Retail Education Today: President's Corner

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Page 1 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No.

2 Dec 2007

Retail Education Today

President’s Corner
Inside this The New York Times Style
Magazine recently pro-
vice that was consistent
throughout the stores we
through our teaching, re-
search, consulting and ser-
claimed “Toronto is the visited; the center was easy vice.
issue: new L.A., the cultural capi-
tal of the moment.” After I
to navigate and relatively
compact; the retail mix The ACRA/NRF Winter
chuckled, I thought, “Does included some interna- Conference is quickly ap-
this also mean we’ll get tional retailers (Tous, proaching and it’s an im-
increased pollution, grid- Aldo) along with a few spe- portant venue for the ex-
President’s Corner 1
lock and crime?” Toronto cialty retailers that are not change of innovative ideas.
is the new L.A… This un- ubiquitous (The Art of Conference details to date
expected statement jolted Shaving, Lilly Pulitzer). are listed on page 2 and
Winter Conference Information 2
my mind and forced me to See the ACRA website will pro-
reflect on Toronto and www.theshopsatlacantera.c vide up-to-date informa-
retailing from different om. tion. Barry Berman and
Winter Conference Schedule 2 perspectives. Chuck Mellon are working
As we engage in, on a retail industry visit
2008 Conference Registration
After attending the anticipate, or that will provide a unique
Information Society for Market- merely observe learning experience. We
ing Advances this year’s holi- encourage you to attend
(SMA) Conference day shopping the ACRA Winter Confer-
Call for Papers 4 in San Antonio, we experience, do we ence and to participate in
drove outside of the “expect the unex- all of our activities: Busi-
city and visited The pected?” Will ness Meeting, Paper Ses-
Student Charrette 5 Shops at La Christmas 2007 sion, Industry Visit, NRFs
Cantera, an upscale center raise the bar, creating ex- BIG SHOW. Register for
with 120+ stores. As we citement and new stan- NRF as an Educator and
Call for Papers—RET 5 did a walk-through of the dards for 2008? Alterna- that will automatically
main floor of Neiman Mar- tively, will shoppers feel register you for the ACRA
cus (same old, same old), I like they’re merely fulfill- Winter Conference. Our
Treasurer’s Report 6
asked a sales associate a ing their holiday obliga- activities begin early on
very banal question, tions, fighting the crowds, Sunday morning, January
Student Competition 6 “Which way is the mall?” just like in the past? The 13th. As always, further
answer is, “It depends…” details will be available
As we strolled into the on many variables. What through
Future Conferences 6 sunny, 83°F outdoors, we we do know is that the and on
entered into a totally dif- world of retailing might site at NRF. We look for-
ferent world of retailing. become boring if the cus- ward to seeing you and…
Position Openings 7 The sights and sounds tomer and the media don’t expect the unexpected.
were serene and spa-like, demand change.
with beautiful landscaping Happy Holidays and Merry
and seating areas; the As retail educators and Christmas to you and your
ACRA Contacts 8
sound of water flowing had researchers it’s our role to extended families!
a calming effect and made seek out and be at the fore-
me want to wander in and front of the development of All the best,
out of every store at my new types of shopping ex-
leisure. Through this un- periences and standards WÉÇÇt fÅ|à{
expected shopping experi- for the industry. Simply
Ryerson University
ence we received knowl- put, we are change agents
ACRA President
edgeable and friendly ser- and sources of innovation
Page 2 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

ACRA Winter Conference Coming

Many ACRA members do not real- 2008 at the Jacob K. Javits Con- blic/Content.aspx?ID=1555
ize that the Winter Conference is vention Center in New York City.
held in conjunction with The show attracts more The general NRF website is
the National Retailing decision-making retail ex-
Federation’s annual con- ecutives than any other This year the best paper from the
ference. The winter con- event of its kind. It’s a ACRA conference will be pub-
ference is open to all chance for ACRA professors lished in the International Jour-
ACRA members—not to join retail practitioners nal of Retail and Distribution
just presenters. The and renew old, and make Management.
“must attend” event for new friendships.
retailers from around the Contact:
world is better known internation- The cost of registration for educa-
ally as Retail’s BIG Show and will tors is $295. The website address David J. Burns, Chair
take place Sunday, January 13 is Dept. of Marketing
through Wednesday, January 16, Xavier University

Winter Conference Schedule

The Winter ACRA meeting will be held on Sunday, Jan The Effect of Implicit Time-Limited Cues on In-Store
13, 2008. Although the rooms have not been finalized, Hoarding and Purchase Acceleration
there will be signs at the Javits center to direct ACRA
members. Below is a preliminary schedule: Sang-Eun Byun, Auburn University
Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State Univ.
Sunday January, 13, 2008
A Qualitative Evaluation of the Effects of Captive
8:30—9:45—ACRA Business Meeting Audience Networks on Mall Atmospherics

10:00—11:30 — Paper presentations (2 concurrent ses- Andrew Newman, Manchester Business

sions) School
Charles Dennis, Brunel University
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sourcing Practices of Small Businesses that Sell Ap-
Retail Tour - Details to be announced parel and Related Products
The following ACRA papers will be presented in
the sessions on Sunday: Hye-Shin Kim, University of Delaware
Marsha Dickson, University of Delaware
Take Me Out to the Ballgame: How Does a Minor Jo Kallal, University of Delaware
League Retailer Approach Their Marketing? A Review
and Call to Action Managing Retail Returns: Creating a Balance Be-
tween a Solvent Customer Return Policy and En-
James R. (Doc) Ogden, Kutztown University hanced Customer Retention
Denise T. Ogden, Penn State Lehigh Valley
Lauren R. Skinner, University of Alabama
at Birmingham
Cause-Brand Alliance Effectiveness for Unfamiliar R. Glenn Richey, University of Alabama
Brands Partnered with Familiar Causes Kristy E. Reynolds, University of Alabama
Peter Ralston, S.P. Richards
Mary Beth Harbin, Auburn University
Sandra Forsythe, Auburn University
The Effect of Acculturation on the Shopping Prefer-
Consumer Satisfaction on E-tail Features: Applications ences of Hispanic Consumers
of Cognitive Miser Theory
David J. Burns, Xavier University
Stella Papastylianou, Purdue University Mary Conway Dato-on, Rollins College
JungKun Park, Purdue University Chris Manolis, Xavier University
Page 3 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

ACRA 2008 Annual Meeting

Thursday May 15, 2008

Dinner – On campus. Talk by Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Vice President Franchise Development and Operations

Evening – Board meeting

Friday May 16, 2008

Host Institution
Durango and Silver- Morning – DSNGRR – Train to Silverton
Fort Lewis College
ton Narrow Gauge
Lunch – Silverton Grand Imperial Hotel; talk by Silverton

Afternoon – Bus or train return to Durango

Free time to explore historic downtown Durango

Dinner and evening – BBQ at Paul McGurr’s house

Saturday May 17, 2008

Annual meeting and presentations on campus

Downtown Durango
Lunch – On campus with presentation by Downtown Durango Campus View
For Afternoon – Downtown retail/gallery walk
contact Paul
McGurr (970-
Name: _____________________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________
University: _____________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________ Fax:________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
Registration Fee: (please check appropriate box[es]) Early After
Registration March 31, 2008
ACRA member……………………………. $250.00 $275.00
Non-ACRA member (includes one year membership) $300.00 $325.00
Graduate Student…………………………… $200.00 $225.00
Spouse / Companion (includes meals and activities) $100.00 $100.00
Spouse/companion name ____________________
Total Fee Enclosed:________________

Please make registration fee checks payable to: ACRA Please return this form and your check for registration fees to:
Paul McGurr, ACRA Spring Conference Registration, Fort Lewis College, School of Business Administration
1000 Rim Drive, Durango, CO 81301
Page 4 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

Call For Papers

Conference or Due Description Contact
Publication Date
Spring 2008 ACRA Con- Jan. All papers will be double-blind reviewed. JungKun Park
ference 30, The best papers (in each track) will be
published in International Journal of Ser- Purdue University
Theme: Tourism Retail- vice Industry Management (Track A) and 814 W. State St. 314
ing Journal of Customer Behavior (Track B). West Lafayette, IN 47905
At least one author must be a member of
Durango, CO
May 15—18, 2008 Reviewers are also needed for this confer-

Journal of Retailing Spe- March The special issue will be published in Special Edition Co-Editors:
cial Issue: Modeling the 31, the Journal of Retailing in early to mid- Professor James D. Hess
Retail Phenomenon 2008 dle 2009. We invite both empirical and University of Houston
analytic models. Papers should be sub- Bauer College of Business
mitted to journal at Department of Marketing
( or 334 Melcher Hall
Houston, TX 77204-6021 with a cover letter indi-
Phone: 713-743-4175
cating that the paper is intended for the Email:
Special Issue. See for sub- Professor Praveen K. Kopalle
mission guidelines. Dartmouth College
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
100 Tuck Hall
Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: 603-646-3612

Journal of Retailing Spe- March Manuscripts that focus on consumer Special Issue Co-Editors:
cial Issue: Consumer Be- 31, behavior in retail settings are welcome.
Professor William O. Bearden
havior and Retailing 2008 Manuscripts testing theoretical proposi-
Bank of America Chair Professor
tions tied to consumer behavior are par-
in Marketing
ticularly relevant. Papers should be Moore School of Business
submitted to Journal of Retailing University of South Carolina
( or Columbia, SC 29208 with a cover letter indi- Phone: 803-777-4914
cating that the paper is intended for the Email:
Special Issue. See for sub-
mission guidelines. Professor David M. Hardesty
455Q Gatton College of Business &
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0034
Phone: 859-257-9419
Retail Management Call for Cases for possible inclusion in the Prof. Barton Weitz
7th Edition 7th edition of Retail Management (see arti- Warrington College of Business Adm
cle this issue) University of Florida
Levy and Weitz email:
Page 5 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

ACRA Student Charrette—March 25-29

Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School will define a problem statement for the stu-
of Retail Management is pleased to host dents which forms the basis of a team-
the 2008 ACRA/Ryerson Charrette. The based, applied learning experience. This
dates for this year’s event are Tuesday problem will be designed to connect inter-
March 25 through Saturday, March 29 disciplinary elements and relate to the con-
at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. text of diverse curricula.
If you want your The Charrette will use
students to gain ex- a five day format:
tensive experiences
in retailing, then the Day 1 - Arrival, Wel-
ACRA Student come Reception
Charrette is a per- (Evening—City Tour if
fect fit. arrive early)

The Charrette is a Day 2 - Charrette be-

cross-disciplinary, gins.
integrative activity
Day 3 - Team meetings, further research,
in which students are placed in diverse
presentation preparation
teams to creatively solve a complex prob-
lem. The students work together to de- Day 4 –Team presentations, Judges Feed-
velop a solution to an assigned problem back and Scores, Awards, Closing Recep-
and present their findings to a tion
panel of internal and external
ACRA Student Charrette Day 5—Free time for per-
community members.
Contact Person sonal tours; Departure.
The ACRA Charrette will Donna Smith If you are interested in
bring together an interna- bringing a team to partici-
tional, interdisciplinary group
pate, please contact Donna
of students to participate in a
Smith (full contact informa-
team-based, applied learning environ-
tion is on the back page).
ment. An international group of faculty

Call for Papers - Retail Education Today

Retail Education Today (RET) is inviting ACRA been published, accepted for publication or un-
members to submit completed papers related to der consideration for publication elsewhere.
retailing. The papers will be double blind re- Authors of accepted papers must submit the
viewed and those selected will be published. At final paper by the specified deadline. Submit
least one author must be a member of ACRA. manuscripts for consideration to Denise Ogden
Membership applications are available online at ( RET is a quarterly publication Abstracts will not be consid- of ACRA and is listed in Cabell’s Directory of
ered for review. Papers submitted must not have Publishing Opportunities in Marketing.
Page 6 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

Treasurer’s Report

Final dues notices will be sent out Wei Song – Strayer University Rebecca Blair – University of Ala-
this month. If you have not yet paid bama
your dues, you still have Min-Young Lee – University of Ken-
time to send in the payment tucky Lauren Skinner – University of Ala-
and be listed in the member- bama at Birmingham
Beth Harben – Auburn
ship directory. University Hye-Young Kim – Washington State
Please welcome the follow- University.
Hyun-Joo Lee – Uni-
ing new ACRA members: versity of Tennessee If you have any questions, feel free to
Erin Armendinger - Univer- Scott Fay – University contact me at
sity of Pennsylvania of Florida
Leticia McKinney – Im- Kate Carroll – East
maculata College Carolina University
Gallayanee Yaoyuneyang – Univer-
- Paul McGurr
Kim McKeage – Longwood University Fort Lewis College
sity of Southern Mississippi
Will Conard – American International ACRA Treasurer
Paul McElhone – University of Al- University – London

Reminder - Student Competition

For those of you who have teams competing in cover letter from the sponsoring faculty mem-
the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory student ber.
competition, here are some important reminders: • A confirmation of receipt will be sent
within three days.
All submissions must be sponsored by an ACRA • Any ACRA member willing to serve as a
member. Membership materials are available at reviewer for the student competition, please
the ACRA website contact Hyunjoo Oh.
Submission Deadline: January 10th, 2008 • The five finalists will be judged by
• Submit entries as email attachments in a RMCF senior management who will choose
Word format to Hyunjoo Oh at Hyun- the final winners.
• All submissions must be accompanied by a

Upcoming Conferences
• Jan. 13-16, ‘08 —ACRA Winter Confer- • Spring ‘08: ACRA Spring Conference,
ence/NRF Convention, New York City Durango, CO (See article in this issue)
• Jan ‘09: ACRA Winter Conference/NRF
Convention, New York City
Page 7 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

Position Openings

For rates on posting a position announcement or ad, contact the edi-

tor. The complete listing is available on the ACRA website at
Notification when a position is filled is appreciated.

University Position Rank To Start Review of Ap-

plicants Begins

Kansas State Dept. of Apparel, Asst Not indicated Jan. 7, 2008

University, Textiles, and Inte-
Manhattan, KS rior Design 9 M Tenure Track

East Carolina Merchandising Asst ASAP Current-until po-

University sition filled
9 M Tenure Track
Greenville, NC

University of Retail and Con- Asst/Assoc/Full Aug. 2008 Jan. 7, 2008

Tennessee sumer Sciences
9 M Tenure Track
Knoxville, TN

North Carolina Product Design Asst/Assoc/Full Not indicated Current—until

State Univer- and Development position filled
Raleigh, NC

California State Fashion Retail- Asst Sept. 2008 Jan. 25, 2008
Polytechnic ing/Apparel Man-
Univ. agement 9 M Tenure Track

Pomona, CA
Page 8 Retail Education Today Volume 28 No. 2 Dec 2007

Denise T. Ogden

ACRA Contacts
Penn State - Lehigh Valley E-mail
8380 Mohr Lane
Fogelsville, PA 18051
(W) 610 285-5156

President Vice President Past President

Donna Smith David J. Burns Sandra Forsythe

School of Retail Manage- Department of Marketing Department of Consumer Affairs
Ryerson University Williams College of Business Auburn University
A quarterly Publication of the American Collegiate Retailing 350 Victoria Street Xavier University 308 Spidle Hall
Association Toronto, ONT Canada M5B 3800 Victory Parkway Auburn, AL 36849 2K3 (O) (334) 844-6458
(O) (416) 979-5000 Ext. Cincinnati, OH 45207-3214
4827 (O) (513) 745-3956 (F) (334) 844-1340
(F) (416) 979-5324 (F) (513) 745-3692

Secretary Treasurer Membership Chairperson

Leslie Stoel Paul McGurr Robert Robicheaux

Textiles and Clothing School of Business Administra- 219 Business-Engineering Com-
The Ohio State University tion plex
265 Campbell Hall Fort Lewis College 1150 10th Avenue South
1787 Neil Avenue 1000 Rim Drive Birmingham, AL 35294-4460
Columbus, OH 43210-1295 Durango, CO 81301 (O) (205) 934-4648
(O) (614) 688-8594 (O) (970) 247-7543 (F) (205) 934-0058
(F) (614) 688-8133 (F) (970) 247-7205
Opinions expressed are not
necessarily endorsed by ACRA
or its officers. ICSC Liaison NRF Liaison New York Conference Liaison

Martin Topol Sandra Forsythe Barry Berman

Retail Education Today is Department of Marketing Department of Consumer
distributed free of charge to Lubin School of Business
Pace University
Auburn University Chuck Mellon
ACRA members and the 1 Pace Plaza| 308 Spidle Hall
Auburn, AL 36849
Hofstra University
New York, NY 10038-1502
leadership of associated trade (O) (212) 618-6452 (O) (334) 844-6458 222 Weller Hall
(F) (212) 618-6410 (F) (334) 844-1340 Hempstead, NY 11549
organizations, sibling (O)516-463-5711
organizations, and interested
retailers. The cost to the general Development Chairperson Member-at-Large Clearinghouse Coordinator

public is $5.00 per issue, Jane Thomas John Fernie Carol Kaufman-Scarborough
payable to the ACRA Treasurer. Department of Marketing
Winthrop University
Heriot Watt University
School of Business
Rutgers University
5724 Maylin Lane Edinburgh, Scotland EH14 4AS 227 Penn St.
Charlotte, NC 28210 (O) (441) 786 467412 Camden, NJ 08102
Submit address changes to Paul (O) (803) 323-2186 (O) (856) 225-6592
(F) (803) 323-3960 (F) (856) 225-6231
McGurr, ACRA Treasurer. Do
not send changes of address to
the editor of Retail Education Director of ACRA Hall of Fame Conferences Webmasters

Today! Susan Fiorito Ann Fairhurst Nancy Stanforth

Textiles and Consumer Sciences College of Human Ecology Bill Hauck
Florida State University 230 Jessie Harris Building. School of Fashion Design
312 Sandels
Copyright 2007 College of Human Sciences
University of Tennessee –
and Merchandising
Kent State University
ACRA and Denise T. Ogden Tallahassee, FL 32306-1492
(O) 850 644-9883
Knoxville, TN 37996-1900 Kent, OH 44242
(O) (865) 974-6609 Nancy: (O) (330) 672-0139
(F) 850 645-4673 (F) (865) 974-5236 (F) (330) 672-3772
Publication Deadline for Vol. 28 Bill: (O) (330) 672-0135
No. 3 Doreen Burdalski
Fashion Department
(F) (330) 672-3772
Jan 27, 2008 Albright College
13th and Bern Streets
Feature articles can be PO Box 15234 Student Intern
submitted for review at anytime. Reading, PA 19612-5234
(O) 610 921-7811 Jordy Lucier
Send submissions in electronic Ryerson University
format to the editor.

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