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De La Salle University

Gokongwei College of Engineering

Civil Engineering

Stephen John C. Clemente June 7, 2018


What are the design drivers for sustainable infrastructure system?

The drivers for designing a sustainable infrastructure are somewhat different from
each project. But I think the most common of them are budget, green rating, government
regulation, and business aspect. Budget is the number one driver in obtaining an sustainable
infrastructure. This is because of the additional cost that would rise since most of the market
price of materials derived with less environmental impact are expensive. The second driver is
if a “green rating” of the infra is desired by the owner, it will be a driving force for the
builders to come-up with a design with that specification. “Green rating” refers to the how
sustainable a building could be on how it will function and how it was constructed. Some
country gives honor, recognition and benefit to “green structure” that why there are owners
that desires it. Government can give guidelines in constructing infrastructure to be able to
create a community with sustainable development. Some owners prefer sustainable
infrastructure as for them to use it an advertisement for their business. Green structures have
also a potential to be less expensive in running it so it will have a positive impact for
operating their businesses.

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