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Name : Angelina Betty Siburian

ID : 200600129

Faculty : Dentistry


Dentist: Hello, miss. How are you feeling?

Patient : I’m not feeling great, to be honest.

Dentist: Oh, really? What brought you here today?

Patient : I feel some sort of pain in my teeth.

Dentist: Which part, if I may know?

Patient: That part on the back, near my throat.

Dentist: Oh, do you mean your molar teeth?

Patient: Yes, yes, my molar teeth.

Dentist: How bad is the pain?

Patient: It is really bad.

Dentist: Does it affect your daily activity?

Patient: It does. I can barely eat and sleep at night. It is really painful.
Dentist: How long have you had this pain?

Patient: For about three days or so.

Dentist: I see. Did you do something in the last three days that might have caused the pain?

Patient: Perhaps it might have started when I attended my friend’s birthday party the other

day. I ate hot pizzas and then drank a glass of cold soda afterwards.

Dentist: Okay, did you brush your teeth after that?

Patient: Of course, yeah.

Dentist: Did you brush your teeth before that?

Patient: As long as I remember, I did.

Dentist: Do you have a habit of brushing your teeth hardly?

Patient: I think so. My mom used to tell me to brush my teeth firmly so that there’s no stain


Dentist: I see. What kind of toothbrush do you use?

Patient: I use a coarse-bristle toothbrush.

Dentist: Oh, okay. Do you floss your teeth regularly?

Patient: No, I never really floss my teeth.

Dentist: Hmm that’s pretty unfortunate. But, let’s see what I can do. I have final question for

you. Does the pain reach the head until it aches?

Patient: Only when I drink a cold drink and hot food.

Dentist: Well, I guess I have a diagnosis. You may have sensitive teeth. It is caused by

consuming food and drink that is too hot or too cold. Plus, your habit of brushing your

teeth firmly may also cause sensitive teeth. I would recommend you a toothbrush with

soft bristles and a tooth paste that contains fluoride to help you deal with sensitive

teeth problems. Is that okay?

Patient: Sure, no problem.

Dentist: Alright, then. For now, let’s check your teeth in case anything has been missed from my

diagnosis, shall we?

Patient: Okay, let’s do it.

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