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Video Debate Questions

English Only Questions

--Roles?  Who is on the Bilingual Education side?  English Only? 

English Only

Katie and Natalie


Halle and Grace


 They are with their class, kids their age and will grow to be comfortable if it’s a new
 Greater acquisition of language and content
 Provides opportunities for important social interactions


 The students go through a silent period

 They may not communicate at all and leave out important content if they can’t find it in
 Removes any sense of fun for the student and costly

--Identify 3 key points you will discuss in your opening for Bilingual Education.  Briefly
describe why you believe the key points are relevant/appropriate for the debate. 

 When students encounter daily continuous interaction with the English language, it leads
to quicker, greater gains in English mastery. They would be emerged in conversational
and academic English on a daily basic. Eventually bringing it home too.
o By using only English in the classroom, ELL students won’t take short cuts in
substituting words they are struggling with in English for their native language
words. This allows them to use strategies they were taught for learning new
words, emocores their discovery, and increases the number on words they know
o This would challenge them and encourage them to use a find the new word,
whether it labeled somewhere in the room, on a flashcard, or they need to ask for
o They would constantly be hearing it and interacting with their classmates
o In an Bilingual room, they might get too comfortable using both and never fully,
understand or speak English or it will take them a while.
o The daily and continuous interaction with the unfamiliar language leads to
quicker, greater gains in English mastery. They don’t necessarily have to interact
by speaking it, but they will soak it in and the labeling will help.
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o The English level will drop or stay the same if they child is constantly going back
forth between languages.
 They can be in a general education classroom (inclusion style) so they will have the least
restrictive environment possible. They will be able to interact with other students and
they teacher can modify their teaching model more and talk less. Modeling helps ALL
students, especially struggling and ELL. Also, a co-teacher would come in to help the
ELL student during times he needs assistance and the teacher can’t.
o You can include them in a general education, with minor modification that does
NOT take away from other students or hold the ELL students back from being
pushed to do more.
o The goal of all ELL and special education students is to be placed in the least
restrictive setting that is possible that also gives them the best possibility to
 They will participate and be included with everyone in a general education classroom and
will not miss out on education, socialization, and cultural inclusions.
o They are already in a new place and can’t communicate with words so the
students can help be able to use words socially.


English Only Education is an effective teaching style for English Language Learners.
English Only classrooms provide opportunity for students to participate in important social
interactions among their peers and teacher, making their transition to their new school easier all
while they are learning English. Even though the only language that is spoken within the
classroom is English, the students are still included in everything that goes on at school. The
English speaking students will be able to communicate with the ELL students by using strategies
such as picture cards and motions to represent speech, and the ELL can participate in games. The
students can use strategies they learned from the teacher to communicate with the English
Language Learners. English Only is also effective for English Language Learners because
having daily continuous interaction with the English language will lead to quicker, greater gains
of English mastery. They would emerge in conversational and academic English language on a
daily basis. This daily, continuous interaction with English will be effective for the students to
learn. By not hearing their native language and receiving instruction in English, it forces them to
use English because they're using it in everything they do. They also know that everything is in
English and they will not be able to go back and forth, adding confusion in assessment. The
student also knows that they are always required to use the English language which will motivate
them in attempting and only using their native language in the classroom if absolutely needed.
This approach for teaching English Language Learners is not only effective, but less expensive
than Bilingual Education because it does not require the teacher to be proficient in every
language within the classroom, or more than one teacher. The teacher is required to use only
English within the classroom and incorporate strategies and learning styles into the lesson for the
students. The teacher can also teach the English speaking students these strategies to help
involve all the students in helping them learn the new language. Once the strategies are
successfully implemented and used correctly, there is nothing stopping the interaction with the
English Language Learners and everyone around them.
Video Debate Questions

--Create 3 questions the English Only side will ask the Bilingual Education side during the
cross examination. 

·  If you were a parent with a child who just moved to the United States from Japan,
which learning style would you choose to put your child in? Why?

·  How are the English speaking students encouraged to interact with the ELL students in
a Bilingual Education classroom?

-Are you aware of the disadvantages of Bilingual Education? What are they? Do these
disadvantages take away the opportunity for students to have the greatest opportunity to

--Identify 3 key points you will address in your closing statements for both English Only
and Bilingual Education.
 The daily and continuous interaction with the unfamiliar language leads to quicker,
greater gains in English mastery. They don’t necessarily have to interact by speaking it,
but they will soak it in, and the labeling will help.
o The more English used, the better change the child will catch on
o More English used, quicker results.
 Students are taking in information about the students and teacher through modeling,
which is the best type of learning.
 If the teacher does a good job at modeling and using TPL within the lesson the child will
be interactive and enjoy learning through and will understanding better through physical
 Giving the child the option of which language to use, takes away from the “learning
through experience” approach. It will be hard to set rules and it will confuse the child
when to use what, and if the reasons fit the requirements to use each language.
English Only Education is an effective method for teaching English Language Learners.
English only Education consists of daily, continuous interaction with the unfamiliar language for
children who are English Language Learners. English Only Education leads to quicker and
higher gains of English mastery. English Language Learners are not necessarily speaking it
immediately, but it provides an atmosphere where the students can soak in the new language, to
help with labeling, and lead to comprehension and metacognition. With that being said the more
English that is used around the English Language Learners, the more the child will catch on and
start to use it in their daily interactions and will continue to grow as time goes on because they
are not using both their native language and English at the same time. Thus, meaning the result
of this method for children learning English will be more effective and efficient for the English-
speaking students and teacher because only English is used within the classroom. English
Language Learners learn through the English-speaking students and teacher modeling English
words with motion, pictures, and hints to help them connect meaning and learn the words.
Learning through modeling and personal connections is an effective type of learning to help
students adapt and retain information better. If the teacher does a good job at modeling and using
Video Debate Questions

TPL within the lesson the child will be interactive and enjoy learning which will lead to a better
understanding with physical connections. English Only Education is a viable way to motivate
and encourage students to use and learn the English language. Giving the child the option of
which language to use, takes away from the “learning through experience” approach and can
provide an escape route to use their native language when struggling with English, which can set
back the learning process. Bilingual Education can be confusing for students on when to use
English and not their native language. If the teacher continues to implement their culture, who
they are, and where they came from, the child will not forget their native language and customs
and will become bilingual over time. The child should not forget who they are while learning
English and adapting to their new environment. Overall, English Only Education provides a
cheaper, more efficient learning atmosphere created by the teacher for English Language
Learners. Students can interact and build social skills with peers while learning the English
language in the classroom.

Bilingual Education- Grace and Halle (Winning Group)

 Bilingual education can strengthen the executive functions of the brain
o Research shows that bilingual students have the ability to use two languages at
once and changing the languages consistently 
o This helps bilingual students to develop functioning skills such as switching
attention and working memory 
o Students who are being taught to speak bilingually often perform better on tasks
that require an individual to mult-task, tasks that involves decision-making and
problem solving even though these tasks have nothing to do with language itself
 Bilingual education broadens career opportunities
o Students who are fluent in another language other than their first language have a
higher chance of receiving more job opportunities than those who only speak one
o By speaking an extra language, that individual stands out to prospective
o Being bilingual opens the door to extra opportunities that those who only speak
one language will miss out on
o Another reason why being educated bilingually is so important is because in
today’s world, many companies and employers (international or not) are
searching for employees who are bilingual and those who are bilingual are at an
advantage because they stick out to employers more and especially when they are
bilingual in a widely spoken language
 Children with bilingual education are more adaptable 
Video Debate Questions

o Children who are fluent in more than just one language have a broader outlook
and are more familiar with different races and nationalities than children who only
speak one language
o Bilingual children who are able to communicate with a variety of cultures are at
an advantage in this life

 Education as a second language can be inconsistent 
o Certain schools put an end to their bilingual education in high school. 
o Some schools fail to offer a bilingual education as an option for students to take.
Due to the lack of this inconsistency, some students may lose and become less
fluent in some of their second language abilities due to the fact of just simply not
using the language daily. 

 A bilingual education is not cheap 

o There are forign language programs that are being cut throughout the world due to
how costly they are. Unless the course itself is mandated, it will most likely be
o There are many schools that are cutting out other curriculums such as art and
creative classes so to add the cost of bilingual components is something that
schools are unable to afford and or do. 
o A single-language program is much more costly to operate and is able to provide
skills that are essential for students to require. 
 There may be a lack of qualified teachers and assistants. 
o In order for bilingual education to be most effective, it must be immersive. 
o It is crucial to have teachers along with teaching assistants who are fluent in both
of the languages that are being taught in order to help the students to their best
o In order to be a bilingual teacher you must have patience along with firm
expectations for the students, in order for them to achieve the proper learning
o In today's world, many teachers are struggling to meet the requirements in many
subjects as it is. There just isn’t enough time for these teachers to add another
language into this as well. 

Opening Statement
Bilingual education is crucial for all schools across the world to implement. The ability to be
fluent in a second language other than a native language serves as such an advantage to students,
especially English Language Learners, who are growing up in the world we live in today.
Bilingual education develops cognitive skills within students such as problem solving, logical
thinking, and creativity because it forces an individual to exercise their brain and think about
how you can express your thoughts with the vocabulary that you have obtained from both
languages. This reason is important for this debate because students who are taught bilingually
Video Debate Questions

perform better on tasks that involve decision-making and problem solving which are extremely
important inside and outside of the classroom. In regards to career opportunities, being able to be
fluent in two languages is an advantage. The ability to be bilingual makes an individual stand out
among others when applying for jobs later in life. Research has shown that employers are more
interested in people who can speak two different languages rather than those who are only fluent
in one language because it opens the door to more opportunities, especially when the other
language a person is fluent in is a widely spoken language. This topic is relevant for this debate
because it shows the advantages students who are bilingual will receive later in life, these
advantages can affect a person’s life in so many different ways.  In another way, bilingualism is
important to understanding and becoming more familiar with other cultures. Bilingualism allows
an individual to become close with other nationalities as well as the communities they may live
or work in. Bilingual education allows for ELL students to be immersed into other cultures. For
ELLs learning to speak English while also speaking their native language, it can open their eyes
to new cultures and nationalities they have not been introduced to yet. Bilingualism is so
important because it provides countless opportunities and advantages that those who only speak
their native language do not get to experience. This topic is important for this debate because it is
so important to have the opportunity to explore more cultures and become familiar with the
people who are living in the same communities as us. 

3 Questions we will ask the English only side:

1. Why do you believe English Only learning is more effective than bilingual education?
2. Are you aware of the benefits of Bilingual education?
3. What are the disadvantages of English Only education? Do you believe students can still
receive a good education by only learning to speak in one language? Why?

English Only Questions and Answers

1. Which style would you put your child in if you just came to the United States? Why?
1. We would put the child in a bilingual education program for a couple reasons.
The main reason is that a student in a bilingual program is taught instruction half
in their native language and half in English. This is beneficial for the ELL
because the new language they are learning is being incorporated and taught to
them during instruction, but they still are speaking their native language most of
the school day. Another reason is that the student can learn more about the
English language and culture during instruction while also still being immersed in
their native culture. Lastly, the student in a bilingual education program can be
exposed to English speaking students as well as students who speak their native
language. This will help the student to meet new classmates who speak the new
language they are learning as well as be around students who speak the native
b. How are the English speaking students encouraged to interact with the ELL students?
1. There are many ways that English speaking students interact with ELL students.
One useful way students are encouraged to interact is through group activities.
Teachers often pair English speaking students with ELLs to provide ELLs with
opportunities to expand their oral language development. Group activities allow
Video Debate Questions

all students to participate and discuss topics and problem solve. By being put in
small groups for discussion, students feel more comfortable sharing their ideas
rather than being in a large, whole-class discussion. 
b. Are you aware of the disadvantages of Bilingual Education? What are they? Do these
disadvantages take away the opportunity for students to have the greatest opportunity to
1. Although there are many beneficial advantages to Bilingual Education, we do
realize that there are some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that bilingual
education programs are more costly than English only classrooms. Although these
programs are more costly, they benefit a student more because they are being
exposed to two languages at once, which enhances their learning and cognitive
abilities. Therefore, the costs of these programs make it worth it. We also know
that bilingual education creates resistance for wanting to learn the English
language. However, this resistance usually just occurs at the beginning of the
exposure to a new language. The more students are exposed to the new language,
the more comfortable they will become. Lastly, we know that it can be difficult
for students to succeed in bilingual education programs if there are three or more
languages present at once in the classroom. However, if there is direct and explicit
instruction with the students about the language they're learning then the student
will be able to learn the new language and succeed. 

Closing Statement
To conclude our argument, there are a number of benefits of a Bilingual Education program. One
benefit of this program is that a bilingual classroom becomes a more familiar and comfortable
place for a student because some language used in instruction is taught in a student’s native
language and some instruction is taught in another language. Also, bilingual education programs
allow ELL students to maintain their native language and culture while transitioning to a new
school and while transitioning to learn the English language. This is so important because the
transition to a new school can be extremely hard for ELLs, so being able to still speak their
native language during instruction can lessen the stress of learning a new language in a new
setting. Lastly, a benefit to bilingual education is that it allows time for a transition period from a
student’s native language to learning English. This is beneficial to ELLs because they are not
forced to learn English as soon as they enter the classroom. Rather they have time to learn
English while still being taught in their native language as well. Although there are many
advantages and benefits of a Bilingual Education program, we know that there are also
disadvantages to this approach. Even though bilingual education programs may be costly,
students may resist learning a new language besides their native language, and that bilingual
learning can be confusing for students if there are more than three languages present in the
classroom at once, the advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages. Becoming bilingual
opens so many doors for all students. It provides students with more opportunities, both socially
and even in their future careers. With the correct and appropriate instruction for students learning
a second language, students will be able to acquire the new language and experience success
throughout their lives. Bilingual education is a beneficial way for English Language Learners to
adapt to new learning environments they are placed in, and helps ELLs gain cognitive and social
skills that they will need in life. Overall, we believe that bilingual education programs should be
Video Debate Questions

implemented into all schools because it provides students with more opportunities that they
would not receive if they only were fluent in one language. 


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