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Department of Civil Engineering

CE 281 Surveying

Homework # 4

Vertical Distance Measurement Proposal

Prepared by: Aleksander Laloshi, Andi Bregaj, Klaudio Dushi, Margarita Dajko, Mirjeta
Blloshmi, Hermes Kala, Xhemal Fici

Prepared for: Edison Barhani

April 19, 2017

CE 281 Surveying Spring 2017


Table of Contents




Analysis and Discussion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7


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CE 281 Surveying Spring 2017



The aim of this surveying proposal is to give the procedure’s steps about measuring the
vertical distance between two points A and B. In this proposal, there will be displayed a step
by step and analytic procedure of the measurement process, including here: selection of tools,
time planning, the number of members involved in the process, division of responsibilities
among the members and description of process’ stages. There exist different ways to measure
the same distance and the procedures of the work are oriented mostly by the combination of
available tools. During the measurements there are expected some percentage errors which
may come from a variety of reasons.

The two given points A and B are positioned in different elevations with respect to one
another and as a result there exists a vertical distance between these two points. There may
exist several different methods which determine numerical values regarding this vertical
difference. The methodology depends on the abilities of the surveyors and on the types of
used tools. As the accuracy is meaningful in surveying works, the more sophisticated the
tools, the more accurate are the results. We are given six tools that are:

1. Tape
2. Rope
3. Plumb Bob
4. Level
5. Framing Square
6. EDM (Electronic Distance Meter)

As the horizontal distance between points A and B is already known from previous
measurements, the vertical distance can be obtained by using trigonometry. It is necessary for
us to measure the slope distance so that we can calculate the angle between slope and
horizontal line. So, the needed tools will be: steel tape and a rope. There will be six members
which will work with the measurements. One will be positioned in the point A, while another
will be positioned in the point B. Three members will be engaged with the tape measurement

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CE 281 Surveying Spring 2017


and the last one will assist with the notes of the results and will check whether the tape is
placed parallel with the rope.

The measurement of the vertical distance can be found directly (measuring it on site) or by
using trigonometric calculations. The proposed method is chosen to be the second one. In
order to derive a numerical result for the vertical distance between the two points, it is
necessary to do some extra measurements, such as the slope between point A and B, and their
horizontal distance. The horizontal distance is gained by the previous measurements, so the
only missing segment is the slope. There will be six members who will work on site. One
member will be placed in the point A and another in the point B. Each of these two members
will have taken the ends of the rope. The total rope will be placed over the ground surface
and then each member who is holding the ends will pull the rope as tight as they can. In this
way, the rope will stand in a straight line. The other members will give recommendations
about the right position or tension of the rope. After it is made sure that the rope is in the
desired position, three other members will take the rope and will extend it throughout the
rope’s length, by keeping it over the rope or parallel with it. One will keep the tape at point
A, one will straighten it in the middle and the third one will extend the tape until it reaches
point B. (refer to fig.1) The position and care of each member is an important factor during
the measurements, because they influent directly in the ultimate result and accuracy. The tape
should be held in such way that it would not change the position of the rope. The sixth
member will be keeping notes during the whole time.

Figure 1. Descriptive sketch of the terrain

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The second and the fifth member will be the ones who will give the numerical value of the
slope’s length. After the slope is measured the next procedure is the execution of calculations
by using trigonometry. The slope length represents the hypotenuse (segment AB) of the right
angled triangle ABC. The vertical distance is represented in the sketch by the segment BC.

(fig.1)The angle α can be calculated as follows:cosα= α=arcos

The vertical distance can be calculated as follows: sinα= BC=AB*sinα

Analysis and Discussion

It can be said that no measurement can be free of error. So, in such measurements, the “true”
value is determined statically after repeated trials. In the simplest case, the true value for a
distance is taken as the mean value for a series of repeated measurements. The types of errors
are different as they may vary from: temperature changes on the steel tape, wind blowing and
surveyors’ technical errors. Also, as the tension in the tape is increased when it is stretched, it
is common for the surveyor to sometimes take up some of the tension with the thumb,
causing it to slide along the tape. This way the surveyor is often not aware that the thumb has
moved, resulting in an erroneous measurement. Also, the fact the measurement is done on a
terrain with different elevations and with an irregular surface, brings some errors. The terrain
contributes in the positions that the surveyors will maintain to deal with the measurement

Taping is one of the easiest method to measure distances between two points on a sloping
ground. To reduce the errors while measuring it is recommended to check if the tape is
completely parallel to the tensile rope, before recording the measurements. Moreover, it is
necessary to record the temperature of the air. Only in this way the systematic error can be
calculated, eliminated and then the measurements can become more precise, more accurate. It
can be said that no measuring method is free of errors, but there are always more simple and
accurate methods to measure the vertical distance between two points. For example in this

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case, we can use a random laser. The member who is standing in the point B can hold a wood
rod as straight as possible and the member standing in the point A can direct the laser towards
the rod. The laser should be held on the ground level. The laser points a point on the rod and
by using the tape another third member can measure the distance from the laser’s point on rod
till the ground. This is an example of a practical way.

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