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Business Plan
Presented to

The Faculty of Integrated Basic Education

Siena College, Inc. Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the subject

For the High School Diploma of

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Strand

Academic Year 2020-2021

1st Semester


Recio, Hazel Dennice, B.

Dizon, Krystalyn Joy, M.
Facto, Jhon Carlo, P.
Fajardo, Jayvee Emmanuel, R.
Lape, Mark Limuel, L.
Marquez, Dixie Marie Trista, S.
Mitra, Brave Heart, L.
Scheller, Robert Antonio, S.

Adrian Rey O. De Guzman, LPT, RCA, CB, MBA, SMRIEdr


December 2020
1.0 Introduction

The earliest recorded face mask-like objects in history date to the 6th

century BC. Some images of people wearing cloth over their mouths were

found on the doors of Persian tombs. In China, a kind of scarf woven with silk

and gold threads from the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) is believed to be the

earliest item in China that is similar to today's face mask. According to the

record of The Travels of Marco Polo, the 13th-century travelogue of the famous

Italian who once travelled in China in Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), servants who

served the emperor during meals needed to wear silk scarves to cover their

mouths and noses.

However, in the time of this pandemic our government has made it

mandatory to wear a face mask in public as a health intervention to curtail the

spread of coronavirus. And in some situations we feel some

uneasiness while wearing our face mask that tend to protect us from the virus

and some of the reasons of it is sometimes the face mask is too tight to wear,

too loose to wear and easy to fall of your face, there is also masks that doesn’t

fit our taste because we feel awkward about the design of the mask that the

other people sees, while some mask are itchy and rough to your skin and

etc. According to some experts wearing a face mask is an alien behaviour to

the body. A mask burdens breathing and forces a person to inhale little oxygen

than normal and also take back in some carbon dioxide. The mask can,

however, protect the user from an infection, and all foreign bodies that travel

through air such as viruses, bacteria or dust.

In order for us to remove uneasiness we feel and minimize the risk of

side effects of wearing face mask our company introduces you to our brand

new product with the name of “Air mask” which is derived from the idea about

the citizens to wear facemask comfortably and feel the air and oxygen to their

hearts content. We created this product on the sole purpose of meeting the

expectation of the costumers on their ideal face mask and also of course we

created this product functional and has many features that will make the

costumers hearts flutter. Our product facemask can help the costumers that

have trouble in their breathing when wearing a face mask because it has an

added feature of inhaler which is a kind of inhaler that can help the wearer to

breathe comfortably when they are having difficult time on their breathing

especially those who have respiratory problems. Our product will also give the

concept of facemask a cool view to our society because of its design that will

satisfy what the costumers wants.

2.0 Marketing Aspect

2.1 Product

2.1.1 Product Description

This new reusable facemask AIRMASK is a reusable mask is

capable of filtering and protect the people from 99 per cent of germs

and PM2.5 particles, making it one of the most effective civilian

masks on offer in the time of this pandemic. The mask features a

reusable silicone rubber shell that is food and skin-safe and a

detachable face shield. Unlike other face masks, this cool silicone

variation is made of washable material, meaning you simply

detached the face shield, remove the filter, chuck it in boiling water

with soap and be on your way. That’s a major advantage over the

regular cloth face masks, which need to be replaced regularly. This

new AIRMASK is made for the people comfortable in wearing a

facemask unlike other face mask, the tube that is attached to this

silicone mask that is connected in the inhaler at the side will make

your breath easily while wearing the mask and for those who have

respiratory problems.
Figure 1. Products Logo

2.1.2 Product Benefits

The new AIRMASK is a beneficial product for the citizens in the

time of this pandemic because aside from the practical uses, this

reusable mask can avoid the risk of having the virus spread because

with a disposable mask, people are constantly readjusting the mask.

Their hands are usually what transfers pathogens from the surfaces

they touch to their faces, noses and mouths. That’s why the CDC

advises that we constantly wash our hands and not touch our faces.

Each time we adjust a disposable mask with our hands, we

contaminate it. The outside of every disposable mask should be

considered "dirty." It is likely contaminated. This product is truly

beneficial and because of it being a reusable mask you can avoid

wasting money every time you buy a disposable mask. AIRMASK

can filter and provide protection to the citizens from 99 percent of

germs and PM2.5 particles and reduced the risk of being infected by

the virus. This product’s filter will also help people who use it to

breath properly without worries unlike any other mask. This is a 3 in

1 facemask with its features of built in face shield an inhaler at the


2.1.3 Product Testing

Product testing will take place to make sure the quality of the

product before releasing it onto the public. To make sure that the

product is comfortable and flexible to each type of the skin, the

producers will conduct a thorough and detailed testing following the

producer’s research. The type of the mask is based on the most

comfortable material that can be used as a mask while making it light

weighted is tested to make sure the best quality and function given

to the public by Air Mask.

2.2 Marketing Mix

2.2.1 Product Primary Features

The air mask we are offering serves many features that

can benefit a lot of people especially during this pandemic.

This product can pass the preference of the customers as

again it is needed and it has a lot of added features. The

primary features of this product is that this air mask is a 3 in 1

product. It has an inhaler beside it and a detachable face

shield. The inhaler beside it has a tube so that it will lessen

the hassle of the customer when using the product. Then the

added face shield because as we all know it is required that

when going outside a face shield is also a must aside from

face mask. Then it has a side feature that the silicon mask has

a fragrance in the valve inside it so that the customer will feel

refresh when wearing it. Added Value Compared to Competitors

This product is unique from other face mask product

because of its amazing added features. The face shield and

the inhaler in this air mask gives its uniqueness. For the

reason that it lessens the burden of the customer in buying a

face shield that is needed when going outside. Aside from that

is that the refreshing smell of the facemask can give a light

mood to the customer when they are wearing it. And this

product has not been release in any market yet, and this can

make the customer wander about the product and they can

show interest in it.

2.2.2. Place

Figure 2. Place of the Manufacturing Company

The product will be introduce first in the small area of target

customers. The business will be conducted at the location of Frisco

Market Del Monte Avenue in Quezon City. Particularly at the 40 E.

Porto St. San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City, Philippines

It is the chosen public place for the distribution of the product

because the target market of our company is passing by the market

in Frisco and the people will encourage to buy our product because

it is in need. Distribution Channel

Figure 3. Distribution Channel System

The producer’s manufacturing of product will take

place first before selling it by the help of E-commerce. E-

commerce or electronic commerce are the commercial

transaction by the use of electronics through internet. Today’s

consumers are into buying through online platforms that they

trusted. By the help of the electronic commerce in the

Philippines it can have an easy access to be introduced and

buy by the target consumers. The distribution channel of the

product is direct because it allows the consumer to purchase

the product from the manufacturer. Strategic Placing in the Market

The business will use distribution marketing strategy

which is the 4p’s often referred to as the marketing mix. The

business will take place in the location of Del Monte Avenue

in Quezon City through online marketing. This place is a

perfect location for the reason that there are a lot of passerby.

A chance of getting customers is high. We will make sure that

we will promote the product wherein the customers will be

engaged to buy them. The company wants to make a good

quality product that is available for the needs of the

consumers with an affordable price. We will assure them that

the product is worth of its price. Because we know that every

customer always considers the price as well as the benefits

that they can get. Our company will use different social media

sites and online marketing platforms to introduce the

uniqueness that the product has. For the reason that just like

during this pandemic most of the customers are seeking their

need and desired product through the different online

platforms. And we will make sure to highlights those benefits

and features that they can get if they ever decide to purchase

our product. It is such a great opportunity for our product to be

known. In providing information about the quality of the

product it can easily get the attentions of the consumers. And

again with the benefits that they can see they can be engaged

in considering of buying our product.

2.2.3 Promotion Advertising and Promotion Advertising

Helix Incorporation takes root in displaying

compassion for fellow citizens as well as the exhibit of

nationalism for the interest Helix Incorporation adheres

to a product that meets the needs of fellow citizens and

improves the standard of living as it comes with

convenience and simplicity that will surely aid each

individual even as time passes by Helix Incorporation

Air Max originated from the needs of the people in

times of the national emergency health crisis due to

Covid-19. It is created to bring comfort and yet at the

same time, be fashionable enough to have confidence

in public. It comes with an exchangeable inhaler and

pro-air HFA that is useful for persons that have trouble

in breathing when wearing mask. This is made so we

can be protected from further having more diseases as

well as enjoy the relief of being able to live and breathe

as others do. This product can also withstand the test

of time as diseases that leads to breathing difficulties

are always present. Helix Incorporation aims to

advertise Air Mask through the reputation of social

media influencers as well as a politician who genuinely

want to help the citizens especially in this pandemic. Sales Promotion

Helix Incorporation intends to distribute a

number of products made for free which will be

distributed, by a politician that carries a good

reputation, for homeless fellows as well as those who

cannot afford a mask for this pandemic. This is to show

our empathy to others, help those in need as well as

have exposure to the public through the advertisement

of a politician, displaying a mutual-benefit relationship.

The first 100 products will have a 15% discount to the

public. This strategy will let us acquire feedback and

better improve our strategy, as well as to encourage a

sure number of people that will provide comments and

spread their experience to others, increasing the

product’s exposure once again. Helix Incorporation

intends to advertise Air Mask mainly through the use of

social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram

and Twitter. In this manner, not only from the first-hand

experience of those who bought the products first, but

from the publication through a politician as well as the

information they will see through these social media

advertisements, will surely capture the interest of

buyers. Personal Selling

Helix Incorporation use personal selling if a

potential buyer has made contact through the use of

private messaging online but wants to meet for the

transaction as well as to ensure the legitimacy of the

product. The salesperson can further explain how the

product works and even demonstrate it to the potential

buyer in order to guarantee that the product works as

well as to guarantee that buyers will be able to use the

product properly. This will also serve as a chance for

the salesperson to ask the opinion and feedback of the

buyer for use for further advertisement as well as for

improvement of the product. Public Relation

We strive to create a product that will suit

everyone in the world. And we will continue to progress

towards our goals to provide a safe and beneficial

product. Creating such item is hard for us thus we

ensure that it is safe and durable for use. We ensured

that the product will be useful and helpful for everyone

especially in this time of pandemic. We wanted to

create a product that could protect the customers from

viruses such as the Covid-19. Air mask is created and

different innovation we made, our main goal is to keep

everyone safe. Methods and Message Type and Media Used

We will use the social media world to advertise

our product because we believe that most of the people

are always staying in the internet. Social media is a

collective online communication channels where in

people can interact to one another. There is a lot of

websites and apps that we can advertise our product.

We also wanted to keep everyone safe since we are

currently in a Pandemic and we don’t want to risk your

safety and our safety. We also know that online selling

is popular nowadays, we don’t think that we are in

disadvantage instead we think that we are in

advantage because gadgets such as phones, laptops,

tablets, computers and etc. are necessities and most

of us are always there. Message Conveyed

 Our company would like to say that our product

is user friendly wherein it gives a comfortable feeling,

light-weighted and protective face mask. The tagline

that we will use is “Air Mask, breath comfy with safety”.

This means that by this product the customers can

breathe comfortably even those who have respiratory

complications because of the attach features. And

what do we mean by safety is that by wearing a

facemask you can be safe from acquiring different

diseases that cause by germs and also during this time

a face mask is such a great help in preventing the

spread of the Covid 19 which can be a great safety

equipment to each one of us. That Air Mask will help

many of the citizens especially those who are having

difficulties when wearing a mask. This product has

good quality and durable that can be use many times.

Also it has different added features for the convenience

of the customers. Lastly, this product is reusable so, it

will save money to the citizen. It prevents

irritation/wounds at the back of the ears due to its

comfortability and lightweight properties. Spending Timetables Advertising and Promotions

Table 1. Schedule and Advertisements

The table shows the works that is scheduled for the 7 months

of working. For the developing business strategies, it will be expected

at 12 weeks’ duration to ensure the quality of each strategies. Both

logo and name will be made in about 4-week duration but still will be

processed accordingly to ensure its appealing to the people.

Prototype making will last for a week and as soon as the prototype

was ensured we will immediately start with the product making that

will span 2 – 4 weeks depending on the materials that will be used.

After finishing the product, itself it will be tested in various ways such

as breathing testing, comfortability testing, effectiveness of the

product, and the durability of the mask. While Making prototype,

product and testing it, the advertisement must follow as it will be

documented for the grand opening and advertisements. By

February will be the profound overlook to ensure the mistake to be

minimal. For the whole March and April will be lunching the

advertisements and teasers for the product while second week of

April will be the grand opening. 

Due to this pandemic, apps and platforms like Facebook will

be widely used. Creating accounts for Facebook, Twitter and

Instagram will be the best choice to advertise. The content of the

advertisement will be the functionality, durability, and efficiency of the

Air Mask product. The advertisement will show the parts of the mask

and testing it giving them the idea of how it is made in real-time. Our
company will make sure to this product to be tested by specialists

like doctors, having their approvals will greatly increase the validity

of our product. Having proven and tested, our company is confident

with our product shown to various social media sites. Our company

will be a two-way market, having them an option of online or direct

shopping. Choosing online shopping is the first week of the opening

our company will provide free shipping and a 5% discount for buying

our product. While the direst shopping costumers will have a 10%

discount and 70% spray alcohol as a freebie on the soft opening.

This will attract the customers to buy because of the discounts then

the one who bought will be our advertisers

2.2.4 Pricing Pricing Strategy

The pricing strategy that the company will use for the product

that will be presented is the cost-based pricing. It is a strategy that

use the manufacturing cost to the price that will be presented to the

consumers, it adds the variable cost and the fixed cost. The variables

are the raw materials that the company used and the fixed cost for

e-commerce and divided by the product manufactured in a day. We

can determine the price of the product by adding the direct material

cost per unit , labor cost per unit and manufacturing overhead. By

getting a profit from it we need to add an mark up in percentage and

multiply it to our manufacturing cost.



KN95 FACE MASK 59 10 59

SCENT 43 1 43

INHALER 400 1 400




- - - -

TOTAL : 15,000
DIV. by: Approx No. of Monthly Production 250








OPERATIONS 550.00 30 16,500

TOTAL : 16,500
DIV. by: Approx No. of Monthly Production 250



TOTAL: 250.00
Div. by: Approx No. Monthly Production 100


Direct Material 502.00

Direct Labor 60.00

Manufacturing Overhead 73.50


Manufacturing Cost Per Unit 635.50

Mark up: 10% 63.55

SELLING PRICE 699.05 Gross Profit Margin



2.3 Market Environment

2.3.1 Target Market Target Market Profile

Our primary target of consumers is mostly the adults

and the young ones because we all understand that in today's

situation, the world is facing a catastrophe that everyone is

being affected in it. Now our product can offer protection

against the virus, and we are very sure that our product would

help prevent the spread of the virus across the world. The air

mask will help the consumer feel relief and safe when using

our product because this product will give you the assurance
of satisfaction and to breathe normally. Our target will not only

focus on the people who can afford to buy this, but we want

to make sure that our product is convenient to all the people

around because this mask is what everyone needs

particularly today. The age of the consumer who can use this

product are those ages starting from five and above because

our product can be used by children and adults. Products Benefits to its Customers

Our product, Air Mask, has a built-in filtration for the

user to breathe properly and it will lessen the heat inside of it.

The filtration inside of it can be removed and it can be put back

on if the consumer will wish to wash the mask. Also, the filter

inside is replaceable if ever our group finds a way for it will be

chargeable, we will do so. Thus, the product is washable and

it is a silicon type that could be also re-used several times

depending on how it was care. Our product can be also used

everywhere they go because it is a lightweight material. It has

a two added features which are the inhaler and the detachable

face shield.
2.3.2 Business to business Market Product Purchase

As people turn toward online stores and marketplaces

to buy what they need during the lockdown due to the COVID-

19 pandemic, brands could take into consideration which

platforms are most visited by consumers to ensure that they

still reach their target markets and here in the Philippines,

these are Lazada, Shopee, Zalora and BeautyMNL, says the

“Year-end Report on Southeast Asia’s Map of E-commerce.”

We are going to sell our product Airmask also in these online

stores. Our company produces the Airmask help the

consumers now in the time of pandemic to have more options

regarding the mask they use. Our company assures you that

Airmask is worth buying for because of its affordable price and

features that differentiate it from other face mask that others

wear today. Initial targeted Geographical Area

The target market is both in urban and rural area since

we have our pandemic right now. It is beneficial for all people

because virus have no exemption to any people. Every people

needs a protection they need to survive this pandemic. The

purpose of our product is to conquer all the place that have

been affected or not yet affected with this pandemic. In this

case, it will protect us now and for future events that requires

our safety in our health.

2.3.3 Business-to-Customers Market Target Markets Demographic Profile

Figure 4. Age of the Respondents

So as stated earlier our main targets are the adults or

the teens for the reason that they are usually the customers

whom are going outside during this pandemic. So this are the
young adults ranges from ages 15-35 yrs. Old and the middle

aged adults that ranges form 36-55 yrs. Old. Also the old

adults that ranges from ages 56 yrs. Old and above. After the

Survey out of the 50 respondents 48% of them are the middle

aged adults, then 40 % are the young adults and lastly the

12% are the old adults.

Particularly our target market are customers that

ranges from ages 36-55 yrs. Old for the reason that they are

the ones whom needs to go outside to buy necessities during

this pandemic. The ages from 56 and above as we can see

are rare to go outside because they have most likely weak

immune system that can cause for them to get this virus.

Another is that we can still get customers from 15- 35 because

they are allowed by the government to go outside so they

most likely to buy our product.

Figure 5. Sex of Respondents

According to the data out of the 50 respondents, 56% are

female and 44% are male.
Figure 6. Occupation of the Respondents

The Majority of them are professionals with 46%. 26% are

students while 28% are others. Out of the 50 respondents 23 of them

are professionals. 13 are students while 14 are others.

Figure 7. Daily Allowance of the Respondents

We want to enumerate our target’s market daily allowance

whether they can afford to buy our product or not. The majority

answered that their daily allowances with 72% are ranging from 500

pesos and below. The others who answered with 14% their daily

allowances are ranging from 501 pesos to 1000 pesos. While the

remaining 14% who answered their daily allowances are ranging

from 1001 pesos and above. Psychographic Profile

The market size that our company is aiming is that we can

make million sales for the whole year because of this pandemic the

Air Mask would be a big hit. The targeted place that our company will

release the product is in Del Monte, Quezon City because in this

pandemic Quezon City is one that has the highest rate of cases and

most of our company members live near or in Del Monte. Our

company is aiming for a 90% - 100% market shares in a one-year

period because of the high demand of masks on this time

2.4 Competitors

2.4.1 Direct and Indirect Competitors

Our company will be producing a new type of face mask (The

Air Mask) that has unique features and the direct competitors that

our company will be facing is those who are manufacturing traditional

face mask that we are using before and also clinical companies that

are producing inhalers. Our company also have Indirect competitors

which are the companies that we have the same target group of

costumers like the Philippine Medical Supplies and Medtecs

International Corporation Limited that are the leading supplier of

medical supplies in the country.

Table 1. Direct and Indirect Competitors

Direct Competitors Indirect Competitors

Yokosaida Philippines Corp.
Sinofil Philippines Inc.
Medtecs International
Indoplas Philippines Inc. Corporation Limited (MICL)

AMB HK Enterprises Inc.

Pharmatechnica Laboratory, Inc.

Table 2. SWOT Analysis

• Gives what you have

expected in the product • It is a newly innovated
product costumers might
• Innovative doesn’t know what it is for

• Combination of different • Costumers might prefer

product that are all useful those budget friendly and
regular face masks
• Greatly help those that
are having difficulties in
breathing when wearing a


• The product is buyable • Well-known companies

online with delivery within that can copy the concept
Metro Manila of our product to sell
under their names
• Perfect for those
costumers that are using • Delay in production when
inhalers because of their supplies of materials
conditions haven’t delivered

• Customers can choose

for their preferred scent in
the mask
2.4.2 Market Share

For key competitors, proponents do know that their product is

classified as a necessity in line with the ongoing national emergency

health crisis. Thus, it is popular in the society, and for that very

reason, there are many sellers of face mask, ranging from variety to

variety. The question lies in how the company will emerge among the

sellers as the one that will be most appealing to customers.

Figure 8. Respondents Preference Color

Majority of the respondents prefers their mask having the

color of black (50%), while 26% likes it blue, 12% likes red, and lastly,
8% likes them being white while the remaining last 4% favors having

a mask with light colors.

Figure 9. Respondents’ Inconvenience on Face Masks

Majority of the respondents do not like the feel of wearing a

common masks which comes at 46%, while 34% of them do not like

the size of the common masks as it is not to their fit, 12% do not like

masks that is a one-time use or non-reusable while the remaining

8% do not like the design or scent of the common masks.

In the market share, proponents also need to focus first in

limiting the distribution of product in two weeks to know if the Air

Mask runs perfectly, and also to estimate if the product will be sellout

or there will be remaining items.

The strategy of the company is to cater to the needs of the

customers. By knowing their specific preferences on our product,

where various sellers of the same product exist, we can know and

have the features that will be most attractive to customers. Combined

that with great marketing talk, both will be factors that will make the

customers decide to buy our product. Selling the product on a

location where there is high foot traffic, and a location that is easy to

travel to, like nearby universities and notable landmarks is another


2.4.3 Key Barriers to Entry

One of the key barriers of this product entry to the market is

that some of the materials that will be needed to make this product

is costly just like the inhaler which is one of the added features in the

Air mask. Another thing is that the customer must see this product to

have a lower price than those of in the market. But we will rest

assured the customer that the money they will spend will be worth it.

That’s why the marketing of this product needed a lot of effort to

make the customers engaged in buying this despite of this price other

than the usual face mask. Another barrier is to compete with the
product that is already in the market for some time. Because a lot of

people know the capabilities of that product and the entry of this new

product will make them curious but not all will be engaged to buy this.

Curiosity never always results for a person to buy the product it can

also make them afraid that what if the product is not worth their

money. So that’s why our company will make an effort to introduce

this product that will make them curious to buy not be afraid.

2.4.4 Uniqueness of the Product Compared to Competitors

Having a face mask when going outside is truly needed this

day. Customers buy different kinds of face mask in the market. But

this air mask has its added features compared to other usual face

masks. This product is a 3 in 1 product that will make the customers

money worth it. It has an inhaler at the side, also the detachable face

shield and a mask that has a scent on the inside to make the

customer feel refresh or relaxed when wearing this. This product is

really suitable for those who have difficulty in breathing but also to a

lot of people because all of us need to wear face mask to avoid the

spread of the pandemic we are experiencing right now.

2.4.5 Reaction of Competitors to the New Business Ideas

With the added features our product has the competitors

might also add different features to their own product so that the
customers will be curious and the tendency is to buy to them again.

Not only the customers will be curious but as well as the competitors

they will search for what is the unique in our product and they will

improve the features of their product as well. And there is a tendency

that they might also copy some of our added features.

2.5 Industry

2.5.1 Business Operation

Face Masks have been in the market for many years but it

was not popularized or not noticeable but we can see that only few

people use masks. The time is slowly passing and a lot of face masks

are innovating and evolving and since January because of the Taal

Volcano eruption we are slowly losing masks in our country. When

the time that covid-19 attacked us, we had a lockdown and we only

go out when necessary and we always have face mask and also face

shield. The demand of the Face masks had risen up because it is

now part of our daily needs, when you go out you will see everyone

is wearing different kind of face masks. Air mask will help people in

this time of pandemic.

2.5.2 Demand and Supply

The possible factor that could affect our supply will be the

labor productivity since we are limited to go out we cannot make

gatherings or groupings to create this product efficiently. Though we

will ensure that we still create a durable and safe product. Also

another factor that could affect our supply would be the items needed

to create the Air Mask, since we are going to buy different products

to create the Air mask the prices may vary because these items are

essential to enhance and create the Air Mask.

The factor that could affect the demand would be the silent

competitors because as of now there are a lot of seller and there are

a lot of kinds of face mask and it would be a challenge for us to create

something new and something that could attract buyers. We will

ensure that our product is unique and creative in order to stand out

in the market though it would be hard since there is a lot of factors to

consider. Another factor is that there are still people who prefer the

common mask which is the surgical mask and the cloth face mask

since it is cheaper and noticeable.

Figure 10. Illustration of the Demand and supply of the Product

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