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DrAg And mAtch the fAmily members.


mother cousin father grandmother

uncle brother sister grandfather

cousin aunt
ReAd And choose.

1. Who is this? 2. Who is this? 3. Who is this?

This is my This is my This is my ……………….
………………. ……………….

4. Who is this? 5. Who is this? 6. Who is this?

This is my This is my This is my ……………….
………………. ……………….

7. Who is this? 8. Who is this? 9. Who is this?

This is my This is my This is my ……………….
………………. ……………….
DrAg And put the pictures into the correct box.

grandmother mother
grandfather father

aunt sister
uncle brother

bird dog cat
ReAd And fill in the blAnks.

1. Who is she ? 2. Who is............? 3. Who is............?

She is my mother. She is my He is my ……………….

4. Who is he ? 5. Who is............? 6. Who is............?

………… is my She is my He is my ……………….
………………. ……………….

7. ………….…. is she?
She is my

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