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Sadness is an emotion that has a bad reputation in our society and

is often categorized as weakness or depression. In the film, Inside

Out, it shows its viewers what is happening in the mind of an 11-
year-old girl, Riley. At the beginning of the film, Joy admits that
she doesn’t understand what Sadness is for or why it’s even in
Riley’s head when sadness is introduced. At one point in life,
many of us have probably questioned the purpose of sadness and
why we need it because it makes us feel terrible tricking us into
thinking we might be depressed. Sadness is literally the very
definition and being of sorrow and gloom. She is hardly ever
used because Joy is the boss and doesn 't want Riley to ever be
sad, even when Riley needs to be. Because of this, Joy treats
Sadness very unfairly. Secretly, however, Sadness yearns to earn
her place among the other emotions, even though the others do
not believe Sadness has a purpose in the mind and almost always
prevent her from trying. She is the most sensitive out of all the
emotions, as she felt genuinely hurt by Joy 's abandonment
because Riley needs to be happy, which made poor Sadness feel
she was truly useless and unneeded. That’s why we love that
Sadness is the true hero because with sadness people can connect
in a deep sentimental way that no other emotion can. For
example, through the use of pathos it shows when Riley’s long-
forgotten imaginary friend Bing Bong feels dejected after the loss
of his wagon, it is Sadness’s
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