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Name: Lillia Hite Date: 9/25/20 Time: 1:45-2:20 Lesson #6

Big Idea/Topic The Universe Grade/ Subject 3rd Science

CPALMS/ Resource link
Lesson Structure: Hands on Activity, ELA
Standards: (CCSS/NGSSS)
SC.3.E.5.3 Recognize that the sun appears large and bright because it is the closest star to the Earth.
Instructional outcomes/objectives(s): (Clear objectives written in the form of student learning)
Students will describe how a star’s distance from the Earth affects how it is seen.
Language Objective(s): (Must include language skill/domain and function, may contain grammar, where appropriate)
Listening: Students are listening to me instruct them and listening to their peers responses and questions.
Reading: Students are reading the text “The Sun and the Stars”
Speaking: Students are discussing why the some stars look brighter than others and discussing what they notice about the two
Writing: Students are writing down their answers on the sticky note and after the reading on their questions.

Key Vocabulary (academic/content-defined in kid friendly terms) Instructional

Sun: medium sized yellow star Materials/Resources/Technology
Star: ball of superhot gas that also looks like a little light in the sky (include hyperlinks to videos & websites)
Emit: to send out from a source -The Sun and the Stars PowerPoint
-3 flashlights
-The Sun and Stars text

-The Sun and Stars Modified Questions &

Regular Questions
H.O.T.S. Graphic Organizer/Thinking Map:
Bloom’s Taxonomy nizers/
What are observations about the two lights on the board?
In this model is there a star that is actually bigger? How do you know?
In the model we created today, what does it tell us about why the sun appears
to be the brightest star?
Based on our activity from today, what make some stars brighter than
Lesson Portions: Pacing ESOL Support
• How will you introduce the lesson, assess or activate For each level EL at each instructional step.
prior knowledge, motivate students to learn? (Add additional rows with Tab)
• How will the lesson develop or proceed? What steps will
you follow? What are the students expected to do?
➢ Highlight differentiated strategies.
➢ Underline higher order/high quality questions in lesson.
Introduction/Building Background: (Link to Prior Knowledge)
Hello astronomers! The past few days we have been studying the
impact the telescope has on stars. We have learned that telescopes 30 sec
magnify stars and increase our ability to see them. In 2 grade,
you all investigated by making observations and measurements on
effects the sun has on the water, land and air. Today we are going
to be exploring the sun’s position to Earth using flashlights and
our previous knowledge
Instructional Steps:
As we have discovered, stars can have a variety of different colors
based on how hot they are. The hotter they are, the brighter they 2 min
burn. However, that doesn’t explain why some of the cooler stars
(like the orange and red ones) seem to be shining brighter than
some of the blue ones. Do you have any inferences to explain this
observation? (Discuss inferences with students)

From Earth, stars appear as tiny points of light. Based on our

explorations last week, we know that many of these stars are
actually MUCH bigger than Earth.
A; I will use hand gestures when explaining
The closest star to Earth also appears to be the biggest. This star is stars and how they are related to the Sum.
so bright that when it’s visible to us, we cannot see any of the
other stars. Like we learned in MysteryScience last week, this star 2 mins
is the sun.
• So what star is closest to Earth? (the sun)
Show students a picture of the sun from Earth and put it on the
projector. Ask students: 2 mins
• How does the sun look from Earth? (large and bright)
• What types of star is the sun? (A medium sized yellow

Although it’s the closest, the sun is actually 92 million miles away.
The next closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri at 5.8 trillion
miles away. Today, we are going to be demonstrating how this
distance impacts how big stars appear.

Have students stand against the back of the room. Place a

flashlight close to then and a flashlight as far away from them as
• What are observations about the two lights on the board? 5 mins
• Which star appears bigger?
• In this model is there a star is actually bigger? How do
you know? (Trick question, they’re the same size. Bring
the flashlights to the same location to prove it).
• In the model we created today, what does it tell us about
why the sun appears to be the brightest star?
*If you have bigger flashlights, demonstrate how size impacts this
2 mins
The light that is closer to you looks brighter. The light that is
A: I will give students a copy of the vocabulary
further looks fainter. This is just how it is with stars and Earth. The
words to if they need support.
distance between stars and the Earth are what makes some stars
look brighter than others.
• Based on our activity from today, what make some stars
brighter than others? (Have students write it on a sticky
note and turn it in to make sure that all students are 10 min
participating and know the answer)

Now it is time for you all to learn more about the Sun and the
stars. I want you to read the text that the teacher assistant is
passing out, either by yourself or with a partner. When you are
finished reading, I want you to return to your own seats and A: The questions are modified to be multiple
complete the Sun and Stars questions independently. When you choice instead of short response.
are done, turn it into the science bin.

Have students read the text “Sun and the Stars” Students can
choose to read with a partner or by themselves. After they are
finished reading, have students return to their seats and complete
The Sun and Stars questions independently. Have students turn in
their questions into the science bin when they are finished.
Questions are modified for lower-level students so they are not
extended response but multiple choice.

Closures Pacing ESOL Support

Content: 30 sec
Today we learned that the reason why some stars appear brighter
than others which is because of their distance from Earth.
Great job scientists! Please make sure that you turned in your sun
and stars questions with your name on it and get packed up for
ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points ESE Accommodations (content, product, process, environment)
(identify access point, if needed) Questions are modified for lower-level students
5.3 SC.3.E.5.Pa.2: Recognize that the Sun is bright. so they are not extended response but multiple
SC.3.E.5.In.3: Recognize that the Sun is the closest star to Earth. choice.
SC.3.E.5.Su.3: Recognize that the Sun is a star.
Assessment of Student Learning: (congruent with instructional objectives)

Objective 1: Students complete an exit slip following reading a text

about the sun and the stars

Post Lesson Analysis

Lesson Adjustment: (How are you re-teaching objectives for mastery based on formative assessment? Include evidence.)
I was re-teaching the objectives by asking students questions during the lesson and while we were reading in the text. When I
had students complete the flashlight activity, I let students make inferences and observations about the light difference between
the two flashlight circles on the board, instead of tell them the correct answer. I got to hear their observations and reasoning. I
had the one student, Luke, move closer to the board and relate it to the sun being close to the Earth. After this and explaining
the experiment, I asked students questions about it and found out that they were solid in their understanding, stars appear to be
brighter because of the distance, not the size or color. I also had students complete a reading and questions that were similar to
the experiment that we did to solidify their understanding.
Reflection on Teaching: (Analyze and evaluate your lesson and class management.)
I think that this lesson was successful. By creating an experiment that was hands on and relatively simple, students were able
to connect the flashlight to stars in our galaxy. By discussing our inferences and having students be quiet during the lesson,
everyone was heard, and the objective of the lesson shown through. The class management was successful, and students were
engaged during most, if not all parts of it. I enjoyed hearing students get excited about the different colors of stars and them
being super ready to give me answers to my questions. Although students were excited for fun Friday and science almost
cutting into it, students were on task and completed their reading and exit slip at the end of the lesson.


(Using the three Pre-PGP goals completed in EDUC 393, describe how you progressed, or not, toward improving your practice
within those Domains. Include a statement on how your efforts impacted, or not, students’ learning experiences.) Complete this
box after the 2nd social studies lesson, the 2nd math lesson, the 2 nd reading lesson, and one lesson within the science unit.

Response to Feedback: INTEGRATED BLOCK ONLY

To be completed after post-observation meeting: Review and consider provided feedback. Describe how you will implement
next steps going forward. Explain how these next steps will impact students’ learning experiences.)

Learning trajectory: Detail the learning trajectory associated with this standard. A learning trajectory consists
of set of instructional tasks, matched to each of the levels of thinking in the developmental progression. These tasks
are designed to help students learn the ideas and skills needed to achieve that level of thinking by grade level.
Include each standard for grade levels below & one above from CPALMS, the VCS curriculum maps, Next
Generation Science Standards, or another standard- based resource.

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