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J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206

DOI 10.1007/s11746-012-2153-4


Refractive Index and Density Measurements of Peanut Oil

for Determining Oleic and Linoleic Acid Contents
Jack P. Davis • Daniel S. Sweigart • Kristin M. Price •

Lisa L. Dean • Timothy H. Sanders

Received: 15 June 2012 / Revised: 20 September 2012 / Accepted: 25 September 2012 / Published online: 4 November 2012
Ó AOCS (outside the USA) 2012

Abstract Peanut seed are approximately 50 % oil of on O/L ratio is needed across multiple segments of the
which [80 % is either oleic or linoleic acid. The oleic/ industry, and measurements of oil density and oil refractive
linoleic acid (O/L) ratio largely influences oxidative sta- index (RI) were evaluated for this potential. Fatty acid
bility and hence peanut shelf life. Traditional peanut seed profiles of samples from normal and high oleic seed lots,
have O/L ratios near 1.5–2.0; however, many new cultivars and blends of these oils, were determined by traditional gas
are ‘‘high oleic’’ with O/L ratios C9. During peanut seed chromatography analysis and this data compared to corre-
handling, contamination among lots may occur. A cost sponding oil density and RI measurements. Oleic acid
effective method to rapidly differentiate peanut seed based content, linoleic acid content, density and RI were all
strongly linearly (R2 [ 0.98) correlated for oil blends with
O/L ratios from *2 to 16. Threshold density or RI values
both showed excellent potential for rapidly differentiating
The use of trade names or instruments in this publication does not samples with an O/L C 9; however, sample volume
imply endorsement by the United States Department of
Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service.
requirements preclude density measurements on single
J. P. Davis (&)
USDA ARS - Market Quality and Handling Research Unit, Keywords Density  Refractive index  Peanut 
North Carolina State University, Department of Food,
Peanut oil  High oleic  O/L ratio
Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, 236C Schaub Hall,
Raleigh, NC 27695, USA
D. S. Sweigart
Technical Center, The Hershey Company, 1025 Reese Ave,
Hershey, PA 17033, USA Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed are approximately 50 %
oil, of which oleic acid (C18:1) and linoleic acid (C18:2)
K. M. Price account for greater than 80 % of the total fatty acids present.
USDA ARS - Market Quality and Handling Research Unit,
Traditional peanuts seed are approximately 50 and 30 %
226 Schaub Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA
C18:1 and C18:2, respectively; however the ratio of these two
L. L. Dean fatty acids, the oleic/linoleic (O/L) ratio, naturally fluctuates
USDA ARS - Market Quality and Handling Research Unit, as a function of seed genetics, maturity, and growing envi-
North Carolina State University, Department of Food,
ronment [1]. Shelf life of peanut based foods, including
Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, 236D Schaub Hall,
Raleigh, NC 27695, USA peanut butter, roasted snack nuts, confections, and peanut oil
is primarily limited by the oils oxidative stability. In turn, this
T. H. Sanders oxidative stability is largely a function of the peanut oil fatty
USDA ARS - Market Quality and Handling Research Unit,
acid profile (FAP), especially the O/L ratio. As the O/L ratio
North Carolina State University, Department of Food,
Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, 236A Schaub Hall, increases, the total level of unsaturation within the oil
Raleigh, NC 27695, USA decreases resulting in a more stable product. As such, there

200 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206

have been extensive research efforts to breed peanut seed Oil Extraction: Multiple Seed
with increased O/L ratios [2]. In the late 1980s, scientists at
the University of Florida documented a natural mutant which Seed samples were ground using a commercially available
had a FAP close to 80 % oleic acid and\3 % linoleic acid [3]. coffee grinder, the ground seed were wrapped in two layers
This ‘‘high oleic’’ peanut, which is generally defined as a of cheese cloth, and oil was mechanically pressed using a
peanut with an O/L ratio greater than 9, was in turn patented Carver Press. Expressed oils were collected in labeled
[4]. Since then, high oleic peanut seed have been released on tubes for future experiments.
the commercial level and most breeding programs in the US
are actively releasing new high oleic varieties. The US peanut Oil Extraction: Single Seed
industry generally differentiates high oleic peanuts as having
an O/L ratio of C9 and normal oleic as\9: however, non-high Single seed were placed between 2 Teflon plates, with one
O/L peanuts commonly produced in the US have an O/L ratio of the plates having slight indentations to stabilize the seed.
of about 1.5–2.0. High oleic seed have a substantially Plates were compressed using a manual jack. Oil from
increased shelf life compared to conventional peanut seed [5– crushed single seed was sampled for RI measurement as
7]; however, as many varieties are not high oleic, segregation described below; whereas, the remaining oil/crushed seed
during handling of high oleic seed is a challenge facing was transferred to glass test tubes for overnight hexane
multiple segments of the industry. Accordingly, a rapid, extraction prior to derivatization and GC analysis to
simple and inexpensive method that could differentiate pea- determine FAP.
nut seed based on O/L chemistry would benefit the peanut and
other oilseed industries. Fatty Acid Profile Analyses
The definitive method for determining the FAP of a
peanut or other oilseed is by oil extraction, derivatization Fatty acids of expressed or extracted oils were determined
and gas chromatography (GC) analyses. Despite efforts to by GC as previously described [9].
simplify and speed up this GC approach [8], this meth-
odology remains time consuming, requires a dedicated Density Determination
and skilled operator, and is expensive. For these reasons,
analysis of FAP is not practical, nor economical, for many Oil density was measured at 20 °C using an Anton-Paar
segments of the peanut industry. Previous work by our (Graz, Austria) DMA 5000 oscillating tube density meter
group showed that measurements of oil density, using a [9]. A minimum of two replications were collected for each
high precision density meter, had excellent correlations sample and the average value was used in subsequent
with oleic and linoleic acid contents for oil from nine analyses.
different commercial cultivars [9]. This method was not
considered in the specific context of segregating seed in Refractive Index
an industrial setting. Additionally, measurements of oil
refractive index (RI) have been used for 60? years to The refractive index of seed oil was measured at 20 °C
characterize seed oil chemistry with limited success using an Anton-Paar (Graz, Austria) Abbemat 550 refrac-
[10–12]. Advances in commercially available RI instru- tometer. For expressed oils from multiple seed, droplets
mentation, could improve the utility of RI data in pre- were added to the measuring prism using a disposable
dicting O/L chemistry of peanut seed, but no such work pipette. For single seed measurements, the periphery oil
has been published. This study was designed to better surrounding the crushed seed was manually sampled using
understand the potential of oil density and oil RI data to a glass cover slip being careful to avoid seed particulates.
predict peanut seed O/L chemistry. The measurement prism was cleaned between measure-
ments using a nonabrasive wipe.

Materials and Methods Sampling Plan and Statistical Analyses for Single Seed
From each lot, a representative subsample of 100 seed
Samples of high oleic, Spanish peanut seed (culti- was taken using a riffle divider. RI and FAP were
var = AT-9899) and normal oleic, Runner peanut seed determined as described above. The percentage of con-
(cultivar = GA-06C) were received from a commercial tamination for a given lot, i.e. normal oleic seed in a high
supplier. Both samples were from the USA 2010 harvest oleic lot or vice versa, was determined by comparing the
and stored at refrigeration temperature when not in use. O/L ratios of the various seed. A threshold RI value was

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206 201

used to differentiate normal and high oleic seed. Using contents for the normal oleic seed was greater (0.97) than
this threshold RI value and comparing to actual O/L that of all high oleic seed (0.18) (Table 2), due to the
ratios, the percentage of seed from both lots misclassified discussed ranges of these fatty acids for normal and high
as either normal oleic and high oleic was computed. For oleic seed.
all normal oleic seed and all high oleic seed, linear cor- An initial experiment to establish the potential of den-
relations among RI, oleic acid content, linoleic acid sity and RI measurements to predict O/L chemistry was
content and O/L ratio were determined. conducted. Three subsamples, 50 seed each, from both the
normal and high oleic lots were mechanically pressed to
collect oils. Oils from the normal and high oleic lots were
Results and Discussion then blended at the following ratios: 100/0, 75/25, 50/50,
25/75, and 0/100, and FAP, density and RI of blends were
Distributions of oleic acid, linoleic acid and the resulting then measured. With either increasing density (Fig. 3a) or
O/L ratio from 100 single seed sampled from each of the RI (Fig. 3b), oleic acid content linearly (R2 [ 0.98)
normal and high oleic lots are presented in Fig. 1. Using, decreased and linoleic acid content linearly (R2 [ 0.98)
the industrially accepted O/L ratio of C9 as a cutoff to be increased. O/L ratios of the oil blends ranged from
classified as ‘‘high oleic’’, the sample from the high oleic approximately 16–2.0, and when this ratio was plotted
lot had 9 % (9/100) contamination with ‘‘normal oleic’’ against either oil density (Fig. 3c) or RI (Fig. 3d) curvi-
(O/L \ 9) seed, whereas the normal oleic lot had 2 % linear relationships were observed across this range for
(2/100) contamination with high oleic seed (O/L C 9). both plots.
Across the data sets for the two bulk lots, oleic acid content Vegetable oil density is dependent on fatty acid content
ranged from 41.7 to 83.4 % and linoleic acid content ran- [15, 16]. Current observations with measured oleic and
ged from 2.0 to 39.0 % (Table 1). For the normal oleic lot, linoleic acid contents versus oil density (Fig. 3a) agree
C18:1 and C18:2 contents changed more gradually across with earlier findings on peanut oil [9]. In a test of nine
the 100 seed compared to that of the high oleic seed cultivars of peanut (6 normal and 3 high oleic), oleic acid
(Fig. 1). In contrast, the calculated O/L ratio changed more content decreased linearly (R2 [ 0.95) and linoleic acid
gradually across the 100 single seed sampled from the high content increased linearly (R2 [ 0.98) with increasing oil
oleic lot compared to that of the normal oleic lot. density [9]. Reasons for the excellent correlations in C18:1
The majority of oil in a peanut seed is either oleic or and C18:2 contents and oil density include: (1) C18:1 and
linoleic acid, and totals for these two fatty acids were C18:2 account for [80 % of peanut oil mass, averaging
80.4 ± 1.0 % and 84.3 ± 0.7 %, for normal oleic (all 82.9 ± 1.9 % across 300 single seed for the current study;
samples with O/L \ 9) and high oleic (all samples with (2) as seen in Fig. 2 the ratio of these two fatty acids within
O/L [ 9), respectively (Table 1). A plot of C18:2 versus peanut seed is extremely predictable (R2 [ 0.99); and (3)
C18:1 contents for these 200 samples revealed an inverse the geometry of these fatty acids is distinct due to the
linear (R2 = 0.99) relationship between the two fatty acids differing numbers of double bonds within the fatty acids
(Fig. 2). Oleic acid is converted to linoleic acid via [17, 18]. Double bonds induce nonlinearity in fatty acid
desaturase enzymes [13, 14], explaining the linearity chains and the single double bond of oleic acid results in a
between these two fatty acids. This linearity is important, geometry that is more expanded than that of linoleic acid,
as it means that after determination of C18:1 content, which has two double bonds [18].
C18:2 content can be readily predicted, or vice versa. The refractive index (RI) is the ratio of the speed of light
Additionally, the calculated O/L ratio can also be predicted in a vacuum to the speed of light through a given material.
by only knowing either C18:1 or C18:2 content. As this This physical property has been used extensively in many
ratio increases above approximately 9, the mathematical applications to identify and characterize materials, includ-
sensitivity to relatively small changes in C18:1 and C18:2 ing lipids. Relationships between RI and fatty acid chem-
content make prediction of the O/L ratio less reliable. istry, including chain length and degree of unsaturation
To illustrate this point, all 93 single seed sampled with an have been observed for many years [10–12]. With
O/L [ 9 had C18:1 and C18:2 contents ranging from increasing concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids, as
approximately 77.9–83.4 % and 2.0–4.8 %, respectively; commonly expressed by the iodine value, the RI of a given
however, the calculated O/L ratios ranged from 16.6 to 40.1 oil will increase [10, 12], and this trend is in agreement
despite the fatty acid contents only changing approximately with RI data measured on oil blends (Fig. 3b, d). In a
3–5 % (Table 1). These 93 high oleic seed are seen to survey of over 4,000 pure materials including organics,
cluster at the bottom right of Fig. 2. Related to these points, inorganics, liquids, solids, etc., RI and mass density were
when considering only normal or high oleic seed, as shown to be directly proportional [19]. This relationship
expected, the correlation between oleic and linoleic acid approached linearity when samples were much less dense

202 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206

Fig. 1 Oleic acid (%), linoleic Normal Oleic Lot High Oleic Lot
acid (%) and O/L Ratio for 100 100
individual single seed sampled
from both normal (left panels)
and high oleic (right panels) 80
seed lots

Oleic Acid (%)





Linoleic Acid (%)




O/L Ratio








than 1 g cm-3 [19], and this agrees with data in Fig. 4, in from a single seed for a density measurement. As such,
which a direct, linear (R2 [ 0.99) correlation between experiments were conducted to: (1) understand the minimal
density and RI was observed for oil blends. number of seed necessary to reliably express 2? mL of oil,
In the case of segregating normal and high oleic peanut and this was determined to be 11 seed; and (2) better
seed, there are instances where information on O/L chem- understand how FAP/density data on oil from these ‘‘11
istry at the single seed level is required. Current commer- seed samples’’ related to the single seed FAP distributions
cially available high precision density meters typically as plotted in Fig. 1. Accordingly, from each of the normal
require *2 mL of liquid sample per measurement. and high oleic lots, 20 ‘‘11 seed samples’’ were taken, the
Assuming a typical seed mass is 0.6 g of which approxi- oils mechanically expressed, and from these expressed oils
mately half is oil, it is not possible to obtain enough oil the FAPs and densities were measured. Additionally,

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206 203

Table 1 Minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, and Table 2 Linear correlations among various single seed measure-
coefficient of variation for various factors measured on 200 individual ments for normal and high oleic seed
seed: 100 individual seed were sampled from each of the normal and
high oleic lots RI O L O?L O/L

Refractive index (ND) O (%) L (%) O ? L (%) O/L Normal oleic seed = 107 samples
RI – 0.57 0.61 0.07 0.52
Normal oleic seed = 107 samples
O 0.57 – 0.97 0.32 0.95
Min 1.4682 41.7 14.7 77.5 1.1
L 0.61 0.97 – 0.18 0.92
Max 1.4721 67.4 39.0 82.4 4.6
O?L 0.07 0.32 0.18 – 0.31
Avg 1.4699 56.5 23.9 80.4 2.5
O/L 0.52 0.95 0.92 0.31 –
SD 0.0005 5.7 5.2 1.0 0.8
CV 0.04 10.0 21.6 1.3 31.2 High oleic seed = 93 samples
RI – 0.01 0.01 0.0005 0.01
High oleic seed = 93 samples
O 0.01 – 0.18 0.63 0.23
Min 1.4063 77.9 2.0 81.9 16.6
L 0.01 0.18 – 0.05 0.94
Max 1.4689 83.4 4.8 88.2 40.1
O?L 0.0005 0.63 0.05 – 0.02
Avg 1.4681 81.5 2.8 84.3 29.7
O/L 0.01 0.23 0.94 0.02 –
SD 0.0013 0.8 0.5 0.7 4.3
CV 0.09 1.0 17.5 0.9 14.6 RI refractive index, O oleic acid content, L linoleic acid content, O?L
sum of oleic and linoleic acid contents, O/L ratio of oleic acid content
Nine samples from the high oleic lot were determined to be low oleic, to linoleic acid content
and two samples from the low oleic lot were determined to be high
oleic. These ‘contaminated’ seed were grouped according to actual
measured oleic and linoleic acid contents for this summary lots as true bulk averages for the two lots are approached
(Fig. 5). Reasons for these observations are attributed to
natural sampling variability, considering that there was
normal oleic lot contamination of normal oleic seed in the bulk high oleic
high oleic lot
lot and vice versa (Fig. 3).
The potential of density measurements (accurate to the
Linoleic Acid (%)

R2 = 0.99 4th decimal point) to predict C18:1 content or C18:2

20 content of peanut oil is promising (Fig. 5). The predicted
O/L ratio, especially for values [*9, from density mea-
10 surements would be less accurate than corresponding
C18:1 or C18:2 contents for reasons previously discussed.
The exact accuracy/precision for determining C18:1 con-
tent, C18:2 content and O/L ratio would have to be deter-
mined over an expanded data set, but it appears likely that a
40 50 60 70 80 90 threshold density value could be set to use as a ‘‘yes/no’’
Oleic Acid (%) screen for determining if an unknown sample oil was high
oleic, i.e. O/L [ 9. Density measurements with the current
Fig. 2 Linoleic acid content versus oleic acid content for 100 single instrumentation are quite simple, as the liquid (oil in this
seed sampled from both high oleic and normal oleic seed lots.
case) is injected into a measuring cell and the measured
Straight line is best linear fit through all 200 data points
value is automatically determined and displayed via the
instrumental software. Density measurements are very
samples of ‘‘25 seed’’ and ‘‘50 seed’’ from the 2 bulk lots temperature sensitive [9], but modern, commercially
were taken, oils mechanically expressed, and FAP/density available instruments as utilized in this study have auto-
measured. Oleic and linoleic acid contents versus oil den- mated temperature control (set by the user) which essen-
sity are plotted in Fig. 5, where linear (R2 [ 0.98) trends tially negates this source of error. Density measurements
with oleic and linoleic acid contents and oil density were were rapid, taking less than 1 min after oil injection for
observed. In general, oil density of samples from the 2 bulk samples first equilibrated at room temperature. Further-
lots of peanut seed were distinct; however, across the 40 more, current commercially available density meters are
(20 normal oleic; 20 high oleic) ‘‘11 seed samples’’ from robust and need minimal maintenance. A solvent, such as
each of the bulk lots, there were 2 data points that over- hexane, is needed to keep the measuring cell clean in the
lapped (Fig. 5). As the number of seed in a sample case of oil injections, but overall solvent usage is minimal.
increased above 25, no overlap was observed between the 2 The primary limitation for using a density meter to rapidly

204 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206

Fig. 3 Oleic and linoleic acid 100

contents versus oil density A B
(a) and RI (b); O/L ratio versus
oil density (c) or refractive 80
index (d). Data were collected

Fatty Acid (%)

for oil blends as described in the
text. Straight lines are best 60
linear fits through the data




O/L Ratio


















































Density (g/mL) Refractive Index (nD)

0.9135 In the case of RI measurements, the microliters of oil

needed for the assay can be collected from a single seed.
Accordingly, RI data (Fig. 6) were collected simulta-
neously with FAP data (Fig. 1) for the 100 single seed
Density (g/mL)

R = 0.99
sampled from both the normal and high oleic lots. In plots
0.9120 of either oleic (Fig. 6a) or linoleic acid (Fig. 6b) contents
vs. RI, limited regions of linearity were observed. RI
0.9115 decreased linearly as C18:1 content increased from *40
to 75 %, but for seed with higher concentrations of C18:1,
i.e. high oleic seed, the RI plateaued (Fig. 6a). Compli-
0.9105 mentary to the RI versus C18:1 comparison, RI increased
1.4684 1.4686 1.4688 1.4690 1.4692 1.4694 1.4696 1.4698 1.4700 1.4702
linearly as C18:2 content increased from *15 to 40 %,
Refractive Index (nD)
but for seed with lower concentrations of C18:2, i.e. high
Fig. 4 Density versus refractive index for oil blends (see text for oleic seed, the RI plateaued (Fig. 6b). These observations
details). Straight line is the best linear fit of limited linearity are reflected in the stronger correla-
tions with RI and oleic or linoleic acid contents for all
normal oleic seed compared to corresponding correlations
estimate O/L chemistry is that a minimum of *2 mL of oil for all high oleic seed (Table 2). Two general groupings
is needed per measurement. This volume requirement for single seed were observed in the plot of O/L ratio and
precludes measurements on single seed, and as inferred RI: (1) high oleic seed which had lower RIs and (2)
from Fig. 5, data for oils expressed from multiple seed normal oleic seed which had higher RIs (Fig. 6c). Using a
samples cannot be extrapolated to the single seed level. cutoff RI of 1.46895, these two groupings could be

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206 205

100 differentiated such that all but 2/200 seed (99 % success)
with an O/L less than 9 would be correctly classified as
either normal or high oleic. Expanded data sets would be
needed to understand if this cutoff value would be
appropriate for all cultivars, growing conditions, etc. A
caveat for RI measurements of oil from single seed is that
Fatty Acid (%)

care must be taken to minimize solids content of the

40 high oleic lot low oleic lot expressed oil. After crushing a single seed, there is a
periphery of expressed oil surrounding the crushed seed
solids, and at times this oil was visually determined to
contain dispersed seed particulates. It was empirically
determined that excess levels of these solids were a
0 source of variation in RI measurements. For data pre-
sented in Fig. 6, care was taken to minimize solid par-
ticulates in the collected oil, but such particulates are a
0.9100 0.9105 0.9110 0.9115 0.9120 0.9125 0.9130 0.9135
potential source of variation.
Density (g/ml) RI measurements are extremely simple, the liquid (oil in
Fig. 5 Oleic and linoleic acid (%) versus density for oil expressed this case) is transferred to the measurement prism and the
from samples of both normal oleic (triangles) and high oleic (circles) measured value is automatically determined. RI measure-
seed lots. Open colored symbols are from 11 seed samples, grey ments are highly temperature sensitive and many com-
symbols are from 25 seed samples and black symbols are from 50 seed mercially available instruments, such as the one used in this

Fig. 6 Oleic acid content (a), 90 50

linoleic acid content (b) and A B
calculated O/L ratio (c), for 80
single seed sampled from 40
Linoleic Acid (%)

normal (dark circles) and high

Oleic Acid (%)

oleic (white triangles) lots 30
versus oil RI. Dashed straight
line in c is a reference RI value 60
of 1.4689 20


30 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 58 .460 .462 .464 .466 .468 .470 .472 .474
1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Upper specification

C high oleic lot
normal oleic lot

O/L Ratio



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74
1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Refractive Index

206 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2013) 90:199–206

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sampling plans developed for mycotoxins and food [20], mixtures like ambient aerosols. J Aerosol Sci 39:974–986
are critical to accurately assess O/L chemistry of a peanut 20. Whitaker TB (2006) Sampling foods for mycotoxins. Food Addit
lot. In the future, larger data sets will be needed to properly Contam 23:50–61
validate RI measurements for differentiating peanut seed
based on oleic and linoleic acid contents.


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