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Marcellus Shale Northeastern Pennsylvania’s New Frontier Area joblessness dips

slightly to 10.2 percent

A natural fit Natural gas industry spurs project
between Medico, Equipetrol By David Falchek
Staff Writer
Unemployment down
Joblessness in Scranton/W-B
By Patrick Sweet inched down from 10.3% in
Staff Writer Joblessness among Scran- May to 10.2% in June.
ton/Wilkes-Barre/Hazleton Scranton/W-B
HANOVER TWP. — A new metropolitan area residents State
joint venture in Hanover moved down one-tenth of a
Township may yield up to 50 percentage point in June to

Unemployment rate (%)

new jobs, with some related 10.2 percent, a slight drop

(seasonally adjusted)
to the gas drilling industry. that kept the region’s rate in 9
In what could be the first the double digits and the
local sign of the natural gas highest among the state’s 14 8
industry’s economic impact, metro areas. 10.2%
Plains Township-based Medi- The region’s labor force, 7 9.2%
co Industries Inc. employment and even the

COVER is teaming up
with Venezuelan
number of unemployed all
dropped on a seasonally
June Nov. June

’09 ’09 ’10
company Equipet- adjusted basis in July, a
rol to expand to a reshuffling that resulted in LABOR AND INDUSTRY
manufacturing very little change, according
site in the Hanover Industrial to data released today by the stown as having the highest
Estates business park. state Department of Labor. jobless rate in the state. State-
To make the project work, People should expect a wide average unemployment
Medico applied for up to $10 slow drop in the historically was unchanged in June at 9.2
million in financing through KRISTEN MULLEN / THE CITIZENS’ VOICE
high rate and not be sur- percent. Pennsylvania’s ten-
the Luzerne County Indus- Medico Industries of Plains Township and Venezuelan company Equipetrol prised if unemployment tative May rate was adjusted
trial Development Authority. will occupy this 120,000-square-foot building in Hanover Industrial park to surges for a few months, said up a tenth of a percentage
The authority will hold a manufacture product for the oil and natural gas industries. Teri Ooms, executive direc- point to 9.2. The national
public hearing at 11 a.m. Aug. tor of the Institute for Public average was 9.5 percent.
The company hopes to
11 at its 163 S. Washington St.
U.S. SEN. BOB CASEY introduces
legislation on emergency re-
‘This is something begin producing products in Policy & Economic Develop- Ooms was cautiously opti-
mistic. This is the first drop
office in Wilkes-Barre to dis-
cuss the project and take
sponse preparedness related new for the gas January or February of next ment, a think tank backed by
area colleges. in area unemployment since
to drilling. PAGE 11 year.
comments. industry up here. Some of the debt issued “We can’t get shaken up by January. Month-to-month
changes in establishment
“The main reason for the from the authority will also changes over the next few
expansion,” Medico vice rents, sells and repairs con- It may be a tough go towards construction and months,” she said. “We are in data, the tally of jobs in the
struction equipment. metro area, offered some
president Larry Medico
Equipetrol will produce market to get into.’ improvements at Medico’s the elementary stages of a
good news. Although the
said, “is here at Medico headquarters at 1500 High- slow recovery. It is unrealis-
Industries we are running valves and production sys- LARRY MEDICO region saw an overall drop of
way 315, Plains Township. tic to expect we will regain
out of space.” tems, along with tool and Medico vice president 500 non-farm jobs in June,
In the case that the project jobs as quickly as we lost
The financing will help manufacture joints used for most were anticipated
falls apart, the public will not them.”
establish a 120,000-square- drilling natural gas. declines in temporary U.S.
“This is something new for be obligated to pick up the Among the counties that
foot manufacturing center. Equipetrol Venezuela has Census workers and seasonal
the gas industry up here,” tab, according to a legal ad make up the metro area,
Medico will use half of the been building products for education employment. Most
Medico said. “It may be a purchased by the authority. Luzerne had the highest sea-
space with newly formed the oil and gas industry for other sectors showed modest
tough market to get into.” Attempts to reach mem- sonally-adjusted unemploy-
Equipetrol USA LLC taking over 25 years, according the increases, such as 300 new
The product will likely bers of the development ment at 10.7 percent in June,
up the other. Equipetrol USA website. jobs in trade and transporta-
appeal, he said, to an interna- authority were unsuccessful. followed by Wyoming at 9.7
“We’d like to get started The two companies plan to tion, 200 in construction, 100
tional market and large pro- and Lackawanna at 9.6. The
as soon as possible,” Medico introduce a new product to in professional and business
duction areas., 570-821-2117 region was tied with John-
said. “I will probably say the Marcellus Shale region, a services.
that Medico will be hiring multi-port valve and produc-


in maybe a month, month tion system that allows up to
and a half.” seven wells to be connected
Equipetrol, Medico said, to the same system.
will employ 10 to 15 people Anibel Mierez, a Medico
while Medico Industries and for mer Equipetrol
will employ an additional employee, said the valves
35 to 40 to expand its cur- allow for a more economical
rent manufacturing capa- drill site, reducing the num-
bilities. ber of valves and feet of pip-

TUESDAY, JULY 27, 2010 – 5

Medico primarily manu-
factures mortar shells and Medico, though, is not sure
other projectile metal parts how well the product will do
and holds contracts with in Pennsylvania. Many drill-
the U.S. Department of ing sites in the area only pro-
Defense. The company also duce one well, he said.

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