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Adan Naeem

Adan has a probing curiosity and enjoys all practical work, though he
needs to be a little tidier with his work. He should be able to answer
and ask questions orally. He takes some time to organize his thoughts
and express it in writing.

Adan has learnt the basics of English quiet well. He needs to practice
his reading and writing. Reading of books and writing what he has read
will help him in mastering the subject.

He has tried hard to overcome his difficulties in Mathematics. He needs

to apply his skills when investigating. He needs to increase his Mental
Mathematics skills - particularly in speed and recalling Maths facts - e.g.

Akhilesh Sunil Hariramani

Akhilesh has demonstrated a strong interest in this unit, especially the

realistic approach to work. He contributes with energy in class sessions
and is keen to communicate the findings of his own work with his

He can produce a well structured sequence of events. He needs to

improve his skills in writing and use his time wisely. He should try to
write in more detail now and needs to give his writing more structure.
He also needs to work to extend his vocabulary.

He generally understands concepts well but needs to work on brushing

up his basic concepts . He needs to increase his Mental Mathematics
skills - particularly in speed and recalling Maths facts - e.g. tables. He
must be quick to ask for help when he finds things difficult, confusing,
or unclear.

Arunabh Bhatnagar

Arunabh effectively welcomes new tasks and seeks new opportunities

for learning. He responds to challenges, takes risks and seeks additional
and new information from library books, and other resources.

He has a lively imagination. He introduces descriptive phrases in

order to hold the reader's attention. Spelling is improving but still some
revision work is needed.

He has worked consistently in trying different strategies when solving

problems. He needs to double-check his answers prior to submitting
them. His work is frequented by minor errors that can be easily fixed
by reviewing their problems

Bryan Deri Augusto

Bryan needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. He is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
He enjoyed general exploration but he needs to observe more closely
and record his findings with more detail.

He needs to listen attentively and respond to the suggestions and ideas

of others. He is beginning to take part in discussions, and give his point
of view. He must curb the tendency to daydream when involved in class
He needs to improve his application to homework tasks. He needs to
double-check his answers prior to submitting them. His work is always
with errors that can be fixed by reviewing their problems

Dhanush Sridhar

Dhanush has demonstrated a strong interest in this unit, especially the

realistic approach to work. He contributes with energy in class sessions
and is keen to communicate the findings of his own work with his

Dhanush can write an account of a simple series of events. He needs to

work towards extending his vocabulary and write in more detail.

He should continue the good progress, and should maintain his keen
and conscientious approach in the subject. He should make a more
active oral contribution in lessons. He must be quick to ask for help
when he finds things difficult, confusing, or unclear

James Michael Chen

James follows directions and completes homework on time and with

care, puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. He
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry.

He tries hard to express his thoughts to others and has made greater
effort to join in with group discussions. He sometimes needs to be
reminded to listen. He should try to write in more detail now and
needs to give his writing more structure. He also needs to work to
extend his vocabulary.
He has worked consistently in trying different strategies when solving
problems. He needs to double-check his answers prior to submitting
them. His work is frequented by minor errors that can be easily fixed
by reviewing their problems.

Jed Ryndon Sugihtani

Jed follows directions and completes homework on time and with care,
puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. He
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry

Jed is showing enthusiasm in his work and is using his free time
constructively. He could improve his English work by paying more
attention to details and descriptions in his writing, and increase his
range of reading books.

He has worked consistently in trying different strategies when solving

problems. He needs to double-check his answers prior to submitting
them. His work is frequented by minor errors that can be easily fixed
by reviewing their problems.

Justin Christoforo D

Justin identifies and pursues learning goals and tasks but needs
frequent reminders to stay on them independently. He responds and
participates in a variety of learning activities.
His imaginative work has some good ideas but he needs to develop a
vocabulary. He has tried hard to master the basics of sentence
punctuation. He could improve his English work by paying more
attention to details and descriptions in his writing, and increase his
range of reading books.

He enjoys work in all areas of Mathematics and has responded well to

tasks set. He should apply himself more consistently to the subject. He
should always remember to check that his answers are reasonable

Mith Naresh Perdnani

Mith needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. He is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
He enjoyed general exploration but he needs to observe more closely
and record his findings with more detail.

He is becoming a fluent and confident reader. He has difficulty

expressing his thoughts.He needs encouragement to join in with a
group discussion.

He has worked fairly well in Math but due to his lack of concentration
his progress has been slow. He would benefit from more practice with
the subject.

Naeem Ahmed Choudhury

Naeem needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. He is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions..
He has the ability, and now needs to develop the confidence to tackle
this demanding subject.

He is able to recall what the story is about but should be able to predict
what might happen next. He works well but needs to further practice to
develop an understanding. He should try to write in more detail now.

Naeem is a hard-working but has been inconsistent in his attitude

towards Mathematics. He must work on his mental methods and
alternative strategies for calculations. He should revise more
thoroughly for tests.

Shashvat Pandey

Shashwat participates in class and group activities and willingly works

with new groups. He accepts various roles within the class and group,
and accepts a share of the work to be done.

He is showing enthusiasm in his work. He must work harder to enhance

his ability to write and improve his vocabulary. He could improve his
English work by paying more attention to details and descriptions in his
writing, and increase his range of reading books.

He is demonstrating the ability to understand various math concepts

easily. He is unable to easily remember facts and figures with his Math
skills. It would be beneficial if he would review his daily assignments.
Adelia Chandra

Adelia follows directions and completes homework on time and with

care, puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. She
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry

She is showing enthusiasm in her work and is using her free time
constructively. She must work harder to enhance her ability to write
and improve her vocabulary. Spelling is generally accurate, although
some revision work is needed.

She has worked consistently in trying different strategies when solving

problems. She needs to improve her application to homework tasks.
She needs to double-check her answers prior to submitting them. Her
work is frequented by minor errors that can be easily fixed by reviewing
their problems.

Ahn Hae Rin

Hae Rin needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. She is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
She enjoyed general exploration but she needs to observe more closely
and record her findings with more detail.

She listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas
of others. She is not a confident speaker, but enjoys listening to stories.
She is beginning to take part in discussions, and give her point of view.
She needs to improve her application to homework tasks. She needs to
double-check her answers prior to submitting them. Her work is always
submitted with errors that can be fixed by reviewing their problems

Arsheeya Ajay Fulwani

Arsheeya needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. She is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
She enjoyed general exploration but she needs to observe more closely
and record her findings with more detail.

She has learnt the literary concepts taught in this grade quite well. She
needs to practice her reading and writing. Reading of books and writing
what she has read will help her in mastering the subject.

She has tried hard to overcome her difficulties in Mathematics. She

needs to apply her skills when investigating. She needs to increase her
Mental Mathematics skills - particularly in speed and recalling Maths
facts - e.g. tables

Disha Tripathi

Disha follows directions and completes homework on time and with

care, puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. She
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry.

She is showing enthusiasm in her work and is using her free time
constructively. She must work harder to enhance her ability to write
and improve her vocabulary. She could improve her English work by
paying more attention to details and descriptions in her writing, and
increase her range of reading books.

She should continue the good progress, and should maintain her keen
and conscientious approach in the subject. She should make a more
active oral contribution in lessons. She must be quick to ask for help
when she finds things difficult, confusing, or unclear.

Keshia Daniella Widjaja

Keshia follows directions and completes homework on time and with

care, puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. She
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry

She is showing enthusiasm in her work and is using her free time
constructively. She must work harder to enhance her ability to write
and improve her vocabulary. Spelling is generally accurate, although
some revision work is needed.

She has worked consistently in trying different strategies when solving

problems. She needs to improve her application to homework tasks.
She needs to double-check her answers prior to submitting them. Her
work is frequented by errors that can be easily fixed by practicing a
little more.

Lavanya Yogesh

Lavanya follows directions and completes homework on time and with

care, puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. She
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry

She is showing enthusiasm in her work and is using her free time
constructively. She must work harder to enhance her ability to write
and improve her vocabulary. She could improve her English work by
paying more attention to details and descriptions in her writing, and
increase her range of reading books.

She enjoys work in all areas of Mathematics and has responded well to
tasks set. She should apply herself more consistently to the subject.
She should always remember to check that her answers are reasonable.

Madhura Sharad Lad

Madhura follows directions and completes homework on time and with

care, puts forth a consistent effort and shows attention to detail. She
demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning and generates
questions for further inquiry.

She is showing enthusiasm in her work and is using her free time
constructively. She must work harder to enhance her ability to write
and improve her vocabulary. She could improve her English work by
paying more attention to details and descriptions in her writing, and
increase her range of reading books.

She should continue the good progress, and should maintain her keen
and conscientious approach in the subject. She should make a more
active oral contribution in lessons. She must be quick to ask for help
when she finds things difficult, confusing, or unclear.
Medha Vijay Kumar

Medha needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. She is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
She enjoyed general exploration but she needs to observe more closely
and record her findings with more detail.

She listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas
of others. She enjoys listening to stories . She is beginning to take part
in discussions, and give her point of view.

She needs to improve her application to tasks in class. She needs to

double-check her answers prior to submitting them. Her work is always
submitted with errors that can be fixed by reviewing their problems

Nilab Miakhil –

Nilab needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. She is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
She enjoyed general exploration but she needs to observe more closely
and record her findings with more detail.

She listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas
of others. She needs to be more confident while speaking for a
presentation. She is beginning to take part in discussions, and give her
point of view.
She needs to improve her application to tasks. She needs to double-
check her answers prior to submitting them. Her work is always
submitted with errors that can be fixed by reviewing their problems

Valienza Lietama –

Valienza needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. She is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
She has the ability, and now needs to develop the confidence to tackle
this demanding subject.

She needs to practice her reading and writing. Reading of books and
writing what she has read will help her in mastering the subject.

She is demonstrating the ability to understand various math concepts

easily. She is unable to easily remember facts and figures with her
Math skills. It would be beneficial if she would review her daily

Vanya Mangesh Kanago

Vanya begins work promptly. She follows directions and completes

tasks and chooses and uses materials and equipment correctly, safely,
and creatively. She perseveres with complex projects and attends to the
task at hand.

She writes stories with feeling and expression, and is willing to draft
and redraft them, when appropriate. She has a lively imagination. She
needs to introduce more descriptive phrases in order to hold the
reader's attention. Spelling is generally accurate, although some
revision work is needed.

She has worked consistently in trying different strategies when solving

problems. She must work on her mental methods and alternative
strategies for calculations. She needs to double-check her answers prior
to submitting them. Her work is frequented by minor errors that can be
easily fixed by reviewing their problems.

Vibhavari Mummadi –

Vibhavari needs a little more practice when talking about the related
subjects. She is now beginning to see the relevance of class discussions.
She has the ability, and now needs to develop the confidence to tackle
this subject.

She listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas
of others. She is not a confident speaker, but enjoys listening to stories.
She is beginning to take part in discussions, and give her point of view.

She needs to improve her application to homework tasks. She needs to

double-check her answers prior to submitting them. Her work is always
with errors that can be fixed by reviewing their problems.

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