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Exercise 8 Rizal at the Dominican University of the Philippines

Part 1 Part 2

1. A 6. TRUE
2. A 7. FALSE
3. B 8. TRUE
4. A 9. FALSE
5. B 10. FALSE

Part 3 Part 4

11. D 15. E
12. A 16. A
13. C 17. C
14. B 18. B
19. D
20. D

Part 5

21-25 Rizal deserves to be called the First Filipino

Rizal is the First Filipino because he was the only one among our many heroes to inspire a nation.
Jose Rizal fought from freedom in a quiet and powerful way. He expressed his love for the Philippines
through his novels, essays, articles and poetry rather than the power of invasion. Above all, the
consciousness he helped shape, that sense of nation that he helped foster, define the Philippines as it is
today. He was truly deserved to be called the First Filipino.

26-30 Although Rizal was not awarded the grand prize for his play El Consejo de los Dioses, he was
able to prove something.

For the first time in the history, an Indio – a nineteen-year-old Filipino medical student that excelled in a
national literacy contest defeating several Spanish writers of his time in Manila. Rizal proved the
misbelief of the alleged Spanish superiority over the Filipinos and revealed that Filipinos could hold his
own fair competition against all races.

31-35 Rizal first brutally under the Civil Guard made a deep impression on him.

Rizal had his first taste of Spanish brutality during his first summer vacation at Calamba after his
freshman year at UST. When Rizal didn’t recognize the man who is Guardia Civil, he whips out his sword
and slashed it at Rizal’s back. Rizal was wounded and he sent a written a complaint to Governor- General
Primo de Rivera about the incident but nothing positive came out from his complaint.
Exercise 9 Rizal in Peninsular Spain

Part 1

1. Djemnah 6. Universidad Central 10. Brindis

2. Plaza de Cataluña de Madrid 11. Laong Laan
3. El Amor Pratio or 7. Licentiate in 12. Lodge Solidaridad
Love of Country Medicine 13. Juan Atayde
4. Tierra Extranjera 8. Academia de San 14. A La Señorita
5. Mi Piden Versos Fernando 15. Laong
9. Spolarium

Part 2

Noticeable changes in Rizal Due to His Voyage into Spain

16. He started becoming inattentive to saints and patron saints.

17. The melting down of his complex. He was able to get along well with Spaniards as well as with
other nationals.

Reasons for Rizas Literary Unproductiveness after El Amor Patrio

18. The opposition of his mother

19. The difficulty of recognition in a foreign country
20. His desire to finish his study

What Filipino Can Sacrifice for the love of one’s country

21. Youth 23. Splendor of genius

22. Pleasures 24. Life

Political, Social and Moral Realities in Luna and Hidalgo’s Painting

25. Humanity in severe ordeal

26. Humanity unredeemed
27. Reason and idealism in an open struggle with fanaticism and injustice

Best Legacies Parents Can Give Their Children

28. Upright judgment

29. Generosity in exercise of rights
30. Perseverance in adversity

31-35 Genius knows no race

I believe that being a bright minded person does not require you to belong in such successful or

flourished races to say that you are really born genius. Being a genius does not choose a country or race
and that everyone, even if you belong to one of the poorest countries in the world, is a born genius. We
just have to cultivate our innate brilliance in honing our own abilities, skills or intelligence.
Exercise 10 Rizal in France and Germany

Part 1

1. B
2. BA
3. W
4. P
5. W
6. L
7. D
8. L
9. P
10. B

Part 2

11. TRUE
12. TRUE
16. TRUE
17. TRUE
18. TRUE

Part 3

Causes of Rizal’s Migration from Leipzig to Berlin

21. To further enhance his knowledge of ophthalmology

22. To supplement his studies of languages and sciences
23. To study and observe the political and economic conditions of Germany
24. To join the circle of famous German scientists and scholars
25. To complete and publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere

Qualities of German Women Rizal Appreciated

26. Serious
27. Studious
28. Simple
29. Industrious
30. Not afraid of men and concerned about education

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