Eng Ver Latar Belakang, Tujuan, Pengertian Distilasi Uap

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A. Background

    Analytical chemistry is the science of chemistry that underlies the analysis and
separation of samples. Analysis can aim to determine what types of components
are contained in a sample (qualitative) or how many components are in a sample
(quantitative). Not all elements or compounds present in a sample can be analyzed
directly, most require the process of separation in advance of the elements or
substances that are disruptors or impurities of these components.

    Most chemical compounds are found in nature in an impure state. Usually, a

chemical compound is in a state mixed with other compounds. For some purposes
such as the synthesis of chemical compounds that require raw materials of
chemical compounds in a pure state or the process of producing a chemical
compound with high purity, the separation process needs to be carried out.

  The process of separating a mixture can be done by various methods. Separation

techniques, namely distillation, extraction as shown by advances in chemistry,
depend on various physical and chemical properties of sample molecules. The
choice of technique used depends on the extent of the sample, the selectivity of
the method, the level of resolution and the practicality of the procedure(Khopkar,

    The separation process is very important in analytical chemistry. An example of

the importance of the separation process is the process of extracting
petroleum. Petroleum is a mixture of various hydrocarbons. Utilization of
petroleum-making hydrocarbons will be more valuable if it has high purity. The
process of separating petroleum into its components will produce LPG, diesel,
aviation fuel, lubricants, and asphalt products. The separation process in
petroleum processing is carried out by the distillation method. The distillation
process used is steam distillation.

B. Problem Formulation

C. Purpose

1. To find out the meaning of steam distillation

2. To find out the principle of steam distillation

3. To find out the process of steam distillation

4. To find out the types of steam distillation

5. To find out the application of steam distillation

6. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of steam distillation



A. Definition of Steam Distillation

    Steam distillation is a way to isolate and purify compounds (Soebagio, Ibn,

Widarti, & Munzil, 2003). Steam distillation methods can be used to separate:

a. non-volatile compounds or undesirable compounds

b. Aqueous mixture containing dissolved inorganic salts

c. Compounds that indirectly evaporate in water vapor

d. Certain byproducts are evaporated by the influence of water vapor.

     To purify a liquid substance / compound that is not soluble in water, and its
boiling point is high enough, whereas before the liquid reaches its boiling point,
the liquid has been decomposed, oxidized or undergoes a conversion reaction
(rearranagement), then the liquid cannot be purified by simple distillation or
multilevel distillation, but must be distilled with steam distillation. Steam
distillation is a term that is generally used to distill water mixtures with
compounds that are not soluble in water, by flowing water vapor into the mixture
so that the volatile parts turn into steam at more temperatures lower than on with
direct heating. For steam distillation, the flask containing the compound to be
purified is connected to the steam generator flask.(Noare, Lumenta, Wuwung, &
Sugiarso, 2013).

     Steam distillation is usually used in mixtures of compounds having boiling

points reaching 200 ° C or more. Steam distillation can evaporate these
compounds with temperatures close to 100 ° C in atmospheric pressure by using
steam or boiling water. The fundamental characteristic of steam distillation is that
it can distill the mixture of compounds below the boiling point of each
compound. Besides steam distillation can be used for mixtures that do not
dissolve in water at all temperatures, but can be distilled with water.
Khopkar, S. (2010). Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry. Jakarta: UI-PRESS.
Soebagio, BE, Ibnu, M., Widarti, H., & Munzil. (2003). JICA-Analytical
Chemistry II. Malang: Department of Chemistry FMIPA Malang State
Walangare, KB, Lumenta, AS, Wuwung, JO, & Sugiarso, BA (2013). DESIGN
HEATING. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , 2.

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