The Importance of The Different Occupations in The Society

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The importance of the different occupations in

the society

Work and Occupations are a fundamental necessity in life. Society depends upon the
production of food, machine, various utensils and articles of daily use, newsprint, etc.
The very existence of man depends upon the production of necessities of life. Work
and Occupations are the means of producing them.

1. Garbage Collectors
No one likes to think very highly of the individuals, usually male, who collect their
trash. As soon as it's out of sight, it's out of mind. And yet, without these men and
women carrying out this task, the modern world would quite literally be buried in trash
and society would be disease-ridden. It is thanks to these persons who wake up 5 or 6
days a week to do this unglamorous yet crucial job that society, as we know it, exists.

2. Farmers
In recent times, the majority of food is grown by large corporate companies using
expensive chemicals and pesticides. However, without those who care for the crops
and without traditional farmers, modern society could not be sustained at its current
population concentrations. Without the food needed for human nourishment, we
probably wouldn't survive for long. Sure, we could all learn how to farm, but with the
majority of persons not being farmers or even gardeners, we could not support our
families. Farmers are a necessary part of modern society, and complete a very
important and useful task, despite not being a part of urban society.

3. Construction/Infrastructure Workers
Without construction and infrastructure occupations, there would be little architecture,
and much traffic. Without these workers creating the environments for businesses,
hospitals, schools, families, etc., there would be a great number of boring buildings
created by unskilled or semi-skilled individuals, and not much to look at. There would
be nowhere for international trade to be conducted, and no sterile facilities for
operations and research either. Schooling would either be conducted using a one-
curriculum-fits-all for students of all ages, or would be nonexistent with some persons
being home-schooled or self-taught. There would be fewer homes for people to live in
that would pose serious risk to their inhabitants
4. Congressmen/Congresswomen
Congressmen and congresswomen are supposed to be servants of the people who
elected them to their positions, but as we know, the world of politics is full of dirty
money and bribes from both the Liberal and Conservative sides. However, if the rest of
Congress took a cue from its members who either don't receive payment for their
services or do not take advantage of those they represent to acquire their ludicrous
sums of money, Congress could actually be filled with those who have the intent to
create positive change in the country.

5. Teacher
Last, but certainly not least: teachers. Not university professors who are paid to
research rather than teach, but actual elementary, middle, and high school teachers.
Teachers are responsible for challenging young minds, for inspiring confused and lost
students, and for shaping the future of society. Teachers have some of the greatest
burdens on their shoulders, and could tell you more of what society would be like than
anyone else alive today.

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