during the
whole class students went through from being quiet to keep silence. As a result of it,
the previously planned activity by the teacher could not be performed. It can be
assumed that the students did not show motivation in the class because they did not
pay attention at all to the activity.
It seems that the common form of classroom arrangement in their classes is in rows,
but because the students had to present a play, the teacher asked them to make a
circle; this arrangement did not work because some students were talking since
teacher turned his back to them. The classroom has 40 seats, which are exactly for the
number of students.
It can be said that the classroom is not on the optimal conditions because there were
some windows broken, and six lights and five fans that were not working well. Besides,
the door did not have a lock, thus, it was constantly opening and closing; which was a
distraction for students.
There was not a projector or any other technological resource available in the
classroom. The teaching resources used for the class were a speaker, a mic and some
copies that the students had. As the students performed a dialogue/play, they were
asked to bring realia. However, some of the students did not bring it.
The observed class was one-hour length, but due to some inconvenient during the
class, 30 minutes were lost (wasted), and the rest was dedicated to the activity. For
what it seems, there was not an estimated time for it, so the team that had to present
their play longed for about 20 minutes. The rest 10 minutes were for feedback. It was
noticed that the students had no interest or motivation for the activity.
The teacher’s role could not be observed with clarity because the class was only about
doing a presentation and he did not focus on teaching a specific topic. It could be
noticed that teacher is a guide for students, he provided them with instructions and
examples of how the students should do their presentation and feedback at the end of
the activity. It can be said that the students’ role is passive because they only follow
instructions, they did not make comments or suggestions about the activity or the topic
set in class.
The interaction between teacher-student occurred when he gave instructions and
students followed it. The student-student interaction happened when they work in their
teams. As for the student-teacher interaction is almost null because they only reacted
to instructions and they did not make comments or act by themselves.
In no moment of the class was observed that teacher made an activity for integrate the
students with special needs. In fact, the activity in class did not involve all the students
since only one team presented their play. Therefore, there were not activities designed
for the variety of students.

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