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Public Speaking

H o w to e x h i b i t a p p r o p r i at e v e r b a l a n d n o n v e r b a l b e h av i o r I N


Hey! My slides are up here.

With a straight arm, point in the direction of the slide that has an important
message. Make your movement distinct to indicate that the audience should
focus on the slide, and not you.

Use eye contact to engage

your audience.
Rather than trying to make eye contact with individuals, try looking at
someone’s forehead, a colorful shirt, or the cushion of someone’s seat to
create the illusion that you are making eye contact with the general audience.

Physically transitioning

between ideas.
Casually walk to the other side of the stage when transitioning between ideas
to physically cue the viewers that there is a change in topic.

Compare and Contrast

with your hands.

If you are comparing two concepts, physically weigh them out with your
hands to convey the difference as if your hands were a scale.

Use good posture
Power poses can help assert confidence and importance during your talk.
Hands on the side and a slightly wider stance command space on the stage
and demands attention.


Speak Clearly
The words spoken at a digestible pace that are clearly
enunciated will encourage your audience to follow along. It is
important to pronounce all words simply, absolutely, and at a
rate that makes them understandable.

Speak at an appropriate volume

Your audience may be distracted by speaking too softly or loudly
and discourage them from understanding your message. You
need to talk so that everyone in your audience can hear you

3 Vocal Enunciation and

Pronouncing words correctly and imagining the words as they
are written to insert punctuated, purposeful pauses to conclude
main ideas so that the audience will comprehend.

Rate and Pace

You may want to sustain a good, consistent rate and pace

And your audience will get used to your voice at the beginning of
your speech.

Pro ection j
Projection is a space filling strategy. Space determines which
vocal elements need to be modified so the vocal range should be
comfortably experienced by any person in the room.

BY C A R L K H O & N I C K I E H I M AYA | 1 1 S T E M M E N D E L E E V

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