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I want to talk today about using your advantages, I was with a colleague recently

and I was in his home office and I noticed that he had a little photograph of his
family had a little paperweight type object that wasn't holding the paper and then
had a kind of them in one of those pens that you have that you don't actually use
just sitting there and they were arranged in a kind of a triangular formation and I
asked him about it and I said to him understand the picture the family. What's the
paperweight said of the paperweight was a gift from a client that I done some really
really good work for and the keywords work. Whenever I look at it I can instantly
remember that piece of work, and how well it was received and how much I done
about the pen. I said that was a gift from my father and told a story about his family
history, but was especially interested in the story the family history but I was
interested to know what is the effect of telling that story had on personal speaking
with you just got me to thinking about the opportunities that we have to make use
of our experience a bit more quite frequently we sail through life without taking time
to reflect on the things we will carry forward with this suppression carry souvenirs
when I go somewhere I don't buy lots of souvenirs, but I know there are people
who do. My grandmother was one of these people who, wherever she would go
would pick up the most incredible junk is usually tchotchke right in means it's just
the half and by the time she was very old. She had a house full packed full
tchotchke, but the problem was. Anytime somebody wanted to try and help her
clean up or redecorate if they moved some of the tchotchke or suggested that
would be taken down to get really upset because essentially what you done with all
of this junk was arranged in such a way that whenever she would look at. She can
be reminded where she'd been, who she'd been with and who she was. In NLP we
talk about things called anchors and the process of anchoring is the means by
which we associate one experience with another these souvenirs. These
photographs these objet objects, paintings and hangings can serve the function of
anchors to remind you of what it is that's important to you and this is when you start
making a recommendation for you for this time around. Have a look around your
environment may be a bit cluttered with me be clear but one want you to do is I
want you to take an inventory of objects of significance want you to look around
and I want you to have a look at objects of significance I'm talking about at that that
the biggest level, the paintings that you have the photographs that you have the
knickknacks the doodads the tchotchke was souvenirs, little plaques, the metals
that you have whatever it is what you make an inventory of these things I have. For
example in my office. I got bold that I put my change into. It's a wooden bowl that
was carved out from one piece of wood and it's significant because of where I
bought it I bought it when I was on a business trip and the trip was inconsequential
but was what I was doing in my free time that was actually very important and like
to remember that so even just that changeable in itself is a reminder of the steps to
take the inventory things I wanted wants to start making some choices start putting
things into order is the most important object in terms of what it reminds you of
which objects are most important to you personally. So for example if you have a

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