Corrosion Por Microorganismos

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Micro-Organisms of Cooling Tower Problems and How to Manage Them

Amir Samimi

Department of Chemical Engineering, Mahshahr Branch

Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, IRAN

Abstrak – Microorganisms are found everywhere in nature. In air, water and soil
are scattered and they are crucial role in the health of humans and animals. many
microorganisms are beneficial, while others are pathogenic. Life and activity of
microbial processes are effective in many industries. For example, Zugloel bacteria
in activated sludge and in the refinery are benefit. They make sludge
polysaccharides that help other bacteria digest organic material otherwise organic
material into the water receiving effluent and will cause pollution. Conversely,
microorganisms that are present in the water cooling system that can be bad effects
on the corrosion and deposition create operational efficiencies.

Key Words – Microorganism; air; pathogenic; water; polysaccharides

1 Introduction

Microorganisms are found everywhere in nature. In air, water and soil are scattered and they are
crucial role in the health of humans and animals. Many microorganisms are beneficial, while others
are pathogenic. Life and activity of microbial processes are effective in many industries. For example,
Zugloel bacteria in activated sludge and in the refinery are benefit. They make sludge polysaccharides
that help other bacteria digest organic material otherwise organic material into the water receiving
effluent and will cause pollution. Conversely, microorganisms that are present in the water cooling
system that can be bad effects on the corrosion and deposition create operational efficiencies. This
paper discusses problems caused by micro-organisms in the corrosion of iron will take. Since water of
cooling towers are the good conditions for the growth of organisms from their troubles and problems,
and methods used to control them will express.

2 Microorganisms of Cooling Water

Microorganisms are two ways to enter the cooling system, by water supply (inflow water) or the air
that passes through the cooling tower. Algae, bacteria and fungi are three important microorganisms
that are found in water cooling towers.

2.1 Algae

There are three basic parameters for algae growth: air, water and sun. Remove any of these are
required to prevent algae growth, distribution platform and side walls have required of each cooling
tower provides suitable environment for growth. Table 1 shows some general categories of algae found
in the cooling tower, the necessary temperature and PH for them. Algae maker oxygen that can speed

International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Samimi
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

up the corrosion reaction to the nonpolar and corrosion. Green-blue algae can be extract nitrogen of air
and conversion to other compounds. Nitrogen fixation by algae also cause to rapid decomposition of
nitrite. Diatoms are known to cause the accumulation of silica, because the cell walls are impregnated
with silica polymer.

Table 1. Growth of Algae and Various Species

Growth Conditions
Algae Group Example
Temperature (OF) PH
Green protozoan )Chlorella) 68 – 59 9/9 – 6/5
string )Ulothix)
string )Spirogyra)
Blue – Green protozoan )Anacystis) 59 – 401 8/9 – 6/5
string )Phomidium)
string )Osillatoria)
Diatoms With Dye Material (In The long and thin string Flagilaria 81 – 58 9/9 – 6/5
the Cell Walls of Brown and Convoluted (Cyclotella)
Silicum) Rectangular Shape and String

2.2 Fungi

Fungi are often put in the category non photosynthetic plants. There are nearly 80,000 known types of
fungi, algae numbers from 18000 to 25000. Yeast fungi are causing water and wood discoloration.
Table 2 summarizes some important characteristics of fungi live shows. PH and temperature can be
seen in the above table for further growth in the cooling system there. Fungi do not have chlorophyll,
so they do not feed through photosynthesis and metabolism of organic materials is provided. The most
important is the cooling tower, because ten percent of the fungi are able to use wood as a food source,
so they can destroy wood of cooling tower.

Table 2. Growth of Fungi and Various Species

Growth conditions
Types of
Example Properties Temperature PH Problems
Mould String Aspergillos Black, Blue, Tan, 32-100 2-8 Best 5-6 Sediment Surface
Green, Yellow, and Wood Rot
White, Gray Bacteria
Penecilium Brown, tan
Fusarinm Alternaria Brown, pink
Like paste Torula Leather or Rubber- 32-100 2-8 Best 5-6 Sediment Bacteria
Like Growth such as Bad Color
of Water and Wood
Saccharomces Usually with Dye
Basisdiomy Poria Lenzites White or Brown 32-100 2-8 Best 5-6 Internal of Wood
Cetes Decay

706 Insan Akademika Publications

Samimi International Journal of Basic and Applied Science,
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

2.3 Bacteria

The cooling device many species of bacteria are found. Generally in terms of morphology,
temperature, an oxygen and food requirement to be classified as follows:

1. Appearance
a. Cocos (korea curved);
b. Bacilli (rod-shaped);
c. Aspy Rylvm (spiral-shaped);
d. Coma (curved shape).

2. Temperature
a. Saicrofilic (low tempreture 0 – 20OC);
b. Mezofilic (medium tempreture 20 – 45 OC);
c. Termofilic (high tempreture 45 – 70OC).

3. Oxygen
a. Aerobic bacteria: they need air to live;
b. Bacterial arbitrary: with air or without air can live, though growth in air is increased;
c. Bacteria, no difference: can be in air or no air to live, but growth without air is increased;
d. Anaerobic bacteria: environments must be able to live without air.

4. Food
a. Automatic food bacteria: the energy gain from oxidation minerals;
b. Various food bacteria: the energy gain from mineral and organic;
c. Parasite bacteria: parasites gain food from living organic material;
d. Dead-eating bacteria: they live on dead and decaying material.

There are some of the most important bacteria that are found in the cooling system in Table 3. This
table does not include everything, but it shows examples of their population and problems that are
causing the cooling system.

Table 3. Growth of Bacteria and Various Species

Growth conditions
Types of Bacteria Example Problems
Temperature (OF) PH
Aerobic Sheath Aerobacter 68-104 4-8 best 7.4 Many bacteria can produce
Aerogenes sediment
Proteus Vulgais
Psudomonas Aeroginosa
Aerobic Shielded Bacillus Mycoides 68-104 5-8 Sediment bacteria (it is hard
Bacillus Subtilis to dispel the shield)
Aerobic Sulfur Tiobacillus 68-104 0.6-6 Sulfur is oxidized to sulfur
Thio o Xdans ink 707
International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Samimi
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

Growth conditions
Types of Bacteria Example Problems
Temperature (OF) PH
Anaerobic Desulfuricoms 68-104 4-8 Grow under aerobic
Reduction of sediment build hydrogen
Sulfate sulfide is causing the
Iron Crenotrix 68-104 5.9-7.4 Ferric hydrate deposits like
Leptotrix sheath around the cell
Gallionella covers, ogy of sediment

Usually bacteria grow at about 68-104OF but some species grow at about 40-158OF at some
conditions. In general, the growth of microorganisms depends on the physical conditions (temperature,
PH, sunlight, pressure, etc.) and food (water, CO2, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.). Most microorganisms
grow with increasing temperature is high. In different conditions micro and macroorganisms able to
adapt them to the water temperature. Best temperature for most microorganisms is higher than 10 OC
and for organism of soil and water is 35-25 OC. PH of water does not have any major impact on the
growth of microorganisms, best PH for SRB bacteria is equal to 7. It should be explained that the
effects of microbial herbicides with high PH improves.

Continuous growth and accumulation of microorganisms in the water cooling system is causing a
serious problem. Facility that can not be controlled microbial growth in the water, often with erosion
and sedimentation problems we face. Another problem that microbial invasion of the cooling tower is
causing wood rot. This not only decreased operational efficiency, but also increased the cost of the
plant is operational. Many microorganisms are found in cooling water to use hydrogen in their
metabolism that often the result of being nonpolar and cathodic corrosion reactions. The release of
hydrogen from the metal surface corrosion reaction conditions is provided. By algae release oxygen as
part of their metabolism causes nonpolar cathodic reaction and corrosion is accelerated. In general
metabolic processes of living organisms on microscopic methods can be effective corrosion behavior.
a. The adverse effects caused by chemicals (sulfuric acid, organic sulfides, and inorganic and
organic acids and other corrosive compounds).
b. Formation of localized corrosion and electrochemical cells with changes in oxygen levels, salt
concentration, PH, sulfur and other parameters.
c. The cathodic polarization occurs which results in the growth of anaerobic bacteria.
d. Remove or less number of decreasing corrosion materials (such as the oxidation of nitrites and

Basically, bacteria due to the different mechanisms are classified into different groups which briefly
most important ones and their problems as follows.

Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria

These bacteria are usually found in fresh water and salt water occasionally. These bacteria are aerobic
and enabling to grow in environment that amount of oxygen is 5.0 ppm. They produce large amounts
of sludge mass. Iron bacteria such krinvtriks, lipvtriks, Galivnla, use the iron soluble salts for their
growing and deposite unsoluble iron compounds as secondary products of metabolism, the reaction is
as follows:

4FeCO3 + O2 + 6H2O → 4Fe(OH)3 + 4CO2 + 81000 calori

708 Insan Akademika Publications

Samimi International Journal of Basic and Applied Science,
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

These reactions produce more energy and ultimately created a lot of ferric hydroxide which cause to
bulk deposition, reduce heat transfer and corrosion such as smallpox. They often find in iron water
pipes or wells, if these resources are water of cooling tower, they entered to cooling system and can
cause a lot of problems.

These bacteria are heterotrophic, meaning that they required energy provide from organic sources such
as alcohols and organic acids. The most famous of these bacteria are Pseudomonas,
Enterobacteriaceae, Micrococcus, and Basylas.

Pseudomonas type hydrocarbons as an energy source are used. They can because problems include:
the electrochemical cell, clogging of pipes and pumps, clogging of injection wells and oil and filter
clogging. These bacteria are able to live in salt water, only one type of bacteria that can grow in
aerobic systems, whereas some anaerobic systems can also provide growth and proliferation, which
are being under of the bulk deposition that produce by Construction sediment bacteria, due to not
reach oxygen break the aerobic bacteria. This is a good food source for anaerobic bacteria that reduce
sulfate. If there are chloride and bacterial oxidant iron such as gallinsela in system together, they
produce FeCl3 ferric chloride is a strong acid that occur frequently will accelerate metal corrosion.
Aerobic baggily bacteria produce sediment. Such as Basil bacteria and other organisms that are correct
shield compared with baggily Bacteria make less sediment. Sheathed bacteria growth that leads to the
deposition of high sticky to the surface, especially occurs in the heat transfer and suspended matter in
water, such as mud, sand, gravel, soil and corrosion products on the network interconnected with the
sediment and make the sediment is more bulky. The experiments show that small part of the weight of
sediment is microbial organic matter. It should be noted that almost 90 percent of the volume of
sediment is the biological material.

Acid Bacteria Causing

Two major types of acid-producing bacteria are: aerobic sulfur bacteria capable to oxidize sulfur and
sulfate into vitriol (sulfuric acid) and another type of bacteria which are able to produce organic acids.

1 Corrosion of Organic Acids

The process of metabolism produces the anaerobic bacterial of organic acids such as lactic acid.
Except of bacteria, some fungi affect of your metabolism produce organic acids such as acetic
acid and formic acid. The acid in the presence or absence of oxygen leave negative effects on
metal corrosion and material. High temperature and humidity conditions that are produced by
fungi cause to corrosion electronics in stores. Table 4 shows the severity of soft iron corrosion is
caused by organic acids under massive microorganisms 5mm thickness.

Table 4. The Severity of Soft Iron Corrosion is Caused by Organic Acids under Massive
Microorganisms 5mm Thickness

Pitting Corrosion Rate (mm/yr) Weight Reduction (mdd) Acid

2.0 730 Formic
0.8 140 Acetic
0.7 130 Propionic
0.6 100 Butiric
1.2 225 Citric 709
International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Samimi
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

Pitting Corrosion Rate (mm/yr) Weight Reduction (mdd) Acid

1.0 190 Lactic

2 Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
The most common bacteria involved in the biological corrosion are sulfate reducing bacteria
(SRB). Usually these bacteria are abundant in the environment in soil and water. In general, the
sulfate reducing bacteria called which are able to regenerate inorganic sulfate to sulfide. These
bacteria are anaerobic and in the environment that there is no oxygen able to grow and multiply.
There are other species aerobic bacteria and anaerobic that able to regenerate sulfur compounds to
sulfide and the importance of bacterial sulfate reduction. These bacteria are able to consume
hydrogen and some other organic material and reducing sulfate ions to sodium sulfite gain energy
needed for their growth. Sulfide ion induced adverse effects on steel corrosion. The presence of
these bacteria is characterized by the deposition of iron sulfides. Sulfide compounds produced by
the bacteria are deposited on surfaces compared to steel; the situation is more cathodic and
accelerated corrosion to the steel. Some anaerobic bacteria have different types able to feed
organic materials such as pirvat choline and lactate and grow on their even in situations that is no
ambient sulfate ions in the environment. The main role of sulfate-reducing bacteria give electron
from organic and inorganic substances present in the environment (oxidized to them) and
deliveries to sulfate as the final receiver of electrons (reducing them). Several mechanisms have
been suggested for the corrosion of sulfate-reducing bacteria witch the most important
mechanism of formation of cathodic dipolarization and galvanic couple iron sulfide with Fe. In
mechanism dicathodic polarization of iron corrosion is considered to be a thin layer of hydrogen
on the surface that it is polarized. SRB bacteria removing hydrogen cathodic by hydrogenated
enzymes from itself that are able to spent it for regenerate sulfate ions and thus cathode region are
dipolarized that lead to increase metal corrosion. For example, the corrosion of steel, the
following reactions have been reported:

Anodic reaction 1) 4Fe → 4Fe+2 + 8e-

Water Analysis 2) 8H2O → 8H+ + 8OH-
Cathodic reaction 3) 8H+ + 8e- → 8H0
Cathodic depolarization 4) SO4-2 + 8H → S-2 + 4H2O
Corrosion product 5) Fe+2 + S -2 → FeS
Corrosion product 6) 3Fe+2 + 6 OH- → 3Fe (OH) 2
Final reaction 7) 4Fe + SO4-2 + 4H2O → 3Fe (OH) 2 + FeS + 2OH-

The reaction is done until third equation if there are not sulfate-reducing bacteria. Sulfide ions
produced strongly affect to anodic and cathodic reactions. Some investigators have proposed
another mechanism is the formation of iron sulfide with iron galvanic couple. In the mechanism
composed thin layer of iron sulfide by sulfate-reducing bacteria absorb hydrogen cathodic. In
thin layer sulfide acts as the cathode and with steel form a galvanic couple and cathodic
dipolarization function is performed by sulfate-reducing bacteria is done on the sulfide layer and
thus increases the corrosion of steel.

Table 5. Corrosion of Various Sulfides

Corrosion of Iron Sulfide Percent Sulfur Types of Iron Sulfide

1.0 46 Pyrites
0.3 44 Smythite

710 Insan Akademika Publications

Samimi International Journal of Basic and Applied Science,
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

Corrosion of Iron Sulfide Percent Sulfur Types of Iron Sulfide

0.2 44 Greigite
0.12 37 Mackinawite
0.07 37 Pyrhotite

3 Other Bacteria
Nitrogen eating bacteria attend to the various reverse reactions (both sides). They just have
ammonia or oxidize nitrites (reduced corrosion providers).

NH4+ + OH- + 1/2O2 → 5H+ + NO-2 + 4e-

NO-2 + 1/2O2 → NO-3

There are other types of string bacteria as they iron eating bacteria accumulate iron, analyze and
accumulate oil and hydrocarbons. Change in this material lead to product harmful material such
as HCL, H2S, and CO2:

2CH3CH2COONa + MgSO4 → 2CH3COONa + CO2 + MgCO3 + H2S + H2O

New water (fresh water) are used to cool the system may be in the condenser water boxes there
are other organisms such as worms, mites, snails can accumulate and cause clogging. The cooling
tower that are used salt water, water boxes may found marine like shells, starfish and other
deposits that can reduce the efficiency of the time of stop machine, analyzed of organic
organisms produce organic acids which is caused by Increase the corrosion of machine. It is
necessary when stoped machine must be rinsed cooling water with fresh water until removing
solid waste and water organisms; surface condenser tubes are rinsed with fresh water to prevent
corrosion by the salt sea.

3 Limit of Microorganisms for Different Systems

Microbial limit to various systems in terms of number and type is varriable. They should have
different instructions for different numbers. For example, the number of bacteria entering the cooling
tower must not increase of 400 cell/ ml and in closed cooling system must be less than 10000 cell/ ml
and water of cooling tower must not be increase 100000 cell/ ml.

But some of the instructions allowed number of funguses up to 1000 cell/ ml, that more than it is
dangerous, in the oil industry saves and transport of petroleum systems, the number of bacteria is
dependent on other system conditions; the amount of sulfate, PH, oxygen concentration in the water
phase and the organic carbon content of oil tanks, if the amount of sulfate and TOC is low leads to risk
of sulfate-reducing bacteria is low. Suitable PH for the growth of SRB is 5.9-6.0 and concentration of
dissolved oxygen is important for the growth of SRB. High concentrations of dissolved oxygen do not
mean that the SRB under of sediments is not available. Also the lack of sulfide is important.

Classification of corrosivity of water in the fuel by bacterial sulfate-reducing is reported as follows: 711
International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Samimi
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

Environment with a little corrosion 103 cell/ ml number of sulfate-reducing bacteria

Amount of sulfide 10 – 15 ppm
Environment with a medium corrosion >103- 105 cell/ ml number of sulfate-reducing bacteria
Amount of sulfide > 155 ppm
Environment with a high corrosion >105 cell/ ml number of sulfate-reducing bacteria
Amount of sulfide >100 ppm
* Cell = bacterial cells

In the environment is very corrosive chemical treatment alone is not useful.It is better that Stopped the
circuit of systems and physical washing done. Also in polluted air transfer of bacteria from the air is
very high. In this condition should try to seal fuel tanks so that there is no possibility of entering
bacteria through the air.

3.1 Control of microbial corrosion

Because of presence of microbes in air, water and soil, creating conditions in which microbes exist in
the system, it is very difficult. In this section, the methods by which these problems can be avoided in
the industry are briefly described.

Microbiological and chemical analysis of the water inlet and the water circulating is very important.
The number and type of microbes that exist in the system (aerobic, anaerobic, iron-eater, producing
sediment, etc.) are known exactly. How corrosive anaerobic bacteria sulfate samples for testing is
difficult, although it can easily be cultured and measured.

Standards on how the sampling and cultured and measured the microbes are as follows:
a. API – SP – 38
b. NACE Standard TM - 01 - 73 (1976 Revision)

3.2 Importance of chemical test to measure parameters such as PH, O2, SO4, and S2

Sources that contaminate the system are identified and characterized, and the biological control
program should be adjusted based on the number and type of bacteria. Cleaning and keeping surfaces
clean and remove deposits in the biological control is very important. Entering any waste particles and
contaminants to the system should be avoided. If the incoming water tower is a large floating particles
in the incoming water before it gets physical treatment. Circulating cooling water system with high
amount of particles floating in it, passes 1 to 3 percent of the water circulating sand filter is
recommended to remove suspended particles. The use of germicidal chemical methods is different. It
is very important that the correct amount of germicidal matter will come in the next sections, it should
be noted that a good bactericide but fungicides are not good and vice versa. For very dirty infected
systems, chemical methods of bactericidal materials are not removed until the sediment and sludge
mass is low impact. Inspection procedures and regular visits to determine the corrosion and
electrochemical tests should take place with microbiological analysis. Information on how the sample,
due to corrosion and corrosion, where corrosion and corroded areas should provide exactly defined
statistics are collected, the data bank is important in this case.

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Samimi International Journal of Basic and Applied Science,
Vol 01, No. 04, April 2013, pp. 705-715

4 Conclusion

a. Accumulation in sediments and iron bacteria produce the sediments and induce cell concentration
in the iron pipe. They create an environment for the growth of B type anaerobic bacteria in the
b. Anaerobic bacterial reduction of sulfate with create sulfide can cause corrosion in different
environments are no air;
c. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria that is able to create sulfuric acid and sulfate in different environments;
d. Consuming bacteria are hydrocarbons. They are able to analyse organic cover and cover of
bitumen from tar species. They influence into the cover, creating an environment for bacteria type
B (anaerobic). They also able to grow in fuel tanks with small amounts of water and they will
cause corrosion;
e. Bacteria and fungi able to attack and analysis polymers such as synthetic rubbers and organic
coatings of poly orital in the fuel tank. They can also make organic cover such as vinyl polymer is
f. Often they are algae that able to cause sediment on wet surfaces in air or water inside the tubes
can grow and produce organic acids, also provide a good environment for anaerobic bacteria;
g. Fungi and bacteria are causing sediment and some of them are producing organic acids and some
hydrocarbons as a source of food do they eat that leads to provide cell density and suitable
conditions for anaerobic bacteria;
h. Mud in the water can be a good environment for microbial growth they create environments
without oxygen, anaerobic bacteria growth can cause corrosion of the pillars that are based on the
sea or river;
i. Inorganic sludge, sediments and corrosion products, and so they are suitable for electrochemical
cells and these conditions can be a good environment for the growth of other bacteria;
j. Waste particles (mostly organic) on the metal surface suitable to the growth of bacteria and
microbes produce organic acids to create. For example, when food is infected aircraft, this will
cause mold to grow and accumulate and finally lead to corrosion in aircraft.


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