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So you are wondering how Colour Therapy can be used.

Lets look at the history of Colour Therapy.

Colours can be emitted either physically, through light exposure or through

suggestion techniques, nutrition, visualization and meditation.

Let us think back to the first man, Adam, his solar rays provided him with
vitamins and warmth. This combination meant that Adam was content and
healthy. He lived by nature’s laws. And I don’t know about you all, but I truly
believe that man should live by nature’s laws, as much as one can. We, as
humankind have made so much damage to our global earth that we all need to
rectify it the best way we can.

This is why I am a strong believer of Feng Shui, Colour Therapy, meditation

and nutrition; together they bring control to one’s life and brings you nearer to
using nature’s laws as it is intended.

Too often nowadays, individuals are not treated as a whole; however, this could
also be the way the system is running. Never the less, individuals deserve to be
treated holistically. Some people, see some alternate therapies as voodoo magic,
however; Feng Shui, Colour Therapy, meditation and nutrition have been used
for many centuries. Those who were depicted as using these ancient therapies
were; Egypt, India, China and Persia.

Egyptians not only identified that the seven primary colours, which they felt
could be used to heal and that they could also use it to practice their worship.
Having said this, the Egyptians also built their pyramids according to the
nature’s forces and placed them in certain directions, similar to Feng Shui
principals. Both the Chinese and Egyptians were true believers of practicing
colour therapy as part of their healing medicine.

Iran (Persia) in ancient times used their priest as their doctors and preachers. At
around 1000BC, Zoroaster, wrote Persian’s civil law and a specific law against
the demons. This law was named Vendidad. The Vendidad mentions many
diseases and how it conducted its medical doctrines. Like the Chinese, they
believed in the Yin and Yang forces and the use of colour therapy to
complement these forces.

The Indians never regarded man as evil. They believed that man should find
himself a self awareness of his self consciousness through meditation and they
also, believed that the more you meditated the more you could gain self
awareness and heightened sensitivity. So, in the late nineteenth century our
western society gained a psychological theory and psychoanalysis theory,
whereas; the Indians have practiced this theory for thousands of years. The
Indians evolved their theory through the work of Chakra. , since 1910, our
western society developed a theory for the Chakra through the endocrine gland
and the nervous system. However; for over a thousand years, the Indians
interpreted the Chakra’s understanding to the physical, psychic and spiritual
health and well being of the whole individual. The Indians made use of the
man’s aura, an electromagnetic field force which surrounds the body and to
which has since been photographed by western society. The Indians relate the
aura to the seven bodies which radiate the seven colours of the spectrum.
Hence; along with meditation they used scents, colour therapy to enhance self
awareness. They were amongst the first to belief clairvoyants whereas most
western society looks at clairvoyance as someone who is mentally challenged.

I hope you enjoyed the history of colour therapy, a science used thousand years
ago with success.

If you want to know more come and join discussion on

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