Reading List For Psychology

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There is no set reading for psychology – specific readings will be provided by tutors and
lecturers. Nonetheless, the following is a list of general resources that may prove useful during
your studies. We have put an asterisk by the ones we most recommend.

General Introduction to Psychology

 Eysenck, Eysenk (1989) Mindwatching; Why We Behave the Way We Do. Prion
 Pinker (2003) How the Mind Works.
 Butz & Kutter (2017) How the Mind Comes into Being.

 *Wolfe, Kluender, Levi, et al., (2014) Sensation and Perception, 5th Ed
 Hewstone, Fincham, Foster (2005) Psychology (BPS Textbooks in Psychology)
 Hayes (1998) Foundations of Psychology: An Introductory Text
 Smith, Nolen-Hoeksema, Frederickson, Loftus (2003) Introduction to Psychology (used
by the Open University).
 Gross . Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
 Smith, Cowie, Blades (2015) Understanding Children’s Development
 Slater, Bremner (2011) An Introduction to Developmental Psychology
 *Kandel, Jessell, Schwartz, Siegelbaum, Hudspeth (2012) Principles of Neural Science
 *Squire, Berg, Bloom, du Lac, Ghosh (2012) Fundamental Neuroscience

Other books about psychology

 Argyle (1994) The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour
 Baddeley, Eysenck (2014) Memory: a User's Guide, 2nd Ed
 Gregory (2015) Eye and Brain, 5th Ed
 Sacks (1985) The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat
 Sacks (1983) Awakenings
 Zeki (1993) A Vision of the Brain
 Hawkins, Blakeslee (2005) On Intelligence.

Probability theory and statistics will form a substantial portion of your studies. Here are some
resources to complement your lecture notes and stats textbook (distributed in Week 1).
 *Field (2013) Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics, 2013
 Huff. How to Lie with Statistics
 Huff. How to Take a Chance

 *Strunk (1918) The Elements of Style (highly recommended!)
 Truss (2009) Eats, Shoots, and Leaves

Guide to good study habits

When you start your work here you will find that you will have to develop good methods for
studying (taking notes from lectures, taking notes from books and articles, organizing your time
etc). The following book is very useful at telling you how to do these things.

 Northedge (1990) The Good Study Guide. The Open University Press (paperback)

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