Basic Essay Tutorial Worksheet

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Tutorial Worksheet

Please take note that you are to refer to the basic essay question on MOODLE and fill in this template
with reference to the lecture. This is basically a plan.



General Statements: (at least 2)

Thesis Sentence (Umbrella Statement): (What?)

Thesis Structure: (How?)

Body Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence:

Explain the topic sentence

Supporting the topic sentence: (details, discussion, examples, illustrations, reasons)

Round off the paragraph: (relate to the topic sentence)

Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

Explain the topic sentence

Supporting the topic sentence: (details, discussion, examples, illustrations, reasons)

Round off the paragraph: (relate to the topic sentence)

Body Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence:

Explain the topic sentence

Supporting the topic sentence: (details, discussion, examples, illustrations, reasons)

Round off the paragraph: (relate to the topic sentence)

Conclusion Paragraph

Reaffirm the thesis.

Sum up

Express your view.

(No New Ideas)

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