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FBI contacts Former

more local Nanticoke

school districts football
coach sues
By Patrick Sweet
Staff Writer

The FBI has contacted two
additional Luzerne County
school districts to ask about
transportation providers, By Erin Moody
bringing the total to seven dis- Staff Writer
OfficialsfromtheNorthwest A former Greater Nanti-
Area and Lake-Lehman school coke Area football coach is
districts say they received calls suing the district to recover
roughly two to three weeks more than $7,000 in pay he
ago. The caller identified her- claims he is owed for the
self as a representative of the 2009 season.
FBI and asked whether the dis- After dealing with health
tricts owned or leased their problems during the season,
buses. Neither district owns its Lou Cella resigned as head
own buses, so the caller asked coach in November.
for information about the ven- According to a lawsuit
dors. filed Tues-
Representatives of Crest- day by attor-
wood, Wilkes-Barre Area, Wyo- ney Thomas
ming Area, Wyoming Valley O ’ C o n n o r,
West and Hazleton School Dis- Cella was to
tricts have already reported receive a
receiving similar calls. $6,800 foot-
Northwest Area Superinten- ball coach
dent Nancy Tkatch said the salary and
woman identified herself as an $800 sti- Cella
Susan Walker, but Tkatch does pend for
not recall Walker introducing supervising football play-
herself as an agent. WARREN RUDA / THE CITIZENS’ VOICE ers’ weight lifting train-
“I don’t know the reason for Former Luzerne County Clerk of Courts Robert F. Reilly, right, leaves federal court with his attor- ing, which began in early
the inquiry,” Tkatch said. ney, Michael I. Butera, in April. January and stopped at the

Clerk’s resignation official

Northwest has a contract end of the coaching sea-
with Barchik Buses LLC of son.
Huntington Mills; Richard At the end of the season,
Moss Busing and K&G Trans- Cella put in a formal request
portation, both of Hunlock for his salary and stipend.
Creek; Cragle Bus Service Inc.
and Kabata Transportation
Inc., both of Shickshinny; and
Rendell’s office Wilkes-Barre, is working
with federal prosecutors on
a plea agreement to resolve
sultant, Wayne-based LRW
Solutions Inc.
The county retirement
expires January 2012.
Reilly allegedly demand-
ed contractor Barton J.
He made several additional
requests and received no
Master’s Bus Line Inc. and
Dorethea Dohl, both of Ben- confirms receipt a charge he shook down a
handyman for cash kick-
board is not expected to
approve a pension request
Weidlich give him a cut of
at least 10 percent for each
“The main point is he
didn’t receive a dime for all

of Reilly’s letter
ton. backs on carpentry and from Reilly because he fac- job Weidlich performed for of it,” O’Connor said. In
Lake-Lehman Superinten- other odd jobs, according to es criminal charges. The the county. That work September, Cella told The
dent James McGovern said he a court filing from May 12. board would have to return included installing an Citizens’ Voice that his doc-
had no idea why the FBI would By Michael P. Buffer “The effective date of the Reilly’s pension contribu- employee gate in the clerk tor was keeping him away
ask about buses. The call came Staff Writer resignation relates to Mr. tions without interest. of courts office and con- from Nanticoke Area foot-
roughly two weeks ago, he Reilly’s personal situation, The clerk of courts is structing security cages at
FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2010

ball games after he suffered

said. WILKES-BARRE — in relationship to years of responsible for maintain- a records storage facility a heart attack in August.
“They didn’t give any indi- Thursday was Robert F. service,” said Michael I. ing and filing criminal for the county records O’Connor said Cella’s work
cation that there was going to Reilly’s last day as Luzerne Butera, Reilly’s defense court records, and the improvement committee, began well before the foot-
be a follow-up,” McGovern County clerk of courts, an attorney. office collects various crim- according to an affidavit. ball season.
said. elected post Reilly held Reilly, 57, was elected to inal court fees. Deputy Reilly was chairman of “Men and women are act-
Dallas-based Back Moun- since 1988. six terms as clerk of courts. Clerk of Courts Tom Piza- the records committee and ing coaches the whole year,”
tain Transit Co. handles buses The governor’s office His annual salary was no will be the acting clerk signed requests to pay LRW, he said. “It’s not just a closed
for the Lake-Lehman district. received his resignation $36,562. of courts until a successor the consultant for the com- period of time.”
TheFBIwouldnotcomment letter Tuesday, and his res- Now that his resignation to Reilly is confirmed by mittee. Weidlich, who has Cella wants the district to

on whether it is conducting an ignation took effect at the is effective, Reilly will stop the state Senate. Pizano’s been cooperating with pay him his salary, the sti-
investigation or the details of close of business Thursday, receiving a county pay- annual salary as deputy investigators since he was pend and attorney’s fees, at
any investigation. Dallas, said Gary Tuma, spokes- check. He stopped working clerk of cour ts is charged with obstruction a total cost not to exceed
Greater Nanticoke Area, man for Gov. Ed Rendell. at the county courthouse $35,540.03. of justice last October, said $50,000.
Hanover and Pittston Area Rendell has 90 days to nom- after being charged April The nominee must have he gave Reilly five to seven
school officials say their dis- inate a successor, whom 16 with receiving kickbacks been registered to vote as a cash kickbacks in 2007, STEVE BENNETT, staff writer, con-
tricts have not been contacted. the state Senate must con- from a construction con- Democrat in 2007, which is totaling $1,500. tributed to this report.
firm. tractor working for a when Reilly won his last
psweet@citizensvoice.com, 570-821-2117 Reilly, a Democrat from records-management con- term in office. The term mbuffer@citizensvoice.com, 570-821-2073 emoody@citizensvoice.com, 570-821-2051

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