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iSeminar: A Beginner's Guide To The iPhone Page 1 of 15 Document version 2.

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iSeminar: A Beginner's Guide To The iPhone Page 2 of 15 Document version 2.0

What’s this guide about?

Reading through forums and blog posts can be very intimidating for a beginner. There
are all these words; some of them you would not think are even related to the iPhone.
This guide will clear some of that confusion up, and when you are satisfied that you
know all of what is about to come, you will be able fully harness the power of the

What will I learn?

First off, you will learn some of the vocabulary that will help you understand what
others are saying when giving you advice. The Vocabulary begins with the 3 most
important words – Jailbreak, Activate and Unlock, and then proceeds into more
advanced words and terms.

After the vocabulary section, there is some information on actually performing those
three common tasks above and installing 3rd Party Applications. This guide does not
go into great detail about the actual process of using the tools as they are very suscep-
tible to change, meaning if a specific tutorial was included it would become out of date
very quickly. The tools outlined in this guide are very, very easy to use, and were writ-
ten so an ordinary person can successfully hack their iPhone without having to read a

If you still feel the need for a more advanced guide on using PwnageTool, WinPwn and
QuickPwn, once you have read and learnt the Vocabulary and terms below, you will be
able to read online and video tutorials (and, with the knowledge gained from this
guide, be able to make more sense of them).

So, lets begin!

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Table of Contents
Section 1: Vocabulary 4

Simple Vocabulary 4
Jailbreaking 4
Activating 4
Unlocking 5

Advanced Vocabulary 6

Accelerometer 6
Bootloader 6
Brick, Bricking, Bricked 6
BSD Subsystem 6
DFU Mode 6
iBoot 7
iPhone DevTeam 7
Pwning, PwnageTool, QuickPwn, WinPwn 7
Ramdisk 7
Recovery Mode 8
Seczone 8

Section 2: Practical Work 9

Brief History of iPhone Hacking 9

PwnageTool 10
WinPwn 10
QuickPwn 11

Section 3: Useful Information 12

How To Enter DFU Mode 12

How To Enter Recovery Mode 12
How To Use SSH 12
How To Change The APN On 2.0 Firmware 12
How To Downgrade iPhone Firmware 13

Useful Links 14

Conclusion 15
License 15
iSeminar Advanced 15

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Section 1: Vocabulary
Many of these words you will have seen before – on the internet, in other iPhone
hacking manuals and in emails you have received. Don’t worry, however, as this
section should clear up all of that confusion. The most important thing is that you
make sure you can distinguish between the different items listed below – mixing
them up could mean a major misinterpretation of instructions, which could result
even more frustration and diving into further issues.

Simple Vocabulary
The 3 words outlined below – Jailbreak, Activate and Unlock, are the three most
important words for you to understand. These are the core words of iPhone
hacking, the main three things you will do to your iPhone. For some people,
Jailbreaking is all they require. However, for some, all three are needed.
Make sure you fully understand and can differentiate between the words below, mixing
them up could have severe consequences.

Jailbreak Think of it like this. There are two people that want food, but
you only have one large pizza. You can then split the one pizza
into two “sections,” or partition it. The two partitions are still of
the same piece of pizza, but are acting as two separate pizzas.
The iPhone works in a similar way. The flash memory is actually
only one unit, however it is divided into two sections, or
partitioned. This means that iPhone treats the one piece of
memory as if it were two.
Apple only allows access to one partition on iPhone, the Media
partition. The Media partition contains all the information
synced by iTunes – it is normally the size of the iPhone model
you purchased (8GB, 16GB etc) minus 500-600MB for the OS.
Having access to the media partition does not enable us to do
any hacking and modifications, however, so we must dive
The partition that we are interested in is the one Apple has
locked us out of – the OS Partition. This contains the Operating
System of the iPhone – iPhone OS. If we can get read and write
access to this, we can add (non-sanctioned) third party
applications, get the ability to run scripts and commands, tweak
visual appearance of the OS… the possibilities are limitless. But,
most importantly, jailbreaking is required to perform the
following actions.
Activate When you bought your iPhone or updated/restored it’s software
you may have noticed it said “Activate iPhone” on the screen.
This is iPhone telling you to sign up with a contract with the
appropriate service provider (AT&T in US, Vodafone in New
Zealand.) But, if you wish to use iPhone on a network that is not
supported, or you simply want to use it like an iPod Touch
without using the Phone features, you can trick the device to
make it think it has been activated. Activation is taken care by a
server called iTunes gathers device info, IMEI
etc and send this off to “Albert.” “Albert” then generates an

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activation token (the rest is reasonably complicated) and sends it

back to iTunes. iTunes then will send files to the iPhone which
will activate it. The file that iPhone references to to check for
Activation State is a file called lockdownd. We won’t talk in any
more detail about this as the information above is all you need
to know to get started. But, to use iPhone on a network that is
not an official one as a fully functional phone, not simply an
iPod Touch, unlocking must be performed.
Unlock As stated above, to use iPhone as a fully functional phone,
Jailbreaking, Activating and Unlocking is required. Jailbreaking
is required to get the patched lockdownd over to the iPhone
and to send over the appropriate unlocking tools. Nowdays
unlocking is taken care of by an application called BootNeuter.
BootNeuter is part of the PwnageTool package from the iPhone
Dev Team. It is utilized by WinPwn, QuickPwn and PwnageTool,
for it is the only unlocking method currently available.
Simply put, the unlock is carried out by patching the Baseband
Firmware. The Baseband Processor is the processor that
handles all phone and radio functions. The Baseband has it’s
own firmware running on it that controls all of this. Within that
firmware is a check to see what the lock state of the phone is in
the NOR. This is getting a bit complicated for a beginner, so,
essentially, this means that the Baseband looks up a table within
some highly protected memory aboard the phone to see
whether the device has been officially unlocked or not. If it has
not, the Baseband will not accept any SIM other than the one it
is locked to. If it is unlocked, it will accept any SIM. To achieve a
Baseband Unlock, you must patch out these checks from the
Baseband Firmware*. This is essentially completely skipping the
check to see whether the device is unlocked or not – meaning it
acts as if it is, in fact, unlocked. This process may sound a bit
hard… Don’t worry, BootNeuter does all of this for you!
Advanced Users: The Baseband firmware can not be flashed to
the device if it is older than the firmware currently present on
the phone. The major aspect of BootNeuter is has the ability to
prevent the bootloader from checking firmware about to be
flashed. This means custom (unlocked) firmware and older
versions of the baseband can be flashed to the phone.
*Note: It’s not actually as easy as simply flashing some patched firmware to the phone – there are some
obstacles that must be overcome first, like the Baseband Bootloader. More on this later.

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Advanced Vocabulary
The following words are not as crucial to know as the three above, however a good
understanding of these would give you a great advantage over someone who did
not. When asking for help on a forum, there is a high change that one of the
following words will be mentioned. A sound understanding of these would greatly
increase your interpretation of other people’s instructions.

Accelerometer The Accelerometer detects iPhone orientation. Applications can

be designed to harness this technology, as does MobileSafari
(The real name of the iPhone web browser) when you tilt iPhone
90º (the page turns landscape meaning text and content is
larger). Games such as Super Monkey Ball (available from App
Store in iTunes) uses the Accelerometer as the controls for the
Bootloader A Bootloader is some code that is executed when the device is
powered on. The Baseband Bootloader and iBoot are both
Bootloaders. Bootloaders perform integrity checks on files and
stop non-signed files being written and flashed to protected
areas, such as patched Baseband Firmware. The Bootloaders
themselves can not be reflashed very easily, in fact it is incredibly
hard in most cases to figure out how to do this. BootNeuter has
the ability to “Neuter” the Baseband Bootloader, meaning it
patches integrity checks out of it so custom code can run on the
Baseband Processor. PwnageTool does the same thing to
iBoot, it patches out integrity checks meaning custom code and
firmwares can be flashed.
Brick, Bricking, To “Brick” a device means to render it unusable or to
Bricked permanently damage it, usually meaning the product is
completely “dead.” Many people fear that performing certain
jailbreak routines may brick their iPhone, but they need not
worry. iPhone is actually quite hard to brick, to successfully
render it unoperable involves low-level activities (like flashing
bootloaders). As iTunes can completely reflash the OS and
iBoot back, anything in software level is completely safe.
BSD Subsystem As the iPhone runs on OS X, it is based on BSD. BSD is a set of
tools and commands that can be run through the terminal.
iPhone does not ship with many useful commands, so many of
the ones designed for Mac have been ported to iPhone.
DFU Mode DFU Mode is a special mode in which iPhone can still interface
with iTunes without loading the OS or iBoot. The screen of
iPhone will remain off and lifeless when in DFU mode, meaning
it is impossible to tell when looking at the device itself.
PwnageTool exploits a bug in DFU certificates to flash custom
firmware to the phone.
As DFU Mode does not load iBoot, restoring to a firmware
version lower than the current one (or Downgrading) is
EDGE/3G EDGE and 3G are two methods of accessing the internet
through your mobile provider. The first iPhone shipped with
EDGE, a slower form of internet. The iPhone 3G now supports
3G, meaning faster internet speeds, as well as things like being

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able to surf the web and talk on the phone at the same time.
GPS GPS, or Global Positioning System, is a way of locating
someone or something using satellites. The iPhone 3G includes
a GPS receiver, meaning the user is able to find their current
location and get directions. Another useful feature is the ability
to Geotag photos taken through iPhone’s camera, that is, record
the coordinates where the photo was taken so the position can
be loaded onto a map, such as Google Earth.
GSM GSM or “Global System for Mobile communications,” is the
most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. It works
by storing all of the subscribers information, like phone number,
on a small chip called a SIM Card. When the SIM is loaded into
the phone, the device will the get the required information and
connect to the corresponding cellular network. iPhone and
iPhone 3G both use GSM.
iBoot iBoot is the Bootlaoder for iPhone OS. When the phone is
turned on, iBoot loads the operating system and checks to make
sure it is valid. During a restore with iTunes, iBoot will check to
see that the restore file being used is one made and signed by
Apple. If it is not, iBoot will not restore to the restore file, and
instead iTunes will give an error. The Pwnage technique means
patching out these checks during a restore, meaning custom
firmware can be used.
Also, iBoot checks to see that the firmware version you are
restoring to is not older than the current one. If you try to
“downgrade” iPhone while iBoot is loaded, iTunes will give an
IMEI An International Mobile Equipment Identity number is a static
number which makes your specific device unique. All mobile
phones have one, and all of them are different. It is like a MAC
address on a computer, it stays the same and is different to any
other MAC address.
iPhone DevTeam The iPhone DevTeam is a group of hackers who find ways to
further extend the iPhone and it’s capabilities. They are
responsible for PwnageTool and all the “Pwning” exploits,
including BootNeuter.
Pwning, “Pwning” programs are tools used to patch the integrity checks
PwnageTool, out of iBoot to allow custom firmware and code to be used
QuickPwn, during a restore. The current versions of the tools uses an
WinPwn exploit at DFU level. You can find more on “Pwning” later in this
Ramdisk A Ramdisk is a disk image which can be read by the bootloader
if stored in the appropriate place in the memory. This concept
may be a bit confusing to a beginner, but there is a lot of talking
about Ramdisk exploits going on, including over the late
ZiPhone and now QuickPwn. Apple uses a Ramdisk to start the
updating and restoring process of a restore in a special mode,
Recovery Mode. As you can not update or restore an operating
system, such as iPhone OS while it is running, it must be done in
an environment when the OS is not loaded. The Ramdisk
creates such an environment.
In 1.0.2 - 1.1.4 version of iPhone OS, Apple left an exploit
meaning unsigned an Ramdisk could be used. This was

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exploited by ZiPhone. As of 2.0, this exploit has been fixed.

QuickPwn works on the concept of using an unsigned Ramdisk,
however it is not as simply done as in the 1.1.4 days. Firstly,
iBoot must be patched to accept unsigned code, then the
custom ramdisk can successfully flashed and executed.
Recovery Mode Recovery Mode is a state of iBoot that is used during a standard
restore or upgrade of iPhone firmware. As iBoot is loaded,
restoring to custom firmware or downgrading the device’s OS is
not possible. Recovery Mode poses all the restrictions of iBoot
but in a special mode where restores and upgrades take place.
Seczone The Seczone contains data about the lock state of the iPhone, as
well as your RSA Token. If you were to officially unlock iPhone,
the device would check the unlock code you provided against
data in the seczone (RSA Token etc). The Lock Tables include
data about the provider you are locked to and how many
unsuccessful attempts at unlocking the device you have used. If
you exceed 3 unsuccessful unlocks, the Baseband device goes
into Brick Mode. BootNeuter does not go near the seczone,
meaning your device will never enter Brick Mode because of an
unsuccessful BootNeuter unlock.
SIM A Subscriber Identity Module is a small chip provided by your
mobile carrier that contains unique data specific to you. It holds
the phone number, IMEI etc that identifies your phone to others.
SIM Cards are used by GSM phones.
SSH Secure Shell is a method of securely exchanging data between
two devices. If iPhone is Jailbroken, you are able to SSH into
the device to add and remove files, Applications etc. It is a
method of file transfer to and from iPhone.

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Section 2: Practical Work

What’s in this section?
In this section you will learn about the different ways in which you can “hack” your
iPhone. At the time of writing there are 2 main ways (which separate into 4
applications for Windows and Mac OS X).

We will start off by introducing the tools we will be using. Like mentioned in the
vocabulary section above, we will be “pwning” the device using 1 of 4 different
Applications to do so.

A Brief History Of iPhone Hacking

Over time things change, and the iPhone is no
exception. Back in the 1.0.x days, unlocking was an
ugly process, and jailbreaking was a manual process.
Flashy tools were not available that did it all in one
click, it was all done in iPHUC and Terminal/DOS
Command Line environments.

When 1.1.1 came along, the iPhone DevTeam (much

smaller than they are now) released a manual way of
upgrading that involved leaving a symlink to the root
partition in the media partition, then doing an
“update.” Later on, an exploit was discovered in
MobileSafari which allowed code to be run when
MobileSafari thought it was opening a .TIFF image.
This was truly one-click, and no computer was
required to do it. Simply put, you visited in your browser, clicked on the link
and MobileSafari crashed, sending you back to the
“Slide for Emergency” screen. iPhone then rebooted, and woke up fully activated
and jailbroken (with added).

Now it is a lot different, Apple have patched a lot of bugs, and significant exploits
have been discovered. One of those significant exploits was the discovery of the
Pwnage Exploit that allowed a patched iBoot to be flashed over, opening up
hundreds of doors to users and developers alike. Along with the Pwnage exploit
came BootNeuter, the ultimate unlocking tool for first gen iPhones. BootNeuter
was great news for everyone, now Bootloader versions do not matter.

So, in this section, we will shed light on the Pwnage process, touching the surface
on how it works, and a bit on how to jailbreak, activate and unlock your device.

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PwnageTool and WinPwn

Note: PwnageTool is for Mac and WinPwn for Windows –

They both do the same thing but the GUI is slightly

PwnageTool and WinPwn are the main methods of

jailbreaking, activating, unlocking and installing 3rd party
applications on your device. They work by creating
custom firmware files for you to restore to using iTunes.
But, before you restore to the custom firmware, you must
be Pwned. This means iBoot has been patched to accept
unsigned restore files. If you have never used PwnageTool, WinPwn, QuickPwn, or
have restored/updated to a stock Apple firmware file, your device will not be
Pwned. Luckily, PwnageTool and WinPwn will do this for you, so you don’t have to
worry about a thing. The whole process of making the custom firmware, Pwning,
and finally to using the restore file is completely seamless. The exact process will not
be outlined in this guide as it is subject to change with new updates to the
Applications, however, an outline of the process has been included below.
PwnageTool and WinPwn are both completely beginner friendly, in fact, you only
need to click anything once or twice.

To download PwnageTool and WinPwn:


How to use PwnageTool and WinPwn:

1. Download and open the software
2. Connect and choose what device you will be pwning (iPod Touch, iPhone or
iPhone 3G)
3. Check the boxes next to what you would like done (jailbreaking, activating,
unlocking and/or installation of 3rd Party Applications). It will make you a
custom firmware file.

Note: It may ask you for the bootloaders. They can be found at the following

4. It will ask you if you are Pwned yet. If you are not sure, click no.

To restore to the firmware file generated for you:

With your device connected:

1. Open up iTunes
2. Hold down Shift when clicking the restore button on the iPhone page
(Windows) or Option on a Mac
3. Navigate to the custom restore file, open it and the restore will start

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Note: It is called QuickPwn on both Mac OS X and

Windows, however there is one specifically for each

QuickPwn works on the same principle as PwnageTool –

it patches iBoot to accept unsigned code. However, the
actual process of “hacking” the device is completely
different. Like stated in the vocabulary section above,
QuickPwn will patch iBoot to accept unsigned files and
code and then boot a custom, unsigned Ramdisk which
contains the files based on what you want done (Jailbreaking, Activating,
Unlocking and 3rd Party Applications). So, it can do all that PwnageTool can do,
but does not require you to restore to do it. This is great for some people, as the hastle
of restoring just to jailbreak can take a lot of work and backing up.
If you were about to upgrade/restore your iPhone to the latest software, it is
recommended that you use PwnageTool to create a custom firmware and restore to
that, rather than upgrading to stock firmware and “QuickPwn-ing” your iPhone.
Again, this guide will not show you the exact process of how to use QuickPwn as it
is frequently updated, which would mean any tutorial in here on how to use it
would become obsolete. However, it is incredibly straightforward to use.

Basic usage is this:

Connect your device and open QuickPwn. It will determine what it is that you have
connected (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPhone 3G) and then show you options. Choose
the options corresponding to what you want done (Jailbreaking, Activating,
Unlocking and 3rd Party Applications). After that, it may ask you about locating
bootloaders. You gan download them from
Once you have downloaded them, locate them in QuickPwn. Follow the onscreen
instructions. Within minutes your iPhone will be fully Pwned and will have been
modified according to what you chose in QuickPwn.

You can grab a copy of QuickPwn from

(This is their blog, so new blog posts will come out to introduce new versions of the software.)

Both these tools (PwnageTool & WinPwn) and QuickPwn, as the iPhone DevTeam
have said, are “Grandma-Proof” 

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Section 3: Useful Information

1. How To Enter DFU Mode

Note: When in DFU mode, nothing will be on the screen. The screen will appear to
be turned off.
This means the only way to tell if you are in DFU mode is to perform the procedure
below when connected to iTunes.

Step 1: Connect the device to iTunes with the USB cable provided
Step 2: Hold down the home button + power button for 10 or so seconds (until the
screen goes black)
Step 3: When the screen goes black, release the power button but keep holding the
home button
Step 4: After a few seconds (around 10 or so) iTunes will detect the device

2. How To Enter Recovery Mode

Step 1: Disconnect the device from the computer and open iTunes
Step 2: Turn off the device
Step 3: Hold down the home button (while the device is off) and connect to iTunes
through the white USB cable
Step 4: If a “Connect to iTunes” graphic appears on the screen, you are successfully
in recovey mode

3. How To Use SSH (requires jailbroken device)

Step 1: Download WinSCP (Windows) or Cyberduck (Mac)

Step 2: Download OpenSSH from Cydia/Installer on device
Step 3: Open up the SSH client on your computer
Step 4: Host name is your device’s IP address (found in
Settings -> WiFi -> Then tap blue arrow next to the WiFi network that you are
connected to)
Step 5: Username is root and password is alpine
Step 6: Press “connect.” It may take a while to connect for the first time (sometimes
it can take a few minutes). If WinSCP says that the host has not responded for more
than 15 seconds and offers to abort, ignore the popup.

4. How To Change The APN On 2.0 Firmware

Step 1: Open MobileSafari on iPhone

Step 2: Navigate to
Step 3: Click the link on the bottom to proceed to the next page
Step 4: Click to choose a custom APN
Step 5: Enter the desired APN in the text field
Step 6: Select “Download Custom Config”
Step 7: Install the configuration profile

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5. How To Downgrade iPhone Firmware

Step 1: Download the desired firmware version from

Step 2: Enter DFU mode using the method in number 1, “How To Enter DFU Mode”

Step 3: When the device is detected by iTunes in DFU mode, hold Shift + Click on
restore button (Windows) or Option + Click (Mac) and choose the firmware file
downloaded in Step 1

Step 3: Once the restore is complete, iTunes may give an error stating that the
device may not have restored properly. This is not an issue, all it means is the
Baseband Firmware was not downgraded (the Baseband Firmware can not be
downgraded without first neutering it/feeding it a correct secpack)

Step 4: The Baseband firmware must now be downgraded. The method for doing
so greatly depends on firmware version, which makes it hard to write about in this
guide. The best way to find out how to do this is to send me an email to, including your current Baseband Firmware version (to
find this go Settings -> General -> About and look at “Modem Firmware”), the
version you wish to downgrade to, and your current version of iPhone OS (2.0,

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Useful Links


Hackint0sh is by far the best iPhone hacking and modding forum. With a huge,
growing user base, it is the ideal location to go to for help. Members there are
happy and friendly to help people of all skill levels. Hackint0sh is the home of
the iPhone DevTeam.


This is the official blog of the iPhone DevTeam. This will showcase progress
reports as well as download links for applications. They will announce software
launches here as well as on


Digg is a social news site, a place where users submit interesting links. The
“Upcoming” part of the Apple section shows the latest news right in one place.
Users can “Digg” an article if they like it, and the most “dugg” ones get a special
place on the right hand side of the page. This is a great place to look for big
news, as it brings thousands of site’s breaking news into one place. And, only
the best articles make it to the most “dugg” part of the page.


Believe it or not, the Apple website itself is a great place for iPhone information
and resources. It will show some of the top Applications, and has interesting
links and facts about the iPhone that you may not know about.


ModMyi, previously ModMyiPhone and ModMyiFone, has undergone many

name changes because of Apple restricting the use of the trademark “iPhone” in
the site name. This was once an iPhone-Only forum which included news and a
strong user base, much like Hackint0sh. But, since the name “iPhone” and
“iFone” were too similar to the Apple trademark “iPhone,” they have now moved
to a site which embraces the whole Apple community.


The iPhone Wiki is an incredibly useful resource. It is a community controlled

Wiki (like Wikipedia) but is for iPhone and iPod Touch information only. This is
growing in knowledge every day, so check back often. Most of it will make sense
only to users who understand the basics of iPhone hacking, however, if you have
completely and confidently read this guide, then you will be fine.

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Hopefully after reading iSeminar you now have a much better understanding of the
iPhone, how it works, what these words mean and why the ability to be able to
patch iBoot is so valuable to us.

I would like to thank the iPhone DevTeam for their hard, never ending work on the
iPhone. They devote their spare time to helping us, the community, get the best out
of their iPhone or iPod Touch.
And, whats more, they don’t accept donations to repay them for all their hard work.
This really shows character and devotion to a completely voluntary cause.

Should you find any errors in here, please send me an email to and I’ll look into it.

Feel free to distribute this guide, but please do not take credit for my work. If you
copy any text from here, please credit it back to me (secretmrx).
You may not sell this guide, and if you have purchased it, demand a refund. This is
free and will always be free.
You may not modify this guide without the authors permission. Should you wish to
do something to it, please email me to and I can do it
for you.


iSeminar Advanced
If you enjoyed iSeminar: A Beginner’s Guide To The iPhone, and are interested in
furthering your knowledge, check out iSeminar Advanced.

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