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Kinetics 2—Nucleation

We saw in Chapter 7 that diffusive transformations (like the growth of metal
crystals from the liquid during solidification or the growth of one solid phase
from another during a polymorphic change) involve a mechanism in which
atoms are attached to the surfaces of the growing crystals. This means that dif-
fusive transformations can only take place if crystals of the new phase are
already present. But how do these crystals—or nuclei—form in the first place?


We begin by looking at how crystals nucleate in liquids. Because of thermal
agitation the atoms in the liquid are in a state of continual movement. From
time to time a small group of atoms will, purely by chance, come together to
form a tiny crystal. If the liquid is above TM the crystal will, after a very short
time, shake itself apart again. But if the liquid is below TM, there is a chance
that the crystal will be thermodynamically stable and will continue to grow.
How do we calculate the probability of finding stable nuclei below TM?
There are two work terms to consider when a nucleus forms from the liquid.
Equations (7.1) and (7.2) show that work of the type jΔHj(TMT)/TM is
available to help the nucleus form. If ΔH is expressed as the latent heat
given out when unit volume of the solid forms, then the total available energy
is (4/3)πr3jΔHj(TMT)/TM. But this is offset by the work 4πr2γSL needed to
create the solidliquid interface around the crystal. The net work needed to
form the crystal is then
4 ðTM 2 TÞ
Wf 5 4πr 2 γSL 2 πr 3 jΔHj : ð8:1Þ
3 TM
This result has been plotted out in Figure 8.1. It shows that there is a maxi-
mum value for Wf corresponding to a critical radius r*. For r , r*, (dWf/dr) 141
Engineering Materials 2: An Introduction to Microstructures and Processing, Fourth Edition
© 2013 Michael F. Ashby and David R. H. Jones. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
142 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

The work needed to make a spherical nucleus.

is positive, whereas for r . r* it is negative. This means that if a random

fluctuation produces a nucleus of size r , r*, it will be unstable: the system
can do free work if the nucleus loses atoms and r decreases. The opposite is
true when a fluctuation gives a nucleus with r . r*. Then, free work is done
when the nucleus gains atoms, and it will tend to grow. To summarize,
if random fluctuations in the liquid give crystals with r . r*, then
stable nuclei will form and solidification can begin.
To calculate r*, we differentiate Equation (8.1) to give
dWf ðTM 2 TÞ
5 8πrγSL 2 4πr 2 jΔHj : ð8:2Þ
dr TM

We can then use the condition that dWf/dr 5 0 at r 5 r* to give

r 5 ð8:3Þ
jΔHjðTM 2 TÞ
for the critical radius.
We are now in a position to go back and look at what is happening in the
liquid in more detail. As we said earlier, small groups of liquid atoms are
continually shaking themselves together to make tiny crystals which, after a
short life, shake themselves apart again. There is a high probability of find-
ing small crystals, but a small probability of finding large crystals. And the
probability of finding crystals containing more than 102 atoms (r v 1 nm) is
negligible. As Figure 8.2 shows, we can estimate the temperature Thom
at which nucleation will first occur by setting r* 5 1 nm in Equation (8.3).
8.3 Heterogeneous Nucleation 143

Homogeneous nucleation will take place when the random crystals can grow, i.e., when r . r *.

For typical values of γSL, TM, and ΔH, we then find that TMThom  100 K,
so a large undercooling is needed to make nucleation happen.
This sort of nucleation—where the only atoms involved are those of the
material itself—is called homogeneous nucleation. It cannot be the way
materials usually solidify because often an undercooling of 1 C or even less
is all that is needed. Homogeneous nucleation has been observed in ultra-
clean laboratory samples. But it is the exception, not the rule.


Normally, when a pond of water freezes over or when a metal casting starts
to solidify, nucleation occurs at a temperature only a few degrees below TM.
How do we explain this easy nucleation? Well, liquids like pond water or
foundry melts inevitably contain solid particles of dirt. These act as catalysts
for nucleation: they give a random crystal a “foothold,” and allow it to grow
more easily. It is this heterogeneous nucleation which is responsible for solidi-
fication in all practical materials situations.
Heterogeneous nucleation is most likely to occur when there is a strong
tendency for the crystal to stick to the surface of the catalyst. This stick-
ing tendency can be described by the angle of contact, θ, shown in
Figure 8.3: the smaller θ, the better the adhesion. Anyone who has tried
to get electronic solder to stick to a strip of copper will understand this
well. If the copper is tarnished, the solder will just roll around as a
144 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

Heterogeneous nucleation takes place on the surface of a solid catalyst. For the catalyst to be
effective, there must be a strong tendency for it to be “wetted” by the crystal, i.e., θ must be small.

molten blob with θ 5 180 and will not stick to the surface at all. If the
tarnished copper is fluxed, then θ may decrease to 90 : the molten solder
will stay put on the copper but it will not spread. Only when the copper
is both clean and fluxed will θ be zero, allowing the solder to “wet” the
If we know the contact angle, we can work out r* quite easily. We assume
that the nucleus is a spherical cap of radius r and use standard mathematical
formulae for the area of the solidliquid interface, the area of the
catalystsolid interface, and the volume of the nucleus. For 0 # θ # 90 ,
these are:
solid  liquid area 5 2πr 2 ð1 2 cos θÞ; ð8:4Þ
catalyst  solid area 5 πr ð1 2 cos θÞ;
2 2
2πr 3 3 1
nucleus volume 5 1 2 cos θ 1 cos θ :
3 2 2

Then, by analogy with Equation (8.1), we can write

Wf 5 2πr 2 ð1 2
8cos θÞγSL 1 πr ð1 2 cos9 θÞγCS 2 πr ð1 2 cos θÞγCL
2 2 2 2

2πr 3 < 3 1 = ðTM 2 TÞ ð8:7Þ

2 1 2 cos θ 1 cos3 θ jΔHj :
3 : 2 2 ; TM
8.3 Heterogeneous Nucleation 145

Note that this equation has two energy terms that did not appear in
Equation (8.1). The first, πr2(1 2 cos2 θ)γCS, is the energy needed to create the
new interface between the catalyst and the solid. The second, 2πr2(l 2 cos2 θ)γCL,
is the energy released because the area of the catalystliquid interface is
smaller after nucleation than it was before.
As it stands, Equation (8.7) contains too many unknowns. But there is one
additional piece of information that we can use. The interfacial energies, γSL,
γCS, and γCL act as surface tensions in just the way that a soap film has both a
surface energy and a surface tension. This means that the mechanical equilib-
rium around the edge of the nucleus can be described by the triangle of forces
γCL 5 γCS 1 γSL cos θ: ð8:8Þ

If we substitute this result into Equation (8.7), the interfacial energy terms
reduce to
2πr 2 ð1 2 cos θÞγSL 1 πr 2 ð1 2 cos2 θÞð2γSL cos θÞ;
3 1
2πr 2 1 2 cos θ 1 cos3 θ γSL : ð8:9Þ
2 2

The complete result for Wf then becomes

3 1 2πr 3 ðTM 2 TÞ
Wf 5 1 2 cos θ 1 cos3 θ 2πr 2 γSL 2 jΔHj : ð8:10Þ
2 2 3 TM

Finally, if we use the condition that dWf/dr 5 0 at r 5 r*, we get

r 5 ð8:11Þ
jΔHjðTM 2 TÞ
for the critical radius in heterogeneous nucleation.
If we compare Equations (8.11) and (8.3), we see that the expressions for
the critical radius are identical for both homogeneous and heterogeneous
nucleation. But the expressions for the volume of the critical nucleus are not.
For homogeneous nucleation, the critical volume is

 4  3
Vhom 5 πðr Þ ð8:12Þ
3 hom
whereas for heterogeneous nucleation it is
 2  3 3 1
Vhet 5 πðrhet Þ 1 2 cos θ 1 cos θ :
3 2 2
146 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

The maximum statistical fluctuation of 102 atoms is the same in both homo-
geneous and heterogeneous nucleation. If Ω is the volume occupied by one
atom in the nucleus, then we can easily see that

Vhom 5 102 Ω 5 Vhet : ð8:14Þ

Equating the right-hand terms of Equations (8.12) and (8.13), then tells us

rhet 5  1=3 : ð8:15Þ
2 12 32 cos θ1 12 cos3 θ

If the nucleus wets the catalyst well, with θ 5 10  , say, then Equation
(8.15) tells us that rhet 5 18 rhom : In other words, if we arrange our 102
atoms as a spherical cap on a good catalyst, we get a much bigger crystal
radius than if we arrange them as a sphere. And, as Figure 8.4 explains, this
means that heterogeneous nucleation always “wins” over homogeneous
It is easy to estimate the undercooling that we would need to get hetero-
geneous nucleation with a 10  contact angle. From Equations (8.11) and
(8.3), we have

5 18 3 ; ð8:16Þ
jΔHjðTM 2 Thet Þ jΔHjðTM 2 Thom Þ

which gives

TM 2 Thom 102 K
TM 2 Thet 5   5 K: ð8:17Þ
18 18

It is nice to see that this result is consistent with the small undercoolings
that we often see in practice.
You can observe heterogeneous nucleation easily in carbonated drinks like
“fizzy” lemonade. These contain carbon dioxide which is dissolved in
the drink under pressure. When a new bottle is opened, the pressure on the
liquid immediately drops to that of the atmosphere. The liquid becomes
supersaturated with gas, and a driving force exists for the gas to come out
of solution in the form of bubbles. The materials used for lemonade
bottles—glass or plastic—are poor catalysts for the heterogeneous nucleation
of gas bubbles and are usually very clean, so you can swallow the drink
before it loses its “fizz.” But ordinary board chalk (for example) is an
8.4 Nucleation in Solids 147

Heterogeneous nucleation takes place at higher temperatures because the maximum random
fluctuation of 102 atoms gives a bigger crystal radius if the atoms are arranged as a spherical cap.

excellent former of bubbles. If you drop such a catalyst into a newly opened
bottle of carbonated beverage, spectacular heterogeneous nucleation ensues.
Chalk makes lemonade fizz.


Nucleation in solids is very similar to nucleation in liquids. Because solids
usually contain high-energy defects (like dislocations, grain boundaries,
interphase interfaces, and free surfaces) new phases usually nucleate hetero-
geneously; homogeneous nucleation, which occurs in defect-free regions,
requires a large undercooling. Figure 8.5 summarizes the various ways in
which heterogeneous nucleation can take place in a typical polycrystalline
solid; and Examples 8.2 and 8.3 illustrate how nucleation theory can be
applied to a solid-state situation.
148 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

Nucleation in solids. Heterogeneous nucleation can take place at defects like dislocations, grain
boundaries, interphase interfaces, and free surfaces. Homogeneous nucleation in defect-free regions
requires a large undercooling, TMT.

In this chapter, we have shown that diffusive transformations can only take
place if nuclei of the new phase can form to begin with. Nuclei form because
random atomic vibrations are continually making tiny crystals of the new
phase; and if the temperature is low enough these tiny crystals are thermo-
dynamically stable and will grow. In homogeneous nucleation, the nuclei
form as spheres within the bulk of the material. In heterogeneous nucleation,
the nuclei form as spherical caps on defects like solid surfaces, grain bound-
aries, interphase interfaces, or dislocations. Heterogeneous nucleation occurs
at much smaller undercoolings than homogeneous nucleation because the
defects give the new crystal a good “foothold.” Homogeneous nucleation is
unusual because materials almost always contain defects.


Nucleation—of one sort or another—crops up almost everywhere. During
winter, plants die and people get frostbitten because ice nucleates hetero-
geneously inside cells. But many plants have adapted themselves to prevent
heterogeneous nucleation; they can survive down to the homogeneous
nucleation temperature of 240  C. The “contrails” left by aircraft consist of
tiny droplets of water that have nucleated and grown from the water vapor
produced by combustion. Subatomic particles can be tracked during high-
energy physics experiments by firing them through superheated liquid in a
“bubble chamber”: the particles trigger the nucleation of gas bubbles which
show where the particles have been. And the food industry is plagued by
Worked Example 149

nucleation problems. Sucrose (sugar) has a big molecule and it is difficult to

get it to crystallize from aqueous solutions. That is fine if you want to make
caramel—this clear, brown, tooth-breaking substance is just amorphous
sucrose. But the sugar refiners have big problems making granulated
sugar and will go to great lengths to get adequate nucleation in their sugar
solutions. We give examples of how nucleation applies specifically to
materials in a set of case studies on phase transformations in Chapter 10.

We saw in Section 8.2 that the critical radius for homogeneous nucleation in
an undercooled liquid was given by
r 5 :

When the radius of the nucleus is equal to r*, it is in equilibrium with

the surrounding liquid. However, this is an unstable equilibrium (see
Figure 6.3). If the nucleus loses just one or two atoms, r , r*, and it will
continue to melt away until it vanishes. If the nucleus gains just one or two
atoms, r . r*, and it will continue to grow until it runs out of undercooled
We can cross-multiply the equation to show the equilibrium temperature
when a solid sphere of radius r is in contact with its own liquid.
TM 2γ
TM  Tr  ΔT 5 3 SL :
jΔHj r

Because this equation is derived from first principles using thermodynamics,

it can be applied to any size of sphere from a cluster of atoms large enough
to define the crystal structure (and the structure of the solidliquid inter-
face) up to say 1 mm—at which point the use of the equation is limited by
the accuracy of temperature measurement. The table gives representative
values of ΔT and r over this range for the ice-water system as an example.
Now there are some geometries for a convex solidliquid interface which
are stable with respect to changes in r. You have already seen one in
Chapter 2, Example 2.5. The photograph from Example 2.5 is given again
here. The main solidliquid interface in the sample of camphene is planar,
but where it curves down to meet the grain boundary it develops a decreas-
ing radius of curvature r (in one dimension, not two as in a sphere). Because
the sample is subjected to a temperature gradient parallel to the grain
150 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

boundary, the liquid in the groove is undercooled, and this compensate for
the convex curvature of the solidliquid interface.
Data for ice-water

ΔT ( C) r
40 (homogeneous nucleation 1 nm
of ice in water)
5 10 nm
1 50 nm
101 0.5 μm
102 5 μm
103 50 μm
104 0.5 mm

In fact, this is the standard method for measuring solidliquid interfacial

energies. In the case of the photograph, the temperature gradient is
1.3  C mm1, so ΔT 5 1.3  C mm1 3 7.7 3 103 mm 5 10 3 103  C. The
radius of curvature at the bottom of the groove, r  8 μm. For camphene,
jΔHj/TM 5 61 kJ m23 K21. Putting numbers in the equation then gives
1 γSL
10 3 103 K  1 3 :
61 kJ m K 8 3 106 m
Note that because the interface is only curved in one dimension, there is no
factor of 2 in front of γSL. The equation gives
γSL  10 3 103 K 3 61 kJ m3 K1 3 8 3 106 m  5 mJ m2 ;
which is very close to the value obtained from more accurate and extensive

Temperature gradient 7.7 μm (ΔT)
= 1.3 °C mm–1
r ≈ 8 μm
Examples 151

8.1 The temperature at which ice nuclei form homogeneously from undercooled
water is 240  C. Find r* given that γ 5 25 mJ m22, jΔHj 5 335 kJ kg21, and
TM 5 273 K. Estimate the number of H2O molecules needed to make a critical-
sized nucleus. Why do ponds freeze over when the temperature falls below 0  C
by only a few degrees?

(The density of ice is 0.92 Mg m23. The atomic weights of hydrogen and oxygen
are 1.01 and 16.00, respectively.)
r* 5 1.11 nm; 176 molecules.

8.2 An alloy is cooled from a temperature at which it has a single-phase structure

(α) to a temperature at which the equilibrium structure is two-phase (α 1 β).
During cooling, small precipitates of the β phase nucleate heterogeneously
at α grain boundaries. The nuclei are lens shaped as shown below.

Show that the free work needed to produce a nucleus is given by

3 1 4
Wf 5 1 2 cos θ 1 cos3 θ 4πr 2 γαβ 2 πr 3 jΔGj
2 2 3
where jΔGj is the free work produced when unit volume of β forms from α. You may assume
that mechanical equilibrium at the edge of the lens requires that
γGB 5 2γαβ cos θ:

Hence, show that the critical radius is given by

r  5 2γαβ =jΔGj:

8.3 Pure titanium is cooled from a temperature at which the b.c.c. phase is stable to
a temperature at which the c.p.h. phase is stable. As a result, lens-shaped nuclei
of the c.p.h. phase form at the grain boundaries. Estimate the number of atoms
needed to make a critical-sized nucleus given the following data:
ΔH 5 3.48 kJ mol21; atomic weight 5 47.90; TeT 5 30 K; Te 5 882  C;
γ 5 0.1 J m22; density of the c.p.h. phase 5 4.5 Mg m23; θ 5 5 .
67 atoms.
152 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

8.4 Adapt Equations (8.1), (8.2), and (8.3) to give the equation for the equilibrium
undercooling ΔT 5 TM 2 Tr for a cylindrical crystal of radius r in contact with its
own liquid. Hence, verify that your equation does not have the factor of 2 in
front of γSL. (A cylindrical crystal cannot form during homogeneous
nucleation, but it is the correct representation for the one-dimensional curvature
of the solidliquid interface at a grain-boundary groove—see the Worked
8.5 A classic set of experiments on homogeneous nucleation was published by the
brilliant scientist David Turnbull (GE R&D Labs, NY) in 1952. Turnbull used
mercury (TM 5 234.33 K, 238.87  C) as the sample material. 5 cm3 of liquid Hg
was mixed with 150 cm3 of silicone oil using a food blender (“health and safety”
would not like that these days!), which broke the Hg up into a large number of
isolated droplets having a mean diameter of 3.27 μm. The sample was then
quenched to various temperatures below TM, and the solidification of the liquid
Hg droplets was followed over time by measuring the contraction in volume of
the sample (solid Hg is more dense than liquid Hg). At a temperature of 155.45 K
(ΔT 5 78.88 K), 80% of the droplets had solidified after 650 min. You can assume
that it takes much longer for a nucleus to form in each droplet than for the
droplet to solidify once the nucleus has formed. Using the information given
above, calculate the nucleation rate, I, per second per centimeter cube of
undercooled liquid Hg. (Hint: first calculate the number of droplets in the
1.12 3 106 s1 cm3.

8.6 Turnbull repeated his experiments at lower temperatures (greater ΔT)

and obtained the results shown in the table. Nucleation theory
gives the following equation for the variation in nucleation rate with

I 5 A exp K 3 ;
T ðΔT Þ2

where A and K are constants.

T (K) ΔT (K) I (s1 cm3)

155.45 78.88 1.12 3 106
155.17 79.16 1.66 3 106
154.96 79.37 2.60 3 106
154.69 79.64 3.67 3 106
154.41 79.92 5.77 3 106
154.20 80.13 8.37 3 106
Examples 153

Plot values of ln I versus 1/T(ΔT)2 and determine the value of K from the slope of
the plot. K is given by the equation

16πγ3SL TM 2
K5 :
3k jΔH j

k 5 1.381 3 1023 J K1 is Boltzmann’s constant. Using your value of K, estimate

the value of γSL. ΔH 5 2.324 kJ mol1, atomic weight of Hg 5 200 g mol1, and
density of solid Hg 5 14.1 g cm3. Because you are using mixed units, write out
all the units in your equations! Note that ΔH must be expressed per unit volume
of solid Hg.
K 5 8.40 3 107 K3; γSL 5 32 mJ m2.

8.7 At the largest undercooling of 80.13 K, Turnbull measured a nucleation rate of

8.37 3 106 s1 cm3. Following the method you used in Example 8.5,
back-calculate the time it would take for 80% of the droplets to nucleate at this
temperature. Using the equation

I 5 A exp K 3 ;
T ðΔT Þ2

with K 5 8.40 3 107 K3, estimate the time for 80% nucleation at an undercooling
of (a) 85 K and (b) 90 K. Sketch a graph of log (80% nucleation time) versus ΔT
over the range 78.88  90 K.
87 min; (a) 5 s; (b) 1 3 102 s.

8.8 Using Equation (8.3), and relevant data from Examples 8.5 and 8.6, estimate
the critical nucleus radius r* for ΔT values of (a) 79 K and (b) 90 K. Estimate
the number of Hg atoms in the critical nucleus. Calculate the volume
occupied by one Hg atom, and hence estimate the number of atoms in the
surface of the nucleus (the surface area of a sphere is 4πr2). Hence verify
that the nucleus is large enough to define the structure of the solidliquid
1.16 nm; 1.02 nm; 278 atoms; 0.0235 nm3; 207 atoms (i.e., 14 atoms by 14 atoms).

8.9 Turnbull carried out further experiments where an oxidizing agent (acetyl
peroxide) was added to the silicone oil. This reacted with the Hg on the surfaces
of the droplets to form a monolayer of crystalline oxide. It was found that
nucleation occurred at an undercooling of  47 K, compared to  80 K for
homogeneous nucleation. Given that the ratio ΔThom/ΔThet 5 80/47 5 1.70,
154 CHAPTER 8: Kinetics 2—Nucleation

use Equations (8.15) and (8.16) to calculate the value of the contact angle θ
between the solid nucleus and the oxide catalyst. Why is your value of θ
consistent with a large value of ΔThet?
θ 5 65  (Turnbull obtained 72 with a more detailed analysis).

8.10 Explain why a sample of liquid Hg which has been divided into a large number
of separate droplets can be cooled to the homogeneous nucleation
temperature, but a single undivided sample cannot.

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