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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Standard Activity 10.45

Clay County High School’s School Improvement Plan is created and implemented

through the “Leadership Team.” The Leadership Team meets once a month and discusses

important topics about the school and how things can be improved. The team is comprised of a

teacher from every content, the school counselor and psychologist, and the three administrators.

Each content then relays what they discussed back to the other teachers in their content. I was

able to sit in on their September meeting and gain a lot of insight into how everyone feels about

improving the school.

During the meeting, the first topic of discussion was virtual school. WVLearns is the new

program that Clay is using for virtual students. Teachers are having an incredibly hard time

learning the new program and students are struggling as well. The team discussed their own

issues using virtual and a few people proposed switching from WVLearns to Teams at the

second semester. The team also discussed what scheduling will look like when virtual students

decide to come back to face to face. The issue is that class sizes are set up to maintain social

distancing, but as students come back to face to face, those numbers will start to increase.

Administration asked that the team begin brainstorming ways to help counseling with this influx

of students.

Next, the team discussed Covid-19 precautions and PPE. The team ensured that students

are following the guidelines and what the different county color codes means. The team

expressed concerns that teachers will run out of supplies for themselves and their students.
Admin plans to relay this concern to the superintendent. The team also expressed confusion that

teachers feel about sick days and quarantining if exposed to Covid-19.

The meetings this year probably will be focused on virtual and Covid-19. My

recommendation is that the meetings are relayed properly to the other teachers of the school. We

often do not get the information brought back to us and therefore cannot share an opinion on it. I

also think that the leadership team should be changed out yearly so that more teachers get the

opportunity to serve on the team. Another recommendation is that teachers can submit topics to

be discussed by the team.

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