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1. Waitress: Can I help you?

2. Me: Yes Miss

3. Waitress: Are you ready to order?

4. Me: No I am not ready

5. Me: What it is the best on the menu?

6. Waitress: The best is Jerk Pork Jamaican style with wine.

7. Me: that's all?

8. Waitress: If you don’t want this, you may order the BBQ

9. Me: I don´t know what to order

10. Waitress: May I give you the Menu?

11. Me: Please Yes

12. Me: Might I take a moment to see the menu?

13. Waitress: Yes Miss

14. Me: Ok, I'm ready to order.

15. Me: First give me an orange juice, an order of wings with BBQ sauce and a order of

garlic bread

16. Waitress: Ok Wait for your order

17. Me: thanks you so much

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