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Enhanced Base Station
Controller (eBSC)
NBSS 13.0 Standard 02.16 September 2006

What’s inside...
CPDS software maintenance
CPDS equipment management
Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
Node maintenance
CBRS equipment maintenance
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node
Technical data
Add a new Passport 15000 node
Enhanced Base Station Controller

Document number: NN-20000-147

Product release: NBSS 13.0
Document version: Standard 02.16
Date: September 2006

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Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks, All Rights Reserved

Originated in the United States of America/Canada


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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

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Contents 1
About this document ix
Audience for this document ix
Special text conventions in this document ix
Indication of hypertext links ix
Related NTPs ix

CPDS software maintenance 1-1

CPDS software maintenance procedures 1-1
Removing unused software 1-1

CPDS equipment management 2-1

CPDS equipment management task flow 2-1
CPDS equipment management procedure navigation 2-2
Performing PCUFP replacement precondition using C-EMS 2-3
Performing DSFP replacement precondition using C-EMS 2-7
Replacing Functional Processors 2-9
Performing PCUFP post-replacement using C-EMS 2-12
Performing DSFP post-replacement using C-EMS 2-13

OT-21 firmware upgrade 3-1

OT-21 firmware upgrade 3-1

Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-1

Replacing the OT-21 NTP Server 4-2
Introductory information 4-2
Powering down the system 4-3
Uninstalling alarm connections (DE9, Wire Wrap) 4-5
Disconnecting the Serial/Comm Port 4-6
Disconnecting the Ethernet connection 4-7
Uninstalling Input and Output connections (DE9 and Wire wrap) 4-7
Uninstalling the GPS antenna connections 4-10
Uninstalling the power and ground connections 4-11
Removing the NTP server from a rack 4-14
Installing the replacement OT-21 4-15
Installing the NTP server in a rack 4-15
Installing power and ground connections 4-16
Connecting power to the chassis 4-17

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

iv Contents
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Installing the GPS antenna connections 4-19

Installing input and output connections 4-20
Wire Wrap connectivity connections 4-21
Connecting to serial/comm port 4-23
Installing alarm connections (DE9 and Wire wrap) 4-25
Verifying the installation 4-28
Initial Setup 4-30

Node maintenance 5-1

Recommendations for alignment configuration 5-1
Resynchronizing BSS Manager and Passport 15000 5-1
Synchronizing after a BSS Manager corruption 5-2
Synchronizing after a Passport 15000 corruption 5-3
Recommendations for timing for provisioning cleanup 5-5
Provisioning view cleanup 5-5
Performing software cleanup 5-7
Performing port cleanup 5-13
Recovering from an Ethernet disconnect 5-14
Clearing critical alarm for 11pMSW with no BTS connected 5-16
Consequences of not connecting an 11pMSW to a BTS 5-16
Alarm clearing strategies 5-16
How deletion of the LAPS component affects BSC operations 5-17
Setting the antenna delay on the EbscTM modules 5-22

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-1

Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement 6-2
Functional processor replacement preconditions 6-11
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-12
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-28
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-36
Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-54
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement 6-59
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure 6-68
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure 6-82
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure 6-90
Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure 6-105
CCMC card replacements 6-110
BCN MUX card replacement 6-110
Replacing BCN MUX card 6-114
T1 MUX card replacement 6-122
Replacing T1 MUX 6-126
EBSCTM replacement 6-131
Replacing EBSCTM 6-132
EBSCTM alarm troubleshooting 6-139
BIP Panel alarm troubleshooting 6-139
Alarm differences between 20 amp and 5 amp breakers 6-141

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Contents v
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Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet 6-142

Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7-1

Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7-1
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback 7-5

Technical data 8-1

Technical data for the OC3 ports on the 11pMSW FP 8-1
Transmitter 8-1
Receiver 8-1
11pMSW FP-to-Optical Mux connectivity 8-2
Multi-Mode Connector at the Mux: 8-2
Single-Mode Optical Port at the Mux: 8-4
DISCO address ranges 8-7

Add a new Passport 15000 node 9-1

Adding Passport 15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt mode 9-1
Removing Passport 15000s from a group 9-3

Figure 2-1 CPDS equipment management procedures 2-1
Figure 4-1 Alarm closure connection for the DE9 chassis 4-5
Figure 4-2 Alarm closure connection for the Wire Wrap chassis 4-5
Figure 4-3 OT-21 NTP Server chassis with DE9 connectivity panel 4-8
Figure 4-4 OT-21 NTP Server with Wire Wrap connectivity pane 4-9
Figure 4-5 DE9 connectivity panel at rear of chassis 4-21
Figure 4-6 Wire Wrap connectivity panel at rear of chassis 4-22
Figure 4-7 OT-21 Ethernet connection (J16) 4-24
Figure 4-8 Alarm closure connection for the DE9 chassis 4-25
Figure 4-9 Alarm closure connection for the Wire Wrap chassis 4-27
Figure 8-1 Direct Connection to MM optical Mux 8-3
Figure 8-2 Patch panel/FMU connection to MM optical MUX 8-3
Figure 8-3 Direct connection to SM optical MUX 8-5
Figure 8-4 FMU and patch panel connection to SM optical MUX 8-6
Figure 8-5 FMU and patch panel connection to SM optical MUX 8-7

Table 2-1 Precondition procedure required for the Function Processors 2-9
Table 4-1 Telecommunications Clock Outputs for Connectors J3
through J12 4-21
Table 4-2 Telecommunications Clock Outputs for Wire Wrap Chassis 4-22
Table 4-3 Communications Serial Port A (J15) Interface 4-24
Table 4-4 Alarm contact pin assignments for DE9 chassis 4-26
Table 4-5 Alarm Contact Pin Assignments for Wire Wrap Chassis (J13) 4-27
Table 5-1 Cable propagation delay at GPS frequencies 5-22
Table 6-1 Precondition procedure required for the Function Processors 6-59
Table 6-2 BCN MUX card / 24pBCN FP RS422 port mappings 6-111
Table 6-3 T1 MUX / 11pMSW port mappings 6-123
Table 6-4 CBRS components directly related to the Passport 15000 6-140
Table 6-5 Alarm differences between 20 amp and 5 amp breakers 6-141

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

vi Contents
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Table 8-1 DISCO address ranges 8-7

Procedure 1-1 Removing unused software 1-1
Procedure 2-1 Performing the PCUFP replacement preconditions 2-3
Procedure 2-2 Performing the DSFP replacement preconditions 2-7
Procedure 2-3 Removing or replacing Passport 15000 FP 2-10
Procedure 2-4 Performing PCUFP post-replacement 2-12
Procedure 2-5 Performing DFSF post-replacement 2-13
Procedure 3-1 OT-21 firmware upgrade 3-1
Procedure 4-1 Powering down the system 4-4
Procedure 4-2 Disconnecting the Serial/Comm Port 4-6
Procedure 4-3 Disconnecting the Ethernet cable 4-7
Procedure 4-4 Disconnecting GPS antenna from chassis 4-10
Procedure 4-5 Disconnecting the power from the chassis 4-12
Procedure 4-6 Removing the NTP server from a rack 4-14
Procedure 4-7 Installing the NTP server in a rack 4-15
Procedure 4-8 Installing power and ground connections 4-16
Procedure 4-9 Connecting power to the chassis 4-17
Procedure 4-10 Installing the GPS antenna connections 4-19
Procedure 4-11 Connecting to serial/comm port 4-23
Procedure 4-12 Verifying power and cable connections 4-28
Procedure 4-13 Configuring IP addresses on OT-21 4-30
Procedure 5-1 Synchronizing network databases after BSS Manager
corruption 5-2
Procedure 5-2 Synchronizing network databases after Passport 15000
corruption 5-3
Procedure 5-3 Provisioning view cleanup 5-6
Procedure 5-4 Performing software cleanup 5-8
Procedure 5-5 Performing port cleanup 5-13
Procedure 5-6 Investigating proxy alarms 5-14
Procedure 5-7 Clearing alarms for 11pMSW with no connecting BTS 5-18
Procedure 5-8 Setting the Antenna Delay for EBSCTM modules 5-23
Procedure 6-1 Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement 6-2
Procedure 6-2 Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-12
Procedure 6-3 Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-28
Procedure 6-4 Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement
precondition procedure 6-36
Procedure 6-5 Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition
procedure 6-54
Procedure 6-6 Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement 6-60
Procedure 6-7 Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement
procedure 6-68
Procedure 6-8 Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement
procedure 6-82
Procedure 6-9 Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement
procedure 6-90
Procedure 6-10 Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement

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Contents vii
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procedure 6-105
Procedure 6-11 Replacing BCN MUX card 6-114
Procedure 6-12 Replacing T1 MUX 6-126
Procedure 6-13 Replacing EBSCTM 6-132
Procedure 6-14 Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS
Manager 6-142
Procedure 7-1 Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7-2
Procedure 7-2 Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback 7-5
Procedure 9-1 Adding Passport 15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt
mode 9-1
Procedure 9-2 Removing Passport 15000s from a group 9-3

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

viii Contents
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About this document 1

This document provides maintenance procedures for the Enhanced Base
Station Controller (eBSC).

References are made in this document to Nortel Technical Publications

(NTPs) to assist in locating relevant information. For those needing additional
assistance, please contact Nortel Wireless Products Support.

Audience for this document 1

This document is for Nortel Networks eBSC customers and other Nortel
support personnel including Product Verification/Test and Customer Support.

Special text conventions in this document 1

Indication of hypertext links
Hypertext links in this document are indicated in blue. If you are viewing a
PDF version of this document, click on the blue text to jump to the associated
section or page.

Related NTPs 1
For further information on the topics in this NTP, refer to the following NTPs:
• CDMA Packet Data Subsystem (CPDS) Configuration Management,
• CDMA Packet Data Subsystem (CPDS) Overview, NN-20000-146.
• CEMS Overview, NN-20000-143.

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

x About this document
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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

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CPDS software maintenance 1

This chapter details the procedures used to manage the CDMA Packet Data
Subsystem (CPDS) software.

CPDS software maintenance procedures

CPDS software maintenance procedures include Procedure 1-1, “Removing
unused software”.

Removing unused software

The Remove Unused Software command is used to delete software, including
applications and views, from the enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC).
The latest two versions of each software application remain in the database.

Log into CDMA Element Management System (C-EMS), and the Network
Navigator window must be up and running to perform this procedure (see
“Network Management” in the CDMA Element Management System (C-
EMS) Overview, NN-20000-143.

Procedure 1-1
Removing unused software

Step Action

1 From the Network Navigator window top frame, select the first subnetwork.

2 In the Network Navigator Tree, click the plus (+) symbol to expand the elements under the
frame that contains the CPDS chassis from which software is to be removed.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

1-2 CPDS software maintenance
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Procedure 1-1
Removing unused software (continued)

Step Action

3 From the list of trees that have been expanded, double-click on the eBSC frame that contains
the CPDS chassis from which the software needs to be removed.
The FLG View window opens.

Note: The FLG View window can be opened by single-clicking the desired frame and
selecting Configuration→Frame Level Graphics View from the Main menu of the Network
Navigator window.

4 In the main FLG View window, single-click on the CPDS chassis from which the CPDS
software needs to be removed.

5 From the Main menu of the FLG View window:

Actions>Remove Unused Software.
Note 1: Remove unused software by right-clicking on the CPDS and selecting:
Actions>Remove Unused Software.
Note 2: Remove unused software from the main eBSC View window, by single-clicking on
the chassis and from the main menu of the eBSC View window, selecting:
Actions>Remove Unused Software.

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CPDS equipment management 2

This chapter details the procedures used to manage the Packet Control Unit
Functional Processor (PCUFP) and Data and Selection Function Processor
(DSFP) cards on the CPDS subsystem.

CPDS equipment management task flow 2

Figure 2-1 shows the procedures associated with the CPDS equipment
management tasks.

Figure 2-1
CPDS equipment management procedures

Replacing PCUFP Replacing DSFP

card card

Performing DSFP
precondition using
precondition using

Removing or Removing or
replacing replacing
Functional Functional
Processors Processors

Performing DSFP
PCUFP post-
replacement using
using C-EMS

End End

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

2-2 CPDS equipment management
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CPDS equipment management procedure navigation

PCUPF replacement:

• “Performing PCUFP replacement precondition using C-EMS”

• “Replacing Functional Processors”
• “Performing PCUFP post-replacement using C-EMS”
DSFP replacement:

• “Performing DSFP replacement precondition using C-EMS”

• “Replacing Functional Processors”
• “Performing DSFP post-replacement using C-EMS”

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CPDS equipment management 2-3
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Performing PCUFP replacement precondition using C-EMS

The steps in Procedure 2-1, “Performing the PCUFP replacement
preconditions” are to be performed prior to replacing a PCUFP functional

Being logged into C-EMS with at least Configurator privileges, and the
Network Navigator window must be up and running to perform this procedure
(see “Network Management” in the CDMA Element Management System (C-
EMS) Overview, NN-20000-143.
Procedure 2-1
Performing the PCUFP replacement preconditions

Step Action

1 From the Network Navigator window top frame, select the first subnetwork.

2 In the Network Navigator Tree, click the plus (+) symbol to expand the elements under the
eBSC that contains the PCUFP card that needs replacing.

3 From the list of trees that have been expanded, double-click on the eBSC frame that contains
the PCUFP card that needs replacing.
The FLG View window opens.

Note: Open the FLG View window by single-clicking the desired frame and selecting
Configuration→Frame Level Graphics View from the Main menu of the Network Navigator

4 In the FLG View window, in the eBSC Frame, single click on the PCUFP card which needs

5 Select the States tab.

6 If the PCUFP card selected in Step 3 is the standby card, it will have an Activity Status of
either “WARM_STANDBY” or “COLD_STANDBY.” If so, go to step 10. If not, go to the next

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

2-4 CPDS equipment management
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Procedure 2-1
Performing the PCUFP replacement preconditions (continued)

Step Action

7 Right-click on the PCUFP card currently highlighted and select:

Actions>PCUFP Pair>SWACT>Normal
Note 1: If the inactive PCUFP is "Cold Standby" (no "w" icon is seen on the standby card),
then a Force SWACT is required.
Note 2: If a normal SWACT cannot be performed, there is a problem with the spare card.
Contact the next level of support.
Note 3: Performing a SWACT on a PCUFP pair can be done by single-clicking on one of the
PCUFP cards in the pair and from the Main Menu in the FLG View window, select
Actions>PCUFP Pair>SWACT>Norma

8 When replacing a PCUFP card which is a member of the pair hosting the Packet Control Unit
(PCU) Manager, click Yes when the confirmation box appears.

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CPDS equipment management 2-5
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 2-1
Performing the PCUFP replacement preconditions (continued)

Step Action

9 Verify that the FP is UNLOCKED and ENABLED before continuing.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

2-6 CPDS equipment management
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Procedure 2-1
Performing the PCUFP replacement preconditions (continued)

Step Action

10 Right-click on the PCUFP card currently highlighted and select:

Actions>PCUFP Card>State>Reset PCUFP
Note 1: The action is complete when "Done" is seen on the Status Bar.
Example Output: Reset_eBSC DFSPCard.3...Done
Note 2: The following alarms are generated on the C-EMS:
• Critical - Software on card is not running
• Major - OSI administrative state attribute change

Note 3: The following alarms are generated on the BSS Manager and MDM:
• 20 Nov 03 20:14:31 - 28 108 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Major - PP330 LP/15 - LP is
• 20 Nov 03 20:14:31 - 28 109 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Critical - PP330 LP/15 - LP is
Note 4: You can reset a PCUFP card by following these steps:
• Right-click on the PCUFP card
• In the FLG View window, select:
Actions>PCUFP Card>State>Reset PCUFP

11 On the Passport, force lock the shelf card that is to be replaced.

Example:lock -force shelf card/<x>

where <x> is the slot number of the card

Example alarms on MDM:MAJOR SET 0000100 04-01-21 02:45:37 EM/PP330 SHELF CARD/15
ID: 010005C TYPE: operator CAUSE: operational Condition
CO: Card is Locked
RAW: oos ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW:
INT: 1/0/2/17428;;8098;N1300DA;

CRITICAL SET 70120100 04-01-21 02:45:37 EM/PP330 SHELF CARD/15

ID: 010005D TYPE: equipment CAUSE: processorProblem
CO: Card is Disabled
RAW: oos ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW:
INT: 1/0/2/17428;;8329;N1300DA;

12 To replace the PCUFP card, proceed to “Replacing Functional Processors” .

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CPDS equipment management 2-7
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Performing DSFP replacement precondition using C-EMS

The steps in Procedure 2-2, “Performing the DSFP replacement
preconditions” are to be performed prior to replacing a DSFP functional

It is required to be logged into C-EMS with at least Configurator privileges,
and the Network Navigator window must be up and running to perform this
procedure (see “Network Management” in NN-20000-143, CDMA Element
Management System (C-EMS) Overview).

Verify there is a telnet session on the eBSC frame on which the DSFP is
Procedure 2-2
Performing the DSFP replacement preconditions

Step Action

1 From the Network Navigator window top frame, select the first subnetwork.

2 In the Network Navigator Tree, click the plus (+) symbol to expand the elements under the
eBSC that contains the DSFP card that needs to be replaced.

3 From the list of trees that have been expanded, double-click on the eBSC frame that contains
the DSFP card which needs to be replaced.
The FLG View window opens.

Note: Open the FLG View window by single-clicking the desired frame and selecting
Configuration→Frame Level Graphics View from the Main menu of the Network Navigator

4 In the FLG View window, single-click on the DSFP card which needs replacing.
The DSFP Card View is displayed and the selected card is highlighted.

5 In the FLG View window, right-click on the DSFP card you would like to replace and select:
Actions>DSFP Card>State>Shutdown DSFP

Note: The DSFP card can also be shut down by single-clicking on the DSFP card and from
the Main Menu in the FLG View window, select Actions>DSFP Card>State>Shutdown

6 When the confirmation window appears, click Yes.

Note: The Shutdown action is complete when the lock symbol appears on the DSFP.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

2-8 CPDS equipment management
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Procedure 2-2
Performing the DSFP replacement preconditions (continued)

Step Action

7 In the FLG View window, right-click on the DSFP to replace and select:
Actions>DSFP Card>State>Reset DSFP
Note 1: The action is complete when "Done" is seen on the Status Bar.
Example Output: Reset_eBSC DFSPCard.3...Done
Note 2: The following alarms are generated on the C-EMS:
• Critical - Software on card is not running
• Major - OSI administrative state attribute change
Note 3: The following alarms are generated on the BSS Manager and MDM:
• 13 Nov 03 19:59:30 - 111 126 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Major - PP330 LP/8 - LP is
• 13 Nov 03 19:59:30 - 111 121 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Critical - PP330 LP/8 - LP is
Note 4: You can reset the DSFP card by single-clicking on the DSFP card and from the Main
Menu in the FLG View window, select:
Actions>DSFP Card>State>Reset DSFP

8 On the Passport, force lock the shelf card that is to be removed.

lock -force shelf card/<x>

where <x> is the slot being removed

lock -force shelf card/3

After locking the shelf card, there will be alarms on the MDM.
Example alarms on MDM:

MAJOR SET 0000100 04-01-21 02:45:37 EM/PP330 SHELF CARD/3

ID: 010005C TYPE: operator CAUSE: operationalCondition
CO: Card is Locked
RAW: oos ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW:
INT: 1/0/2/17428;;8098;N1300DA;

CRITICAL SET 70120100 04-01-21 02:45:37 EM/PP330 SHELF CARD/3

ID: 010005D TYPE: equipment CAUSE: processor Problem
CO: Card is Disabled
RAW: oos ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW:
INT: 1/0/2/17428;;8329;N1300DA;

9 Now, ready to replace the DSFP card, proceed to “Replacing Functional Processors”.

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CPDS equipment management 2-9
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Replacing Functional Processors

The procedure for Function Processor (FP) replacement is a generic
procedure intended for use with all supported FPs.

• Ensure scripts PP<nodeid>_ISTL.pas are available to update the ISTL
links on all Passport chassis in the logical BSC. For information on
adding ISTL links, see "Add ITSL links to existing BISC setup" in 411-
2133-936, Enhanced BSC/CBRS Networking Deployment Guide -
Expansion, Volume 4 or Volume 8.
• If necessary, ensure .pas scripts are available to update the ISSHO
information so that the DSFP is datafilled for the expansion chassis you
added it to. For information on how to configure ISSHO, see:
— NTP 411-2133-936, Enhanced BSC/CBRS Networking Deployment
Guide - Expansion, Volume 8, (NBSS 12.1 or later), for international
E1 deployment
— NTP 411-2133-936, Enhanced BSC/CBRS Networking Deployment
Guide - Expansion, Volume 4, (NBSS 12.1 or later), for North
America T1 deployment
• If the FP to be removed or replaced has been identified and the
appropriate precondition procedure has been performed. Refer to Table 2-
1 for the proper procedure.

Follow Procedure 2-3, “Removing or replacing Passport 15000 FP” for

removing or replacing Passport 15000 FP.
Table 2-1
Precondition procedure required for the Function Processors

Function Processor Precondition Procedure

PCUFP replacement Procedure 2-1, “Performing the PCUFP replacement


DSFP replacement Procedure 2-2, “Performing the DSFP replacement


CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

2-10 CPDS equipment management
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Procedure 2-3
Removing or replacing Passport 15000 FP

Step Action

1 Plug a grounding strap into an ESD receptacle at the front of the Passport 15000 and wear it
on a wrist. The hole is threaded to provide friction for a press-fit.

Note: A shoe ground strap would also suffice if a grounding strap was not available.

2 On the faceplate of the FP with the red LED, fully swing out the upper and lower latches until
they stop.

3 Place fingers on the exposed tabs to gently but firmly slide the FP out of its slot. Hold only the
edges of the FP. Be careful because an FP weighs up to 5.4 kg (12 pounds).

4 Put the FP aside onto its original packaging. Packing it after the replacement FP is installed
minimizes the amount of time the FP is out of service.

5 Double check that the Product Engineering Code (PEC) of the replacement FP is compatible
with the PEC code of the removed FP. Holding the replacement FP by its edges, align the
end with the pins to the channels in the slot. Avoid touching anything on FP.

6 Gently push the FP into the slot until the FP stops moving. There are keyways and guide pins
to ensure that the FP aligns with the connections at the backplane (inside at the rear of the
If resistance is felt, do not force the FP in. Remove it, and check the backplane at the rear of
the slot for bent pins. Use a flashlight to see into the slot. If no pins are bent, reset the FP. If at
least one pin is bent, do not insert the FP and contact the Nortel Networks technical support

7 Close the latches flush against the faceplate. The Passport 15000 will boot the FP, startup
diagnostics will be run and software loaded. The FP will be left in a locked state waiting
provisioning to be delivered.

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CPDS equipment management 2-11
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Procedure 2-3
Removing or replacing Passport 15000 FP (continued)

Step Action

8 On the Passport, unlock the shelf card that was replaced.

unlock shelf card/<x>

where <x> is the slot being removed

unlock shelf card/3

After unlocking the shelf card, there will be alarms on the MDM.
Example alarms on MDM:

CLEARED CLR 0000000 04-01-21 02:45:37 EM/PP330 SHELF CARD/15

ID: 0100064 TYPE: equipment CAUSE: processorProblem
CO: Card is Enabled
RAW: insv ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW:
INT: 1/0/2/17428;;8329;N1300DA;

CLEARED CLR 00001000 04-01-21 02:45:37 EM/PP330 SHELF CARD/15

ID: 01000065 TYPE: operator CAUSE: operationalCondition
CO: Card is Unlocked
RAW: insv ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
INT: 1/0/2/17428;;8098;N1300DA;

9 Observe the LED status on the new FP. The LED flashes red.

10 After replacing the FP, perform the post-replacement procedures for the specific FP type that
was replaced. Refer to the following links for the proper post-replacement procedure:
• PCUFP - Procedure 2-4, “Performing PCUFP post-replacement”
• DSFP - Procedure 2-5, “Performing DFSF post-replacement”

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2-12 CPDS equipment management
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Performing PCUFP post-replacement using C-EMS

The steps in this procedure are to be performed after replacing a PCUFP
functional processor.

Log into C-EMS, and the Network Navigator window must be running to
perform this procedure (see CDMA Element Management System (C-EMS)
Overview, NN-20000-143).

Perform the steps in Procedure 2-5, “Performing DFSF post-replacement” to

perform PCUFP replacement.
Procedure 2-4
Performing PCUFP post-replacement

Step Action

1 Right-click on the PCUFP card which was installed and select:

Actions>PCUFP Card>Initialize PCUFP

Note: A PCUFP card can be initialized by single-clicking on the PCUFP card and from the
Main Menu in the FLG View window, select:

Actions>PCUFP Card>Initialize PCUFP

2 Ensure that the PCUFP card has initialized successfully. Right-click on the PCUFP card just
installed and select the States tab. The following states display:
• Administrative State: Unlocked
• Operational State: Enabled
• Unknown Status: False
• Activity Status: Warm_Standby
• Redundancy Status: Redundant


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CPDS equipment management 2-13
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Performing DSFP post-replacement using C-EMS

Perform the steps in Procedure 2-5, “Performing DFSF post-replacement”
after replacing a DSFP functional processor.

Being logged into C-EMS, and the Network Navigator window must be up
and running to perform this procedure (see “Network Management” in
CDMA Element Management System (C-EMS) Overview, NN-20000-143.

Procedure 2-5
Performing DFSF post-replacement

Step Action

1 Right-click on the DSFP card just installed and select:

Actions>DSFP Card>State>Initialize DSFP
Note 1: If the action fails with the error "The card does not exist in the shelf", wait a few
minutes and repeat the step.
Note 2: The action is complete when "Done" is seen on the Status Bar.Example Output:
Initialize_eBSC DFSPCard.14...Done
Note 3: The following alarms are cleared on the BSS Manager and MDM:
• 13 Nov 03 20:52:24 - 111 126 - EBSCHardware1 - Cleared - Major - PP330 LP/8 - LP is
• 13 Nov 03 20:53:06 - 111 121 - EBSCHardware1 - Cleared - Critical - PP330 LP/8 - LP is
Note 4: The DSFP card can be initialized by single-clicking on the DSFP card and from the
Main Menu in the FLG View window, select Actions>DSFP Card>State>Initialize DSFP

2 Ensure that the DSFP card has initialized successfully. Right-click on the DSFP card just
installed and select the States tab. The following states display
• Administrative State: Unlocked
• Operational State: Enabled
• Unknown Status: False


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OT-21 firmware upgrade 3

This chapter provides instructions on downloading and installing new system
software in an OT-21.

Refer to CDMA CPDS Configuration Management Guide, NN-20000-908 for

steps to check the running version of the OT-21 firmware.

OT-21 firmware upgrade 3

Follow the steps in Procedure 3-1 to safely upgrade the OT-21 firmware.

Note: The OT-21 does not store previous versions of firmware after an
upgrade. To roll back firmware to a previous version, follow this
procedure using the original firmware version instead of the upgrade
Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade

Step Action

1 Read the admin file for the new firmware and ensure that all
dependencies are met.

2 Place the new firmware file and the current firmware file on an FTP server
accessible by the OT-21. Record the directory path where the firmware
was placed.

3 Uncompress the patch file.

/usr/bin/gzip -d <patchname.tar.gz>

where <patchname.tar.gz> is the filename of the patch.

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3-2 OT-21 firmware upgrade
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Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade (continued)

Step Action

4 Perform a cksum to verify the patch with the checksum stated in the
release notes.
cksum <patchname.tar>

Sample output:
cksum ntpOT21_C02.tar

3656250324 2441728 ntpOT21_C02.tar

5 Perform a sum to verify the patch with the sum stated in the release
sum <patchname.tar>

Sample output:
sum ntpOT21_C02.tar

56021 4769 ntpOT21_C02.tar

6 Extract the tar file using the following command:

tar -xvf <patchname.tar>

Example command:
tar -xvf ntpOT21_C02.tar

7 Verify both time server components are in service on the EBSC shelves
associated with the OT-21 server to be upgraded. Active alarms on the
NTP servers need to be understood before proceeding with the upgrade.
d time server/*

Sample output:
2> d time server/*

Time Server/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: duo, pktValid, pktRecv and pktSent.
|Server|osiAd|osiO|osiUs|status |xntpVer|stratum|timeOffset | delay |
| | min |per | age | | sion | | microsec| microsec|
| 1|unlck|ena |activ|primar | 3| 1| 88| 3585|
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|main | 3| 1| 46| 2441|
| | | | | primar| | | | |
ok 2006-01-25 20:40:10.95

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OT-21 firmware upgrade 3-3
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Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade (continued)

Step Action

Failure to lock the time server components on the CBRS and CPDS
shelves may result in a call processing impact when the OT-21 server is
8 Lock the time server components on all EBSC shelves which
communicate to the OT-21 that is being upgraded. The IP address of the
time server can be displayed using the command “d –p time server/*”.
The following example displays an upgrade to time server 1:
1> d -p time server/*

Time Server/*
|Server| ipAddr |ipStac|stratum|Response
| | | k | Limit |
| 1| |vrIp | 1|
| 2| |vrIp | 1|

4> lock time server/1

Time Server/1; 2006-01-25 20:47:10.50
SET minor operator operationalCondition 00001000
ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000245 Rel:
Com: The Server is locked.
Int: 1/0/2/16934;; 1361; N1212DX

Time Server/1
ok 2006-01-25 20:47:10.50

5> d time server/*

Time Server/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: duo, pktValid, pktRecv and pktSent.
|Server|osiAd|osiO|osiUs|status |xntpVer|stratum|timeOffset | delay |
| | min |per | age | | sion | | microsec| microsec|
| 1|lck |ena |idle |primar | 3| 1| 66| 3555|
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|main | 3| 1| -43| 2609|
| | | | | primar| | | | |

9 Telnet to the OT-21.

telnet <ip address>

where <ip address> is the IP address of the OT-21 being upgraded.

10 Press Enter to bring up the OT-21> prompt.

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3-4 OT-21 firmware upgrade
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Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade (continued)

Step Action

11 Log in as the administrator using the username and password supplied by

your system administrator.

Sample output:
Report: 2005-01-12T19:31:51Z 138 Log In,Ethernet
A,"ROOT",level : 4

12 Issue the LOAD command to download the new firmware to the OT-21.
OT-21>LOAD "<filename.hex> <ip_address> <username>


• <filename.hex> is the filename of the new version of the firmware.

Note: If the file is not placed in the root directory of the FTP server, the
filename must include the directory path to the file.

• <ip_address> is the IP address of the FTP server.

• <username> is a valid username on the FTP server.
• <password> is the password associated with the username used.

Note: The “ ” are required in the command.

Sample output:
OT-21>LOAD "/opt/14313142-000-5_Rev_C02.hex root root"
Downloading 14313142-000-5_Rev_C02.hex ...
Loaded 2422688 bytes
Validating file
Erasing flash
Programming Flash

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OT-21 firmware upgrade 3-5
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Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade (continued)

Step Action

13 Restart the OT-21 to enable the new flash.


The OT-21 reboots and loads the new version of the flash.

Note: No alarms are expected on the EBSC shelves provided that the
associated time server component is locked.

14 Log in again to the OT-21 when the restart is completed.

telnet <ip address>

where <ip address> is the IP address of the OT-21 being upgraded.

15 Press Enter to bring up the OT-21> prompt.

16 Display the version information.


Sample output:
Serial number : L42840
Item number : 25413151-011-0
Firmware version : 14113142-000-0,Rev C02
Manufacture date : 2003-10-14

Note: Ensure that the firmware version reflects the intended upgrade.

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Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade (continued)

Step Action

17 Monitor the status of the OT-21 to verify sending correct timing before
unlocking the associated EBSC time server components. This typically
takes 5 to 10 minutes.
The “Status” command displays the current status of OT-21. The Current
Reference will indicate Receiver when the timing lock is acquired and
when it was acquired. The NTP server can not be used by the eBSC.

Sample output:
OT-21>2006-01-26T02:08:07Z ID OT-21, Name: Symm
1 minor alarms.
1 major alarms.
Port Stat PQL
---- ---- ---
A Ok 5
B Ok 5
Framed AMI Status:
A-1:Ok A-2:Ok A-3:Ok A-4:Ok PQL: 5
Framed AMI Status:
B-1:Ok B-2:Ok B-3:Ok B-4:Ok PQL: 5
Loop status:
Normal, Tau: 300, dF: +2.65E-13
Current Reference : Receiver.

Note: The “Alarm” command will display current alarms on the OT-21.
Rebooting the OT-21 will result in a minor alarm being raised for degraded
Output Time.

The alarm needs to clear and no longer be in the output of this command
before continuing.

Sample of the alarm command

# Alarm Status Level SETsec CLRsec SETcnt CLRcnt
------ --------------- --------------- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----
(08) Output Freq Degraded Major 600 300 438 0
(09) Output Time Degraded Minor 600 300 0 226

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OT-21 firmware upgrade 3-7
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Procedure 3-1
OT-21 firmware upgrade (continued)

Step Action

18 Log out of the OT-21.


19 Unlock the time server components on the EBSC shelves when the OT21
does not have any alarms remaining.
Sample output:
14> unlock time server/1

Time Server/1; 2006-01-25 21:13:10.08

CLR cleared operator operationalCondition 00001000
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100025A Rel:
Com: The Server is unlocked.
Int: 1/0/2/16934;; 1361; N1212DX

Time Server/1
ok 2006-01-25 21:13:10.08

15> d time server/*

Time Server/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: duo, pktValid, pktRecv and pktSent.
|Server|osiAd|osiO|osiUs|status |xntpVer|stratum|timeOffset | delay |
| | min |per | age | | sion | | microsec| microsec|
| 1|unlck|ena |activ|unused | 3| 1| -7| 3646|
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|main | 3| 1| -22| 2624|
| | | | | primar| | | | |

20 Display the time server components to verify a status of “primar” before

proceeding to upgrade the next NTP server if applicable.
d time server/*

Sample output:
18> d time server/*

Time Server/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: duo, pktValid, pktRecv and pktSent.
|Server|osiAd|osiO|osiUs|status |xntpVer|stratum|timeOffset | delay |
| | min |per | age | | sion | | microsec| microsec|
| 1|unlck|ena |activ|primar | 3| 1| 72| 3265|
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|main | 3| 1| -59| 2532|
| | | | | primar| | | | |
ok 2006-01-25 21:14:11.29

21 If another NTP server needs to be upgraded, go back to step 7.


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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4

This chapter is organized as follows:

• Replacing the OT-21 NTP server

— “Powering down the system”
— “Uninstalling alarm connections (DE9, Wire Wrap)”
— “Disconnecting the Serial/Comm Port”
— “Disconnecting the Ethernet connection”
— “Disconnecting the Ethernet connection”
— “Disconnecting the Ethernet connection”
— “Uninstalling the power and ground connections”
— “Removing the NTP server from a rack”
• Installing the replacement 0T-21
— “Installing the NTP server in a rack”
— “Installing power and ground connections”
— “Installing the GPS antenna connections”
— “Installing input and output connections”
— “Connecting to serial/comm port”
— “Connect Ethernet Cable”
— “Verifying the installation”
— “Initial Setup”

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

4-2 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Replacing the OT-21 NTP Server 4

This chapter provides the maintenance technician with the information
needed to remove and replace a non-performing OT-21 NTP Server used in
Wireless CPDS applications.

Introductory information
Prior to beginning this activity, establish the following requirements and tests:

Regional Installation Safety Manuals (ISM) can be found at:

For example:
• Americas - Field Operations Safety Manual (SOP 030)
• EMEA Environmental Healthy and Safety
• Asia-Pacific Environmental Health and Safety

Tools and test sets

Two tool and test sets are required for these procedures
• K001823: Wireless Installers Toolkit
• E002947: Kit, RJ45 Crimper and Tester

Customer supplied materials and information

The following list details customer requirements that must be met prior to
performing this activity.
• Rack or cabinet accessories (anchoring kits, bezels/filler panels, isolators,
rack extender brackets).
• Signal cables and connectors (Ethernet cable, Fast Ethernet cable, RJ45
connectors, LMR 400 antenna cable, N-Type antenna connectors).
• Power/GND Cables
• Power distribution panel breakers (if required).
• Installation related material (consumables to support the activity).
• Regulatory/safety responsibility for on site integration.

Recommended Forms
These forms have most likely been prepared when the system was installed,
but if they are not available, it is recommended that technicians use the forms
to ensure a smooth transition.
• IP address form (use to determine the IP address of connected equipment
during tests and reconfiguration).

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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-3
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• Frame/cabinet layout diagram (use to determine and define the location of

equipment within the rack/cabinet).
• Cabling diagram (Use to determine/record interconnect cable

Observe all general safety precautions against personal injury and equipment
damage outlined in the regional installation safety manual at all time.

It is strongly recommended that this method be read in its entirety before
starting the operations presented herein.

Prior to starting the operations presented in this method, arrange all materials,
tools, and test equipment at the work locations so as to minimize fatigue and
inconvenience and to contribute towards a safer work environment.

Verify that the following items are present or accomplished prior to beginning
the procedure.
• Frame/cabinet installed if required
• Frame/cabinet power and grounding complete
• Network interconnect cables run into cabinet/frame (optional)
• GPS antenna splitter installed
• Breaker power panel is present
• Power supply to the NTP Server has been turned off
• Floor plan layout information available
• Cabinet/rack layout information available
• Cabling diagram available
• Installation IP address information available

Powering down the system

These steps will allow safe power down of the system in preparation for
replacing the NTP Server. These instructions are specifically for DC version

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4-4 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Perform the steps in Procedure 4-1, “Powering down the system” to power
down the system.
Procedure 4-1
Powering down the system

Step Action

1 Locate the circuit breaker or fuse at the Power Distribution for both A supply and B supply
(redundancy DC).

2 Turn off the circuit breaker or remove the fuse on A supply at the Power Distribution Cabinet.

3 Remove the safety shield cover from the back of the NTP Server.

4 At the NTP server, using a multimeter, make sure the correct supply has been disconnected
(A supply).

5 Observe the front panel LED indicators and be sure that the Major alarm has been detected.
(Note to Nam or tester: “Not too sure if you witness a Minor or Major alarm with one battery
supply powered down.”)

6 Turn off the circuit breaker or remove the breaker on B supply at the Power Distribution

7 At the NTP server, using a multimeter, make sure the correct supply has been disconnected
(B supply).

8 Observe the front panel LED indicators. They illuminate.

9 Disconnect the power feed cables from both A and B power terminal blocks (A-BUS and B-

10 Remove Wire Wrap connections J21, J22, J23 on the alarm contacts. If a DB-9 connector
was used for alarm contacts, remove the J13 connector.

11 Remove the J16 Ethernet cable.

12 Remove the J14 GPS LMR antenna feed.

13 Disconnect the Frame Ground (FG).


NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-5
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Uninstalling alarm connections (DE9, Wire Wrap)

This section will outline the steps to deinstall the alarm connections to either
the DE9 or Wire Wrap chassis of the NTP Server.

Uninstalling the alarm closure connections (DE9 chassis)

Locate the alarm closures (J13) on the connectivity panel and disconnect the
15-pin D-Type connector from the remote alarm indicator and alarm
terminator as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1
Alarm closure connection for the DE9 chassis

Uninstalling the alarm closure connections (Wire Wrap chassis)

Locate the three wire wrap headers (Alarm Closures) labeled CRIT (J21),
MAJ (J22), and MIN (J23) on the connectivity panel and disconnect them
from the appropriate remote alarm indicator and alarm terminators. The alarm
closure connection is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2
Alarm closure connection for the Wire Wrap chassis

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4-6 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Disconnecting the Serial/Comm Port

This section outlines the procedures to disconnect monitor equipment
(modem, PC) to Serial Port A (J15) at the rear of the chassis or to the
COMMS Port (J1) at the front of the chassis. Perform the steps in Procedure
4-2, “Disconnecting the Serial/Comm Port” to disconnect the serial/comm
Procedure 4-2
Disconnecting the Serial/Comm Port

Step Action

1 Locate the connector on the chassis. If the monitor equipment is connected to the rear of the
chassis, the connection will be the Serial Port A (J15).

2 Disconnect the cable.

3 Locate the connector on the chassis. If the monitor equipment is connected to the front of the
chassis, the connection will be the COMMS Port (J1).

4 Disconnect the cable.


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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-7
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Disconnecting the Ethernet connection

This procedure provides instructions on disconnecting the Ethernet cable. The
OT-21 NTP Server provides the network with a timing signal through the
Ethernet cable. A standard unshielded twisted pair (UTP) Ethernet RJ-45
cable connects from port J16 on the OT-21 to the designated port on the
switch in the Ethernet networks. Perform the steps in Procedure 4-3,
“Disconnecting the Ethernet cable” to disconnect the Ethernet cables.
Procedure 4-3
Disconnecting the Ethernet cable

Step Action

1 Locate the Ethernet port on the OT-21 (J16 port).

2 Disconnect the cable.


Uninstalling Input and Output connections (DE9 and Wire wrap)

This section outlines the procedures to disconnect the Input/Output
connections of the NTP Server which are located at the rear of the chassis.

The OT-21 NTP Server unit offers two connectivity options depending on the
configuration desired. The DE9 connectivity and Wire Wrap connectivity are
both available.

The connector assignment for either the DE9 or Wire Wrap connectivity panel
is as follows:
• DS1/Ed1 Input / Output signal connectors = J1 through J4
• Output A and Bi signal connectors = J5 through J12

Note: If the unit will be used as a Synchronization Supply Unit (SSU),

refer to the OEM document "OT-21 Synchronization Supply Unit and
Primary Reference Receiver User Guide", P/N 12713150-002-2 for the
correct input/output connections.

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4-8 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Disconnecting DE9 Two-Wire Connectivity Connections

This wiring configuration for the DE9 panel is for an output-only
Primary Reference Receiver (PRR) in which connectors J1 and J2 are
not used. Do not make any connections on these connectors.

The DE9 connectivity panel, which utilizes a GPS or CDMA radio receiver as
the timing reference, generates two DS1/E1 clock output signals that are
routed through Port-A J3 and Port-B J4. Eight optional distribution output
clock signals are routed through OUTPUT GROUP-A (J5 through J8) and
OUTPUT GROUP-B (J9 through J12). The signal connections on these
connectors are set up in different pairs as Tip and Ring connections, with each
connector associated with a specific output.

When removing the cabling, please carefully note the location of the

Figure 4-3 shows the connectivity panel at the rear of the chassis.

Figure 4-3
OT-21 NTP Server chassis with DE9 connectivity panel

Disconnecting the Wire Wrap connectivity connections

This wiring configuration for the Wire Wrap panel is for an output-
only Primary Reference Receiver (PRR) in which connectors J1, J2
and J17 through J20 are not used. Do not make any connections on
these connectors.

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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-9
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The Wire Wrap connectivity panel, which utilizes a GPS or CDMA radio
receiver as the timing reference, generates two DS1/E1 clock output signals
that are routed through Port-A J3 and Port-B J4. Eight optional distribution
output clock signals are routed through OUTPUT GROUP-A (J5 through J8)
and OUTPUT GROUP-B (J9 through J12). The signal connections on these
connectors are set up in different pairs as Tip and Ring connections, with each
connector associated with a specific output.

When removing the cabling, please carefully note the location of the

Figure 4-4 shows the Wire Wrap connectivity panel at the rear of the chassis.

Figure 4-4
OT-21 NTP Server with Wire Wrap connectivity pane

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4-10 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Uninstalling the GPS antenna connections

This section provides the information needed to disconnect the GPS antenna
from the chassis.

Perform steps in Procedure 4-4, “Disconnecting GPS antenna from chassis”

to disconnect the PGS antenna from chassis.
Procedure 4-4
Disconnecting GPS antenna from chassis

Step Action

1 Locate the J14 port on the rear of the chassis.

2 Disconnect the end of the cable from the J14 port on the rear of the chassis.

3 Secure the end of the cable in a secure location before continuing.


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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-11
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Uninstalling the power and ground connections

The OT-21 Server does not have a power on/off switch. It is important to
ensure the breaker is off prior to handling power cables.

Make sure that power is disconnected at the power source prior to
connecting or applying power to the unit.

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4-12 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Disconnecting power from the chassis.

This section contains information on disconnecting power from the chassis.

Check to see if both power feeds (A and B) are connected. If so, be sure to
disconnect both.

Note: The NTP server is connected to the power source (-48V / -60V
DC) by four 16-14 AWG wires through 5 AMPS protective devices
(fuses, circuit breakers).

Disconnect from the power chassis by performing the steps in Procedure 4-5,
“Disconnecting the power from the chassis”.
Procedure 4-5
Disconnecting the power from the chassis

Step Action

1 Locate the A and B power terminal blocks on the left and right of the connectivity panel.

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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-13
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Procedure 4-5
Disconnecting the power from the chassis (continued)

Step Action

2 Remove the power terminal covers.

3 Disconnect the A-BUS and B-BUS power input terminals.

Note: The -48V DC power leads consist of 16-14 AWG wires terminated by #6 ring terminal
block connectors.

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4-14 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Removing the NTP server from a rack

The NTP server occupies a 2-unit (2U) rack space.

Perform the steps in Procedure 4-6, “Removing the NTP server from a rack”
to remove the NTP server from a rack.
Procedure 4-6
Removing the NTP server from a rack

Step Action

1 Be sure the NTP Server is secure in the rack before loosening the screws.

2 Be sure that all rear cables have been disconnected.

3 If this requires two persons to perform the procedure, be sure not to attempt this alone.

4 Locate the rack mounting brackets and screws to be removed.

5 Carefully loosen and remove the four mounting screws.

6 Slide the NTP Server out of the rack.


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Installing the replacement OT-21 4

Installing the replacement OT-21 includes installing the NTP server and
power connections.

Installing the NTP server in a rack

The NTP Server occupies 2-unit (2U) rack space and can be installed in most
19-inch or 23-inch racks. Perform Procedure 4-7, “Installing the NTP server
in a rack” to install the NTP server in a rack.
Procedure 4-7
Installing the NTP server in a rack

Step Action

1 Determine how far the server will protrude in front of the rack. The brackets for a 19-inch rack
are attached. remove and retain the 4-40 x 3/16-inch screws if adjustment is required.

2 Using the desired bracket to accommodate the equipment rack size, position each bracket as
needed and attach using the 4-40 x 3/16-inch screws. Ensure that both brackets are equal
distance from the front of the unit.

3 Mount the unit into the rack using appropriate hardware.


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4-16 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Installing power and ground connections

The OT-21 NTP Server does not have a power on/off switch. It is important to
ensure that the breaker is off prior to handling the power cables. Follow the
steps in Procedure 4-8, “Installing power and ground connections” to install
power and ground connections.

Do not connect any external components to the server (router, laptop,
and others.) prior to powering-up and verification that the power
cabling procedures have been performed correctly.

Make sure that power is disconnected at the power source prior to
connecting or applying power to the unit.

Procedure 4-8
Installing power and ground connections

Step Action

1 Make the frame ground connections from each of the two #8-32 lugs (FG) located on the left
and right of the connectivity panel.

2 Connect the frame grounds (FG) on left and right sides of the connectivity panel to the proper
grounding zone or master grounding bar on site.


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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-17
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Connecting power to the chassis

Procedure 4-9, “Connecting power to the chassis” outlines the steps to
connect power to the chassis.

Both power feeds A and B are required for redundant operations of the unit.

Note: The NTP server is connected to the power source (-48V / -60V
DC) by four 16-14 AWG wires via 5 AMPS protective devices (fuses,
circuit breakers).
Procedure 4-9
Connecting power to the chassis

Step Action

1 Ensure that the breakers at the power source are turned OFF.

2 Locate the A and B power terminal blocks on the left and right of the connectivity panel.

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4-18 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Procedure 4-9
Connecting power to the chassis (continued)

3 Connect one –48 vDC and one return to each of the A-BUS and B-Bus power input

Note: The –48 vDC power leads consist of 16–14AWG wires terminated by #6 ring terminal
block connectors.

4 Ensure the power terminal covers are installed after connecting the power.

Before connecting the power cabling to
the server, check the polarity of the
marked cables to ensure that they are

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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-19
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Installing the GPS antenna connections

Procedure 4-10, “Installing the GPS antenna connections” outlines the steps
to install the GPS antenna connections to the chassis.
Procedure 4-10
Installing the GPS antenna connections

Step Action

1 Connect one end of the LMR-400 cable to the customer provided GPS antenna splitter.

2 Route and secure LMR-400 antenna cable to frame using tie wraps.

3 Cut cable to length and crimp a N-type connector on the free end.

4 Connect a right angle adapter to the end of the cable and connect to port J14 on the rear of
the chassis.


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4-20 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Installing input and output connections

This section outlines the information required to connect the Input/Output
connections of the NTP Server which are located at the rear of the chassis.

The OT-21 NTP Server unit is shipped with either DE9 or Wire Wrap
connectivity depending on the configuration ordered.

The connector assignment for either the DE9 or Wire Wrap connectivity panel
is as follows:
• DS1/E1 Input / Output signal connectors = J1 through J4
• Output A and B signal connectors = J5 through J12

Note: If the unit will be used as a Synchronization Supply Unit (SSU),

refer to the OEM document “OT-21 Synchronization Supply Unit and
Primary Reference Receiver User Guide”, P/N 12713150-002-2 for the
correct input/output connections.

DE9 two-wire connectivity connections

This wiring configuration for the DE9 panel is for an
output-only Primary Reference Receiver (PRR) in
which connectors J1 and J2 are not used. Do not
make any connections on these connectors.

The DE9 connectivity panel, which utilizes a GPS or CDMA radio receiver as
the timing reference, generates two DS1/E1 clock output signals that are
routed through Port-A J3 and Port-B J4. Eight optional distribution output
clock signals are routed through OUTPUT GROUP-A (J5 through J8) and
OUTPUT GROUP-B (J9 through J12). The signal connections on these
connectors are set up in different pairs as Tip and Ring connections, with each
connector associated with a specific output.

Figure 4-5 shows the DE9 connectivity panel located at the rear of the chassis.

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Replacing an OT-21 NTP server 4-21
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Figure 4-5
DE9 connectivity panel at rear of chassis

Table 4-1 describes the clock outputs for connectors J3 through J12.

Table 4-1
Telecommunications Clock Outputs for Connectors J3 through J12

Signal Pin

Clock Output Tip 2

Clock Output Ring 6

Clock Output Sleeve 1


Wire Wrap connectivity connections

This wiring configuration for the Wire Wrap panel is for
an output-only Primary Reference Receiver (PRR) in
which connectors J1, J2, and J17 through J20 are not
used. Do not make any connections on these connectors.

The Wire Wrap connectivity panel, which utilizes a GPS or CDMA radio
receiver as the timing reference, generates two DS1/E1 clock output signals
that are routed through Port-A J3 and Port-B J4. Eight optional distribution
output clock signals are routed through OUTPUT GROUP-A (J5 through J8)
and OUTPUT GROUP-B (J9 through J12). The signal connections on these
connectors are set up in different pairs as Tip and Ring connections, with each
connector associated with a specific output.

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Figure 4-6 shows the Wire Wrap connectivity panel at the rear of the chassis.

Figure 4-6
Wire Wrap connectivity panel at rear of chassis

Output connections are made from the tip (T), ring (R), and sleeve (S) of
connectors J3 through J12.

Table 4-2 lists the telecommunications clock outputs for connectors J3 to J1

and J4 to J2 for the Wire Wrap Chassis.

Table 4-2
Telecommunications Clock Outputs for Wire Wrap Chassis

Signal Pin

Clock Output Tip T

Clock Output Ring R

Clock Output Sleeve S


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Connecting to serial/comm port

This section outlines the procedures to connect monitor equipment (modem,
PC) to Serial Port A (J15) at the rear of the chassis or to the COMMS Port
(J1) at the front of the chassis. Perform the steps in Procedure 4-11,
“Connecting to serial/comm port” to connect to serial/comm port.
Procedure 4-11
Connecting to serial/comm port

Step Action

1 Connect a 9-pin null modem cable to either the interface terminal Port-A (J15) located at the
rear of the chassis, or the COMMS Port (J1) at the front.

Serial Port A (J15)

COMMS Port (J1)

2 When using a null modem cable, be sure to verify that the 1PDT slide switch located next to
Port A at the rear of the chassis is set to DTE.

The DCE setting allows direct connection of the unit to a standard PC communication port
using a 1:1 cable. The DTE setting requires a null modem cable. If connecting to a modem,
use the DTE setting. The DCE to DTE connection, switch setting, reverses pins 2 and 3.

3 Connect the other end to the COMM port on the laptop.

Note: Factory default settings for Serial Port A (J15) and COMMS Port (J1) are 8600 Baud,
8 bits, No parity and 1 stop bit.


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Table 4-3 lists the signal interface for the serial communications Serial Port A

Table 4-3
Communications Serial Port A (J15) Interface

Signal Pin

DCD (Data Carrier Detect Control 1


RXD (Received Data) 2

TXD (Transmitted Data) 3

DTR (Data Terminal Ready Control 4


Ground 5

DSR (Data Set Ready Control Line) 6

RTS (Request to Send Control Line) 7

CTS (Clear to Send Control Line) 8

RI (Ring Indicator Control Line) 9


Connect Ethernet Cable

The OT-21 NTP Server will provide the network with a timing signal through
the Ethernet cable. A standard unshielded twisted pair (UTP) Ethernet RJ-45
cable connects from port J16 on the OT-21 (as shown in Figure 4-7) to the
designated port on the switch in the Ethernet network.

Figure 4-7
OT-21 Ethernet connection (J16)

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Installing alarm connections (DE9 and Wire wrap)

These procedures will outline the steps to install the alarm connections to
either the DE9 or Wire Wrap chassis of the NTP Server.

Installing the alarm closure connections (DE9 Chassis)

Locate the alarm closures (J13) on the connectivity panel and connect the 15-
pin D-Type connector to the remote alarm indicator and alarm terminator as
shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8
Alarm closure connection for the DE9 chassis

Table 4-4 lists the alarm contact pin assignments for DE9 chassis.

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4-26 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Table 4-4
Alarm contact pin assignments for DE9 chassis

Signal Pin

MINOR - Normally Open Contact 7

MINOR - Wiper Contact (Common) 15

MINOR - Normally Closed Contact 8

MAJOR - Normally Open Contact 4

MAJOR - Wiper Contact (Common) 12

MAJOR - Normally Closed Contact 5

CRITICAL - Normally Open Contact 1

CRITICAL - Wiper Contact (Common) 9

CRITICAL - Normally Closed Contact 2

Frame Ground 10

Frame Ground 11

Frame Ground 13

Not Used6 3

Not Used6 6


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Installing the alarm closure connections (Wire Wrap Chassis)

Locate the three wire wrap headers (ALARM CLOSURES) labeled CRIT
(J21), MAJ (J22), and MIN (J23) on the connectivity panel and connect to the
appropriate remote alarm indicator and alarm terminators.

Figure 4-9 shows the alarm closure connection for the wire wrap chassis.

Figure 4-9
Alarm closure connection for the Wire Wrap chassis

Table 4-5 shows Alarm contact pin assignments for the Wire Wrap chassis.

Table 4-5
Alarm Contact Pin Assignments for Wire Wrap Chassis (J13)

Signal Pin

MINOR - Wiper Contact (Common) J23-NO

MINOR - Normally Open Contact J23-Com

MINOR - Normally Closed Contact J23-NC

MAJOR - Normally Open Contact J22-NO

MAJOR - Wiper Contact (Common) J22-Com

MAJOR - Normally Closed Contact J22-NC

CRITICAL - Normally Open Contact J21-NO

CRITICAL - Wiper Contact (Common) J21-Com

CRITICAL - Normally Closed Contact J21-NC


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Verifying the installation

After all connections are made, verify that all cables are connected, the unit
will power-up properly and install the safety shield to the rear of the chassis.
Perform the steps in Procedure 4-12, “Verifying power and cable
connections” to verify power and cable connections.
Procedure 4-12
Verifying power and cable connections

Step Action

1 Make sure the fuses are installed on the back of the chassis.

2 Switch on the breakers at the power source for the NTPO Server. The Power LED

3 Using a digital voltmeter, measure the voltage at A-Bus and B-Bus.

4 Verify voltage is -38.0 V -72.5 vDC.

5 When power is applied, the unit will begin its power up process. If power up is successful, the
LEDs initially illuminates as displayed in the following diagram.

POWER: Green

6 As the power-up procedure progresses, the lights change as shown here.

POWER: Green
ACTIVE: Green (if enabled) then will go amber after a ten-minute warm-up triggering an
alarm, but then will go back to Green.
All alarms clear.

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Procedure 4-12
Verifying power and cable connections (continued)

Step Action

7 Align the pre-drilled holes of the safety shield to the pre-drilled holes on each cable support
bar at the rear of the chassis.

8 Fasten the safety shield to each cable support bar using the screws and lock washers

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4-30 Replacing an OT-21 NTP server
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Initial Setup
The OT-21 NTP Timing Server is designed for plug-and-play operation. In
most cases the server can be installed and made operational using the system
default settings. However, for the server to be managed over the Ethernet
network, certain parameters must be configured.

Perform the steps in Procedure 4-13, “Configuring IP addresses on OT-21” to

configure IP addresses on OT-21.
Procedure 4-13
Configuring IP addresses on OT-21

Step Action

1 With laptop connected (refer to procedure Installing the cable connections to serial Port A
(J15)) and unit powered on, open the terminal emulation program and hit ENTER until
system prompt appears.

2 Type Login and press ENTER.

3 Enter Datum and press ENTER.

4 Type ADMIN for the password and press ENTER.

5 Type IP ADDR followed by the customer provided IP address expressed in dotted decimal
notation and press ENTER.

6 Type IP GATE followed by the customer provided IP address for the gateway expressed in
dotted decimal notation and press ENTER.

7 Type IP MASK followed by the customer provided subnet mask expressed in dotted decimal
notation and press ENTER.

8 To verify the Ethernet settings, at the system prompt, type IP and press ENTER.
This will display the Ethernet settings to verify that they are correct.


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Node maintenance 5
This chapter is organized as follows:
• “Recommendations for alignment configuration”
• “Resynchronizing BSS Manager and Passport 15000”
• “Recommendations for timing for provisioning cleanup”
• Procedure 5-4, “Performing software cleanup”
• “Recovering from an Ethernet disconnect”
• “Clearing critical alarm for 11pMSW with no BTS connected”
• “Setting the antenna delay on the EbscTM modules”

Recommendations for alignment configuration 5

The following alignment configurations are recommended for CBRS/CPDS

1. Align all of the even number cards to be the active card.

2. Align the active lines of LAPS to be the working lines.

Resynchronizing BSS Manager and Passport 15000 5

Procedures are required to resync the BSS Manager and Passport 15000
database once a database corruption has occurred on either platform and
back-up restore has taken place.

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5-2 Node maintenance
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Synchronizing after a BSS Manager corruption

If a BSS Manager corruption is resolved by restoring an old snapshot the
steps in Procedure 5-1, “Synchronizing network databases after BSS Manager
corruption”, perform the following steps to ensure that the network databases
are properly synchronized.
Procedure 5-1
Synchronizing network databases after BSS Manager corruption

Step Action

1 Run the ebscDataAudit tool that is located in the /opt/bsm/bin directory. This tool generates a
file that shows discrepancies between the BSS Manager and CBRS Passport 15000.

2 Identify any new managed objects (MOs) that were added to the database after the time that
the restored snapshot was taken. This can be done by analyzing the journal files located in
the /opt/bsm/log/jf_secure directory. The filename is:

3 Recreate these new MOs using the same scripts that were originally used.

4 If MOs under the BTSAggregate need to be coupled, couple all the IMH ports first, and then
all other ports under the BTSAggregate MO.

5 Re-initialized the subsystems related to these MOs.

6 Identify any edits of the existing managed objects that were performed after the time that the
restored snapshot was taken.

7 Re-edit the existing MOs.

8 Perform an MTX init.


NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Node maintenance 5-3
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Synchronizing after a Passport 15000 corruption

If a Passport has rebooted to a committed view there is the possibility that
some connections may be missing. It is assumed that the committed view
includes all hardware that is provisioned on the Passport 15000.

Note: A commit prov is done every time any hardware is added.

The missing connections and associated alarms could include:

• SBSPorts. Selector bank subsystems (SBSs) would show “HeartBeat Not
Received” alarms on the BSS Manager.
• BTSPorts. Metro Cells or Legacy Base Station Transceiver subsystems
(BTSs) would show “HeartBeat Not Received” alarms on the BSS
• Inverse Multiplexing HDLC (IMH) Ports. Metro Cells would show
“HeartBeat Not Received” alarms on the BSS Manager. Network T1
based inter-system soft handoff (ISSHO) links could be down resulting in
a high CAUDRPR (CAUCPSCT) peg count for border BTSs.
• CIUPorts. The MTX would show CDMA Interface Units (CIUs) in a
“Not Ready” state under the MTX banner. There would also be a CDMA
603 Log indicating a CIU status change.
• ISSHOPorts. Connectivity Audit Alarms would show on the BSS
Manager from the affected ports.

Perform the steps in Procedure 5-2, “Synchronizing network databases after

Passport 15000 corruption” to ensure that the network databases are properly
Procedure 5-2
Synchronizing network databases after Passport 15000 corruption

Step Action

1 Identify the missing ports.

2 Provision the Passport 15000 with the original hardware components (for example: sts,

3 Once the hardware components are added, the ports under the 11pMSW and 24pBCNW
subsystem MO need to be uncoupled then coupled on the BSS Manager.

Note: It is important to recouple any IMH ports first to ensure there are sufficient ESP slots
available to house the IMH on a single encapsulating security payload (ESP).

4 Monitor the BSS Manager for any "ACN Reliability " alarms as well as any unexplained
"Heartbeat not Received" alarms or "ConnectivityAudit" alarms.

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5-4 Node maintenance
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Procedure 5-2
Synchronizing network databases after Passport 15000 corruption (continued)

Step Action

5 Run the ebscDataAudit tool located in the /opt/bsm/bin directory. This tool generates a file
that shows discrepancies between the BSS Manager and CBRS Passport 15000.

6 Monitor the following OMs on the MTX to verify proper system functionality:
• CAUCPSCT. The ratio of CAUOATTS vs CAUOSUCC is approx 95 % . The ratio of
CAUPGRES vs CAUTSUCC is also approx 95%
• CAURM. There are no pegs in the RMNOCIU, RMSRMTO, RMNORREQ to the
RMSRMNAK registers.
• CIUPROST. The number of TLTIMOUTS and TLNACKS is under 20 per CIU in a 30
minute period.

7 This procedure is completed.

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Node maintenance 5-5
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Recommendations for timing for provisioning cleanup 5

Provisioning view cleanup
A new provisioning file is saved by the Passport 15000 for every couple or
uncouple activity performed from the BSS Manager. The provisioning view
file name has the format “cdma_<timestamp>”, where timestamp is the time
at which version one of the file is saved.

This leads to the possibility of a large number of saved provisioning views

present on the system disk. Clean up saved provisioning views regularly to
maximize disk space and to ensure that only relevant provisioning views are
stored. Provisioning view clean up is conducted weekly in the same
maintenance window when the BSS Manager is stopped or started. Please
refer to NTP NN-20000-601, CDMA BSS Manager System Administration
and Security.

Removal of saved provisioning views from the system disk is performed

using the Passport “tidy prov” command. View removal is a manual process
requiring the operator to identify the views to be removed and kept.

Note: Do not use tidy Prov to remove old views immediately after
performing a software upgrade. If problems arise as a result of the
upgrade, an old view is required to downgrade to the previous software

If a file system error is encountered by the provisioning system, it cancels the

tidy Prov command and provides details on the nature of the error.

Example output:
File or directory does not exist.
command failed 2002-11-05 11:30:30.44


The provisioning system has built-in safeguards to prevent the following views
from being accidentally removed from the file system:
• The committed view
• The most recent full view used by one of the activate Prov, commit Prov,
load Prov, or save Prov commands
• The current view, if it exists as a saved view (that is, the saved view
containing the data in the current view)
• Saved views that are read-only
• Non-provisioning files or directories that do not have the standard
<name>.<type>.<number> format

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• Saved views in portable format that support dependent saved views in

delta format (that is, any view that is a base for another view)

The “tidy prov” command supports the following options for removing
provisioning views:
• Remove all view
• Remove all but the specified view(s)
• Remove only the specified view(s)
• Remove all views that match a filename, except for the specified view(s)
• Remove all views created during a specified period of time

For more information on the “tidy prov” command, refer to Passport 7400,
15000, 20000 Commands NTP, 241-5701-050.

Provisioning views have been backed up on the MDM workstation. For
backup procedures, see ATM BSC/eBSC Administration NTP, NN-20000-157.

The steps in Procedure 5-3, “Provisioning view cleanup” show how to

provision the view cleanup.
Procedure 5-3
Provisioning view cleanup

Step Action

1 Remove the unused provisioning views. The following command is entered at the Passport
tidy Prov

Example output:
231> tidy Prov
46 file(s) deleted.
ok 2002-10-17 10:41:46.66

2 This procedure is completed.


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Node maintenance 5-7
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Performing software cleanup 5

It is recommended that the Passport 15000 file system be cleaned up for the
following scenarios:
• After a software upgrade
• A Passport raises an 85% disk capacity alarm. It is recommended that the
operator remove unneeded provisioning views before removing software.
Note: This alarm is not cleared until the file system is down to 75%
capacity or less.
Fs; 2002-10-18 14:51:46.78
SET warning processing storageCapacityProblem 70081001
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 46 Rel: Lp/0
Com: File System disk usage is above 85% full.

Alarm will be cleared at 75%.

Int: 0/0/0/0;; 963; ""
The available Passport commands to perform this functionality remove both
the software and the associated patches.

As a minimum, it is recommended that the customer maintain the current and

the most recently used software load on the Passport file system. Additional
loads can be kept as required by the customer.

Run the “tidy sw” command only during maintenance windows as it is CPU
intensive and can require an extended interval to complete. During this
interval it is not possible for 11pMSW, 24pBCN and 4pOC3 FPs to be
rebooted as a required messaging mechanism is suspended during the tidy

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5-8 Node maintenance
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Ensure that tidy prov has been completed (see Procedure 5-3, “Provisioning
view cleanup”)

The steps for the software cleanup are shown in Procedure 5-4, “Performing
software cleanup”.
Procedure 5-4
Performing software cleanup

Step Action

1 Identify the software loads to be removed.

list sw av/*

Example output:
3> l sw av/*
Sw Av/base_N1300DA
Sw Av/ip_N1300DA
Sw Av/networking_N1300DA
Sw Av/atmNetworking_N1300DA
Sw Av/trunks_N1300DA
Sw Av/wirelessBcn_N1300DA
Sw Av/fabric_N1300DA
Sw Av/base_CB00S1A
Sw Av/base_CB02S2D
Sw Av/ip_CB00S1A
Sw Av/ip_CB02S2D
Sw Av/networking_CB00S1A
Sw Av/networking_CB02S2D
Sw Av/atmNetworking_CB00S1A
Sw Av/atmNetworking_CB02S2D
Sw Av/trunks_CB00S1A
Sw Av/trunks_CB02S2D
Sw Av/fabric_CB00S1A
Sw Av/fabric_CB02S2D
ok 2002-09-30 12:52:33.69

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Node maintenance 5-9
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Procedure 5-4
Performing software cleanup (continued)

Step Action

2 Software can be removed from the Passport only if there is no dependent provisioning view.
Identify existing provisioning views on the Passport that are dependent on the software to be
removed. Use the following Passport command to get a list of the provisioning views:
d -o pr view/* version

Example output:
5> d -o pr view/* version
Prov View/*
| View | version |Response
|current |N1300DA |
|edit |"" |
|N1300DA.full.002 |N1300DA |
|cdma_111935Jul25.ful|N1300DA |
|l.001 | |
|cdma_111935Jul25.ful|N1300DA |
|l.002 | |
|cdma_111935Jul25.ful|N1300DA |
|l.003 | |
|cdma_111935Jul25.ful|N1300DA |
|l.004 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.001 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.002 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.003 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.004 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.005 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.006 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.007 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.008 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.009 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.010 | |
|cdma_121152Jul16.ful|N1300DA |
|l.011 | |
ok 2002-09-30 12:55:38.05

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5-10 Node maintenance
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Procedure 5-4
Performing software cleanup (continued)

Step Action

3 Remove the provisioning views from the switch.

tidy –remove(<viewname>) pr

where viewname is the view filename identified in the previous step as being dependent
on the software to be removed.

Note: The “tidy pr” will not remove a view if it is the committed view, the last used view, or a
base view. It will be necessary to first remove the restrictions before the view can be deleted
in this case.

Example output:
> tidy -remove(cdma_112344Jul28) pr
Current view file cdma_112344Jul28.full.021 will be kept.
Last used file cdma_112344Jul28.full.022 will be kept.
Base file cdma_112344Jul28.full.001 will be kept.
19 file(s) deleted.
ok 2002-10-16 17:16:31.33

4 Confirm that the identified software will be removed.

tidy –query sw

Example output:
> tidy -query sw
The following AV(s) would be removed if the Tidy command was
issued without
the query option:
base_CB00S1A, base_CB02S2D, ip_CB00S1A,
ip_CB02S2D, networking_CB00S1A, networking_CB02S2D,
trunks_CB02S2D, wirelessBcn_CB00S1A,
fabric_CB00S1A, fabric_CB02S2D
ok 2002-09-30 13:08:30.06


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Procedure 5-4
Performing software cleanup (continued)

Step Action

5 Remove software. If the output from the preceding step displayed only the software that is
planned to be removed, continue with step 5. Otherwise, proceed to step 6 for instructions on
removing specific software applications.
tidy sw

Example output
7> tidy Sw

The following AV(s) have been removed:
base_CB00S1A, base_CB02S2D, ip_CB00S1A,
ip_CB02S2D, networking_CB00S1A,
trunks_CB02S2D, fabric_CB00S1A, fabric_CB02S2D
ok 2002-09-30 15:08:30.06


6 Use the following command to remove specific software applications:

remove Sw Av/<application_version>

Repeat for each software application to be removed. Software removal fails if there is any
view on the switch that uses the application. If this occurs, return to step 4 and remove the
offending view.
Example output:
7> remove Sw av/base_CB00S1A

Sw Av/base_CB00S1A
The following AV(s) have been removed:
ok 2002-09-30 15:08:30.06


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Procedure 5-4
Performing software cleanup (continued)

Step Action

7 Confirm that the software to be removed has been successfully deleted.

l sw av/*

Example output:
3> l sw av/*
Sw Av/base_N1300DA
Sw Av/ip_N1300DA
Sw Av/networking_N1300DA
Sw Av/atmNetworking_N1300DA
Sw Av/trunks_N1300DA
Sw Av/wirelessBcn_N1300DA
Sw Av/fabric_N1300DA
ok 2002-09-30 14:52:33.69

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Node maintenance 5-13
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Performing port cleanup 5

When performing a datafill cleanup, alarms can be raised if there is data in
any unused ports. To clear the Sonet alarms, perform the steps that are shown
in Procedure 5-5, “Performing port cleanup”.
Procedure 5-5
Performing port cleanup

Step Action

1 Determine if the port is laps protected.

d -p lp/<x> sonet/<m> lineAutomaticProtectionSwitch

2 If a LAPS link is specified in the response, the LAPS must also be deleted.
delete laps/<x><y><m>

3 Delete the Sonet.

delete lp/<x> sonet/<m>

4 Check the provisioning.

check prov

5 Activate the provisioning.

act prov

6 Confirm the provisioning.

confirm prov

7 The Sonet alarms are now clear.


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Recovering from an Ethernet disconnect 5

When the MDM and BSS Manager lose ethernet connectivity with a Passport
node it is possible for a fault to occur on the Passport, and the affected
component issues an alarm. However, since the MDM and BSS Manager are
isolated, the alarm is missed. After the MDM has regained connectivity, it
performs a state walk on the node to ensure it has a correct representation of
the state of all the components on the Passport. If a component is found to be
in a different state than expected, the MDM presents a proxy alarm (0999
0012) in the MDM Alarm Display tool. MDM proxy alarms are not displayed
at the BSS Manager.

Use Procedure 5-6, “Investigating proxy alarms” to investigate proxy alarms

in the MDM Alarm Display and check the Passport to find the problem.
Procedure 5-6
Investigating proxy alarms

Step Action

1 If not already running, start the MDM tool on the active BSS Manager:
From the Tools menu in the BSS Manager select “Start the MDM”. This presents the MDM
Tools window.

2 Open the Alarm Display window.

In the MDM Tool window, select “Fault -> Alarm Display: Active”. This presents the Alarm
Display window.

3 Sort the alarms by time.

From the Alarm Display’s View menu select “Sort by Time”. If this menu item is greyed out it
means the alarms are already sorted by time. The most recent alarms are at the bottom of
the list.
Set the display Normal by left clicking the box beside the word “Formal” and selecting

4 Look for alarm code 09990012.

Scroll through the list of alarms, starting at the bottom, looking for proxy alarms on the
Passport of interest. They is a format as shown in the following example:
MAJOR SET 09990012 02-06-11 13:30:27 EM/PB_10 LP/4 SONET/9
ID: FF4E12A9 TYPE: unknown CAUSE: unknown
CO: Proxy alarm generated as a result of State Walk.
Please refer to EM/PB_10 LP/4 and subcomponents for possible causes of the

This proxy alarm indicates a problem has been detected on LP/4 Sonet/9.

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Node maintenance 5-15
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Procedure 5-6
Investigating proxy alarms (continued)

Step Action

5 Check the component on the Passport by displaying the component.

display -o <component>

where component is the component name shown in the proxy alarm. The node name can
be included but is not required.

Example output:
3> d LP/4 SONET/9
Lp/4 Sonet/9
snmpOperStatus = down
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = disabled
usageState = idle
availabilityStatus = depend
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus = crit
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false
losAlarm = on
lofAlarm = off
rxAisAlarm = off
rxRfiAlarm = off
unusableTxClockRefAlarm = off
txAis = off
txRdi = on

In this example, the component is seen to have a Loss of Signal alarm condition. Debug this
problem in the normal fashion.

6 Repeat step 5 for all 0999 0012 alarms found in step 4.

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Clearing critical alarm for 11pMSW with no BTS connected 5

In some circumstances it is necessary to connect an 11pMSW FP to a BSS
manager but not to a BTS. This section explains how to resolve critical alarms
that are generated when an 11pMSW is deployed with this configuration.

Consequences of not connecting an 11pMSW to a BTS

Normally, an 11pMSW FP is used to connect to one or more BTS nodes.
However, the 11pMSWcan also be used to connect to the BSS manager only
without any connections to a BTS. In order to set up all the required
components in BSS manager, the LAPS STS components on Passport are
required to be provisioned initially so that the 11pMSWSubsystem MO and
the BTSAggregate MO can be created in BSSM.

After the managed objects are created, the BTSAggregate MO for that
particular 11pMSW FP is redundant because there is no BTS connected to it.
The LAPS STS components are not properly terminated, a situation which
causes critical alarms. These alarms indicate that the channelized OC3 port of
the 11pMSW FP is not properly terminated. They do not impact the ability of
the CBRS system to provide service, but they make it difficult for the operator
to determine whether a fault condition actually exists.

Alarm clearing strategies

There are three possible approaches to resolving these critical alarms:
1. Terminate the channelized OC3 port of the 11pMSW FP onto an OC3
add/drop multiplexer such as Nortel's Optera OC3 Express switch or
equivalent. In this way, the channelized OC3 port is properly terminated
and the critical alarms cleared.
2. Terminate the channelized OC3 port of the 11pMSW FP with a loopback
connector. This also clears the critical alarms on the LAPS and STS
3. If an OC3 add/drop multiplexer or a loopback connector is not available,
then the corresponding LAPS STS components can be removed using the
following steps (see Procedure 5-7, “Clearing alarms for 11pMSW with
no connecting BTS” for detailed instructions):
a. Follow the original scripts to create the 11pMSWSubsystem MO and
the BTSAggregate MO.
b. Once they are created and initialized properly, uncouple the
BTSAggregate MO.
c. On the Passport, remove the provisioning of the corresponding LAPS

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Node maintenance 5-17
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How deletion of the LAPS component affects BSC operations

The BTS Aggregate MO must be uncoupled before removing the
corresponding LAPS component from the Passport. The BTSAggregate MO
uncoupled all the time until BTS is connected to this 11pMSW FP during
future expansion.

When the 11pMSW Subsystem is terminated and initialized again, a message

is sent back indicating that the initialization is partially successful and asks to
check about the particular BTS Aggregate. The response is similar to the
one below:


Initialization is partly successful.

Please fix the following problems and retry.



This error message can safely be ignored since the particular BTSAggregate
is not used in the network. All other subsystems are coupled properly. This
error message only occurs when the 11pMSWSubsystem is initialized again.

In addition, after the BTS Aggregate MO is uncoupled, the connectivity audit

for this 11pMSW FP pairs become unavailable. In fact, if there are no BTSs
connected to this 11pMSW FP pair, the connectivity audit cannot be enabled.
If this 11pMSW FP is used for connection to the BSS manager only, there is
no impact. However, ensure that the traffic range assigned to this 11pMSW
FP is not included in the neighbor list of the System Connectivity Audit. The
traffic range info can be obtained from the BTS Aggregate MO.

Procedure steps
The steps in Procedure 5-7, “Clearing alarms for 11pMSW with no
connecting BTS” resolve critical alarms that appear when an 11pMSW FP is
configured with no connecting BTS nodes.

Review the information in “How deletion of the LAPS component
affects BSC operations” before performing the following procedure.

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This procedure is intended for use in the laboratory environment. It is not

recommended for field deployments of the 11pMSW FP card.
Procedure 5-7
Clearing alarms for 11pMSW with no connecting BTS

Step Action

1 Run the scripts to create the 11pMSWSubsystem MO and the BTSAggregate MO.

2 Uncouple the BTSAggregate MO.

Risk of provisioning failure or unwanted alarms
It is essential to uncouple the BTSAggregate MO before
removing the LAPS component from the Passport device. The
BTSAggregate MO must remain uncoupled as long as no BTS
nodes are connected to this 11pMSW FP.

3 From the alarm output generated at the Passport, identify the LAPS component that needs to
be removed.
See “Procedure job aid” below for example.

4 From the Passport command prompt in provisioning mode, enter the following command
del laps/<component_number>

with the <component_number> as identified in the previous step.

PROV 100> del laps/893
A total of 2 components have been deleted.
ok 2003-12-19 00:26:55.80

5 Enter the Passport check prov command.

PROV 101> check prov
ok 2003-12-19 00:27:00.46

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Procedure 5-7
Clearing alarms for 11pMSW with no connecting BTS (continued)

Step Action

6 Enter the Passport act prov command.

PROV 102> act prov

PROV 103>
Prov; 2003-12-19 00:27:05.14
SET warning operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000071 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation complete. Enter 'confirm prov' to confirm
activation or
rollback will occur in 20 minutes.
Int: 1/1/2/27671;; 751; CCN1BV

PROV 103>
--- Response 102 continued ...
You have 20 minutes in which to confirm activation.
ok 2003-12-19 00:27:05.15

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Procedure 5-7
Clearing alarms for 11pMSW with no connecting BTS (continued)

Step Action

7 Enter the Passport conf pr command

PROV 103> conf pr

Prov; 2003-12-19 00:27:11.27

CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000072 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
Int: 1/1/2/28337;; 838; CCN1BV

PROV 104>
--- Response 103 continued ...
Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
ok 2003-12-19 00:27:11.28

8 If no further provisioning activities are required, exit provisioning mode.

end prov

PROV 104> end pr

ok 2003-12-19 00:27:57.60

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Node maintenance 5-21
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Procedure job aid

The following example shows alarms that appear at the Passport after an
11pMSW FP has been configured with no connecting BTS nodes. The LAPS
component corresponding to the unused BTSAggregate MO is highlighted.

Lp/8 Sonet/8; 2003-12-18 18:47:36.05

SET critical communications lossOfSignal 70115200
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000013 Rel:
Com: Loss of Signal condition has been detected (losAlarm).
Check the cabling and termination panel.
Ensure signal strength is within specifications.
Int: 8/1/2/2868;; 173; CCN1BV

Lp/9 Sonet/8; 2003-12-18 18:47:37.42

SET critical communications lossOfSignal 70115200
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0900000A Rel:
Com: Loss of Signal condition has been detected (losAlarm).
Check the cabling and termination panel.
Ensure signal strength is within specifications.
Int: 9/1/2/18484;; 173; CCN1BV

Laps/893 Sts/0; 2003-12-18 18:47:37.40

SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000014 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal (rxAisAlarm).
Int: 8/1/2/2875;; 195; CCN1BV

Laps/893; 2003-12-18 18:47:37.52

SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000016 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 8/1/2/2869;; 3287; CCN1BV

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5-22 Node maintenance
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Setting the antenna delay on the EbscTM modules 5

The antenna delay parameter on the EbscTM can be displayed and changed
using the Passport "SendSCPI" command. This parameter is normally set
during installation. If it has not been set or if the antenna installation has
changed use this procedure to update the antenna delay parameter on both
EbscTM modules.

To determine the propagation delay in the GPS antenna subsystem software

for best timing accuracy, the following calculation must be performed:

P = (A + (15*B) + l*d)*10-9

• P = total GPS cable propagation delay (seconds)
• A = fixed delay of A0780690 GPS antenna in kit NTGB01MA; this is
27ns for the current VIC-100 antenna and 3ns for the old (flat topped)
Marine I antenna.
• B = number of in-line GPS amplifiers
• l = length of the GPS cabling external to the EBSCTM
• d = propagation delay constant of the cable type being use in the link
between the GPS antenna and the EBSCTM
Table 5-1 lists the cable propagation delay at GPS frequencies.
Table 5-1
Cable propagation delay at GPS frequencies

Cable Type SI Imperial

RG-213 5.05 nanoseconds/metre 1.54 nanoseconds/foot

LMR-400 (or LMR-400FR) 3.92 nanoseconds/metre 1.20 nanoseconds/foot

LDF2-50 3.79 nanoseconds/metre 1.16 nanoseconds/foot

LDF4-50A 3.79 nanoseconds/metre 1.16 nanoseconds/foot

LDF5-50A 3.75 nanoseconds/metre 1.14 nanoseconds/foot


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Setting the antenna delay incorrectly could cause a total call

processing outage! Ensure that the calculations are correct and that the
values are set on the EbscTm correctly!

The steps in Procedure 5-8, “Setting the Antenna Delay for EBSCTM
modules” show the steps to change the antenna delay.
Procedure 5-8
Setting the Antenna Delay for EBSCTM modules

Step Action

1 Verify that both EbscTMs are in service. Enter the following command at the Passport
display EbscTM/* osiSate

Verify that the adminState is unlocked, operationalState is enabled and activationState is

Example output:
5> d EbscTM/* Osistate

| | min |per | age | l | | l | m |tby | knw
| 0|unlck|ena |activ| | | | |nSet|false
| 1|unlck|ena |activ| | | | |nSet|false
ok 2004-01-20 17:45:51.21


Do not proceed with the procedure unless both EbscTMs are in


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Procedure 5-8
Setting the Antenna Delay for EBSCTM modules (continued)

Step Action

2 Calculate the antenna delay for each EBSCTM using the aforementioned formula. The delay
is the same if both EBSCTMs are cabled to the same antenna, otherwise the calculation
have to be performed for each EbscTM. Fill in the calculated delays for reference in
subsequent steps

Antenna Delay for EbscTm/0: _________seconds

Antenna Delay for EbscTm/1: _________seconds

3 On the Passport 15000, enter the following command to display the current antenna delay on
sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/0

The antenna delay is displayed in seconds.

Sample output:
29> sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/0
scpiResponseString = +0.00000E+00

scpi >
ok 2004-01-20 18:14:11.19

Compare the displayed delay with the value calculated in step 2. If the delays are the same
then proceed to step 6.

4 Set the antenna delay for EbscTm/0 by entering the following command:
sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay <n>) EbscTM/0

where n is the antenna delay (in seconds) that was calculated during step 2.

Sample output:
16> sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay .000000277") EbscTM/0
scpiResponseString = scpi >
ok 2004-01-20 17:56:50.62

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Procedure 5-8
Setting the Antenna Delay for EBSCTM modules (continued)

Step Action

5 Display the antenna delay to verify that the change was made correctly. At the Passport
prompt enter the following command:
sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/0

The antenna delay is displayed in seconds.

Sample output:
29> sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/0
scpiResponseString = +2.77000E-07

scpi >
ok 2004-01-20 18:14:11.19

If the delay is not the same as the value calculated in step 2 then immediately go back to step
4 and set the antenna delay correctly.

Note: Large discrepancies between the antenna delay parameter and the actual antenna
delay could cause a call processing outage. Ensure that the value has been set correctly.

6 On the Passport 15000, enter the following command to display the current antenna delay on
sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/1

The antenna delay is displayed in seconds.

Sample output:
29> sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/1
scpiResponseString = +0.00000E+00

scpi >
ok 2004-01-20 18:14:11.19

Compare the displayed delay with the value calculated in step 2. If the delays are the same
then omit the remaining steps.

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Procedure 5-8
Setting the Antenna Delay for EBSCTM modules (continued)

Step Action

7 Set the antenna delay for EbscTm/1 by entering the following command:
sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay <n>) EbscTM/1

where n is the antenna delay (in seconds) that was calculated during step 2.

Sample output:
16> sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay .000000345") EbscTM/1
scpiResponseString = scpi >
ok 2004-01-20 17:56:50.62

8 Display the antenna delay to verify that the change was made correctly. At the Passport
prompt enter the following command:
sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/1

The antenna delay is displayed in seconds.

Sample output:
29> sendscpi -s("gps:ref:adelay?") EbscTM/1
scpiResponseString = +3.45000E-07

scpi >
ok 2004-01-20 18:14:11.19

If the delay is not the same as the value calculated in step 2 then immediately go back to step
7 and set the antenna delay.

Note: Large discrepancies between the antenna delay parameter and the actual antenna
delay could cause a call processing outage. Ensure that the value has been set correctly.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6

This section contains procedures for the replacement of CBRS equipment,
troubleshooting, alarm differences and requirements for login or telnet.

This chapter is organized as follows:

• “Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement”

• “Functional processor replacement preconditions”
• “Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement”
• “CCMC card replacements”
• “BCN MUX card replacement”
• “T1 MUX card replacement”
• “EBSCTM alarm troubleshooting”
• “BIP Panel alarm troubleshooting”
• “Alarm differences between 20 amp and 5 amp breakers”
• Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-2 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement 6

The procedure for Passport 15000 CP replacement is a generic procedure
intended for use with all ATM BSC and CBRS supported CPs.

The CP provides the main processing for a Passport 15000. Replacing a CP is

typically done because of a fault with the card. Replacing a CP has no impact
on performance provided that the second CP is installed, appropriately
configured, cabled to the same IP router or hub, and in service as the inactive
redundant mate. A switchover of the faulty CP to its inactive mate can already
have occurred by the time it is replaced.

Before replacing a CP, have its replacement present. CPs are identified by PEC
as either:
• NTHR06xx for a DS1 CP2 BITS interface
• NTHR35xx for an E1 CP2 BITS interface
• NTHW06xx for a DS1 CP3 BITS interface
• NTHW08xx for an E1 CP3 BITS interface

Ensure that the replacement CP has the same PEC or the same PEC with a
compatible version.

The steps for Passport 15000 CP replacement are shown in Procedure 6-1,
“Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement”.


EBSC/Passport CPs are not to be removed from the shelf if the cards have
not been locked from the OA&M terminal. Failure to do so can result in
damage to the CPs or fabric and will likely cause an outage.

Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement

Step Action

1 Confirm with the software operator of the Passport 15000 which CP is to be replaced, the
one in slot 0 or the one in slot 1.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-3
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Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

2 Determine if this card is the active or spare CP.

>display lp/0 activecard

Example output:
7> display lp/0 activecard
activeCard = Shelf Card/0
ok 2003-08-18 16:22:01.29

In this example, Shelf Card/0 is active.

3 If the CP to be replaced is active and there is no spare CP, stop the procedure immediately
and contact the next level of support. Attempting to replace this CP will cause a total shelf

4 If the CP to be replaced is active and there is a spare CP, proceed to step 6 to perform a CP

5 If the CP to be replaced is the spare, proceed to step 7.

6 Perform a CP switchover.
> switch lp/0

Example output:
12> switch lp/0

Lp/0; 2003-08-18 16:25:13.63

SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 50 Rel: Shelf Card/0
Com: Rebooting LP/0.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 0/0/2/17169;; 267; N1300DA

--- Response 12 continued ...
ok 2003-08-18 16:25:13.63

After the switchover is completed it is necessary to log back into the node.

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Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

7 Lock the identified CP using the force option. Locking a CP removes it from service. Type in
the following command:
lock –force shelf card/<x>

where <x> is the card number being replaced, 0 or 1

Example output:
6> lock -force shelf card/0

Shelf Card/0; 2003-08-18 16:35:39.02

SET major operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: major STBY: coldStandby UNKNW: false
Id: 01000041 Rel:
Com: Card is Locked
Int: 1/0/2/1043;; 8031; N1300DA

--- Response 6 continued ...
Shelf Card/0
ok 2003-08-18 16:35:39.02

Fs; 2003-08-18 16:35:39.03
SET minor equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000042 Rel: Lp/0
Com: File system lost disk synchronization.
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 1196; ""

Fs Disk/0; 2003-08-18 16:35:39.03
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000043 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Cleared all alarms against standby DISK
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 1239; ""

—sheet 3 of 9—

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-5
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

Step 7 continued
Shelf Card/0; 2003-08-18 16:35:39.03
SET critical equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000044 Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/1043;; 8262; N1300DA

8 Plug a grounding strap into an ESD receptacle at the front of the Passport 15000 and wear it
on a wrist. The hole is threaded to provide friction for a press-fit.

Note: A shoe ground strap would also suffice if a grounding strap was not available.

9 Check the status LEDs on the faceplate of the CP to be replaced.

• If the LED is solid green, then the CP is active.
• If the LED is not solid green, then the CP is inactive.

10 Check the status LEDs on the faceplate of the other CP.

• If the LED is solid green, then the CP is active, and the CP to be replaced is already
inactive. Only one CP can be active.
• If the LED is fast flashing green, then the CP is inactive. Go back to step 6
• If the LED is other than a state of green, then the standby CP has a problem that might
prevent it from taking over the traffic of the active. Contact the next level of support.

11 Record the position of the cable connectors relative to the labels of the connectors on the
faceplate. While the LED is solid red, unplug the cable connectors on the faceplate of the CP.
Allow the cables to hang aside.


Risk of shelf reset by disconnecting an active cable. If the Ethernet

cable is disconnected from the active CP, the shelf undergoes a reset or
switches activity with its mate provided the mate is in-service. The
status LED of an active CP is solid green. Only one CP can be active.

12 On the faceplate of the CP, fully swing out the upper and lower latches until they stop.

—sheet 4 of 9—

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-6 CBRS equipment maintenance
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

13 Place fingers on the exposed tabs to gently but firmly slide the CP out of its slot. Hold only
the edges of the CP. Be careful because an FP weighs up to 5.4 kg (12 pounds).

14 Put the CP aside onto its original packaging. Packing it after the replacement CP is installed
minimizes the amount of time the CP is out of service.

15 Double check that the PEC of the replacement CP is compatible with the PEC code of the
removed CP. Holding the replacement CP by its edges, align the end with the pins to the
channels in the slot. Avoid touching anything on CP.

16 Gently push the CP into the slot until the CP stops moving. There are keyways and guide
pins to ensure that the CP aligns with the connections at the backplane (inside at the rear of
the shelf).
If resistance is felt, do not force the CP in. Remove it, and check the backplane at the rear of
the slot for bent pins. A flashlight is required to see into the slot. If no pins are bent, reset the
CP. If one or more pins are bent, do not insert the CP and contact the Nortel Networks
technical support representative.

17 Close the latches flush against the faceplate. The Passport 15000 will boot the CP, startup
diagnostics will be run and software loaded. The CP is left in a locked state waiting
provisioning to be delivered.

18 Plug the Ethernet connector into P0 and the RS232 connector into P1. Each connector has its
own unique mating.

Note: If the Ethernet cable is not connected when the port tests are run, the Ethernet port will
no longer be available.

19 The CP can now be tested. A CP can be tested only when it is out of service. CP testing is described
in 241-5701-520 Passport 7400, 15000 Troubleshooting Guide.
If any tests fail, contact the next level of support.

—sheet 5 of 9—

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-7
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

20 Unlock the CP and return it to service. Wait until the cycling of the LEDs on the faceplate of
the CP ends at a fast flashing green. Alarms will clear on the Passport and BSS Manager.
Type in the following command:
unlock shelf card/x

where x is the CP instance to be unlocked, 0 or 1

Example output:
7> unlock shelf card/0
Shelf Card/0
ok 2003-08-18 16:38:33.93

Shelf Card/0; 2003-08-18 16:41:39.91
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000045 Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/1043;; 8262; N1300DA

Shelf Card/0; 2003-08-18 16:41:39.91
CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000046 Rel:
Com: Card is Unlocked
Int: 1/0/2/1043;; 8031; N1300DA

—sheet 6 of 9—

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-8 CBRS equipment maintenance
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

21 Ensure that the CP has loaded correctly by checking the status of the card.
>display shelf card/*

Example output:
9> display shelf card/*

Shelf Card/*
Use -noTabular to see the many hidden attributes.
|Card |osiAdmin|osiO|osiUsage|currentLP|failure|self |scstat|hwAlarm
| | |per | | | Cause |Test | |
| | | | | | |Fault| |
| 0 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/0 |none |none |notApp|none
| 1 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/0 |none |none |notApp|none
| 2 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/2 |none |none |notApp|none
| 3 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/3 |none |none |notApp|batter
| 4 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/4 |none |none |notApp|none
| 5 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/5 |none |none |notApp|none
| 6 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/6 |none |none |notApp|none
| 7 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/7 |none |none |notApp|none
| 8 |unlck |dis | idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 9 | unlck |dis | idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 10 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/10 |none |none |notApp|none
| 11 |unlck |dis | idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 12 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/12 |none |none |notApp|none
| 13 |unlck |ena | activ |Lp/13 |none |none |notApp|none
| 14 |unlck |dis | idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 15 |unlck |dis | idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.

5 component(s) reported errors.

command failed 2003-08-18 16:45:45.93

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-9
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

22 Ensure the LP is functioning properly

>display lp/*

Example output:
145> display lp/*

Use -noTabular to see the many hidden attributes.
|Lp|osiAd|osiO|osiUs| activeCard |mainCa|spareC|restart
| | min |per | age | |rdStat|ardSta|OnCpSwi
| | | | | | us | tus | tch
| 0|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/1 |availa|active|false
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/2 |active|notPro|false
| 3|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/3 |active|notPro|false
| 4|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/4 |active|notPro|false
| 5|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/5 |active|notPro|false
| 6|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/6 |active|notPro|false
| 7|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/7 |active|notPro|false
|10|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/10 |active|notPro|false
|12|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/12 |active|notPro|false
|13|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/13 |active|notPro|false
|14|unlck|dis |idle |! |notAva|notPro|n/a
| |Component is disabled.
|15|unlck|dis |idle |! |notAva|notPro|n/a
| |Component is disabled.
2 component(s) reported errors.
command failed 2003-08-18 16:46:58.38

23 Due to functionality introduced via patch baseFT017A for the N1212DX load, it is now
necessary to Save and Commit Provisioning after replacement of a CP Card.
Enter the Provisioning mode:
> start prov

24 Save the current view with portable formats.

> save -current -f(ReplaceCP_MonthDay) -portable prov

PROV > save -current -f(ReplaceCP_May17) -portable prov
Saving the current view into ReplaceCP_May17.full.001 (with portable formats) ...
The provisioning data is saved in file ReplaceCP_May17.full.001.

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6-10 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-1
Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement (continued)

Step Action

25 Commit the Provisioning

> commit prov

PROV > commit prov
Saving the current view into ReplaceCP_May17.full.001 (with commit formats) ...
The committed file is ReplaceCP_May17.full.001.

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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-11
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Functional processor replacement preconditions 6

This section contains the following FP replacement preconditions:

• Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement

precondition procedure”
• Procedure 6-3, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement
precondition procedure”
• Procedure 6-4, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement
precondition procedure”
• Procedure 6-5, “Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement
precondition procedure”

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-12 CBRS equipment maintenance
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition

The steps in Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor
replacement precondition procedure” are to be performed prior to replacing a
4pOC3 functional processor.
Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure

Step Action

1 Confirm the replacement 4pOC3 FP is of the same vintage or newer than the 4pOC3 FP
being removed from the system by comparing the PEC codes. (for example, NTHR17DA is of
newer vintage than NTHR17CA).

2 Locate the FP in the shelf. Record 4pOC3 pre-replacement configurations in the equipment
connected column

Port Equipment connected (DISCO, ISSHO/BISC or ISSHO loopback

connection, BSS Manager)

Note 1: If the active BSS Manager is connected to the faulty card visibility to the network is
lost until this card has been replaced.
Note 2: The 4pOC3 functional processor in an ATM BSC configuration can have two
connected DISCOs.
Note 3: The 4pOC3 functional processor in a CBRS configuration can have up to four
connected DISCOs.
Note 4: If there is an ISSHO loopback connection, ISSHO traffic on this link is lost until
completion of the card replacement procedures.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-13
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

3 Referencing the table in step 2, identify if there are DISCOs attached to the FP pair. If there
are no DISCOs attached, then skip to step 18. If DISCO’s are attached to the FP pair, start a
CLIAPP session on the active BSS Manager:

Example output:
bsm% cliapp
# Hello. Welcome to the BSM Command Line Interface
# For on-line cli documentation type: help;

4 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
1> cd
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1"

5 Display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
2>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = 0
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 1 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-14 CBRS equipment maintenance
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

6 Repeat step 4 and step 5 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP being replaced.

Note: Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 1 on the DISCOs.

7 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
3>cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2"

8 Display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
4>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = OFF_LINE
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 2 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

9 Repeat step 7 and step 8 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP being replaced.
Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 2 on the DISCOs. Skip to step 18 if the
inactive ATMIC cards are connected to the FP being replaced.

Note: Odd numbered ATMIC cards are associated with even numbered FPs. Even
numbered ATMIC cards are connected to odd numbered FPs.

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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-15
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

10 Confirm that the ATMIC status is correctly reflected in the TFO MO associated with the
connected DISCO. Note the TFO MO administrative state. From CLIAPP, type in the following
cd 0%:CBS1:BSM1:TFOx;

where x is the instance of the TFO

ls -f;

Example output:
5>cd O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1;
# "O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1"
6>ls -f;
# (
# InstanceDisplayName = "TFO1",
# BSMParent = "O%:CBS1:BSM1",
# BSMChildren =
# (
# 0
# ),
# FaultStatusList =
# (
# 0
# ),
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# StatusList =
# (
# 2,
# 0 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# ),
# 1 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem32,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# )

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6-16 CBRS equipment maintenance
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 10 continued

# ),
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# FailoverState = Start
# );

Compare the active ATMIC status from the TFO mode with the DISCO ATMIC configuration
data collected in step 3 through step 9. If a discrepancy is observed between the ATMIC
status and the TFO MO status, contact the next level of Nortel Support for assistance in re-
synchronizing the TFO MO before proceeding.

11 Confirm that the TFO port MO is unlocked for the DISCOs connected to the FP being
replaced. Unlock the TFO Port MO if the current Administrative state is locked. Confirm that
the action is successful by typing in the following commands:
action unlock;

ls –af (AdministrativeState);

Example output:
9>action unlock;
# (
# AlreadyInRequestedState = false,
# success = true
# );
10>ls -f(AdministrativeState);
# (
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED
# );

12 Repeat step 10 and step 11 if there are additional TFO MOs associated with DISCOs
connected to the FP being replaced.

—sheet 5 of 16—

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-17
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

13 Perform the TFO switchover. On the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the
following command:
action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU = x);

where x is the destination ATMIC for the switchover

Note: ATMIC switchover will trigger a Mimic APS switchover on a CBRS configured Passport

Example output:
11>action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU =2);
Check the availability of the inactive TFU.
Are you sure you want to perform an ATMIC/TFU switchover?
Please confirm (yes, y, no, n): y
# (
# Transaction status only: SUCCESSFUL
# );

Passport 15000:
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:12.22
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000010 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:21.73
CLR cleared communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000011 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: All APS requests have been cleared.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA

—sheet 6 of 16—

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-18 CBRS equipment maintenance
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 13 continued

BSS Manager:
16 Oct 02 10:04:35 - 9 108 - O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1 - Cleared - Warning -
Manual ATMIC switchover completed successfully in the CIS.

14 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
3>cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2"

15 Display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
4>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = OFF_LINE
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 2 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

—sheet 7 of 16—

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-19
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

16 Repeat step 14 and step 15 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP being replaced.
Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 2 on the DISCOs. Skip to step 18 if the
inactive ATMIC cards are connected to the FP being replaced.

Note: Odd numbered ATMIC cards are associated with even numbered FPs. Even
numbered ATMIC cards are connected to odd numbered FPs.

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6-20 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

17 Confirm that the ATMIC status is correctly reflected in the TFO MO associated with the
connected DISCO. Note the TFO MO administrative state. From CLIAPP, type in the following
cd 0%:CBS1:BSM1:TFOx;

where x is the instance of the TFO

ls -f;

Example output:
5>cd O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1;
# "O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1"
6>ls -f;
# (
# InstanceDisplayName = "TFO1",
# BSMParent = "O%:CBS1:BSM1",
# BSMChildren =
# (
# 0
# ),
# FaultStatusList =
# (
# 0
# ),
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# StatusList =
# (
# 2,
# 0 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# ),
# 1 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem32,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# )

—sheet 9 of 16—

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-21
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 17 continued

# ),
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# FailoverState = Start
# );

Compare the active ATMIC status from the TFO mode with the DISCO ATMIC configuration
data collected in step 3 through step 9. If a discrepancy is observed between the ATMIC
status and the TFO MO status, contact the next level of Nortel Support for assistance in re-
synchronizing the TFO MO before proceeding.

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6-22 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

18 Referencing the table in step 2, identify if there are ISSHO/BISC connections attached to the
FP pair. If ISSHO/BISC links are connected, record the LAPS components associated with
the ISSHO/BISC and the FP being replaced in the table above. If there are no ISSHO/BISC
links connected, skip to step 22. Display LAPS components by typing the following
d -o laps/*

Record the LAPS components associated with the FP for a redundant CBRS configuration.
Note that the LAPS label maps to <FP1><FP2><Port>.

Note: There can be more than one LAPS component associated with an FP.

If the ISSHO/BISC links are not spared, an outage on these links is
experienced during card replacement. Skip to step 22.

Example output:
34> d -o laps/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw, osiStby,
osiCntrl, osiProc, osiAvail, mmAlarm, pfAlarm and
|Laps |osiAd|osiO|osiUs|neRxLi|neReq |neReqC|feReq |feReqC|sdOnLin|switch
| | min |per | age | ne | | han | | han | es |overs
| 231 |unlck|ena |busy |protec|doNotR|workin|doNotR|workin| |1
| 891 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |1
| 892 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |0
ok 2002-10-16 13:19:01.03

In this example, if the ISSHO links are on LP/2 is being replaced, the associated LAPs
components are laps/231.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-23
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

19 Using the laps component identified in the step 18, determine which line is currently active:
display laps/<xxx> nearEndRxActiveLine

where <xxx> is the laps component(s) identified in step 18.

Example command:
4> display laps/231 nearEndRxActiveLine
nearEndRxActiveLine = working
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:00.40

20 Using the information obtained in step 19, determine if the ISSHO/BISC is functioning on the
LP to be replaced. If the ISSHO/BISC is on the standby line, then skip to step 22.
display –p laps/<xxx> workingline, protectionline

Example command:
5> display -p laps/231 workingline, protectionline
workingLine = Lp/2 Sonet/8
protectionLine = Lp/3 Sonet/8
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:17.95

Note: In this example, we have determined that the ISSHO resides on laps/231, is
functioning on the working line, which is associated with LP/2 Sonet/8.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

6-24 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

21 If the ISSHO/BISC is functioning on the FP to be replaced, switch the laps to the other FP
using the following command:
switch <direction> laps/<xxx>

where where <direction> is either -workingtoprotection or –protectiontoworking

based on information obtain in step 19.<xxx> is the same as identified in step 18.

Example command:
17> switch -workingtoprotection laps/231
ok 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62

Laps/231; 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115274
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000024 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 2/1/2/1577;; 3287; N1300DA

22 Referencing the table in step 2, identify if the active BSS Manager is connected to the FP to
be replaced.
If the active BSS Manager is not connected to the FP to be replaced, skip to step 36.
If the active BSS Manager is connected to the FP to be replaced, there is a lose of network
visibility during the FP replacement. If this is acceptable, proceed to step 31.
Otherwise, if it is necessary to maintain network visibility during the upgrade, continue with
step 23.
Refer to Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS Manager”
for instructions on logging into the BSS Manager.

23 On the active BSS Manager (BSSM1), perform a database integrity pre-check. Please refer
to Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Manager Software Upgrade, NN-20000-135, for the steps
required to run the pre-check.
If any problems are found during the check, contact the next level of support.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-25
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Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

24 While logged in as bsmbin, stop CEMS if it is installed and running.

Perform the following to check if CEMS is running:
> cems state

If there are CEMS processes running, perform Procedure 1-30 “Switching over from active to
standby server” from NTP NN-20000-145 “CDMA Element Management Subsystem (C-
EMS) Administration” and then proceed to step 26. Note that the CEMS switchover
procedure includes BSSM switch activity.
Otherwise, if there are no CEMS processes running, proceed to step 25.

25 Switch activity between the active and inactive BSS Managers by following Procedure 1-12 in

26 Generate the AgentSync Script file on BSSM2. Login as root on the BSSM2 and execute the
following commands at a shell prompt from the /opt/bsm/bin directory:
% ./gen_agentsync

Running the tool with these options generates a file called AgentSync.cli in the /opt/bsm/log
Example output:
# ./gen_agentsync
Task: Generating AgentSync script
BSSM Host: zcals0jj
BSSMVersion: bsmbld1120bk

INFO: Please wait, generating AgentSync script is in progress...

INFO: AgentSync cli script is generated and it is located at:


Note: Root privileges are not needed after this step. Logout and relogin as bsmbin.

27 Synchronize BSSM2 with the subsystems by starting cliapp with the output copied into a log
file in the /opt/bsm/scripts directory:
> cliapp | tee /opt/bsm/scripts/agentsync.output

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Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

28 Type the following command at the cliapp prompt:

> script -ec /opt/bsm/log/AgentSync.cli;

After the script completes execution, exit cliapp and examine the logfile for any error
For each subsystem MO that failed the AgentSync action according to the logfile, attempt to
perform the SubsystemReset, BSMAgentReset, and Initialize actions in order to reestablish
consistency between the subsystem state and the BSS Manager state.

29 Update the table in step 2 to indicate the inactive BSSM is now connected to the FP to be

30 Proceed to step 36.

31 While logged in as bsmbin, stop CEMS if it is installed and running.

Perform the following to check if CEMS is running:
> cems state

If there are CEMS processes running, perform the following:

> cems stop

32 The following steps are to shutdown the active BSS Manager.

Log in as bsmbin on the active BSS Manager.

33 Start bsmcontrol if the bsmcontrol window is not currently up by typing the following
bsmcontrol –a&

34 Deactivate the active BSS Manager (BSSM1) by following these steps in the Execution tab
of BSS Manager Control window:
— Click on the Lock logo to lock the BSS Manager.
— Click on the ‘Yes’ button to acknowledge warning message.
— Click on the Stop BSM button.
— Click on the ‘Yes’ button to acknowledge the pop-up window.

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Procedure 6-2
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

35 Check the following:

• Administrative State is locked
• Operational State is disabled
• Standby Status is cold standby

Note: A loss of network visibility occurs at this point.

36 Now replace the FP and proceed to Procedure 6-6, “Performing Passport 15000 FP

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Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition

The steps in Procedure 6-3, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor
replacement precondition procedure” are to be performed prior to replacing a
16pOC3 functional processor.
Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure

Step Action

1 Confirm the replacement 16pOC3 FP is of the same vintage or newer than the 16pOC3 FP
being removed from the system by comparing the PEC codes.

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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

2 Locate the FP in the shelf. Record 16pOC3 prereplacement configurations in the equipment
connected column.

Port Equipment connected (ISSHO/BISC or ISSHO loopback connection, BSS








Note 1: If the active BSS Manager is connected to the faulty card the lose of network
visibility until this card has been replaced.
Note 2: If there is an ISSHO loopback connection, the lose of ISSHO traffic on this link until
completion of the card replacement procedures.

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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

3 Referencing the table in step 2, identify if there are ISSHO/BISC connections attached to the
FP pair. If ISSHO/BISC links are connected, record the LAPS components associated with
the ISSHO/BISC and the FP being replaced in the table above. If there are no ISSHO/BISC
links connected, skip to step 8. Display LAPS components by typing the following command:
d -o laps/*

Record the LAPS components associated with the FP for a redundant CBRS configuration.
Note that the LAPS label maps to <FP1><FP2><Port>.

Note: There can be more than one LAPS component associated with an FP.

If the ISSHO/BISC links are not spared, an outage on these links will be
experienced during card replacement. Skip to step 8.

Example output:
34> d -o laps/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw, osiStby,
osiCntrl, osiProc, osiAvail, mmAlarm, pfAlarm and
|Laps |osiAd|osiO|osiUs|neRxLi|neReq |neReqC|feReq |feReqC|sdOnLin|switch
| | min |per | age | ne | | han | | han | es |overs
| 231 |unlck|ena |busy |protec|doNotR|workin|doNotR|workin| |1
| 891 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |1
| 892 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |0
ok 2002-10-16 13:19:01.03

In this example, if the ISSHO links are on LP/2 is being replaced, the associated LAPs
components are laps/231.

4 Using the laps component identified in the step 3, determine which line is currently active:
display laps/<xxx> nearEndRxActiveLine

where <xxx> is the laps component(s) identified in step 3.

Example command:
4> d laps/231 nearEndRxActiveLine
nearEndRxActiveLine = working
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:00.40

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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

5 Using the information obtained in step 4, determine if the ISSHO/BISC is functioning on the
LP to be replaced. If the ISSHO/BISC is on the standby line, then skip to step 8.
display –p laps/<xxx> workingline, protectionline

Example command:
5> display -p laps/231 workingline, protectionline
workingLine = Lp/2 Sonet/8
protectionLine = Lp/3 Sonet/8
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:17.95

Note: In this example, we have determined that the ISSHO resides on laps/231, is
functioning on the working line, which is associated with LP/2 Sonet/8.

6 Display the sonets on the 16pOC3 card that is about to be replaced and record the
adminState and the operationalState. Use the following command:
>d lp/<x> sonet/* adminState, operationalState.

Sample output is
Lp/2 Sonet/*
| | min |per |
| 0|unlck|ena |
| 1|unlck|dis |
| 2|unlck|ena |
| 3|unlck|ena |

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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

7 If the ISSHO/BISC is functioning on the FP to be replaced, switch the laps to the other FP
using the following command:
switch <direction> laps/<xxx>

where <direction> is either -workingtoprotection or –protectiontoworking based on

information obtain in step 5.<xxx> is the same as identified in step 3.

Example command:
17> switch -workingtoprotection laps/231
ok 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62

Laps/231; 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000024 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 2/1/2/1577;; 3287; N1300DA

8 Referencing the table in step 2, identify if the active BSS Manager is connected to the FP to
be replaced.
If the active BSS Manager is not connected to the FP to be replaced, skip to step 22.
If the active BSS Manager is connected to the FP to be replaced, there is a loss of network
visibility during the FP replacement. If this is acceptable, proceed to step 17.
Otherwise, if it is necessary to maintain network visibility during the upgrade, continue with
step 9.

Note: Refer to Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS
Manager” for instructions on logging into the BSS Manager.

9 On the active BSS Manager (BSSM1), perform a database integrity pre-check. Please refer
to Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Manager Software Upgrade, NN-20000-135, for the steps
required to run the pre-check.
If any problems are found during the check, contact the next level of support.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-33
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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

10 While logged in as bsmbin, stop CEMS if it is installed and running.

Perform the following to check if CEMS is running:
> cems state

If there are CEMS processes running perform Procedure 1-30 ‘Switching over from active to
standby server’ from NTP NN-20000-145 ‘CDMA Element Management Subsystem (C-EMS)
Administration’ that includes BSSM swact as well, and then proceed to step 13.
If there are no CEMS processes, proceed to step step 11.

11 While logged in as bsmbin, on the active BSSM1, bring up the BSS Manager Control window
by typing:
> bsmcontrol -a

12 Switch activity between the active and inactive BSS Managers by following Procedure 1-12 in

13 Generate the AgentSync Script file on BSSM2. Login as root on the BSSM2 and execute the
following commands at a shell prompt from the /opt/bsm/bin directory:
% ./gen_agentsync

Running the tool with these options will generate a file called AgentSync.cli in the /opt/bsm/
log directory.
Example output:
# ./gen_agentsync
Task: Generating AgentSync script
BSSM Host: zcals0jj
BSSMVersion: bsmbld1120bk

INFO: Please wait, generating AgentSync script is in progress...

INFO: AgentSync cli script is generated and it is located at:


Note: Root privileges are not needed after this step. Logout and relogin as bsmbin.

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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

14 Synchronize BSSM2 with the subsystems by starting cliapp with the output copied into a log
file in the /opt/bsm/scripts directory:
> cliapp | tee /opt/bsm/scripts/agentsync.output

Type the following command at the cliapp prompt:

> script -ec /opt/bsm/log/AgentSync.cli;

After the script completes execution, exit cliapp and examine the logfile for any error
For each subsystem MO that failed the AgentSync action according to the logfile, attempt to
perform the SubsystemReset, BSMAgentReset, and Initialize actions in order to reestablish
consistency between the subsystem state and the BSS Manager state.

15 Update the table in step 2 to indicate the inactive BSSM is now connected to the FP to be

16 Proceed to step 22.

17 The following steps are to shutdown the active BSS Manager.

Log in as bsmbin on the active BSS Manager.

18 While logged in as bsmbin, stop CEMS if it is installed and running.

Perform the following to check if CEMS is running:
> cems state

If there are CEMS process running, perform the following:

> cems stop

19 Start bsmcontrol if the bsmcontrol window is not currently up by typing the following
bsmcontrol –a &

20 Deactivate the active BSS Manager (BSSM1) by following these steps in the Execution tab
of BSS Manager Control window:
— Click on the Lock logo to lock the BSS Manager.
— Click on the ‘Yes’ button to acknowledge warning message.
— Click on the Stop BSM button.
— Click on the ‘Yes’ button to acknowledge the pop-up window.

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Procedure 6-3
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

21 Check the following:

• Administrative State is locked
• Operational State is disabled
• Standby Status is cold standby

Note: A loss of network visibility occurs at this point.

22 Replace the FP and Proceed to Procedure 6-6, “Performing Passport 15000 FP


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Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition

The steps in Procedure 6-4, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor
replacement precondition procedure” are to be performed prior to replacing a
11pMSW functional processor.
Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure

Step Action

1 Confirm replacement 11pMSW FP is of the same vintage or newer than the 11pMSW FP
being removed from the system by comparing the PEC codes. (for example, NTHR17DA is of
newer vintage than NTHR17CA).

2 Locate the FP in the shelf. Record 11pMSW prereplacement configurations in the equipment
connected column.

Port Equipment connected (BSS Manager, BTS, DISCO or CUI)



3 Referencing the table in step 2, identify if there are Disco’s attached to the FP pair. If there
are no Disco’s attached, then skip to step 14. If Disco’s are attached to the FP pair, start a
CLIAPP session on the active BSS Manager:

Example output:
bsm% cliapp
# Hello. Welcome to the BSM Command Line Interface
# For on-line cli documentation type: help;

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

4 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
1> cd
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1"

5 Display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
2>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = 0
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 1 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

6 Repeat step 4 and step 5 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP being replaced.

Note: Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 1 on the DISCOs.

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

7 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
3>cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2"

8 Display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
4>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = OFF_LINE
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 2 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

9 Repeat step 7 and step 8 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP being replaced.
Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 2 on the DISCOs. Skip to step 14 if the
inactive ATMIC cards are connected to the FP being replaced.

Note: Odd numbered ATMIC cards are associated with even numbered FPs. Even
numbered ATMIC cards are connected to odd numbered FPs.

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

10 Confirm that the ATMIC status is correctly reflected in the TFO MO associated with the
connected DISCO. Note the TFO MO administrative state. From CLIAPP, type in the following
cd 0%:CBS1:BSM1:TFOx;

where x is the instance of the TFO

ls -f;

Example output:
5>cd O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1;
# "O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1"
6>ls -f;
# (
# InstanceDisplayName = "TFO1",
# BSMParent = "O%:CBS1:BSM1",
# BSMChildren =
# (
# 0
# ),
# FaultStatusList =
# (
# 0
# ),
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# StatusList =
# (
# 2,
# 0 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# ),
# 1 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem32,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# )

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 10 continued

# ),
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# FailoverState = Start
# );

Compare the active ATMIC status from the TFO mode with the DISCO ATMIC configuration
data collected in step 3 through step 9. If a discrepancy is observed between the ATMIC
status and the TFO MO status, contact the next level of Nortel Support for assistance in re-
synchronizing the TFO MO before proceeding.

11 Confirm that the TFO port MO is unlocked for the DISCOs connected to the FP being
replaced. Unlock the TFO Port MO if the current Administrative state is locked. Confirm that
the action is successful by typing in the following commands:
action unlock;

ls –af (AdministrativeState);

Example output:
9>action unlock;
# (
# AlreadyInRequestedState = false,
# success = true
# );
10>ls -f(AdministrativeState);
# (
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED
# );

12 Repeat step 10 and step 11 if there are additional TFO MOs associated with DISCOs
connected to the FP being replaced.

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

13 Perform the TFO switchover. On the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the
following command:
action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU = x);

where x is the destination ATMIC for the switchover

Note: ATMIC switchover will trigger a Mimic APS switchover on a CBRS configured Passport

Example output:
11>action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU =2);
Check the availability of the inactive TFU.
Are you sure you want to perform an ATMIC/TFU switchover?
Please confirm (yes, y, no, n): y
# (
# Transaction status only: SUCCESSFUL
# );

Passport 15000:
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:12.22
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000010 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:21.73
CLR cleared communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000011 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: All APS requests have been cleared.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 13 continued

BSS Manager:
16 Oct 02 10:04:35 - 9 108 - O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1 - Cleared - Warning -
Manual ATMIC switchover completed successfully in the CIS.

14 Reference the table in step 2 to determine if there are BTS/ISSHO attached to the FP pair. If
BTS/ISSHO links are connected, record the LAPS components associated with the BTS/
ISSHO and the FP being replaced in the table above. If there are no BTS/ISSHO links
connected, skip to step 18. Display LAPS components by typing the following command:
d -o laps/*

Record the LAPS components associated with the FP for a redundant CBRS configuration.
Note that the LAPS label maps to <FP1><FP2><Port>.

Note: There can be more than one LAPS component associated with an FP.

Example output:
34> d -o laps/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw, osiStby,
osiCntrl, osiProc, osiAvail, mmAlarm, pfAlarm and
|Laps |osiAd|osiO|osiUs|neRxLi|neReq |neReqC|feReq |feReqC|sdOnLin|switch
| | min |per | age | ne | | han | | han | es |overs
| 231 |unlck|ena |busy |protec|doNotR|workin|doNotR|workin| |1
| 891 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |1
| 892 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |0
ok 2002-10-16 13:19:01.03

In this example, if BTS on LP/2 is being replaced, the associated LAPs components are laps/

15 Using the laps component identified in the step 14, determine which line is currently active:
display laps/<xxx> nearEndRxActiveLine

where <xxx> is the laps component(s) identified in step 14.

Example command:
4> display laps/231 nearEndRxActiveLine
nearEndRxActiveLine = working
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:00.40

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-43
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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

16 Using the information obtained in step 15 determine if the BTS/ISSHO is functioning on the
LP to be replaced. If the BTS/ISSHO is on the standby line, then skip to step 18.
display –p laps/<xxx> workingline, protectionline

Example command:
5> display -p laps/231 workingline, protectionline
workingLine = Lp/2 Sonet/8
protectionLine = Lp/3 Sonet/8
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:17.95

Note: In this example, we have determined that the BTS resides on laps/231, is functioning
on the working line, which is associated with LP/2 Sonet/8.

17 If the BTS/ISSHO is functioning on the FP to be replaced, switch the laps to the other FP
using the following command:
switch <direction> laps/<xxx>

where <direction> is either -workingtoprotection or –protectiontoworking based on

information obtain in step 15.<xxx> is the same as identified in step 14.

Example command:
17> switch -workingtoprotection laps/231
ok 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62

Laps/231; 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000024 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 2/1/2/1577;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

18 Reference the table in step 2 to determine if the active BSS Manager is connected to the FP
to be replaced.
If the active BSS Manager is not connected to the FP to be replaced, skip to step 32.
If the active BSS Manager is connected to the FP to be replaced, there is a lose of network
visibility during the FP replacement. If this is acceptable, proceed to step 28.
Otherwise, if it is necessary to maintain network visibility during the upgrade, continue with
step 19.

Note: Refer to Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS
Manager” for instructions on logging into the BSS Manager.

19 On the active BSS Manager (BSSM1), perform a database integrity pre-check. Please refer
to Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Manager Software Upgrade, NN-20000-135, for the steps
required to run the pre-check.
If any problems are found during the check, contact the next level of support.

20 While logged in as bsmbin, stop CEMS if it is installed and running. Perform the following to
check if CEMS is running:
> cems state

If there are CEMS processes running, perform Procedure 1-30 “Switching over from active to
standby server” from NTP NN-20000-145 “CDMA Element Management Subsystem (CEMS)
Administration” and then proceed to step 23 . Note that the CEMS switchover procedure
includes BSSM switch activity.
Otherwise, if there are no CEMS processes running, proceed to step 21.

21 While logged in as bsmbin, on the active BSSM1, bring up the BSS Manager Control window
by typing:
> bsmcontrol -a

22 Switch activity between the active and inactive BSS Managers by following Procedure 1-12 in

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

23 Generate the AgentSync Script file on BSSM2. Login as root on the BSSM2 and execute the
following commands at a shell prompt from the /opt/bsm/bin directory:
% ./gen_agentsync

Running the tool with these options will generate a file called AgentSync.cli in the /opt/bsm/
log directory.
Example output:
# ./gen_agentsync
Task: Generating AgentSync script
BSSM Host: zcals0jj
BSSMVersion: bsmbld1100bw

INFO: Please wait, generating AgentSync script is in progress...

INFO: AgentSync cli script is generated and it is located at:


Note: Root privileges are not needed after this step. Logout and relogin as bsmbin.

24 Synchronize BSSM2 with the subsystems by starting cliapp with the output copied into a log
file in the /opt/bsm/scripts directory:
> cliapp | tee /opt/bsm/scripts/agentsync.output

25 Type the following command at the cliapp prompt:

> script -ec /opt/bsm/log/AgentSync.cli;

After the script completes execution, exit cliapp and examine the logfile for any error
For each subsystem MO that failed the AgentSync action according to the logfile, attempt to
perform the SubsystemReset, BSMAgentReset, and Initialize actions in order to reestablish
consistency between the subsystem state and the BSS Manager state.

26 Update the table in step 2 to indicate the standby BSSM is now connected to the FP to be

27 Proceed to step 32.

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

28 While logged in as bsmbin, stop CEMS if it is installed and running.

Perform the following to check if CEMS is running:
> cems state

If there are CEMS processes running, perform the following:

> cems stop

29 The following steps are to shutdown the active BSS Manager.

Log in as bsmbin on the active BSS Manager.

30 Start bsmcontrol if the bsmcontrol window is not currently up by typing the following
bsmcontrol –a&

31 Deactivate the active BSS Manager (BSSM1) by following these steps in the Execution tab
of BSS Manager Control window:
— Click on the Lock logo to lock the BSS Manager.
— Click on the ‘Yes’ button to acknowledge warning message.
— Click on the Stop BSM button.
— Click on the ‘Yes’ button to acknowledge the pop-up window.
Checking the following:Administrative State is locked,Operational State is
disabled,Standby Status is cold standby

Note: A loss of network visibility occurs at this point.

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

32 Reference the table in step 2 to identify if there are CIUs attached to the FP pair. If there are
no CIU links connected, skip to step 34. Otherwise, record the DLEP components associated
with the FP. DLEP operational attributes identifies active LP.

Note: The DLEP naming convention is dlep/<slot/2>.

Display the DLEP components by typing the following command:

> display dlep/*

Example command:
>display dlep/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw and osiStby.
|Dlep|osiAd|osiO|osiUs|osiAvail |osiProc|osiCntrl |osiAlarm |activeLp
| | min |per | age | | | | |
+====+-----+----+-----+---- ---+-------+------ -+--- ----+---------
| 1 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/2
| 2 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/5
| 3 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/6
| 6 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/12

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

33 If the Dlep shows the card to be replaced is the active Lp, then switch activity on the Lp by
typing the following command:
switch lp/<x>

where <x> is the Lp being replaced.

Example command:
63> switch lp/5
ok 2003-02-13 21:22:25.49

LpP/4.5; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.50
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000007 Rel: Shelf Card/4,Lp/4
Int: 4/0/2/8977;; 3368; N1300DA

Lp/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000E8 Rel: Shelf Card/5
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000E9 Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 33 continued

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000008 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9016;; 195; N1300DA

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,2; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000009 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9064;; 195; N1300DA

Dlep/2; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.52
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000A Rel:
Int: 4/0/2/9000;; 996; N1300DA

Laps/451; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.52
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000B Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/0/2/9005;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 33 continued

Laps/451; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.52
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000C Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9005;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/451; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000D Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9005;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/452; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000E Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/0/2/9007;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/452; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000F Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9007;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 33 continued

Laps/453; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000010 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/0/2/9009;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/453; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000011 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9009;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/451 Sts/0; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.63
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000012 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9015;; 195; N1300DA

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.63
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000013 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9017;; 195; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 33 continued

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,2 DS1; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.63
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000014 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9065;; 195; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:52.58
MSG indeterminate equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000EA Rel:
Shelf Management requested a card restart.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8287; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:52.58
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000EB Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-4
Performing 11pMSW functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 33 continued

Lp/5; 2003-02-13 21:55:46.16
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 01000106 Rel: Shelf Card/5
Com: LP is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

34 Now replace the FP and go to Procedure 6-6, “Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement”.

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Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition

The steps in Procedure 6-5, “Performing 24pBCN functional processor
replacement precondition procedure” are to be performed prior to replacing a
24pBCN functional processor.
Procedure 6-5
Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition procedure

Step Action

1 Confirm replacement 24pBCN is of the same vintage or newer than the 24pBCN FP being
removed from the system by comparing the PEC codes. (for example, NTHR17DA is of
newer vintage than NTHR17CA).

2 Locate the FP in the shelf. Record 24pBCN pre-replacement configurations.

3 Record the DLEP components associated with the FP. DLEP operational attributes identifies
active LP.

Note: The DLEP naming convention is dlep/<slot/2>.

Display the DLEP components by typing the following command:

35> display dlep/*

Example command:
>display dlep/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw and osiStby.
| | min |per | age | | | | |
+====+-----+----+-----+---- ---+-------+---- ---+---- ---+----------
| 1 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/2
| 2 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/5
| 3 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/6
| 6 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/12

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Procedure 6-5
Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

4 If the Dlep shows the card to be replaced is the active Lp, then switch activity on the Lp by
typing the following command:
switch lp/<x>

where <x> is the Lp being replaced.

Example command:
82> switch lp/6
ok 2003-02-13 22:37:00.54

LpP/6.7; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.55
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000004 Rel: Shelf Card/7,Lp/7
Int: 7/0/2/3089;; 3368; N1300DA
Lp/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.56
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100010F Rel: Shelf Card/6
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA
Shelf Card/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.56
SET critical equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000110 Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-5
Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 4 continued

Dlep/3; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.56
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000005 Rel:
Int: 7/0/2/3112;; 996; N1300DA
Dlep/3 RS485/0; 2003-02-13 22:37:02.77
SET major equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000006 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is down
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 930; N1300DA
Dlep/3 RS485/1; 2003-02-13 22:37:02.78
SET major equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000007 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/1 is down
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 930; N1300DA
Dlep/3 RS485/0; 2003-02-13 22:37:08.44
CLR cleared equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000008 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is up
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 894; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-5
Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 4 continued

Dlep/3 RS485/1; 2003-02-13 22:37:08.45
CLR cleared equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000009 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/1 is up
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 894; N1300DA
Shelf Card/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:27.50
MSG indeterminate equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000111 Rel:
Shelf Management requested a card restart.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8287; N1300DA
Shelf Card/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:27.50
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000112 Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA
Lp/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:39.83
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 01000113 Rel: Shelf Card/6
Com: LP is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-5
Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement precondition procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 4 continued

Sbs/25,0 SbsIf/8; 2003-02-13 22:38:00.70
SET minor qualityOfService congestion
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0700000A Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: BCN traffic congestion for priority 1 transmit queue.
Int: 7/0/2/3127;; 1283; N1300DA
Sbs/25,0 SbsIf/8; 2003-02-13 22:38:00.70
SET critical qualityOfService congestion
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0700000B Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: BCN traffic congestion for priority 1 transmit queue.
Int: 7/0/2/3127;; 1283; N1300DA
Sbs/25,0 SbsIf/8; 2003-02-13 22:39:00.72
CLR cleared qualityOfService congestion
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000013 Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: BCN traffic congestion for priority 1 transmit queue has
Int: 7/0/2/3127;; 1283; N1300DA

5 Now replace the FP and go to Procedure 6-1, “Performing Passport 15000 CP replacement”.

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Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement 6

The procedure for Passport 15000 FP replacement is a generic procedure
intended for use with all ATM BSC and CBRS supported FPs. If a card pair
must be replaced, all procedures must be followed again for the second card.

Note: Example output is generated for an 11pMSW in CBRS

configuration. Other card types can generate different alarms for a given
trigger depending on the applications present. Critical and major Passport
alarms are displayed at the BSS Manager.

The FP to be removed has been identified and the appropriate precondition
procedure has been performed. Refer to Table 6-1 for the proper procedure.
Table 6-1
Precondition procedure required for the Function Processors

Function Processor Precondition Procedure

4pOC3 Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor replacement

precondition procedure”

16pOC3 Procedure 6-3, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement

precondition procedure”

11pMSW Procedure 6-4, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor

replacement precondition procedure”

24pBCN Procedure 6-5, “Performing 24pBCN functional processor replacement

precondition procedure”

12pDS3 No Preconditions

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The steps for Passport 15000 FP replacement are shown in Procedure 6-6,
“Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement”.
Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement

Step Action

1 Check the standby status of the card to be replaced:

> d shelf card/<x> sps

where <x> is the card to be replaced

If the standby status of the card to be replaced is active, perform an lp switchover:

> switch lp/<x>
where <x> is the card to be replaced


The card under replacement should always be in ‘Standby’ status.

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

2 Lock the identified FP using the force option. Locking an FP removes it from service. Type in
the following command:
lock –force shelf card/<x>

where <x> is the card number being replaced


If there is no sparing available for the FP to be replaced, at this point

an outage is experienced for services provided by that FP until the
replacement FP is up and providing service.

Example output:
Passport 15000:
139> lock -force shelf card/5

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.23

SET major operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: major STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 01000168 Rel:
Com: Card is Locked
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 7888; N1300DA

--- Response 139 continued ...

Shelf Card/5
ok 2003-02-14 00:11:35.23

Laps/453; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.24
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000017 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/1/2/16687;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

Step 2 continued


eBSC/Passport FPs are not to be removed from the shelf if the cards
have not been locked from the OA&M terminal. Failure to do so can
result in damage to the FPs or fabric.

Lp/5; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.25
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120200
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000169 Rel: Shelf Card/5
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.25
SET critical equipment processorProblem 70120100
ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100016A Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

Laps/453; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.24
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115274
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000018 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/1/2/16687;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/452; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.25
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115273
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000019 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been detected.
Int: 4/1/2/16685;; 3287; N1300DA

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-63
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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

Step 2 continued

Laps/452; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.25
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400001A Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/1/2/16685;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/451; 2003-02-14 00:11:35.25
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400001B Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/1/2/16683;; 3287; N1300DA

Sbs/25,0 CAudit; 2003-02-14 00:12:37.51
SET minor communications lossOfSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000044 Rel: Lp/7
Com: Active to Inactive Transmit Failure with Traffic Ranges: 5
39 VPI(22)
Int: 7/0/2/3129;; 250; N1300DA

Sbs/25,0 CAudit; 2003-02-14 00:12:37.51
SET minor communications lossOfSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000045 Rel: Lp/7
Com: Inactive to Inactive Transmit Failure with Traffic Ranges: 5
Int: 7/0/2/3129;; 250; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

Step 2 continued

Bts/41 CAudit; 2003-02-14 00:12:47.35
SET minor communications lossOfSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400001C Rel: Lp/4
Com: Inactive to Inactive Transmit Failure with Traffic Ranges: 5
Int: 4/1/2/16694;; 250; N1300DA

Bts/40 CAudit; 2003-02-14 00:12:47.47
SET minor communications lossOfSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300006A Rel: Lp/3
Com: Inactive to Inactive Transmit Failure with Traffic Ranges: 5
Int: 3/1/2/29760;; 250; N1300DA

BSS Manager:

Note: BSS Manager alarms are only raised if the active BSS Manager is not on the FP being

17 Oct 02 11:17:44 - 19 1644 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Major -

PB_11 LP/13 - LP is Locked
17 Oct 02 11:17:44 - 19 1643 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Critical -
PB_11 LP/13 - LP is Disabled
16 Oct 02 11:07:51 - 20 418 -
t1 - Cleared - Major - MIMIC APS signal not detected on the standby
16 Oct 02 11:08:40 - 20 419 -
t1 - Active - Critical - Loss of Signal

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

3 Plug a grounding strap into an ESD receptacle at the front of the Passport 15000 and wear it
on a wrist. The hole is threaded to provide friction for a press-fit.

Note: A shoe ground strap would also suffice if a grounding strap was not available.

4 Record the position of the cable connectors relative to the labels of the connectors on the
faceplate. While the LED is solid red, unplug the cable connectors on the faceplate of the FP.
Allow the cables to hang aside.

5 On the faceplate of the FP, fully swing out the upper and lower latches until they stop.

6 Place fingers on the exposed tabs to gently but firmly slide the FP out of its slot. Hold only the
edges of the FP. Be careful because an FP weighs up to 5.4 kg (12 pounds).

7 Put the FP aside onto its original packaging. Packing it after the replacement FP is installed
minimizes the amount of time the FP is out of service.

8 Double check that the PEC of the replacement FP is compatible with the PEC code of the
removed FP. Holding the replacement FP by its edges, align the end with the pins to the
channels in the slot. Avoid touching anything on FP.

9 Gently push the FP into the slot until the FP stops moving. There are keyways and guide pins
to ensure that the FP aligns with the connections at the backplane (inside at the rear of the
If resistance is felt, do not force the FP in. Remove it, and check the backplane at the rear of
the slot for bent pins. Use a flashlight to see into the slot. If no pins are bent, reset the FP. If at
least one pin is bent, do not insert the FP and contact the Nortel Networks technical support

10 Close the latches flush against the faceplate. The Passport 15000 will boot the FP, startup
diagnostics will be run and software loaded. The FP will be left in a locked state waiting
provisioning to be delivered.

11 Plug the FP cables back into the faceplate, progressing from the bottom to the top. Ensure
connector alignment before mating any cable to the FP.

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

12 Unlock the FP and return it to service. Wait until the cycling of the LEDs on the faceplate of
the FP ends at solid green. Alarms will clear on the Passport and BSS Manager.
Type in the following command:
unlock shelf card/x

where x is the FP instance to be unlocked.

Example output:
Passport 15000:
124> unlock shelf card/5
Shelf Card/5
ok 2003-02-13 23:53:03.57

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 23:54:14.25
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: locked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100014A Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 23:54:14.25
CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100014B Rel:
Com: Card is Unlocked
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 7888; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

13 Ensure that the FP has loaded correctly by checking the status of the card.
>display shelf card/*

Example command:
142> display shelf card/*

Shelf Card/*
Use -noTabular to see the many hidden attributes.
|Card|osiAd|osiO|osiUs| currentLP |failure|selfT|scstat|hwAlar
| | min |per | age | | Cause |estFa| | m
| | | | | | | ult | |
| 0|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/0 |none |none |notApp|none
| 1|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/0 |none |none |notApp|none
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/2 |none |none |notApp|none
| 3|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/3 |none |none |notApp|batter
| 4|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/4 |none |none |notApp|none
| 5|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/5 |none |none |notApp|none
| 6|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/6 |none |none |notApp|none
| 7|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/7 |none |none |notApp|none
| 8|unlck|dis |idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 9|unlck|dis |idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 10|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/10 |none |none |notApp|none
| 11|unlck|dis |idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 12|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/12 |none |none |notApp|none
| 13|unlck|ena |activ|Lp/13 |none |none |notApp|none
| 14|unlck|dis |idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
| 15|unlck|dis |idle | |none |none |notApp|none
| |Component is disabled.
5 component(s) reported errors.
command failed 2003-02-14 00:22:32.86

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Procedure 6-6
Performing Passport 15000 FP replacement (continued)

Step Action

14 Ensure the LP is functioning properly

>display lp/*

Example command:
145> display lp/*

Use -noTabular to see the many hidden attributes.
|Lp|osiAd|osiO|osiUs| activeCard |mainCa|spareC|restart
| | min |per | age | |rdStat|ardSta|OnCpSwi
| | | | | | us | tus | tch
| 0|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/1 |availa|active|false
| 2|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/2 |active|notPro|false
| 3|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/3 |active|notPro|false
| 4|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/4 |active|notPro|false
| 5|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/5 |active|notPro|false
| 6|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/6 |active|notPro|false
| 7|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/7 |active|notPro|false
|10|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/10 |active|notPro|false
|12|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/12 |active|notPro|false
|13|unlck|ena |activ|Shelf Card/13 |active|notPro|false
|14|unlck|dis |idle |! |notAva|notPro|n/a
| |Component is disabled.
|15|unlck|dis |idle |! |notAva|notPro|n/a
| |Component is disabled.
2 component(s) reported errors.
command failed 2003-02-14 00:25:50.69

15 After replacing the FP, perform the post-replacement procedures for the specific FP type that
was replaced. Refer to the following links for the proper post-replacement procedure:
• 4pOC3 - Procedure 6-7, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement
• 16pOC3 - Procedure 6-8, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement
• 11pMSW - Procedure 6-9, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement
• 24pBCN - Procedure 6-10, “Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement
• 12pDS3 - Not applicable

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Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure

The steps in Procedure 6-7, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-
replacement procedure” are to be performed after replacing a 4pOC3
functional processor.
Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure

Step Action

1 Reference the table in Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 2 to determine if there are Disco's attached to
the FP pair. If there are no Disco's attached, then skip to step 12. If Disco's are attached to
the FP pair, start a CLIAPP session on the active BSS Manager:

Example output:
bsm% cliapp
# Hello. Welcome to the BSM Command Line Interface
# For on-line cli documentation type: help;

2 Verify the ATMIC is using the FP that was not replaced.

Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x. On the
BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
1> cd
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1"

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

3 Display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
2>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = 0
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 1 is 0.

4 Repeat step 2 and step 3 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP that was replaced.

Note: Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 1 on the DISCOs.

5 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x. On the
BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
3>cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2"

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

6 Display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
4>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = OFF_LINE
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 2 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

7 Repeat step 5 and step 6 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP that was replaced.
Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 2 on the DISCOs. All ATMICs are using
the card that was not replaced.

Note: Odd numbered ATMIC cards are associated with even numbered FPs. Even
numbered ATMIC cards are connected to odd numbered FPs.

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

8 Confirm that the ATMIC status is correctly reflected in the TFO MO associated with the
connected DISCO. Note the TFO MO administrative state. From CLIAPP, type in the
following commands:
cd 0%:CBS1:BSM1:TFOx;

where x is the instance of the TFO

ls -f;

Example output:
5>cd O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1;
# "O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1"
6>ls -f;
# (
# InstanceDisplayName = "TFO1",
# BSMParent = "O%:CBS1:BSM1",
# BSMChildren =
# (
# 0
# ),
# FaultStatusList =
# (
# 0
# ),
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# StatusList =
# (
# 2,
# 0 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# ),
# 1 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem32,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# )
# ),
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# FailoverState = Start
# );

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 8 continued

Compare the active ATMIC status from the TFO mode with the DISCO ATMIC configuration
data collected in step 2 through step 7. If a discrepancy is observed between the ATMIC
status and the TFO MO status, contact the next level of Nortel Support for assistance in re-
synchronizing the TFO MO before proceeding.

9 Confirm that the TFO port MO is unlocked for the DISCOs connected to the FP being
replaced. Unlock the TFO Port MO if the current Administrative state is locked. Confirm that
the action is successful by typing in the following commands:
action unlock;

ls -af (AdministrativeState);

Example output:
9>action unlock;
# (
# AlreadyInRequestedState = false,
# success = true
# );
10>ls -f(AdministrativeState);
# (
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED
# );

10 Repeat step 8 and step 9 if there are additional TFO MOs associated with DISCOs
connected to the FP that was replaced.

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

11 Perform the TFO switchover. On the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in
the following command:
action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU = <x>);

where <x> is the destination ATMIC for the switchover

Note: ATMIC switchover will trigger a Mimic APS switchover on a CBRS configured
Passport 15000.

Example output:
11>action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU =2);
Check the availability of the inactive TFU.
Are you sure you want to perform an ATMIC/TFU switchover?
Please confirm (yes, y, no, n): y
# (
# Transaction status only: SUCCESSFUL
# );

Passport 15000:
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:12.22
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000010 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:21.73
CLR cleared communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000011 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: All APS requests have been cleared.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 11 continued

BSS Manager:
16 Oct 02 10:04:35 - 9 108 - O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1 - Cleared - Warning -
Manual ATMIC switchover completed successfully in the CIS.

12 Reference the table in Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 2 to determine if there are ISSHO/BISC
connections attached to the FP pair. If there are no ISSHO/BISC links connected, skip to
step 16. If ISSHO/BISC links are connected, display the LAPS components by typing the
following command:
d -o laps/*

Record the LAPS components associated with the FP for a redundant CBRS configuration.
Note that the LAPS label maps to <FP1><FP2><Port>.


If the ISSHO/BISC links are not spared, an outage on these links

will be experienced when testing the newly inserted card. Skip to
step 16.

Example output:
34> d -o laps/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw, osiStby,
osiCntrl, osiProc, osiAvail, mmAlarm, pfAlarm and
|Laps |osiAd|osiO|osiUs|neRxLi|neReq |neReqC|feReq |feReqC|sdOnLin|switch
| | min |per | age | ne | | han | | han | es |overs
| 231 |unlck|ena |busy |protec|doNotR|workin|doNotR|workin| |1
| 891 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |1
| 892 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |0
ok 2002-10-16 13:19:01.03

In this example, if the ISSHO links are on LP/2 is being replaced, the associated LAPs
components are laps/231.

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

13 Using the laps component identified in step 12, determine which line is currently active:
display laps/<xxx> nearEndRxActiveLine

where <xxx> is the laps component(s) identified in step 12.

Example command:
4> display laps/231 nearEndRxActiveLine
nearEndRxActiveLine = working
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:00.40

14 Using the information obtained in step 13, verify the ISSHO/BISC is functioning on the LP
that was not replaced.
display -p laps/<xxx> workingline, protectionline

Example command:
5> display -p laps/231 workingline, protectionline
workingLine = Lp/2 Sonet/8
protectionLine = Lp/3 Sonet/8
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:17.95

Note: In this example, we have determined that the ISSHO resides on laps/231, is
functioning on the working line, which is associated with LP/2 Sonet/8.

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

15 Switch the laps to the newly replaced FP using the following command:
switch <direction> laps/<xxx>

where <direction> is either -workingtoprotection or -protectiontoworking based on

information obtain in step 13.<xxx> is the same as identified in step 12.

Example command:
17> switch -workingtoprotection laps/231
ok 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62

Laps/231; 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000024 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 2/1/2/1577;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

16 Switch activity on the Lp to the newly replaced card by typing the following command:
switch lp/<x>

where <x> is the Lp being replaced.

Example command:
26> switch lp/2
ok 2003-04-15 13:10:09.10

LpP/2.3; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.13
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300000D Rel: Shelf Card/3,Lp/3
Int: 3/0/2/23313;; 3368; N1300DA

Laps/232; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300000E Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 3/0/2/23348;; 3287; N1300DA

Lp/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.15
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000079 Rel: Shelf Card/2
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 3776; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 16 continued

Shelf Card/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.17
SET critical equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007A Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 8119; N1300DA

Laps/232; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300000F Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23348;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/232; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000010 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23348;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 16 continued

Laps/233; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000011 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 3/0/2/23350;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/233; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.15
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000012 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23350;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/233; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.15
SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000013 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23350;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 16 continued

Shelf Card/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:30.99
MSG indeterminate equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007B Rel:
Shelf Management requested a card restart.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 8287; N1300DA

Shelf Card/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:30.99
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007C Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 8119; N1300DA

Lp/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:32.15
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007D Rel: Shelf Card/2
Com: LP is Enabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 3776; N1300DA

17 Referencing the table in Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 2, identify if the active BSS Manager is
connected to the FP that was replaced. If the BSS Manager is not connected to the FP that
was replaced, exit the procedure here. Otherwise, log in as bsmbin on the BSS Manager.
Refer to Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS
Manager” for instructions on logging into the BSS Manager.

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Procedure 6-7
Performing 4pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

18 Start bsmcontrol if the bsmcontrol window is not currently up:

bsmcontrol -a

19 Unlock the BSS Manager by going to the Execution page of the bsmcontrol window and
clicking the lock logo.

20 Start the BSS Manager by going to the Execution page of the bsmcontrol window and
clicking on the Start BSM button. Verify that the states for the BSS Manager on the BSS
Manager are Unlocked, Enabled, and Providing Service.

21 If CEMS was previously stopped in step 31 of Procedure 6-2, “Performing 4pOC3 functional
processor replacement precondition procedure”, start CEMS now, type:
> cems start

22 This procedure is complete.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-83
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Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure

The steps in Procedure 6-8, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-
replacement procedure” are to be performed after replacing a 16pOC3
functional processor.
Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure

Step Action

1 Referencing the table in Procedure 6-3, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 3, identify if there are ISSHO/BISC connections
attached to the FP pair. If there are no ISSHO/BISC links connected, skip to step 7. If
ISSHO/BISC links are connected, display the LAPS components by typing the following
d -o laps/*

Record the LAPS components associated with the FP for a redundant CBRS configuration.
Note that the LAPS label maps to <FP1><FP2><Port>.


If the ISSHO/BISC links are not spared, an outage on these links

will be experienced when testing the newly inserted card. Skip to
step 7.

Example output:
34> d -o laps/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw, osiStby,
osiCntrl, osiProc, osiAvail, mmAlarm, pfAlarm and
|Laps |osiAd|osiO|osiUs|neRxLi|neReq |neReqC|feReq |feReqC|sdOnLin|switch
| | min |per | age | ne | | han | | han | es |overs
| 231 |unlck|ena |busy |protec|doNotR|workin|doNotR|workin| |1
| 891 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |1
| 892 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |0
ok 2002-10-16 13:19:01.03

In this example, if the ISSHO links are on LP/2 is being replaced, the associated LAPs
components are laps/231.

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

2 Using the laps component identified in step 1, determine which line is currently active:
display laps/<xxx> nearEndRxActiveLine

where <xxx> is the laps component(s) identified in step 1.

Example command:
4> display laps/231 nearEndRxActiveLine
nearEndRxActiveLine = working
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:00.40

3 Using the information obtained in step 2, verify the ISSHO/BISC is functioning on the LP
that was not replaced.
display -p laps/<xxx> workingline, protectionline

Example command:
5> display -p laps/231 workingline, protectionline
workingLine = Lp/2 Sonet/8
protectionLine = Lp/3 Sonet/8
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:17.95

Note: In this example, we have determined that the ISSHO resides on laps/231, is
functioning on the working line, which is associated with LP/2 Sonet/8.

4 Display the sonets on the 16pOC3 card that was replaced and ensure that all the sonets
that were enabled in Procedure 6-3, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor replacement
precondition procedure” are currently enabled. Use the following command:
>d lp/<x> sonet/* adminState, operationalState.

Sample output is
Lp/2 Sonet/*
| | min |per |
| 0|unlck|ena |
| 1|unlck|dis |
| 2|unlck|ena |
| 3|unlck|ena |

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

5 Switch the laps to the newly replaced FP using the following command:
switch <direction> laps/<xxx>

where <direction> is either -workingtoprotection or -protectiontoworking based on

information obtain in step 2.<xxx> is the same as identified in step 1.

Example command:
17> switch -workingtoprotection laps/231
ok 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62

Laps/231; 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000024 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 2/1/2/1577;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

6 Switch activity on the Lp to the newly replaced card by typing the following command:
switch lp/<x>

where <x> is the Lp being replaced.

Example command:
26> switch lp/2
ok 2003-04-15 13:10:09.10

LpP/2.3; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.13
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300000D Rel: Shelf Card/3,Lp/3
Int: 3/0/2/23313;; 3368; N1300DA

Laps/232; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300000E Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 3/0/2/23348;; 3287; N1300DA

Lp/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.15
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000079 Rel: Shelf Card/2
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 3776; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 6 continued

Shelf Card/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.17
SET critical equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007A Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 8119; N1300DA

Laps/232; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300000F Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23348;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/232; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000010 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23348;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 6 continued

Laps/233; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.14
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000011 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 3/0/2/23350;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/233; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.15
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000012 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23350;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/233; 2003-04-15 13:10:09.15
SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 03000013 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 3/0/2/23350;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 6 continued

Shelf Card/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:30.99
MSG indeterminate equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007B Rel:
Shelf Management requested a card restart.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 8287; N1300DA

Shelf Card/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:30.99
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007C Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 8119; N1300DA

Lp/2; 2003-04-15 13:10:32.15
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 0100007D Rel: Shelf Card/2
Com: LP is Enabled
Int: 1/1/2/5395;; 3776; N1300DA

7 Referencing the table in Procedure 6-3, “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 2, Identify if the active BSS Manager is
connected to the FP that was replaced. If the BSS Manager is not connected to the FP that
was replaced, exit the procedure here. Otherwise, log in as bsmbin on the BSS Manager.
Refer to Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS
Manager” for instructions on logging into the BSS Manager.

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Procedure 6-8
Performing 16pOC3 functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

8 Start bsmcontrol is the bsmcontrol window is not currently up:

bsmcontrol -a

9 Unlock the BSS Manager by going to the Execution page of the bsmcontrol window and
clicking the lock logo.

10 Start the BSS Manager by going to the Execution page of the bsmcontrol window and
clicking on the Start BSM button. Verify that the states for the BSS Manager on the BSS
Manager are Unlocked, Enabled, and Providing Service.

11 If CEMS was previously stopped in step 18 of “Performing 16pOC3 functional processor

replacement precondition procedure”, start CEMS now, type:
> cems start

12 This procedure is complete.

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Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure

The steps in Procedure 6-9, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-
replacement procedure” are to be performed after replacing a 11pMSW
functional processor.
Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure

Step Action

1 Referencing the table in Procedure 22 step 2, Identify if there are Disco's attached to the FP
pair. If there are no Disco's attached, then skip to step 12. If Disco's are attached to the FP
pair, start a CLIAPP session on the active BSS Manager:

Example output:
bsm% cliapp
# Hello. Welcome to the BSM Command Line Interface
# For on-line cli documentation type: help;

2 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
1> cd
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard1"

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

3 Display the status for ATM Interface card 1 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
2>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = 0
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 1 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

4 Repeat step 2 and step 3 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP that was replaced.

Note: Users now have the status for ATM Interface card 1 on the DISCOs.

5 Change the directory to display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x. On the BSS
Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem<x>:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;

where <x> is the DISCO number

Example output:
3>cd O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2;
# "O%:CBS1:CIS1:PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31:Root1:ATMInterfaceCard2"

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

6 Display the status for ATM Interface card 2 for DISCO x and make a note of the status. On
the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the following command:
ls -af (OperationalState,AdministrativeState,AvailabilityStatus,AlarmStatus);

Example output:
4>ls -af
# (
# OperationalState = ENABLED,
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# AvailabilityStatus = OFF_LINE
# );

The status of the ATMIC is shown in the AvailabilityStatus field. In this example, The
Availability Status for DISCO 1 ATMIC 2 is 0.

Note: AvailabilityStatus 0 indicates active. AvailabilityStatus OFF_LINE indicates inactive.

7 Repeat step 5 and step 6 for the remaining DISCOs connected to the FP that was replaced.

Note: Odd numbered ATMIC cards are associated with even numbered FPs. Even
numbered ATMIC cards are connected to odd numbered FPs.

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

8 Confirm that the ATMIC status is correctly reflected in the TFO MO associated with the
connected DISCO. Note the TFO MO administrative state. From CLIAPP, type in the following
cd 0%:CBS1:BSM1:TFOx;

where x is the instance of the TFO

ls -f;

Example output:
5>cd O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1;
# "O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1"
6>ls -f;
# (
# InstanceDisplayName = "TFO1",
# BSMParent = "O%:CBS1:BSM1",
# BSMChildren =
# (
# 0
# ),
# FaultStatusList =
# (
# 0
# ),
# AlarmStatus = 0,
# StatusList =
# (
# 2,
# 0 =
# (
# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem31,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# ),
# 1 =
# (

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 8 continued

# DISCOName = PrimaryDISCOCSubsystem32,
# ActiveATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard1,
# StandbyATMIC = ATMInterfaceCard2,
# ActiveTFU = TFUSubsystem1,
# StandbyTFU = TFUSubsystem2
# )
# ),
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED,
# FailoverState = Start
# );

Compare the active ATMIC status from the TFO mode with the DISCO ATMIC configuration
data collected in step 1 through step 7. If a discrepancy is observed between the ATMIC
status and the TFO MO status, contact the next level of Nortel Support for assistance in re-
synchronizing the TFO MO before proceeding.

9 Confirm that the TFO port MO is unlocked for the DISCOs connected to the FP being
replaced. Unlock the TFO Port MO if the current Administrative state is locked. Confirm that
the action is successful by typing in the following commands:
action unlock;

ls -af (AdministrativeState);

Example output:
9>action unlock;
# (
# AlreadyInRequestedState = false,
# success = true
# );
10>ls -f(AdministrativeState);
# (
# AdministrativeState = UNLOCKED
# );

10 Repeat step 8 and step 9 if there are additional TFO MOs associated with DISCOs
connected to the FP that was replaced.

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

11 Perform the TFO switchover. On the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt, type in the
following command:
action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU = x);

where x is the destination ATMIC for the switchover

Note: ATMIC switchover will trigger a Mimic APS switchover on a CBRS configured Passport

Example output:
11>action SwitchoverATMsAndTFU (DestinationTFU =2);
Check the availability of the inactive TFU.
Are you sure you want to perform an ATMIC/TFU switchover?
Please confirm (yes, y, no, n): y
# (
# Transaction status only: SUCCESSFUL
# );

Passport 15000:
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:12.22
SET minor communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000010 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA
Laps/892; 2002-10-16 10:02:21.73
CLR cleared communications degradedSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 08000011 Rel: LpP/8.9
Com: All APS requests have been cleared.
Int: 8/0/2/21808;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 11 continued

BSS Manager:
16 Oct 02 10:04:35 - 9 108 - O%:CBS1:BSM1:TFO1 - Cleared - Warning -
Manual ATMIC switchover completed successfully in the CIS.

12 Referencing the table in Procedure 22 step 2, Identify if there are BTS/ISSHO attached to the
FP pair. If there are no BTS/ISSHO links connected, skip to step 16. If BTS/ISSHO links are
connected, display LAPS components by typing the following command:
d -o laps/*

Record the LAPS components associated with the FP for a redundant CBRS configuration.
Note that the LAPS label maps to <FP1><FP2><Port>.

Note: There can be more than one LAPS component associated with an FP.

Example output:
34> d -o laps/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw, osiStby,
osiCntrl, osiProc, osiAvail, mmAlarm, pfAlarm and
|Laps |osiAd|osiO|osiUs|neRxLi|neReq |neReqC|feReq |feReqC|sdOnLin|switch
| | min |per | age | ne | | han | | han | es |overs
| 231 |unlck|ena |busy |protec|doNotR|workin|doNotR|workin| |1
| 891 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |1
| 892 |unlck|ena |busy |workin|noRequ|protec|noRequ|protec| |0
ok 2002-10-16 13:19:01.03

In this example, if BTS on LP/2 that was replaced, the associated LAPs components are

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

13 Using the laps component identified in step 12, determine which line is currently active:
display laps/<xxx> nearEndRxActiveLine

where <xxx> is the laps component(s) identified in step 12.

Example output:
4> display laps/231 nearEndRxActiveLine
nearEndRxActiveLine = working
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:00.40

14 Using the information obtained in step 13, verify the BTS/ISSHO is functioning on the LP that
was not replaced. If the BTS/ISSHO is on the standby line, then skip to step 16.
display -p laps/<xxx> workingline, protectionline

Example command:
5> display -p laps/231 workingline, protectionline
workingLine = Lp/2 Sonet/8
protectionLine = Lp/3 Sonet/8
ok 2003-02-13 19:46:17.95

Note: In this example, we have determined that the BTS resides on laps/231, is functioning
on the working line, which is associated with LP/2 Sonet/8.

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

15 If the BTS/ISSHO is functioning on the FP that was not replaced, switch the laps to the other
FP using the following command:
switch <direction> laps/<xxx>

where <direction> is either -workingtoprotection or -protectiontoworking based on

information obtain in step 13.<xxx> is the same as identified in step 12.

Example command:
17> switch -workingtoprotection laps/231
ok 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62

Laps/231; 2003-02-13 20:14:55.62
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115274
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000024 Rel: LpP/2.3
Com: The APS request manualSwitch has been detected.
Int: 2/1/2/1577;; 3287; N1300DA

16 Referencing the table in Procedure 6-4, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 2, identify if there are CIUs attached to the FP
pair. If there are no CIU links connected, skip to step 18. Otherwise, display the DLEP
components associated with the FP. DLEP operational attributes identifies active LP.

Note: The DLEP naming convention is dlep/<slot/2>.

Display the DLEP components by typing the following command:

> display dlep/*

Example command:
>display dlep/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw and osiStby.
|Dlep|osiAd|osiO|osiUs|osiAvail |osiProc|osiCntrl |osiAlarm |activeLp
| | min |per | age | | | | |
+====+-----+----+-----+---- ---+-------+------ -+--- ----+---------
| 1 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/2
| 2 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/5
| 3 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/6
| 6 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/12

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

17 If the Dlep shows the card that was not replaced is the active Lp, then switch activity on the
Lp by typing the following command:
switch lp/<x>

where <x> is the Lp that was not replaced.

Example command:
63> switch lp/5
ok 2003-02-13 21:22:25.49
LpP/4.5; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.50
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail 00000000
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000007 Rel: Shelf Card/4,Lp/4
Int: 4/0/2/8977;; 3368; N1300DA

Lp/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail 70120200
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000E8 Rel: Shelf Card/5
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical equipment processorProblem 70120100
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000E9 Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-101
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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 17 continued

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError 70115293
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000008 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9016;; 195; N1300DA

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,2; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.51
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError 70115293
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000009 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9064;; 195; N1300DA
Dlep/2; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.52
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail 00000000
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000A Rel:
Int: 4/0/2/9000;; 996; N1300DA

Laps/451; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.52
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115273
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000B Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/0/2/9005;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 17 continued

Laps/451; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.52
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115274
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000C Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9005;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/451; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET critical communications commSubsystemFailure 70115275
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000D Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: An APS failure condition has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9005;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/452; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115273
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000E Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/0/2/9007;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/452; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115274
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0400000F Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9007;; 3287; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 17 continued

Laps/453; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115273
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000010 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: APS far-end protection-line failure condition has been
Int: 4/0/2/9009;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/453; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.53
SET minor communications degradedSignal 70115274
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000011 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The APS request signalFail has been detected.
Int: 4/0/2/9009;; 3287; N1300DA

Laps/451 Sts/0; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.63
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError 70115251
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000012 Rel: LpP/4.5
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9015;; 195; N1300DA

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.63
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError 70115002
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000013 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9017;; 195; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 17 continued

Laps/451 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,2 DS1; 2003-02-13 21:22:25.63
SET critical communications remoteTransmissionError 70115002
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 04000014 Rel:
Com: The far end has raised an Alarm Indication Signal
Int: 4/0/2/9065;; 195; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:52.58
MSG indeterminate equipment equipmentFailure 70120101
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000EA Rel:
Shelf Management requested a card restart.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8287; N1300DA

Shelf Card/5; 2003-02-13 21:22:52.58
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem 00000000
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 010000EB Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

Lp/5; 2003-02-13 21:55:46.16
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail 00000000
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 01000106 Rel: Shelf Card/5
Com: LP is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-105
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Procedure 6-9
Performing 11pMSW functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

18 Referencing the table in Procedure 6-4, “Performing 11pMSW functional processor

replacement precondition procedure” step 2, identify if the active BSS Manager is connected
to the FP that was replaced. If the BSS Manager is not connected to the FP that was
replaced, exit the procedure here. Otherwise, log in as bsmbin on the BSS Manager.
Refer to Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS Manager”
for instructions on logging into the BSS Manager.

19 Start bsmcontrol if the bsmcontrol window is not currently up:

bsmcontrol -a

20 Unlock the BSS Manager by going to the Execution page of the bsmcontrol window and
clicking the lock logo.

21 Start the BSS Manager by going to the Execution page of the bsmcontrol window and
clicking on the Start BSM button. Verify that the states for the BSS Manager on the BSS
Manager are Unlocked, Enabled, and Providing Service.

22 If CEMS was previously stopped in step 28 of Procedure 6-4, “Performing 11pMSW

functional processor replacement precondition procedure”, start CEMS now, type:
> cems start

23 This procedure is complete.

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Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure

The steps in Procedure 6-10, “Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-
replacement procedure” are to be performed after replacing a 24pBCN
functional processor.
Procedure 6-10
Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure

Step Action

1 Record the DLEP components associated with the FP. DLEP operational attributes identifies
active LP.

Note: The DLEP naming convention is dlep/<slot/2>.

Display the DLEP components by typing the following command:

35> display dlep/*

Example command:
>display dlep/*
Use -noTabular to see hidden attributes: osiUnknw and osiStby.
| | min |per | age | | | | |
+====+-----+----+-----+---- ---+-------+---- ---+---- ---+----------
| 1 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/2
| 2 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/5
| 3 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/6
| 6 |unlck|ena |activ| | | | |Lp/12

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Procedure 6-10
Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

2 If the Dlep shows the card that was not replaced is the active Lp, then switch activity on the
Lp by typing the following command:
switch lp/<x>

where <x> is the Lp not being replaced.

Example command:
82> switch lp/6
ok 2003-02-13 22:37:00.54

LpP/6.7; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.55
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000004 Rel: Shelf Card/7,Lp/7
Int: 7/0/2/3089;; 3368; N1300DA

Lp/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.56
SET critical processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100010F Rel: Shelf Card/6
Com: LP is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

Shelf Card/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.56
SET critical equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000110 Rel:
Com: Card is Disabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-10
Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 2 continued

Dlep/3; 2003-02-13 22:37:00.56
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000005 Rel:
Int: 7/0/2/3112;; 996; N1300DA

Dlep/3 RS485/0; 2003-02-13 22:37:02.77
SET major equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000006 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is down
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 930; N1300DA

Dlep/3 RS485/1; 2003-02-13 22:37:02.78
SET major equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000007 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/1 is down
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 930; N1300DA

Dlep/3 RS485/0; 2003-02-13 22:37:08.44
CLR cleared equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000008 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is up Int: 0/0/0/0;; 894; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-10
Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 2 continued

Dlep/3 RS485/1; 2003-02-13 22:37:08.45
CLR cleared equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000009 Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/1 is up
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 894; N1300DA

Shelf Card/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:27.50
MSG indeterminate equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000111 Rel:
Shelf Management requested a card restart.
--- Reason ---
SWITCHOVER LP operator command
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8287; N1300DA

Shelf Card/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:27.50
CLR cleared equipment processorProblem
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000112 Rel:
Com: Card is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 8119; N1300DA

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Procedure 6-10
Performing 24pBCN functional processor post-replacement procedure (continued)

Step Action

Step 2 continued

Lp/6; 2003-02-13 22:37:39.83
CLR cleared processing underlyingResourceUnavail
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: providingServ UNKNW: false
Id: 01000113 Rel: Shelf Card/6
Com: LP is Enabled
Int: 1/0/2/9747;; 3776; N1300DA

Sbs/25,0 SbsIf/8; 2003-02-13 22:38:00.70
SET minor qualityOfService congestion
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0700000A Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: BCN traffic congestion for priority 1 transmit queue.
Int: 7/0/2/3127;; 1283; N1300DA

Sbs/25,0 SbsIf/8; 2003-02-13 22:38:00.70
SET critical qualityOfService congestion
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: degraded PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0700000B Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: BCN traffic congestion for priority 1 transmit queue.
Int: 7/0/2/3127;; 1283; N1300DA

Sbs/25,0 SbsIf/8; 2003-02-13 22:39:00.72
CLR cleared qualityOfService congestion
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000013 Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: BCN traffic congestion for priority 1 transmit queue has
Int: 7/0/2/3127;; 1283; N1300DA

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-111
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CCMC card replacements 6

The Cable Consolidation and Multiplexer Chassis (CCMC) cards, Base Station
Communication Network (BCN) Multiplexer (MUX) and T1 MUX, have the
following characteristics:
• Non-spared hardware
• Non-monitored hardware
• CIU/SBS connectivity is spread over multiple CCMC cards to aid in
diagnosing CCMC card failures.
• Red LED indicator only lights up if a problem arise with the card power

BCN MUX card replacement 6

BCN MUX cards are used to interconnect the 48 SBS shelves into the CBRS
system. The 48 SBS connections are spread over 6 BCN MUX cards which
are then connected to the redundant 24pBCN FPs. The BCN MUX cards
handle the connection switchover after a 24pMSW equipment switchover.

Replace BCN MUX cards under two scenarios:

• faulty hardware
• hardware upgrade.

Replace of BCN MUX cards one at a time. Failure to do so can result in a

widespread call processing outage.

Table 6-2 documents the mapping between BCN MUX cards in the CCMC
and RS-422 ports on the 24pBCN FP.

Note: Dlep/3 corresponds to LP/6 and LP/7. Dlep/7 corresponds to LP/

14 and LP/15.

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Table 6-2
BCN MUX card / 24pBCN FP RS422 port mappings


MUX Slot Frontside Port Backside Frame -
Card Port BCN

0 16 Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/0 P101 (lp/6) P5 0 - 0,1

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1 P103 (lp/7)

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/2 P6 1 - 2,3

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/3

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/0 P102 (lp/6) P8 3 - 12,13

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/1 P104 (lp/7)

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/2 P9 4 - 14,15

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/3

1 15 Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/4 P101 (lp/6) P5 0 - 4,5

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/5 P103 (lp/7)

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/6 P6 1 - 6,7

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/7

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/4 P102 (lp/6) P7 2 - 16,17

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/5 P104 (lp/7)

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/6 P10 5 - 18,19

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/7

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Table 6-2
BCN MUX card / 24pBCN FP RS422 port mappings (continued)


MUX Slot Frontside Port Backside Frame -
Card Port BCN

2 14 Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/8 P101 (lp/6) P7 2 - 8,9

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/9 P103 (lp/7)

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/10 P8 3 - 10,11

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/11

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/8 P102 (lp/6) P9 4 - 20,21

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/9 P104 (lp/7)

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/10 P10 5 - 20,23

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/1 RS422/11

3 13 Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/0 P105 (lp/14) P11 6 - 24,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1 P107 (lp/15)

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/2 P12 7 - 26,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/3

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/0 P106 (lp/14) P14 9 - 36,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/1 P108 (lp/15)

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/2 P15 10 - 38,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/3

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Table 6-2
BCN MUX card / 24pBCN FP RS422 port mappings (continued)


MUX Slot Frontside Port Backside Frame -
Card Port BCN

4 12 Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/4 P105 (lp/14) P11 6 - 28,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/5 P107 (lp/15)

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/6 P12 7 - 30,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/7

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/4 P106 (lp/14) P13 8 - 40,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/5 P108 (lp/15)

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/6 P16 11 -

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/7

5 11 Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/8 P105 (lp/14) P13 8 - 32,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/9 P107 (lp/16)

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/10 P14 9 - 34,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/0 RS422/11

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/8 P106 (lp/14) P15 10- 44,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/9 P108 (lp/15)

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/10 P16 11 - 46,

Dlep/7 RS422Grp/1 RS422/11

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The EBSCTM timing signal are processed by BCN MUX card 0

(slot 16) and card 1 (slot 15). One of these cards must be present at
all times to prevent loss of time reference in the CDMA network.

Replacing BCN MUX card

The steps for the BCN MUX replacement are shown in Procedure 6-11,
“Replacing BCN MUX card”.
Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card

Step Action

1 Confirm the cabling at the CCMC is correctly connected.

2 Identify the BCN MUX card to be replaced in the CCMC.

The faulty MUX card can be identified through a failure pattern across connected SBS
shelves. Heartbeat alarms will be raised on the BSS Manager to show inability to ping the
isolated subsystems. Failure pattern is then compared to the CCMC connectivity diagrams
and MUX card/RS422 port mapping (refer to Table 6-2) to identify the faulty BCN MUX card.

3 Compare the PEC code of the BCN MUX card to be removed with the PEC code of its
replacement to ensure compatibility.
Examine the replacement MUX card for the presence of DIP switches. Verify the following
settings if DIP switches are present. Correct as required. DIP switch banks are labelled.

Bank Dip Switch Setting

SW1 1 on
2 on
3 on
4 on

SW2 1 off
2 off
3 off
4 off

SW3 1 off
2 on
3 off
4 on

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6-116 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

4 Refer to the Network Configuration Spreadsheets to identify the SBSs connected to the BCN
MUX card being replaced. Contact the next level of Nortel Networks support if additional
assistance is required.


Outage Start: All SBSs connected to the BCN MUX card will be
unavailable during its replacement. No callp will be possible on the
affected SBS subsystems.

5 If it is possible to communicate with an SBS served by the BCN mux card being replaced,
perform the Terminate action on the SBS. This can take several minutes to complete.
At the BSS Manager cliapp prompt, enter the following commands:
> cd %:CBS1:SBSs1:<sbs name>;

> action terminate;

Answer all confirmation questions with y

where sbs name is the name of the SBSCSubsystem MO

BSS Manager cliapp example output:

40>cd O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystem2;
# "O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystem2"
41>action terminate;
This Action will send a SHUTDOWN to each of the Selector Cards. It
will gracefully take the SBS out-of-service.
Do you wish to continue?
Please confirm (yes, y, no, n): y
# (
# ActionAccepted = true
# );

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-117
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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

6 Lock each of the 24pBCN FP RS422 ports associated with the BCN MUX card being
replaced. Refer to Table 6-2 for a list of the ports associated with the BCN MUX card.
lock dlep/x rs422grp/y rs422/z

where x is the Dlep component associated with the RS422 port being locked

where y is the RS422Grp component associated with the RS422 port being locked.

where z is the RS422 port being locked.

Example output:
Passport 15000:
12> lock dlep/3 rs422grp/0 rs422/1

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1; 2002-11-27 11:35:08.37

SET critical operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: shuttingDown OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 06000022 Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: The component is shutting down
Int: 6/0/2/7475;; 669; N1300DA

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1; 2002-11-27 11:35:08.37
SET critical operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 06000023 Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: The component is locked
Int: 6/0/2/7475;; 669; N1300DA
--- Response 12 continued ...
Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1
ok 2002-11-27 11:04:47.37

BSS Manager:
27 Nov 02 11:35:08 - 73 613 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Critical - PB_11 DLEP/3
RS422GRP/0 RS422/1 - The component is locked

7 Plug a grounding strap into an ESD receptacle at the front of the Passport 15000 and wear it
on a wrist. The hole is threaded to provide friction for a press-fit.

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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

8 On the faceplate of the identified BCN MUX card, fully swing out the upper and lower latches
until they stop.

9 Place fingers on the exposed tabs to gently but firmly slide the MUX card out of its slot in the
CCMC chassis. Hold only the edges of the MUX card.
If upgrading the BCN MUX card 0 or 1, the Passport 15000 will raise an alarm on the console
and at the MDM indicating the removal of the affected RS485 links from service. BSS
Manager will also display the raised alarms.
Example output:
Passport 15000:
Dlep/3 RS485/0; 2002-11-27 11:51:48.82
SET major equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0700001E Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is down
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 920; N1300DA


BSS Manager:
27 Nov 02 11:51:48 - 19 1641 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Major -
PB_11 DLEP 3 RS485/0 - Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is down

10 Place the BCN MUX card onto its original packaging. Packing it after the replacement MUX
card is installed minimizes the amount of time the affected subsystems are out of service.

11 Holding the replacement MUX card by its edges, align the end with the pins to the channels
in the slot. Avoid touching anything on the card.

12 Gently push the MUX card into the slot until the card stops moving. There are keyways and
guide pins to ensure that the card aligns with the connections at the backplane (inside at the
rear of the shelf).
If resistance is felt, do not force the card in. Remove it, and check the backplane at the rear of
the slot for bent pins. Use a flashlight to see into the slot. If no pins are bent, re-seat the card.
If at least one pin is bent, do not insert the card and contact the technical support
representative of Nortel Networks.

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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

13 Close the latches flush against the faceplate. For BCN MUX card 0 or 1, RS485 alarms for
the affected links will clear on the Passport 15000, MDM and the BSS Manager once the
MUX card has powered up and come into service.
Example output:
Passport 15000 :
Dlep/3 RS485/0; 2002-11-27 11:52:06.92
CLR cleared equipment equipmentFailure
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: major STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0700001F Rel:
Com: Link to Dlep/3 RS485/0 is up
Int: 0/0/0/0;; 884; N1300DA

BSS Manager:
27 Nov 02 11:52:06 - 19 1641 - EBSCHardware1 - Cleared - Major -
PB_11 DLEP 1 RS485/0 - Link to Dlep/1 RS485/0 is down

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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

14 Unlock each of the 24pBCN FP RS422 ports locked in step 6. Refer to Table 6-2 for a list of
the ports associated with the BCN MUX card.
unlock dlep/x rs422grp/y rs422/z

where x is the Dlep component associated with the RS422 port being locked

where y is the RS422Grp component associated with the RS422 port being locked.

where z is the RS422 port being locked.

Example output:
Passport 15000:
96> unlock dlep/3 rs422grp/0 rs422/1

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1; 2002-11-27 12:00:59.58

CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 07000020 Rel: LpP/6.7
Com: The component is unlocked
Int: 7/0/2/14128;; 669; N1300DA

--- Response 96 continued ...

Dlep/3 RS422Grp/0 RS422/1
ok 2002-11-27 12:00:59.58


BSS Manager:
27 Nov 02 12:00:59 - 73 613 - EBSCHardware1 - Cleared - Critical -
PB_11 DLEP/3 RS422GRP/0 RS422/1 - The component is locked

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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

15 Unlock each SBS which was terminated in step (4.5). At the BSS Manager cliapp prompt,
enter the following commands:
> cd O%:CBS1:SBSs1:<sbs name>;

> action unlock;

where <sbs name> is the name of the SBSCSubsystem MO

The unlock action is successful if the return result is set to true.

BSS Manager cliapp example output:
1>cd O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystem2;
# "O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystem2"
2>action unlock;
# (
# Result = true
# );

16 Query each of the SBSs connected through the replaced BCN MUX card to verify
connectivity (step 18 through step 19).
Refer to the Network Configuration Spreadsheets and Table 6-2 to identify the SBSs
connected to the BCN MUX card being replaced. Contact the next level of Nortel support if
additional assistance is required.

17 Login as bsmbin on the active BSS Manager, and start a CLI session. Please reference
Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS Manager” for
further instructions.
Type in the following command:
$ cliapp

Example output:
zpves097% cliapp
# Hello. Welcome to the BSM Command Line Interface (CLI).
# For on-line cli documentation type: help;

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Procedure 6-11
Replacing BCN MUX card (continued)

Step Action

18 On the BSS Manager, at the CLI application prompt change to the SBSC Subsystem by
typing the following command:
cd O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystemX;

where X the identifier of the SBS shelf to be queried

Example output:
1>cd O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystem2;
# "O%:CBS1:SBSs1:SBSCSubsystem2"

19 Query the subsystem status to verify communication path. Type in the following command:
action subsystemStatus;

Contact the next level Nortel support for further assistance if unable to successfully query the
Example output:
12>action SubsystemStatus;
# (
# DownloadStatus = AppRunning
# );


Outage End: All SBSs connected to the BCN MUX card will be
unavailable during its replacement. No calls will be possible on the
affected SBS subsystems.

20 This procedure is complete.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-123
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T1 MUX card replacement 6

T1 MUX cards are used to interconnect up to 40 CIU into the CBRS system.
40 CIU connections are spread over 6 T1 MUX cards which are then
connected to the 11pMSW FPs. The T1 MUX cards handle the connection
switchover after a 11pMSW equipment switchover.

Note: Starting in NBSS13, a Remote BSC with Packet MSC feature was
added. With this feature, the 11pMSW is connected to co-located T1
circuit emulation equipment or a DS1 service module supporting the
remote BSC. For more information about the remote BSC with Packet
MSC, see CDMA Release Delta for NBSS, 411-2133-198.

Replace T1 MUX cards under two scenarios:

• faulty hardware
• hardware upgrade

Replacement of T1 MUX cards are to be performed one at a time. Failure to

do so can result in a widespread outage.

The CIU power amplifier module (PAM) address list is automatically cleared
when the CIUs connected to the T1 MUX card being replaced lose

Table 6-3 documents the mapping between T1 MUX cards in the CCMC and
electrical T1 ports on the 11pMSW FP.


• Dlep/1 corresponds to LP/2 and LP/3

• Dlep/2 corresponds to LP/4 and LP/5
• Dlep/4 corresponds to LP/8 and LP/9
• Dlep/5 corresponds to LP/10 and LP/11
• Dlep/6 corresponds to LP/12 and LP/13

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Table 6-3
T1 MUX / 11pMSW port mappings

T1 MUX CCMC 11pMSW FP Frontside Backside

Card Slot Electrical Port Port (Tx/
DS1 Port Rx)

0 1 Dlep/1 DS1/0 P85/P87 P17/P22

Dlep/1 DS1/1

Dlep/1 DS1/2

Dlep/1 DS1/3

Dlep/2 DS1/0 P81/83

Dlep/2 DS1/1

Dlep/2 DS1/2

Dlep/2 DS1/3

1 2 Dlep/1 DS1/4 P86/P88 P18/P23

Dlep/1 DS1/5

Dlep/1 DS1/6

Dlep/1 DS1/7

Dlep/2 DS1/4 P82/84

Dlep/2 DS1/5

Dlep/2 DS1/6

Dlep/2 DS1/7

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-125
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Table 6-3
T1 MUX / 11pMSW port mappings (continued)

T1 MUX CCMC 11pMSW FP Frontside Backside

Card Slot Electrical Port Port (Tx/
DS1 Port Rx)

2 3 Dlep/4 DS1/0 P89/P91 P19/P24

Dlep/4 DS1/1

Dlep/4 DS1/2

Dlep/4 DS1/3

Dlep/5 DS1/0 P93/95

Dlep/5 DS1/1

Dlep/5 DS1/2

Dlep/5 DS1/3

3 4 Dlep/4 DS1/4 P90/P92 P20/P25

Dlep/4 DS1/5

Dlep/4 DS1/5

Dlep/4 DS1/7

Dlep/5 DS1/4 P94/96

Dlep/5 DS1/5

Dlep/5 DS1/6

Dlep/5 DS1/7

4 5 Dlep/6 DS1/0 P97/P99 P21/P26

Dlep/6 DS1/1

Dlep/6 DS1/2

Dlep/6 DS1/3

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Table 6-3
T1 MUX / 11pMSW port mappings (continued)

T1 MUX CCMC 11pMSW FP Frontside Backside

Card Slot Electrical Port Port (Tx/
DS1 Port Rx)

5 6 Dlep/6 DS1/4 P98/P100 P21/P26

Dlep/6 DS1/5

Dlep/6 DS1/6

Dlep/6 DS1/7

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-127
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Replacing T1 MUX
The steps for the T1 MUX replacement are shown in Procedure 6-12,
“Replacing T1 MUX”.
Procedure 6-12
Replacing T1 MUX

Step Action

1 Confirm the cabling at the CCMC is correctly connected.

2 Identify the T1 MUX card to be replaced in the CCMC.

Faulty card can be identified through a failure pattern across connected CIU shelves. Failure
pattern is then compared to the CCMC connectivity diagrams to identify the faulty BCN MUX
Refer to Table 6-3 for T1 MUX card connectivity.

3 Compare the PEC code of the T1 MUX card to be removed with the PEC code of its
replacement to ensure compatibility.


Outage Start: All CIUs connected to the T1 MUX card will be

unavailable during its replacement resulting in a potential degradation
of call capacity.

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Procedure 6-12
Replacing T1 MUX (continued)

Step Action

4 Remove identified T1 MUX card from the CCMC chassis by releasing the upper and lower
latches and gently sliding the card out of the slot.
The Passport 15000 will raise alarms on the console and at the MDM indicating the removal
of the affected DS1 links from service. BSS Manager will also display raised alarms.
Example output:
Passport 15000:
Dlep/2 DS1/4; 2002-10-18 11:06:54.67
SET critical communications lossOfSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000037 Rel:
Com: Loss of Signal condition has been detected (dl1LosAlarm).
Check the cabling and termination panel.
Int: 2/1/2/2106;; 195; N1300DA

Dlep/2 DS1/4; 2002-10-18 11:06:54.89
SET critical communications lossOfFrame
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000038 Rel:
Com: Loss of Frame condition has been detected (dl1LofAlarm).
Check the statistics attributes and configuration of the
Int: 2/1/2/2106;; 195; N1300DA


BSS Manager:
18 Oct 02 11:09:27 - 19 1727 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Critical -
PB_11 DLEP 2 DS1/4 - Loss of Frame condition has been detected
(dl1LofAlarm). Check the statistics attributes and configuration of
the far-end.
18 Oct 02 11:09:28 - 19 1729 - EBSCHardware1 - Active - Critical -
PB_11 DLEP 2 DS1/4 - Loss of Signal condition has been detected
(dl1LosAlarm). Check the cabling and termination panel.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-129
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Procedure 6-12
Replacing T1 MUX (continued)

Step Action

5 Insert new T1 MUX card into the empty slot until it seats. If any resistance is felt, remove the
card and inspect the slot/backplane for damage. Use a flashlight to inspect the slot for
damage. If the slot/backplane is damaged, contact the Nortel service rep. Otherwise, repeat
card insertion. Once card is seated, close the latches.
Passport 15000 RS422 and RS485 alarms for the affected links will clear on the Passport
15000, MDM and the BSS Manager once the MUX card has powered up and come into
Example output:
Passport 15000:
Dlep/2 DS1/4; 2002-10-18 11:07:28.55
CLR cleared communications lossOfFrame
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
AVAIL: dependency PROC: CNTRL:
ALARM: critical STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 02000039 Rel:
Com: Loss of frame condition has cleared.
Int: 2/1/2/2106;; 195; N1300DA

Dlep/2 DS1/4; 2002-10-18 11:07:28.55
CLR cleared communications lossOfSignal
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0200003A Rel:
Com: Loss of signal condition has cleared.
Int: 2/1/2/2106;; 195; N1300DA


BSS Manager:
18 Oct 02 11:09:57 - 19 1727 - EBSCHardware1 - Cleared - Critical -
PB_11 DLEP 2 DS1/4 - Loss of Frame condition has been detected
(dl1LofAlarm). Check the statistics attributes and configuration of
the far-end.
18 Oct 02 11:09:58 - 19 1729 - EBSCHardware1 - Cleared - Critical -
PB_11 DLEP 2 DS1/4 - Loss of Signal condition has been detected
(dl1LosAlarm). Check the cabling and termination panel.

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Procedure 6-12
Replacing T1 MUX (continued)

Step Action

6 Perform an RTS Operation on the primary and secondary CIU. From the MTX MAP, perform
the following command:
> mapci nodisp;mtc;pm;post friu <xxx> <yyy>;pmreset;next;pmreset

where <xxx> is the FRIU number of the primary CIU<yyy> is the FRIU number of the
secondary CIU

Note: Make sure the primary and secondary CIU are Insv.

If the dlep ds1 component alarms for the primary or secondary CIU T1 on the 11pMSW FP
are not cleared, check that the physical CIU T1 links are connected correctly and that the
dlep ds1 component is correctly configured. If alarms are still not cleared, contact the next
level of support.
MTX MAP example output:
>mapci nodisp;mtc;pm;post friu 210 212;pmreset;next;pmreset


7 From the MTX MAP, perform the following command.

> mapci nodisp;mtc;pm;post friu <xxx> <yyy>;rts all

where <xxx> is the FRIU number of the primary CIU<yyy> is the FRIU number of the
secondary CIU

MTX MAP example output:

>mapci nodisp;mtc;pm;post friu 210 212;rts all
FRIU 212 RTS Passed

FRIU 210 RTS Passed

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Procedure 6-12
Replacing T1 MUX (continued)

Step Action

8 From the MTX MAP, perform the following command:

> quit mapci

The following alarms are generated or cleared on the target Passport 15000 for the dlep ds1
component to which the primary and/or secondary CIU is connected:
Dlep/0 DS1/4; 2002-02-05 10:49:27.74
CLR cleared communications remoteTransmissionError 70115002
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0300002B Rel:
Com: Far-end AIS condition has cleared.
Int: 3/1/2/18743;; 195; N1300DA

Note: All major and critical hardware alarms generated or cleared by the Passport 15000
are also reported to the BSS Manager.

9 From cliapp on the active BSS Manager:

cd o%:CBS1:MTXSubsystem1:;

action bsmagentreset;

10 From a terminal window, perform the following command:


Note: Answer Y to all questions.

11 From a terminal window, perform the following command

> table MTXINV

Note: Answer Y to all questions.

12 From a terminal window, perform the following command

> pos MTXSubsystem1

Note: Answer Y to all questions.

13 From a terminal window, perform the following command

> init

Note: Answer Y to all questions.

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EBSCTM replacement 6
The EBSC Timing Modules (EBSCTM) provide the timing source for the
CDMA network. Two EBSCTMs are present in a system to provide
redundancy. EBSCTM and SBS shelves are connected to the CCMC in order
to interface with both the primary and secondary 24pBCNW FPs. The
EBSCTM and SBS shelves communicate with the 24pBCNW FP through the

If an EbscTM module has a hardware fault that cannot be remedied then it

must be replaced using the following procedure.


Make sure that the correct EBSCTM is removed. If a CBRS has only
one good EBSCTM and it is accidently taken out of service the switch
will lose all call processing! Note that if the CBRS is a hybrid system
with a DISCO connected to the CBRS then timing will still be
provided to the SBS shelves by the TFUs connected to the DISCO.


The numbering convention for the EbscTM is different on the BSSM

and the Passport. The BSSM refers to the EBSCTM1 and EBSCTM2.
The Passport uses “ebscTm/0" and “ebscTm/1”.


Verify that EBSCTM/0 is linked to RS485/0 and that EBSCTM/1 is

linked to RS485/1. At the Passport type “display ebscTm/0
linktoport” The attribute has a value of “Dlep/x RS485/0”. Do the
same for “ebscTm/”1 and verify that it is linked to “Dlep/x RS485/1”

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Replacing EBSCTM
The steps for the EBSCTM replacement are shown in Procedure 6-13,
“Replacing EBSCTM”.
Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM

Step Action

1 At the BSSM GUI, uncouple the EBSCTM to be replaced.

Note: On the BSSM, EBSCTM1 refers to Passport’s “ebscTm/0”. On the BSSM, EBSCTM2
refers to Passport’s “ebscTm/1”

2 Delete the CdmaClockSource components. If EbscTM/0 is being replaced, then delete “lp/
<x> cdmacs/0”. If EbscTM/1 is being replaced, then delete “lp/<x> cdmacs/1”.

Note: The cdmaClockSource components only need to be provisioned on lp/14 and lp/15 if
those LP’s are present as secondary 24pBCNW cards.On the passport, enter the following

>st pr
PROV 4> del ebsctm/0
A total of 1 components have been deleted.
ok 2003-08-07 11:53:48.93

PROV 5> del lp/6 cdmacs/0

Lp/6 CdmaCs/0
A total of 1 components have been deleted.
ok 2003-08-07 11:53:55.27

PROV 6> del lp/7 cdmacs/0

Lp/7 CdmaCs/0
A total of 1 components have been deleted.
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:00.09

PROV 7> del lp/14 cdmacs/0

Lp/14 CdmaCs/0
A total of 1 components have been deleted.
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:05.30

PROV 8> del lp/15 cdmacs/0

Lp/15 CdmaCs/0
A total of 1 components have been deleted.
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:18.44

PROV 11> ch pr
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:34.32

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Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM (continued)

Step Action

PROV 12> act pr

Prov; 2003-08-07 11:54:35.56

SET warning operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100005A Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation complete. Enter 'confirm prov' to confirm
activation or
rollback will occur in 20 minutes.
Int: 1/1/2/8471;; 751; N1300DA

PROV 13>
--- Response 12 continued ...
You have 20 minutes in which to confirm activation.
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:35.57

PROV 13> conf pr

Prov; 2003-08-07 11:54:37.27

CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100005B Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
Int: 1/1/2/8829;; 838; N1300DA

PROV 14>
--- Response 13 continued ...
Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:37.28

PROV 14> e pr
ok 2003-08-07 11:54:39.28

3 Power down the EBSCTM that is being replaced. If replacing EBSCTM1 (“ebscTm/0” on the
Passport) switch off breaker A2.3 on the BIP panel. If replacing EBSCTM2 (“ebscTm/1” on
the Passport) switch off breaker B2.3 on the BIP panel.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-135
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Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM (continued)

Step Action

4 Remove the EBSCTM from the frame.

• On the rear side of the EBSCTM, disconnect the power cable in port J4 (or J5).
• Disconnect the BCN cable in the J2 port.
• Disconnect the antenna cable in the J1 port.
• Disconnect the EBSCTM alarm cable in the J3 port.
• Disconnect the chassis ground in port P1 and the logic ground in P2 (if connected).
• Unfasten the module screw that is located on the right rear side of the EBSCTM.
• Unfasten the two module screws located on the front side of the EBSCTM and slide the
unit out of the shelf.

Power cable connector

eBSCTM alarm
eBSCTM alarm Chassis connection to J3
connection to J3 ground
Connector J1

Rear module screw

BCN connector J2
BCN connector J2

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6-136 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM (continued)

Step Action

5 Install the new EBSCTM in the frame and connect all cables except the EBSCTM Alarm
Cable (To the consolidation panel).
• Slide the new EBSCTM Module into the shelf
• Fasten the two module screws located on the front side of the EBSCTM.
• Fasten the module screw that is located on the right rear side of the EBSCTM.
• If the chassis ground in Port P1 and logic ground in port P2 were connected to the
original EBSCTM, reconnect them.
• Connect the BCN cable in the J2 port.
• Connect the antenna cable in the J1 port.
• Connect the power cable to port J4 (or J5).

6 Power up the EBSCTM. If replacing EBSCTM1 (“ebscTm/0” on the Passport) switch on

breaker A2.3 on the BIP panel. If replacing EBSCTM2 (“ebscTm/1” on the Passport) switch
on breaker B2.3 on the BIP panel.

7 Wait for the EBSCTM to lock onto the GPS satellites. When this has occurred the green
circular “Lock” Led on the front of the EBSCTM will be illuminated.

Note: It could take up to several hours for the EBSCTM to “Lock” onto the GPS timing signal.
It is imperative to wait for this to occur before proceeding.

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-137
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Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM (continued)

Step Action

8 Reconnect the EBSCTM alarm connection cable (to the consolidation panel) to port J3. At
this point the following alarms can appear on the Passport:
BcnTod; 2003-08-07 14:59:26.23
SET warning qualityOfService thresholdCrossed 70690510
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 77 Rel:
Com: BcnTod Alarm - The Following Cards Do Not Have Even
Second Interrupt:
Int: 0/0/2/25501;; 978; N1300DA

BcnTod; 2003-08-07 14:59:27.65

CLR warning qualityOfService thresholdCrossed 70690510
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 78 Rel:
Com: BcnTod clearing EvenSecond Alarm
Int: 0/0/2/25501;; 978; N1300DA

Call originations and terminations may not be possible for a few seconds when the new
EBSCTM is connected to the CCMC. Existing calls are unaffected.

9 Provision the cdmaClockSource components.

Note: The cdmaClockSource components only need to be provisioned on lp/14 and lp/15 if
those LP’s are present as secondary 24pBCNW cards.

84> st pr
The edit view is identical to the current view.
ok 2003-08-07 15:06:17.96

PROV 87> add lp/6 cdmacs/0

Lp/6 CdmaCs/0
The following components have been created:
Lp/6 CdmaCs/0
ok 2003-08-07 15:06:39.52

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6-138 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM (continued)

Step Action

PROV 88> add lp/7 cdmacs/0

Lp/7 CdmaCs/0
The following components have been created:
Lp/7 CdmaCs/0
ok 2003-08-07 15:06:43.02

PROV 89> add lp/14 cdmacs/0

Lp/8 CdmaCs/0
The following components have been created:
Lp/8 CdmaCs/0
ok 2003-08-07 15:06:46.43

PROV 90> add lp/15 cdmacs/0

Lp/9 CdmaCs/0
The following components have been created:
Lp/9 CdmaCs/0
ok 2003-08-07 15:06:49.58

PROV 91> add lp/14 cdmacs/0

Lp/14 CdmaCs/0
The following components have been created:
Lp/14 CdmaCs/0
ok 2003-08-07 15:06:57.77

PROV 92> add lp/15 cdmacs/0

Lp/15 CdmaCs/0
The following components have been created:
Lp/15 CdmaCs/0
ok 2003-08-07 15:07:00.77

PROV 97> ch pr
ok 2003-08-07 15:07:23.96

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-139
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Procedure 6-13
Replacing EBSCTM (continued)

Step Action

PROV 98> act pr

Prov; 2003-08-07 15:07:32.92

SET warning operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 7A Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation complete. Enter 'confirm prov' to confirm
activation or
rollback will occur in 20 minutes.
Int: 0/0/2/25367;; 751; N1300DA

PROV 99>
--- Response 98 continued ...
You have 20 minutes in which to confirm activation.
ok 2003-08-07 15:07:32.93

PROV 99> conf pr

Prov; 2003-08-07 15:07:34.29

CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 7B Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
Int: 0/1/2/25447;; 838; N1300DA

PROV 100>
--- Response 99 continued ...
Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
ok 2003-08-07 15:07:34.30

PROV 100> e pr
ok 2003-08-07 15:07:36.06

10 At the BSSM GUI, couple the EBSCTM MO for the module that has been replaced.

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6-140 CBRS equipment maintenance
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EBSCTM alarm troubleshooting 6

When an EBSC frame is installed with a CCMC, and the EBSCTMs are not
connected to the 24pBCNW FPs, an alarm is seen. To clear the alarm, contact
the next level of support.

BIP Panel alarm troubleshooting 6

The breaker interface panel (BIP) is designed with modular replacement
parts, which include the breaker interface modules (BIMs) and the Alarm
Module. The BIP is referenced in Table 6-5. Replacing a BIM requires that
power to the respective BIM be removed. BIMs operate in redundant pairs,
loss of power to one BIM does not affect the power to its mate. The mate BIM
maintains power to the Passport 15000. The Alarm Module can be hot
swapped. All replacement procedures for the BIP, BIM and Alarm Module
are referenced in NTP 241-1501-215 Passport 15000 Hardware Maintenance
Guide (PP15KHMG).

Status is displayed for the BIP for each BIM and through the Alarm Module.
Each BIM has a red or green LED that indicates it’s status. The BIP Alarm
Module has LEDs on it’s faceplate that indicate the status of the Passport 15000
switch. Status indicators are:
1. BIM / Alarm Module Status LED: Green (rectangle) or Red (triangle)
2. Additional Alarm Module Status LEDs: Pairs of minor, major, and critical
LEDs, one set above the other (under the LED Test button). There are ten
LEDs (under the ACO button) acting as one large follow-me indicator.
Refer to Figure 8 in PP15KHMG “Location of the Alarm Module status
LEDs (page 81). These LEDs indicate the severity of a problem. The
CBRS platform status will be reflected on the lower set of LEDs. To
clearly observe which LEDs are lit and their color, the Alarm Module
must be observed by standing directly in front of the Alarm Module
faceplate. Unlike the other parts of a switch that have one LED per color,
each LED of the Alarm Module cluster shows one of the three status
colors. The colors include green, amber, and red. In startup mode, after
installation and powering up, each LED cycles from solid red to solid
green. After normal operation is established, when a lit LED is not green,
refer to PP15KHMG.

An explanation of each CBRS component directly related to the Passport

15000 is provided in Table 6-4 as follows:

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CBRS equipment maintenance 6-141
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Table 6-4
CBRS components directly related to the Passport 15000

Component PEC Normal Alarm State To Clear Alarm

BCN Card NTPB16AB Green 1) Power supply 1) Fix power supply, replace
2) Alarm sent by 24p
card 2) Fix using the 24p card

T1 Card NTPB17AB Green 1) Power supply 1) Fix power supply, replace

2) Alarm sent by 11p
card 2) Fix using the 11p card

EBSCTM NTPB15AB Green 1) Lost communication 1) Check connectivity w/ 24p

with 24p or fix using the 24p software

2) Lost GPS signal 2) Attempt to re-sync GPS


EBIP Critical AP6C64CA Green 1) Short in system. 1,2) Troubleshoot for power
short & reset breakers
2) Signal sent by CP3
processors indicates a 2) Fix using CP3 software or
problem (temperature fix initial problem.
problem and etc.)

EBIP Major AP6C64CA Green 1) EBIP power problem 1) Troubleshoot EBIP

2) Alarm sent from 2) See EBSCTM

3) See BCN and T1 card
3) Alarm sent from BCN
or T1 mux card via
CCMC 4) Troubleshoot fans & fan
circuit breakers
4) Dual fan (or fan circuit
breaker) failure

EBIP Minor AP6C64CA Green 1) Signal sent by CP3 1) Fix using CP3 software or
FP, indicates problem. fix initial problem

EBIP Follow AP6C64CA Green Present when any EBIP Clear other existing EBIP
Me alarm is present alarm

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6-142 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Alarm differences between 20 amp and 5 amp breakers 6

The alarm differences between the 20 amp breakers on a Passport 15000 and
the 5 amp breakers on an EBSC are described in Table 6-5.
Table 6-5
Alarm differences between 20 amp and 5 amp breakers

Breakers NT6C61AA AP6C64CA

Four of NT6C60PA Two of AP6C69AA all 5 amp
20/20/5/20/20 amp Two of AP6C60PA 20/20/5/20/20 amp


Note: The lower bracket has been

removed in the picture.

Alarms All standard breakers initiate an alarm Two types of breakers.

when a breaker is tripped or turned off.
The two standard breakers initiate an
alarm when a breaker is tripped or turned

The two mid-trip breakers initiate an alarm

only when a breaker is tripped and not
when it is turned off.

Alarm NT6C60PB release 1 or earlier (functions NT6C60PB release 2(functions properly

module properly only with all standard type with both breaker types)

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

CBRS equipment maintenance 6-143
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Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet 6

If using rlogin or telnet to log into the BSS Manager, follow the steps in
Procedure 6-14, “Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS
Procedure 6-14
Determining requirements for rlogin or telnet to the BSS Manager

Step Action

1 Type the following command:

> xhost +

2 rlogin/telnet to the BSS Manager.

3 Login to the BSS Manager as required (bsmbin or root). Do NOT log in as bsmbin and su to

4 Open an xterm window.

5 Type the following command:

> DISPLAY=<your terminal or PC IP address>:0.0

6 Type the following command:

> export DISPLAY

7 Type the following command:

> /usr/openwin/bin/xterm -sb -sl 2000 -name BSSM<BSSM#> &

8 This procedure is complete.


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6-144 CBRS equipment maintenance
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Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP

node 7
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Procedure 7-1, “Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node”
• Procedure 7-2, “Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback”

Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7

Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 has the same service impact as
replacing a CP2. Some new call connections may not be set up
during the CP switchover.

A CP3 control processor card supports only release 1.3 software
or later. Before inserting a CP3 into a shelf that is already
running a CP2, the shelf must already have been upgraded to
release 1.3 or later using the CP2. If the CP3 card is loaded with
firmware from pre-1.3 software, it will crash. In this particular
situation, a crashed CP3 cannot be recovered on site because its
flash memory for firmware must be reprogrammed at Nortel

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

7-2 Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

The steps in Procedure 7-1, “Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node”

are to be performed to upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node.
Procedure 7-1
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node

Step Action

1 Log in to the Passport 15000 and verify the software on the node.
display Software ApplicationVersion/* processorTargets

Note: Ensure that the processorTargets value is set to i960.

2 Verify the version of the software that the node is currently using.
list Software ApplicationVersion/*

3 Verify whether the Application Version List (AVL) of the node contains application versions
that support PowerPC (ppc) applications.
display Software AvList

4 Verify which CP is providing service.

display Lp/0 activeCard

Example output:
activeCard = Shelf Card/0
ok 2002-08-30 12:33:03.97

5 Verify that the current view and committed view are the same.
display pr currentview, committedFileName

Example output:
currentViewFileName = A.full.002
committedFileName = A.full.002
ok 2002-08-30 12:37:22.10

6 If necessary, force the CP you want to upgrade to become the standby CP.
switchover Lp/0

Note: A switchover of LP/0 causes a temporary loss of connectivity until the other CP
becomes active.

7 If the current standby CP is the one to be replaced then lock the card.
lock shelf card /<nn>

where <nn> is the slot number of the inactive processor card either 0 or 1.

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Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7-3
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 7-1
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node (continued)

Step Action

8 Take the card out of service.

reset shelf card /<nn>

where <nn> is the same slot number as in step 6 (the inactive processor card).

9 Remove the standby CP as soon as the LED indicates solid red.

10 Insert the new CP3 card in the slot. When the new CP is inserted into the slot, it automatically
begins to boot. The boot process of the CP can be observed at the local operators terminal.

11 After the new CP3 finishes initialization (the status LED is slowly flashing red), unlock it.
unlock shelf card/<nn>

where <nn> is the same slot number as in step 6 (the inactive processor card).

12 Verify that the disks on both CPs are available.

list Fs Disk/*

Note: If the new CP3 has the same volume name as the active CP, the new standby disk is
automatically synchronized with the active disk. Disk synchronization can take a long time
(up to an hour or more). When synchronization is complete, an alarm indicates that the file
system is now synchronized.

13 If the new standby disk did not automatically synchronize with the active disk, manually
synchronize the two disks.
synchronize Fs

Note: This command can take up to an hour or more. When synchronization is complete, an
alarm indicates that the file system is now synchronized.

14 Display the syncStatus and the syncProgress.

display Fs syncStatus, syncProgress

Note: Do not move forward until the syncStatus = synchronized and the syncProgress is at

15 Once the file system is synchronized and the new CP3 is available, force the remaining CP2
to become the standby CP.
switchover Lp/0

Note: A switchover of LP/0 causes a temporary loss of connectivity until the other CP
becomes active.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

7-4 Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node
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Procedure 7-1
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node (continued)

Step Action

Risk of service loss from shelf reset.
Do not perform a Control Processor switchover more than once
every 10 minutes. The Passport considers a second CP switchover
within 10 minutes to be an indication of a more serious fault and
will perform a shelf reset. Before executing the switchover Lp/0
command, the value of the revertibleTimerCountdown attribute
under the display shelf command must be 0.
If an attempt to switch the activity of the CPs while the backup is
not available (in-service and connected), the Passport 15000
switch undergoes a reset to try resolving not being able to find a
the backup. A shelf reset causes the switch to be out of service for
about 30 seconds.

16 Repeat step 4 to step 13 of this procedure for the remaining CP2 card.

17 Once the file system is again synchronized, and the revertibleTimerCountdown attribute is 0
(zero), switch control back to the starting configuration, making CP 0 the active processor.
switchover Lp/0

18 This procedure is complete.

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Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7-5
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Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback 7

To rollback a a CP3 to a CP2, follow the same procedure as in Procedure 7-1,
“Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node”. In this case, the node is
currently using CP3s and the new CPs are CP2s.

Risk of degradation
The backout can only occur if NO PROVISIONING changes
have occurred on the Passport. Due to differences in disk sizes
between CP2s and CP3s, once software has been downloaded or
views saved, reverting back will not be possible in the scope of
this document.

The steps in Procedure 7-2, “Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-

rollback” are to be performed to rollback a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node.
Procedure 7-2
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback

Step Action

1 Log in to the Passport 15000 and verify the software on the node.
display Software ApplicationVersion/* processorTargets

2 Verify the version of the software that the node is currently using.
list Software ApplicationVersion/*

3 Verify whether the Application Version List (AVL) of the node contains application versions
that support PowerPC (ppc) applications.
display Software AvList

4 Verify which CP is providing service.

display Lp/0 activeCard

Example output:
activeCard = Shelf Card/0
ok 2002-08-30 12:33:03.97

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

7-6 Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 7-2
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback (continued)

Step Action

5 Verify that the current view and committed view are the same.
display pr currentview, committedFileName

Example output:
currentViewFileName = A.full.002
committedFileName = A.full.002
ok 2002-08-30 12:37:22.10

6 If necessary, the CP needing to be upgraded can be forced to become the standby CP.
switchover Lp/0

Note: A switchover of LP/0 causes a temporary loss of connectivity until the other CP
becomes active.

7 If the current standby CP is the one to be replaced then lock the card.
lock shelf card /<nn>

where <nn> is the slot number of the inactive processor card either 0 or 1.

8 Take the card out of service.

reset shelf card /<nn>

where <nn> is the same slot number as in step 6 (the inactive processor card).

9 Remove the standby CP as soon as the LED indicates solid red.

10 Insert the CP2 card in the slot. When the CP is inserted into the slot, it automatically begins
to boot. The boot process of the CP can be observed at the local operators terminal.

11 After the CP2 finishes initialization (the status LED is slowly flashing red), unlock it.
unlock shelf card/<nn>

where <nn> is the same slot number as in step 6 (the inactive processor card).

12 Verify that the disks on both CP’s are available.

list Fs Disk/*

Note: If the CP2 has the same volume name as the active CP, the new standby disk is
automatically synchronized with the active disk. Disk synchronization can take a long time
(up to an hour or more). When synchronization is complete, an alarm indicates that the file
system is now synchronized.

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Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node 7-7
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Procedure 7-2
Upgrading a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node-rollback (continued)

Step Action

13 If the new standby disk did not automatically synchronize with the active disk, manually
synchronize the two disks.
synchronize Fs

Note: This command can take up to an hour or more. When synchronization is complete, an
alarm indicates that the file system is now synchronized.

14 Once the file system is synchronized and the CP2 is available, force the remaining CP3 to
become the standby CP.
switchover Lp/0

Note: A switchover of LP/0 causes a temporary loss of connectivity until the other CP
becomes active.

Risk of service loss from shelf reset
Do not perform a Control Processor switchover more than once
every 10 minutes. The Passport considers a second CP switchover
within 10 minutes to be an indication of a more serious fault and
will perform a shelf reset. Before executing the switchover Lp/0
command, the value of the revertibleTimerCountdown attribute
under the display shelf command must be 0.
If an attempt to switch the activity of the CPs while the backup is
not available (in-service and connected), the Passport 15000
switch undergoes a reset to try resolving not being able to find a
the backup. A shelf reset causes the switch to be out of service for
about 30 seconds.

15 Repeat step 4 to step 13 of this procedure for the remaining CP3 card.

16 Once the file system is again synchronized, and the revertibleTimerCountdown attribute is 0
(zero), switch control back to the starting configuration, making CP 0 the active processor.
switchover Lp/0

17 This procedure is complete.

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

7-8 Upgrade a CP2 to a CP3 in a two-CP node
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Technical data 8
This chapter contains the following sections:
• “Technical data for the OC3 ports on the 11pMSW FP”
— “Transmitter”
— “Receiver”
• “11pMSW FP-to-Optical Mux connectivity”
• “DISCO address ranges”

Technical data for the OC3 ports on the 11pMSW FP 8

• Adheres to GR-253-CORE “SONET Transport Systems: Common
Generic Criteria:, 1995 with revision 2, 1999 (Note: This is a 1+1 linear
• Bit rate = 155.2 Mbps
• Fiber Type = multi-mode
• Connector = MT/RJ
• 62.5/125 um (NA=.275 fiber)

• Maximum transmitter output power: -14 dBm for 62.5/125 um fiber
• Minimum transmitter output power: -19 dBm for 62.5/125 um fiber
• Center wavelength: 1270 nm Min, 1308 nm Typical, 1380 nm Max
• Nominal wavelength: 1300 nm
• Transmitter type: "The transmitter section utilizes a 1300 nm InGaAsP

• Maximum receiver level: -14 dBm average
• Minimum receiver level: -30 dBm average
• Receiver type: "The receiver section utilizes and InGaAs PIN photodiode
coupled to a custom silicon transimpedance preamplifier IC."

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

8-2 Technical data
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• Compliance class
— EMI ---> FCC Class A
— Eye Safety ---> AEL Class 1
— ESD (to the body) ---> Variation of IEC 801-2 (withstands 25kV)

• Power consumption: Typical 0.675 W, Maximum 1.015 W

• Operating temperature range: Ta = 0 to +70 degrees C

11pMSW FP-to-Optical Mux connectivity 8

The 11p MSW FP supports a short haul multi-mode MT/RJ connection (See
“Technical data for the OC3 ports on the 11pMSW FP” for Tx/Rx
specifications on the 11pMSW FP). An in-line attenuator (5-15db depending
on the transmit characteristics of the optical mux card) is required on the Tx
side of a customer's optical multiplexer equipment which provides a single
mode connection. The in-line attenuator is typically placed at the furthest end
towards the Rx side of the link for optimal signal performance. The MTRJ
connector on the 11pMSW FP does not allow the implementation of the in-
line attenuator on the 11pMSW FP.

11p-to-mux connectivity configurations are based on the type of optical ports

used by the customer's OC3/STM1 multiplexer: Multi-Mode or Single-Mode
optical ports.

Multi-Mode Connector at the Mux:

The 11pMSW FP can connect directly to the OC3/STM1 multiplexer or via a
Fiber Management Unit (FMU) or Optical Patch Panel. In both
configurations, MM cable must be used. The two connectivity options are
shown in Figure 8-1 and Figure 8-2.

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Technical data 8-3
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Figure 8-1
Direct Connection to MM optical Mux

eBSC Demarcation
MM fibre
eBSC MM Duplex cable with
SC-MTRJ connector



MM Duplex P2
cable TX


MM 1. No FMU, No Patch Panel used.
Optical Mux using MM cards. SM 2. MM Cables orderable from NT

Figure 8-2
Patch panel/FMU connection to MM optical MUX

To BSSM eBSC Demarcation

MM fibre
MM Duplex cable with
Optical SC-MTRJ connector eBSC
Patch Panel

MM Duplex
Cable X RX


SM Duplex MM cables are orderable through N T.
Optical Mux using MM

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

8-4 Technical data
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Single-Mode Optical Port at the Mux:

The 11pMSW FP can also connect directly to the OC3/STM1 multiplexer or
via a Fiber Management Unit (FMU) or Optical Patch Panel. The SM
connector can be either 1) located on the faceplate of the mux card, or 2)
connected via a fiber pigtail. If pigtails are used, the Transmitter typically
uses a SM pigtail while the Receiver can use either a SM or MM pigtail. The
configurations in this section assume a MM pigtail is used on the Rx port. If a
SM pigtail is used on the Rx side, then an external MM-to-SM converter is

All SM-to-MM connections require the use of an in-line attenuator on the

optical Tx-to-11p Rx link. It is also recommended to use Mode Conditioning
Patch (MCP) Cables on this link to provide better long term performance and
avoid coupling losses introduced on a SM-to-MM connection. The supported
configurations are detailed in Figure 8-3 through Figure 8-5.

Note that the MCP cable needs to be ordered by the customer based on the type
of mux and/or patch panel connector. Nortel can order an MTRJ-to-SC
connector MCP cable. In Figure 8-5, the inline attenuator is MM and must be
ordered by the customer (Only SM in-line attenuators can be ordered through
Nortel). The attenuation level (5 or 10 or 15 dB) has to be decided by following
• consider the transmit (TX) characteristics of the SM card in the optical
• losses through the optical fibre connection from the optical mux to the
11pMSW FP and
• the receive (RX) sensitivity of the 11pMSW FP

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Technical data 8-5
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Figure 8-3
Direct connection to SM optical MUX

eBSC Demarcation
MM fibre
eBSC MM Duplex cable with
SC-MTRJ connector
Duplex 11pMSW FP

MCP cable P2


5-15 dB inline MM
SM optical SM
Optical Mux using SM cards.
If pigtail is used, ensure RX
side has MM pigtail and TX
side has SM pigtail.

CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

8-6 Technical data
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Figure 8-4
FMU and patch panel connection to SM optical MUX

MM fibre eBSC Demarcation

MM Duplex cable with

Optical MM Duplex eBSC MTRJ connector
MM Cable
Patch Panel
Duplex FMU 11pMSW FP

Simplex X adapters TX
X Att.

SM Simplex MCP cable with SC-

5-15 dB inline
Cable MTRJ connector
SM optical

Optical Mux using SM cards.

If pigtail is used, ensure RX
side has MM pigtail and TX
side has SM pigtail.

NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Technical data 8-7
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Figure 8-5
FMU and patch panel connection to SM optical MUX

To BSSM eBSC Demarcation

MM fibre

Optical MM Duplex
eBSC MM Duplex cable with
SC-MTRJ connector
MM Patch Panel cable
Duplex FMU 11pMSW FP

X adapters TX

X Att. X
MCP Cable

5-15 dB inline MM
MM optical SM

Optical Mux using SM cards.

If pigtail is used, ensure RX
side has MM pigtail and TX
side has SM pigtail.

DISCO address ranges 8

Table 8-1 shows the Disco address ranges for the 11pMSW FP.
Table 8-1
DISCO address ranges

BSC address range Disco traffic range VPIs

1 1 4,5,6,7

2 8,9,10,11

2 3 12,13,14,15

4 16,17,18,19

3 5 20,21,22,23

6 24,25,26,27

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

8-8 Technical data
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Table 8-1
DISCO address ranges (continued)

BSC address range Disco traffic range VPIs

4 7 28,29,30,31

8 32,33,34,35

5 9 36,37,38,39

10 40,41,42,43

6 11 44,45,46,47

12 48,49,50,51

7 13 52,53,54,55

14 56,57,58,59

8 15 60,61,62,63

16 64,65,66,67

9 17 68,69,70,71

18 72,73,74,75

10 19 76,77,78,79

20 80,81,82,83

11 21 84,85,86,87

22 88,89,90,91

12 23 92,93,94,95

24 96,97,98,99

13 25 100,101,102,103

26 104,105,106,107

14 27 108,109,110,111

28 112,113,114,115

15 29 116,117,118,119

30 120,121,122,123

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Technical data 8-9
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Table 8-1
DISCO address ranges (continued)

BSC address range Disco traffic range VPIs

16 31 124,125,126,127

32 128,129,130,131

17 33 132,133,134,135

34 136,137,138,139

18 35 140,141,142,143

36 144,145,146,147

19 37 148,149,150,151

38 152,153,154,155

20 39 156,157,158,159

40 160,161,162,163

21 41 164,165,166,167

42 168,169,170,171

22 43 172,173,174,175

44 176,177,178,179

23 45 180,181,182,183

46 184,185,186,187

24 47 188,189,190,191

48 192,193,194,195

25 49 196,197,198,199

50 200,201,202,203

26 51 204,205,206,207

52 208,209,210,211

27 53 212,213,214,215

54 216,217,218,219

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

8-10 Technical data
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Table 8-1
DISCO address ranges (continued)

BSC address range Disco traffic range VPIs

28 55 220,221,222,223

56 224,225,226,227

29 57 228,229,230,231

58 232,233,234,235

30 59 236,237,238,239

60 240,241,242,243

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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Add a new Passport 15000 node 9

This appendix contains the following procedures:
• Adding Passport 15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt mode
• Removing Passport 15000s from a group

Adding Passport 15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt

mode 9
When in prompt mode, follow the steps in Procedure 9-1, “Adding Passport
15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt mode” to add Passport
15000s to a group using passport.config.
Procedure 9-1
Adding Passport 15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt mode

Step Action

1 Log into the MDM as root.

2 Start the passport.config script in prompt mode using the following command:

Note: Specify a group name for the new host.

3 Enter the group name. The group name is the name of the Passport group to which the
Passport switch belongs and can be found in the /opt/MagellanNMS/cfg/HGDS.cfg file or
can be a new group name.

Note: Please specify a name for the new host.

4 Enter the host name for the Passport 15000 switch.

Please specify an IP address for the new host (or just return for none).

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

9-2 Add a new Passport 15000 node
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 9-1
Adding Passport 15000s to a group using passport.config in prompt mode (continued)

Step Action

5 If adding a new Passport switch to a new group or to an existing group, enter the IP
address. The script displays a response indicating that the group has been created, then
displays the following prompt:
The Host Group server configuration file has been modified. Please
signal the related servers with the passport.kick script or restart
them from the Server Administration tool Do you want to run
passport.kick and signal the related MDM servers to reload the HGDS
configuration now (y/n)?

6 If finished adding all Passport 15000 switches to the group, answer y and continue to step
If there are more Passport switches to add, answer n and go back to step 2.

7 Messages are displayed indicating that the servers are being updated with the modified
group information, followed by the response: Done
Watch the System Log Display tool for possible warnings about syntax errors and failures of
the HGDS, and FMDR servers. Alternatively, launch the Server Administration tool and
examine information displayed about the HGDS, and FMDR servers to ensure that they are
still running.

8 This procedure is complete.

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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Add a new Passport 15000 node 9-3
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Removing Passport 15000s from a group 9

When in prompt mode, follow the steps in Procedure 9-2, “Removing
Passport 15000s from a group” to remove Passport 15000s from a group
using passport.config.
Procedure 9-2
Removing Passport 15000s from a group

Step Action

1 Log into the MDM as root.

2 Change directory
cd /opt/MagellanNMS/cfg

3 Start a vi editor on the HGDS.cfg file.

vi HGDS.cfg

Sample HGDS file:

FMember: CPP_246

FMember: CDMA_VO

Member: CPP_246
Member: CDMA_VO

4 Delete the Fmember, IPAddress, and the Member from the Group for the Passport that is to
be removed using vi commands.
For example, to remove Passport CDMA_VO using the sample HGDS.cfg file in step 3, the
following highlighted lines would be deleted:


FMember: CDMA_VO

Member: CPP_246
Member: CDMA_VO

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CDMA Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC) Maintenance NBSS 13.0

9-4 Add a new Passport 15000 node
Nortel Networks Confidential Copyright © 2005–2006 Nortel Networks

Procedure 9-2
Removing Passport 15000s from a group (continued)

Step Action

5 Save and exit from the vi editor.


6 Verify that the changes are successful.

more HGDS.cfg

Sample HGDS (edited) file:

FMember: CPP_246

Member: CPP_246

7 Launch the MDM toolset window.

/opt/MagellanNMS/loads/MDM134Pbo/bin/nmstool &

8 From the MDM toolset window, click on System.

9 Click on Administration.

10 Click on Server Administration.

11 Right-click on the HGDS server.

12 Select Stop.

13 Right-click on the Passport Comms Mgr

14 Select Stop.

15 Right-click on the HGDS server.

16 Select Start.

17 Right-click on the Passport Comms Mgr.

18 Select Start.

19 Right-click on the FMDR Server(s).

20 Select Start.

21 Verify that all servers in the Server Administration window are running.

22 Close the Server Administration window by selecting File, then Exit.

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NN-20000-147 Standard 02.16 September 2006

Family Product Manual Contacts Copyright Confidentiality Legal

Enhanced Base Station Controller (eBSC)

To order documentation from Nortel Networks Global Wireless Knowledge Services, call
(1) (877) 662-5669

To report a problem in this document, call

(1) (877) 662-5669
or send e-mail from the Nortel Networks Customer Training & Documentation World Wide Web site at

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Document number: NN-20000-147
Product release: NBSS 13.0
Document version: Standard 02.16
Date: September 2006
Originated in the United States of America/Canada

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