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ECTE212: Tutorial for Lecture 1

Question 1: Find the values of I and V in the following circuits (assume ideal diodes):

E= E=

R= R=

R= R=

E= E=

Question 2: Given the V-A characteristic of a diode in the following figure. Calculate the
DC and AC resistances of this diode in the following cases. Assume that the room
temperature is 27oC and n = 2.


-30 -10 2
-20 VD(V)

0.5 0.8


a) ID = 2 mA
b) ID = 20 mA
c) VD = -10 V

Question 3: Determine whether or not the Zener diode with Vz = 10V in this figure has
been suitably biased or not? Explain why?

I1 R1 Iz

900 Ohm I2
E R2
1100 Ohm 10 V
20 V
Izmax = 8 mA

Question 4: Calculate the current through R1 in the following circuit

Question 5: Given that vi = 20sin(100πt), calculate the DC output voltage vo in the two
following circuits.



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