The Cool Mind Mapping Examples

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The Cool Mind Mapping Examples, In

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Mind Map Example 1: Global Warming Map
This first map is from S. Genovese from She created this
map on Global Warming.

mg class="size-full wp-image-780 aligncenter" title="mind map example 1"
1.jpg" alt="mind map example 1" width="610" height="435">

I really love the colors and the images she uses. One thing that people tell me when I
show them this map is: it is kind of overwhelming.

And that is probably because of the many branches that this map uses, she uses 9.
When you combine a number of them you can reduce the overwhelm and make it an
even better map. The way I would combine branches is by taking the EAT LESS MEAT
and USE LESS  and combine those. Also the ENERGY AUDIT and the GREEN
POWER branches can be joined together. Perhaps you can even combine HOME and
PLANT TREES. This reduces the number of branches to 6. Less branches and less

What I always take away from this map is to realize that you can use small and simple
drawing to create a nice looking image easily.

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Now I will let you continue to learn more about the mind mapping examples 🙂

Have fun!

Mind Map Example 2: Time Management Map

Map number 2 is the map from on time management.
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-784" title="mind map example 2"
content/uploads/2012/08/mind_map_NLP.jpg" alt="mind map example 2" width="985"
Again a map with many branches and now with a lot of text. I think that the main focus
of this map lies on the images, not on the words. When I look at it, the words usually
blur into the background. I get too much distracted by the center image and don’t look at
the rest of the map.

What do you see when you look at the map?

When the words would be used differently (more emphasis on important ones and
different font sizes) would improve the usability of the map I think.

The main takeaway from this map is that words do matter, especially the way you write
them. Make sure you don’t get distracted by creating a map with too many or too
impressive images.

Mind Map Example 3: How To Mind Map

This map is created by Paul Foreman, a highly skilled mind mapper and mind map
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-786" title="mind map example 3"
mind-map-by-paul-foreman-1000px.jpg" alt="mind map example 3" width="1000"

This is a map that is a near perfect Buzan style mind map. It explains how you create
mind maps.

The only thing I would change about this map is probably use different colors for the
branches. All the lower level branches (under the first level) are all thin lines and they
are grey.

Have a look at Paul Foreman using Google to learn more about him and his methods
and ideas.

Mind Map Example 4: How To Mind Map (2)

This is an example by Adam Sicinski from
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-787" title="mind map example 4"
Mind-Map-2000px.jpg" alt="mind map example 4" width="940" height="673">

Although this map is also on how to mind map, you immediately see the different setup
and look.

I have absolutely no idea how Adam creates these fine maps. He has a collection of
over 200 maps that he did.
In the last mind map all the branches were the same color and that was not in line with
the original Buzan style of mapping.

This map does almost the same thing, but highlights the background color of the words
and groups them that way. Really cool and very clear. Something you can take away
from this map and use in your own maps as well.

Mind Map Example 5: Hand Drawn Map

Here is a hand drawn map by Sarah Grant.
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-788" title="mind map example 5"
content/uploads/2012/08/Sarah.Grant-mind-map.jpg" alt="mind map example 5"
width="1447" height="1161">

The reason I added this map to the list is because it show you the clear difference
between maps with images and colors and maps with words only.

As you can see the map is clear enough to be used. Note that this kind of mind map is
better for just organizing your thoughts, work, projects, etc.

Normally you would not use this map for studying history or anything like that. It is just
not something that sticks on your mind (because the lack of colors and images).

Takeaway from this map: don’t waste time on maps that will only serve to clear your
thoughts or ideas. Keep it as simple as possible.

Mind Map Example 6: Future Trends v. Present

A map from Dilip Singapore we just have to add to our list of maps so it can help us
improve our mapping techniques.
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-789" title="mind map example 6"
content/uploads/2012/08/Photoreading_Syntopic_Ex_5_Books_Lo-Res.jpg" alt="mind
map example 6" width="1600" height="1131">

I like about this map that there are not too many images and it uses a lot of colors.

It should be easier to read when the branches would be in the same color. Another thing
you could do is use the same colors for the same ideas. So blue for everything related
to future. Red for travel, etc. This means that you can group not just in branches but
also see in one view what related topics are.

Mind Map Example 7: World Domination

Something that looks like a mind map (by Kendal Peiguss), but kind of isn’t but is (can
you still follow it? 🙂 )
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-790" title="mind map example 7"
content/uploads/2012/08/kendalpeiguss-1ef80a228ef80a211.jpg" alt="mind map
example 7" width="2550" height="3509">

This is more an info chart probably. Still, it has a central topic and image and it connects
the topics.

I included this map to make sure you know that mind mapping in the traditional sense is
done differently, but you should not be bound by the rules of traditional mind mapping

Make your own rules and work on your skills to improve clarity in your information. Your
brain may like this or other mind mapping styles, that’s fine. Find your own style and
move forward.

Mind Map Example 8: A Cinderella Story

Evelyn Lim from created this map.

class="size-full wp-image-792 aligncenter" title="mind map example 8"
mind-map.jpg" alt="mind map example 8" width="500" height="354">
Your biggest takeaway is that you should know that mind maps are wonderful tools to
tell stories. It doesn’t matter if you create stories for children or capture presentations for
business professionals. They are all stored in maps that tell a story.

In fact, every map tells a story. It is up to you to capture it and make is as clear and
inviting as possible for yourself and to your audience.

Mind Map Example 9: Art Tips From Sketch Book

Jennifer Frith created this map.

<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-793" title="mind map example 9"

sketchbook-art-tips-2.jpg" alt="mind map example 9" width="776" height="600">

What I really, really like about it is its simplicity.

All the other maps before are big, have lots of information and show you many different

This map is simple.

This is what your life, mind, work and maps should like like I think. Don’t make it any
harder than it is. Simplicity is key.

Mind Map Example 10: 60 Second Map

I love this! Don’t know who created it, but I like the title of the file when I found it. It is a
60 second map.

In my practical mind mapping training, I tell people to spend as little time working on
their map as possible. Don’t make creating a mind map a goal itself.

Simply create a map that does what it needs to do and be done with it. Spending too
much time on mind maps is a waste of time.

Your takeaway… the next mind map you create must be ready in 60 seconds (MAX)!

Let’s Do A Mind Map Comparison

There are many different maps that we had a look at. Some are very colorful. Other only
use words. There are some maps that were done in less than a minute. Others took
probably many hours to create.

I believe that there is not a perfect mind map. A map can be good right now, and
useless tomorrow. This is just because of changing circumstances and new information
and thoughts.
A mind mapping comparison is hard to do because of this.

No matter what you do with a mind map, always understand what your goal is and how
the map will benefit you in that process.

What We Can Learn From These Mind Mapping

(or what you can take away from this article and apply in your own work)

The biggest takeaways I think should be that you

 don’t spend too much time on your maps

 use colors and images when appropriate
 follow the mind mapping rules but let them help you and not restrict you

When you do that, you are ready to create real overview and clarity in your thoughts,
ideas, work, and life.

BONUS MIND MAP: Using mind maps for Memory

Here is a mind map created by Dr. Anthony Metivier. He is an experienced memory
expert, author, and professor.
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-793" title="mind map example bonus"
Example-Large-Image-With-Many-Memory-Palace-Ideas.jpg" alt="mind map example
bonus" width="776">

I really like the simplicity of this map. Think about what he did with this map. He outlined
different methods for creating memory palaces. Did he create a very formal mind map?
No! He created a very practical mind map.

And this practical map is helping us in a few seconds pick the basis for our next memory

By the way, if you are interested in learning more about memory palaces in combination
with mind maps, I suggest you listen to his podcast.

Enjoy your next mind map with this in mind. Be sure to show me your mind maps and
let’s see if we can showcase them here or work on them together.

After all, we need to study other mind mapping examples to improve our own mind
mapping techniques.

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