ACEC MV Mixer 2019 - Forecast of 2019

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Page 1 of 9

Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities

Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.



Establish an emergency power strategy for regional water facilities, including project definition Aby Sharma
1 Emergency Power Strategy for Regional Water Resiliency Inder Singh X X NS 2
for highly-ranked proposed capital upgrades. 604-436-6801

Establish a design peak week scenario in hourly increments that aligns with the proposed new Yvonne Wai
2 Design Peak Week Consumption Pattern Inder Singh X X NS 2
Drinking Water Conservation Plan (DWCP). 604-451-6071

Hydraulic assessment and planning for sections between Jericho Reservoir and Grandview Yvonne Wai
3 Jericho-Grandview Corridor Hydraulic Assessment Inder Singh X X NS 3
Reservoir. 604-451-6071

Demonstrate the feasibility of greywater and rainwater reuse systems to provide guidance for Dana Zheng
4 Greywater and Rainwater Reuse Inder Singh X X NS 2
consideration of future water reuse projects in the region. 604-451-6037

Karen Leung
5 Linear Assets GIS Risk Model - Phase 1 Consulting Services for extension of linear risk assessment pilot for water mains Frank Huber X X NS 2

Consulting engineering services for development of Asset Condition Assessment Plans for Karen Leung
6 Asset Condition Assessment Plan Frank Huber X X NS 3
various asset classes 604-432-6321

Karen Leung
7 Risk Assessment for WS Vertical Facilities Consulting services for risk assessment for WS Vertical Facilities Frank Huber X X NS 2

Capilano Hydropower Project

8 Consulting services for updated business case and conceptual design. TBD Inder Singh X X X X X X X X NS 3

Watershed/Environmental Management

Guy Gerath
1 Seymour Reservoir Mid-Lake Debris Boom/Wharf Construction services for the installation of debris boom, boat gate and wharf. Heidi Walsh X X X NS 4

Guy Gerath
2 Capilano Reservoir Debris Boom/Wharf Construction services for the installation of debris boom, boat gate and wharf. Heidi Walsh X X X NS 4

Construction of multi-functional Watershed Administration Building, located in the Lower Mike Mayers
3 Watershed Administration Building Heidi Walsh X X X X X NS 3
Seymour Conservation Reserve - North Vancouver. 604-220-8013

Mike Mayers
4 Capilano Security Gatehouse Construction of Capilano Security Gatehouse. Heidi Walsh X X X X X NS 3

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Page 2 of 9
Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.

Capilano Hatchery Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Scott Stuart
5 Conditional Assessment / Upgrade Plan for DFO Capilano Water Treatment Plant Heidi Walsh X X X X NS 3
Conceptual Design 604-432-6428


Jason Warren
1 Higher Seymour Falls Dam Study Provide conceptual level engineering services. Frank Huber X X X X X X X NS 2

Water Treatment and Supply

Consulting program management services for the Design and Construction of the Coquitlam Bob Cheng
1 Coquitlam Intake No. 2 Goran Oljaca X X X X X X X X X NS 4
Intake No. 2 Project (Treatment Facilities). 604-451-6565

Raymond Eng
2 SCFP OMC Building Expansion Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Construction Engineering Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X X X X NS 2

Raymond Eng
3 Rechlorination Station Upgrades Conceptual and preliminary design. Goran Oljaca X X X X X X X X X NS 1

Pump Stations/Mains

Mark MacConnell
1 Port Moody Main No. 3 - Scott Creek Section Preliminary and Detailed Design / Geotechnical / Environmental / Archeological Services. Goran Oljaca X X X NS 2

Mark MacConnell
2 Annacis Main No. 5 (North) Predesign Predesign Geotechnical / Environmental / Archeological Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X IP 2

Mark MacConnell
3 Annacis Main No. 5 (North) Predesign Preliminary Traffic Engineering Services. Goran Oljaca X NS 2

Ben Suleiman
4 South Surrey Main No. 2 Conceptual Geotechnical / Environmental / Archeological Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X NS 2

Ben Suleiman
5 Improvements to Capilano Main No. 4 and 5 Conceptual Options Analysis for upgrades to Lower Capilano Road. Goran Oljaca X X X IP 1

Ben Suleiman
6 Improvements to Capilano Main No. 4 and 5 Detailed Design for upgrades to Lower Capilano Road. Goran Oljaca X X X X NS 4

Ben Suleiman
7 South Delta Main No. 3 - 12th Ave to Pebble Hill Predesign Geotechnical / Environmental / Archeological Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X NS 3

Ben Suleiman
8 South Delta Main No. 3 - 12th Ave to Pebble Hill Preliminary Traffic Engineering Services. Goran Oljaca X X NS 3

Ben Suleiman
9 Capilano Main No. 7 Line Valve and Swing Connection Detailed Design Geotechnical / Environmental / Archeological Services. Goran Oljaca X X X NS 2

Raymond Eng
10 Barnston / Maple Ridge PS Backup Power Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Construction Engineering Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X X X X X X IP 1

Raymond Eng
11 Grandview PS Improvements Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Construction Engineering Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X X NS 2

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Page 3 of 9
Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.
Joel Melanson
12 Various Capital Water Infrastructure Projects Project Management and Engineering Support Services. Goran Oljaca X X X X NS 4

Bob Cheng
13 Pipeline Road Repair Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Construction Management Services. Goran Oljaca 2 Firms Shortlisted x X x x x X IP 1

Alan Li
1 Annacis Water Supply Tunnel Construction Management Services Frank Huber X X X X X NS 2
Alan Li
2 Annacis Water Supply Tunnel Construction Engineering Services Frank Huber Hatch X X X X NS 4
Jason Warren
3 Cambie-Richmond Water Supply Tunnel Conceptual Design Phase 2 Frank Huber X X X X X X NS 3

Consulting program management services for the Design and Construction of the Coquitlam Bob Cheng
4 Coquitlam Intake No. 2 Goran Oljaca X X X X X X X X X NS 4
Intake No. 2 Project (Intake and Tunnel). (May be combined with Water Treatment Contract) 604-451-6565


Fort Cruz
1 Burnaby Mountain Tank Conceptual Design engineering services. Goran Oljaca X X X X X X X X NS 3

Fort Cruz
2 Little Mountain Reservoir Roof Upgrades Detailed Design engineering services. Goran Oljaca X X X NS 2

Fort Cruz
3 Sasamat Reservoir Seismic Assessment Geotechnical engineering services. Goran Oljaca X X NS 2

Fort Cruz
4 Sasamat Reservoir Seismic Assessment Material engineering services. Goran Oljaca X X NS 4

Larry Chow
5 In-system Reservoir Sampling Equipment Upgrades To improve the current equipment used to sample from in-system reservoirs. Andrew Wood X X X NS 2

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Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.



Obtain supplemental technical expertize on issues and administration of combined sewer Robert Hicks
1 Combined Sewer Overflow Elimination - Technical Expertise Fred Nenninger X X X X NS 3
overflow management initiatives in other jurisdictions. 604-451-6165

Environmental Management

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Receiving Environment Monitoring, assessment and reporting on water and sediment quality, and environmental Lynn Landry Andjela Knezevic-
1 X X NS 3
Monitoring (2019) effects in the vicinity of Heather and Southhill CSO outfalls. 604-451-6124 Stevanovic

Compilation, statistical analysis and interpretation of monitoring data generated between 2017 Lynn Landry Andjela Knezevic-
2 Key Manhole Monitoring Program Report (2017-2018) X X X NS 2
and 2018, for Northwest Langley and Lulu Sewerage Areas and production of a report. 604-451-6124 Stevanovic

Conduct comparative human health and environmental risk assessment of Metro Vancouver Lynn Landry Andjela Knezevic-
3 CSO Human Health and Environmental Risk Assessment X X NS 2
Combined Sewer Overflows. 604-451-6124 Stevanovic

Deploy ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) near Iona outfall to provide real-time current Li Gu Andjela Knezevic-
4 Iona outfall ADCP measurement X X NS 2
information to assist 2019 Iona outfall initial dilution zone monitoring program 604-432-6408 Stevanovic

Li Gu Andjela Knezevic-
5 Boundary Bay Biota study The biota component of the Boundary Bay Ambient Monitoring program - Caged mussel study. X X NS 4
604-432-6408 Stevanovic

Operations and Maintenance

Conduct inspections, testing and reporting on condition of existing cathodic protection systems Ian Chan
1 Cathodic Protection Surveys for Collection System Sean Smyth Corrosion Service X X IP
for Sewer Collections. 604-451-6581

Field engineering and inspection services for diver inspections and point repair program for
Field Engineering Services for North Surrey Interceptor Dive North Surrey Interceptor. Saleem Mahmood
2 Sean Smyth Parsons X X IP
Inspections and Point Repairs 604-436-6779

Develop right-of-way requirements for maintenance access to watercourses in Port Moody to

Right-of-way requirements for maintenance access to inform acquisitions and developments. Ian Chan
3 Sean Smyth Parsons X X X IP
watercourses in Port Moody Drainage Area 604-451-6581

Rehab or replacement options analysis and cost estimating for Lower Dallas Creek culvert
crossing of Hope Street, Port Moody. Ron Nishimura
4 Lower Dallas Creek culvert crossing of Hope Street Sean Smyth X X NS 3

Capacity assessments of debris traps in Port Moody Drainage Area, and recommendations for
Debris trap capacity assessments in Port Moody Drainage improvements Ravi Grewal
5 Sean Smyth X X NS 4
Area 604-451-6153

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Page 5 of 9
Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.
Testing and analysis to assess cause(s) of odour complaints, and provide recommendations and
control recommendations for municipal connections cost estimates to address issues. Ravi Grewal
6 Sean Smyth X X NS 3
to NSI at 132 Street and Roxburgh Rd 604-451-6153

Rehabilitate existing ventilation system for wet well to bring it back to original design capacity
Cloverdale Pump Station - Wet Well Ventilation or better. Saleem Mahmood
7 Sean Smyth X X X NS 2
Rehabilitation 604-436-6779

Assist maintenance engineering and trades with preventative maintenance reviews and
Preventative Maintenance (PM) review audits and revisions
implement necessary task changes for regulated and critical equipment. Shaw Thien
8 for regulated and critical wastewater and collection facility Sean Smyth MV Reliability Services X X IP
Assist maintenance engineering staff with organization, preparation, facilitation of
Reliability Engineering Services – Maintenance Task maintenance task analysis (MTA) workshops. Assist planning staff and discipline workgroup Shaw Thien
9 Sean Smyth RS Waldie Consulting X X IP
Analysis (MTA) Workshop Facilitation Support leads with implementation of MTA workshop outcomes. 778-452-4652

Review the existing SCFP Arc Flash study and develop and assist with implementation of
solutions needed to reduce arc flash incident energy to acceptable levels. Shaw Thien
10 Arc Flash Mitigation Work Sean Smyth X X NS 2

Determine the accuracy and compliance of the various Utility and Water Treatment
Maintenance excel scheduling spreadsheets by comparing to actual EAM data entries. Dean Reil
11 Excel Project Scheduling Compliance Review Sean Smyth X X NS 2

Pump Stations/Sewer Mains

Tom Wong/Marty
1 EIC Termed Engineering Service Agreement (TESA) Termed Engineering Service agreement for LWS PD Collection EIC Engineering Services. Bryan Shoji X X NS 2

2 Small Project TESA Term Engineering Service Agreement for small projects, concept designs and scoping studies. TBD Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X X X X NS 3

3 Project Management TESA Term Engineering Service Agreement for PM Support. TBD Bryan Shoji X X NS 3/4

Jugoslav Bajkin
4 Glen Eagles Force Main Detailed Design. Bryan Shoji X X X X X NS 4

Jugoslav Bajkin
5 North Surrey Interceptor Rehabilitation/Replacement Preliminary and Detailed Design. Bryan Shoji X X X X X NS 3

Robin Miller
6 Marshend Pump Station Preliminary and Detailed Design and Construction Engineering Services. Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X X X NS 2

Robin Miller
7 Westridge Pump Stations 1 & 2 Preliminary and Detailed Design and Construction Engineering Services. Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X X X NS 2

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Page 6 of 9
Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.

8 Temporary Flow Monitoring Assignments Standing offer agreement(s) for ad hoc temporary flow monitoring assignments. Guy Roberts Sean Smyth X NS 2

Design, tendering, construction and post-construction services for pump station discharge Guy Roberts
9 Pump Station Discharge Meters Sean Smyth MTS Engineering X X X X X IP
flow meters at 10 wastewater pump stations. 604-451-6590

Hydrotechnical assessments of select GVS&DD river Ian Chan

10 Assess potential for bed scour at select crossing locations. Sean Smyth X X X X NS Q2
crossings 604-451-6117

In-stream Works Permitting and Environmental Monitoring, and provide technical services in
Urban Drainage Consulting for Still Creek/Brunette River Jaswant Ranu ISL Engineering, Associated
11 the form of assessment of connection, relocation and proximal construction projects Sean Smyth X X X X X IP
and Port Moody/Coquitlam Drainage Areas 604-451-6078 Engineering and WorleyParsons
associated with Drainage facilities.

Jaswant Ranu
12 Pump Station Performance Assessments Assess and develop tools to monitor operational performance of pumping facilities. Sean Smyth Binnie Engineering X X X IP

Jugoslav Bajkin
13 Ferrous Dosing Facility Preliminary and Detailed Design and Construction Engineering Services Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X IP 2019 Q1

Annacis Island WWTP

Owners engineer, project management and engineering services for the sludge processing pilot Nancy Bonham
1 AIWWTP Hydrothermal Liquefaction Pilot Plant Bryan Shoji X X X X X IP 1/2
plant by hydrothermal liquefaction. RFEOI 19-076. 604-436-6914

Annacis Stage 5 Phase 2 Trickling Filter Pump Station and Pre-design review, detailed design, construction engineering services, post construction
2 Kenneth Hui Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X X NS 4
Trickling Filters engineering support, and project management technical support.

Design and construction engineering services for new second influent conduit from influent Nancy Bonham
3 Influent System Remediation Bryan Shoji X X X X X X NS 3
junction chamber to influent control chamber and repair of existing influent conduit. 604-436-6914

Nancy Bonham
4 Outfall Repair Design and construction engineering services for repair of existing outfall diffuser. Bryan Shoji X X X X X NS 4

Lulu Island WWTP

Design and construction engineering services for new digester pending the outcome of study of
Daniel Wee Prequalified 3 firms - AECOM, Brown
1 Digester No. 3 regional digestion capacities and redundancies. Conversion to thermophilic operation is also Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X X X X NS 2
778-452-2621 & Caldwell, Jacobs
being considered.

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Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.

Northwest Langley WWTP

Design and construction engineering services to replace the 4 existing Archimedes screw Daniel Wee
1 Screw Pump Replacement Bryan Shoji X X X X X NS 2
pumps, gearboxes, and motors. 778-452-2621

Preliminary design and Detailed design of a new outfall, permitting, material procurement,
Outfall - Detailed Design and Construction Management Paul Wilting
2 construction contract tendering services, supervision of the construction and post construction Bryan Shoji X X X X X X NS 3
Services 604-432-6447

Iona Island WWTP

Design and construction engineering services for installation of three standby diesel generators Richard Chan
1 Standby Diesel Generators Bryan Shoji X X X X X X X X NS 3
relocated from the Annacis Island WWTP. 604-436-6882

Dan Geil
Engineering support for replacing aging CDACS components in the Iona IPS electrical and
2 Iona IPS Building CDACS Component Replacement 604-523-7163 Sean Smyth X X NS 3
control room.

Gary Soo
3 CEPT System Winterization Predesign redundant alum system for winter operation. Sean Smyth X X NS 2


Secondment to assist in development of buried assets inventory and establish condition Gary Soo
1 Buried Assets Inventory Sean Smyth X X NS 2
assessment requirements. 604-436-6995



Terry Fulton
1 Waste Composition Monitoring Project Examination of the composition of waste disposed in the regional system. Marcel Pitre X X NS 2

Development of a pilot project, financial model and procurement process for a pilot to process Marcel Pitre
2 Waste Processing Pilot Project Marcel Pitre X X NS 3
municipal solid waste for the recovery of material and / or fuel. 604-4568812

Research existing requirements for commercial and mixed-use buildings, and develop
Guidelines for Multi-Family and Commercial recycling and Allen Jensen
3 proposed guidelines and specifications for recycling and garbage access for potential inclusion Andrew Marr X X X NS 4
garbage access 604-432-6483
in the BC Building Code.


Brent Kirkpatrick
1 Waste-to-Energy Facility Biosolids Processing Preliminary Engineering for a biosolids processing facility. Chris Allan X X X X X X NS 3

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Page 8 of 9
Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.

WATER SERVICES Brent Kirkpatrick

2 Waste-to-Energy Facility Acid Gas Reduction Design Acid gas reduction project detailed design. Chris Allan X X X X X X X NS 4

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Page 9 of 9
Forecast of Metro Vancouver (MV) Utilities Consulting Engineering Opportunities
Year 2019

Approx. Consulting Qtr. in which RFP

Design Engineering Discipline Status
Engineering Value to be issued.

Const. Mgmt.



IP=In Progress 2, 3 or 4 for NS



Project Engineering Assignment Description MV Project Manager MV Director Engineering Firm NS-Not Started only.

Operations and Maintenance
Design of the west leachate pump station upgrades to accommodate additional flow (sanitary)
as well as provide redundancy.
1 Coquitlam Landfill - West Leachate Pump Station Upgrades Paul Litt Chris Allan TBD x x x x x IP 2

Repairs to worn concrete push walls.

2 Coquitlam Transfer Station Push Wall Repairs Philip Hill Chris Allan Quantum Engineering X X IP 1

Preliminary Engineering for refuse crane replacement

3 Waste-to-Energy Facility Refuse Crane Replacement Brent Kirkpatrick Chris Allan LR Power X X X X IP 1

Replacement of the two existing refuse cranes.

Brent Kirkpatrick
4 Waste-to-Energy Facility Refuse Crane Replacement Chris Allan X X X X X NS 3

Replacement of the existing feed hopper and feed chutes. Brent Kirkpatrick
5 Waste-to-Energy Facility Feed Hopper/Chute Construction Chris Allan X X NS 3
Replacement of the existing second pass superheaters. Brent Kirkpatrick
6 Waste-to-Energy Facility Superheater Replacement Chris Allan X X NS 3
Coquitlam Landfill Gas Collection & Flare - Operations, O&M of enclosed landfill gas flare, blower, methane analyzer, and other ancillary equipment. Paul Litt
7 Chris Allan X X NS 4
Maintenance, and Monitoring (5 Year term) Monthly well-field tuning and landfill gas probe monitoring. 604-436-6814

29073685 Last Update: 4/15/2019

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