Lesson 7 Hots

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Name: Lillia Hite Date: 9/28/20 Time: 1:45-2:20 Lesson #7

Big Idea/Topic The Universe Grade/ Subject 3rd Science

CPALMS/ Resource link https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/1643
Lesson Structure: Direct
Standards: (CCSS/NGSSS)
SC.3.E.5.3 Recognize that the sun appears large and bright because it is the closest star to the Earth.
Instructional outcomes/objectives(s): (Clear objectives written in the form of student learning)
Students will be able to explain that the sun appears to be the largest, brightest star in the sky because it is closest to the Earth.
Language Objective(s): (Must include language skill/domain and function, may contain grammar, where appropriate)
Reading; Students are reading the text on the Nearpod activity on their laptops and on the white board.
Writing: Students are writing down their vocabulary words on index cards and writing on their 3-2-1 exit slip.
Listening: Students are listening to me instruct and hearing their peers questions and answers.
Speaking: Students are answering questions and asking questions if they have any.
Key Vocabulary (academic/content-defined in kid friendly terms) Instructional
Sun: medium sized yellow star Materials/Resources/Technology
Star: ball of superhot gas that also looks like a little light in the sky (include hyperlinks to videos & websites)
Emit: to send out from a source -crayons/colored pencils
-Nearpod - https://nearpod.com/library/
-Universe vocabulary PowerPoint
C:\Users\14192\Downloads\The Universe
Vocbulary Powerpoint.pptx
H.O.T.S. Graphic Organizer/Thinking Map:
Bloom’s Taxonomy http://www.enchantedlearning.com/graphicorga
http://www.edpsycinteractive.org/topics/cognition/bloom.html nizers/
Why is the sun so important?
Why is the sun brighter than other stars?
What are the 4 things that the sun gives us? How do those four things affect N/A
Lesson Portions: Pacing ESOL Support
• How will you introduce the lesson, assess or activate For each level EL at each instructional step.
prior knowledge, motivate students to learn? (Add additional rows with Tab)
• How will the lesson develop or proceed? What steps will
you follow? What are the students expected to do?
➢ Highlight differentiated strategies.
➢ Underline higher order/high quality questions in lesson.
Introduction/Building Background: (Link to Prior Knowledge) A; Provide a picture of a magnetifying class
Hey Astronomers! You thought that maybe after searching for and telescope on the white board to reference
stars in night sky your job would have been completed, but you’re 30 sec to.
wrong this time! Last week we focused on the magnifying effects
of the telescope, does everyone remember what magnify means?
What does magnify mean? (to cause something to be bigger) We
ae still studying space this week, but now we are focusing on the
stars and the sun!
Instructional Steps: A; Use hand gestures and display the three
First, let’s start with some vocabulary! I know that last week we vocabulary words on the board.
discussed the meaning of magnify, and this week we only have 3
more words! Our words this week are sun, stars and emit! We are
going to be making a vocabulary mural today using these words.
I am going to explain what we will be doing before I hand out

*Teacher projects the following: The Universe Vocabulary

For each of these words (emit, sun, stars): mins
1. Discuss with a partner what you think it means
2. Share with me A: Teacher tells student that she can draw a
picture of the word instead of putting the word
*I will ask what the definition is, and then share it with everyone* on the index card

3. Color and create what the word represents to word to

you! (Put timer on for 3 minutes)
4. Have student choose a word to color and draw a picture
on index card and then they can put them in the science
*Teacher walks around the room and checks-in with students to
make sure they are discussing the correct definition or check if
they have any questions, For the Nearpod, teacher gives the option
to students if they want to work with a partner to answer the
questions or work alone when answering the questions.*

*Teacher calls students to attention after the index card activity*

*Teacher brings up NearPod up that is about the Sun and the Stars
and has students get their laptops while having the timer set to 1
minute for transition*

*Teacher puts the class code for Nearpod on the board and
students join the Nearpod and begin*

Questions to discuss during Nearpod: 20

• Why is the sun so important? List as many reasons as you mins
can and compare your answers with your neighbor
• How many Earths do you think could fit inside the sun?
(1 million)
• Why is the sun brighter than other stars? (The sun is far
away, but it is still the closest star to us)
• What sized star in the sun? (medium-sized)
• What are the 4 things that the sun gives us? How do those
four things affect us? (call on different students using
popsicle sticks)
Students answer questions on Nearpod and teacher has a report of
the results.
Closures Pacing ESOL Support
Content: 30 sec A; Point to vocabulary words when referencing
Today we created our vocabulary tiles for our mural and tomorrow them.
you will be seeing them all together! We learned about why the
sun appears to be the biggest and brightest star, which is for what
reason? (Because it is closest to Earth) Tomorrow we will be
uncovering exciting information the stars and a bit of a review on
the sun!
Great job astronomers! Please put your materials away and get
packed up for dismissal.

ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points ESE Accommodations

http://www.cpalms.org/Standards/AccesspointSearch.aspx (content, product, process, environment)
(identify access point, if needed) Individual check in with student.
5.3 SC.3.E.5.Pa.2: Recognize that the Sun is bright.
SC.3.E.5.In.3: Recognize that the Sun is the closest star to Earth.
SC.3.E.5.Su.3: Recognize that the Sun is a star.
Assessment of Student Learning: (congruent with instructional objectives)

Objective 1: Students will answer questions on the Nearpod about why

the sun appears large and bright.

Post Lesson Analysis

Lesson Adjustment: (How are you re-teaching objectives for mastery based on formative assessment? Include evidence.)

I was re-teaching objectives during this lesson by having students respond to questions in a Nearpod all about the sun, focusing
on why it appears so bright to us, why it is important to us and what size it is. Based on student responses, I received a data
sheet on students’ scores and how they did on each problem. I think that based on students’ scores, I need to re-teach some of
the content from today because there were five or six students who were all lower than I wanted them to be. Before the lesson
started, a group of three went down to the clinic, and those three who missed part of the lesson were three of the students who
did poorly on the Nearpod questions because they missed the explanation of the content. I will reteach certain questions from
the Nearpod with those three students in the morning instead of having them graph their I-Ready scores in the morning before
morning meeting.

Reflection on Teaching: (Analyze and evaluate your lesson and class management.)

This is my first Nearpod completing with students and they loved it! I made sure that the laptops were charging before lunch,
and I double checked that the Nearpod was working on students’ computers during IDR time. Before starting the Nearpod, I
reviewed vocabulary in a different way than normal to elicit creativity. Students created index cards for a vocabulary word, and
more index cards for other vocabulary words if they had time within the three minutes. By discussing with students the
definition, using it in a sentence with students and having them draw pictures of what the vocabulary word means to them,
students connected more with the vocabulary words, which will help them remember the vocabulary words better. After
students were completed with the index cards, I had them turn them into me and the next day I had created an index card mural
with a poster, showcasing their pictures with the vocabulary words.

Students loved the Nearpod and it allowed students who are shy in the class to participate without raising their hands or
speaking in class. I got to see who was hitting the learning goals I was thinking about in my head when I saw students’ scores
at the end. I will use their scores to adjust my instruction for tomorrow if I need to. My classroom management could have been
better, and I realize now that I should have reviewed expectations with them of Nearpod activities before I started the lesson.
Next time I will review the expectations before starting and remind students of them during the lesson. While I think that this
lesson was mostly successful, I think a review tomorrow will be beneficial for students.
(Using the three Pre-PGP goals completed in EDUC 393, describe how you progressed, or not, toward improving your practice
within those Domains. Include a statement on how your efforts impacted, or not, students’ learning experiences.) Complete this
atate box after the 2nd social studies lesson, the 2nd math lesson, the 2 nd reading lesson, and one lesson within the science unit.

Response to Feedback: INTEGRATED BLOCK ONLY

To be completed after post-observation meeting: Review and consider provided feedback. Describe how you will implement
next steps going forward. Explain how these next steps will impact students’ learning experiences.)

Learning trajectory: Detail the learning trajectory associated with this standard. A learning trajectory consists
of set of instructional tasks, matched to each of the levels of thinking in the developmental progression. These tasks
are designed to help students learn the ideas and skills needed to achieve that level of thinking by grade level.
Include each standard for grade levels below & one above from CPALMS, the VCS curriculum maps, Next
Generation Science Standards, or another standard- based resource.

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