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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications

April 2019


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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019



At the end of Section B.1 add the following:

The selection of the site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be approved
by the Engineer. It is entirely up to the Contractor to make whatever arrangements he
deems necessary with the landowners regarding the use of land for the purpose of erecting
camps, workshops, garages, stockpiling of materials, locations of plant, housing of labor and
staff, welfare facilities, etc. All costs incurred in connection with the rental or lease of such
land shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the erection, maintenance and subsequent
disposal of whatever facilities he deems necessary to execute the Works.

The Contractor shall not be permitted to erect temporary buildings or structures within the
road right-of-way without prior written approval from the Engineer.


Delete Section B.2 Medical Room and Facilities in its entirety and replace with the following:


B.2.1 Description

Mobilization, the Contractor shall perform all works necessary to transport equipment to
the site to be used for all purpose necessary for the realization of the Works.

Demobilization; when the Contractor has moved out equipment that is no longer necessary
and has completed its functions. The area shall then be cleaned and temporary
constructed offices, shops, accommodation, etc. of the Contractor shall be dismantled
properly to the satisfaction of the owner and acceptable to the ENGINEER.

B.2.2a Mobilization

1. The Contractor shall begin mobilizing his construction equipment as soon as the site(s)
of his equipment yard and other areas have been formalized.

2. Mobilized equipment required in the contract shall be duly listed for approval and shall
not be removed from the site by the Contractor without prior written approval by the

All Contractor’s mobilization costs such as planning and designing all temporary works and
facilities and making submittal to the ENGINEER, recruiting and transferring staff, obtaining
all Government licenses, permits, clearances, etc., clearing and grading areas for temporary
and any other costs involved in preparing to carry out the permanent works shall not be
paid separately.

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

B.2.2b Demobilization Phase

On completion of the Project, the Contractor shall dismantle all improvements erected on
the leased areas; clear all to the satisfaction of the lot owners, rentals due fully paid and
approved by the ENGINEER.

B.2.3 Basis of Payment

Payment for Mobilization and Demobilization shall be 75% and 25% respectively.

Payment will be under:

Pay Item Description Unit of Measurement

B.2 Mobilization and Demobilization Lump Sum


B.3.1 Health and Safety Plan

Within one month of his arrival on site the Contractor shall submit a Health and Safety Plan
with operational details of his proposals to the ENGINEER for his approval.

B.3.2 Accident Prevention Officer; Accidents

1. Due precautions shall be taken by the Contractor, at his own cost, to ensure the safety
and protection against accidents of all staff and labour engaged on the Works, local
residents in the vicinity of the Works, and the public traveling through the Works.

2. The Contractor shall have on his staff on Site a designated full-time officer qualified to
promote and maintain safe working practices. This officer shall have authority to issue
instructions and shall take protective measures to prevent accidents, including but not
limited to the establishment of safe working practices and the training of staff and
labor in their implementation.

3. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs including medical treatment, transport,
accommodation etc. incurred by any member of the public or his labor forces whether
on direct contract or sub-contract as a result of injuries or illness arising from the
execution of the Works.

B.3.3 Protective Clothing and Safety Equipment

1. The Contractor shall at his own expense provide protective clothing and safety
equipment to all staff and labor engaged on the Works to the satisfaction of the

2. If the Contractor fails to provide such clothing and equipment the Employer shall be
entitled to provide the same and recover the cost from the Contractor.

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

B.3.4 Medical and First-Aid Facilities

The Contractor shall make an arrangement through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

with the nearest available clinic or hospital for all project medical needs or assistance
during the whole construction duration.

The Contractor shall at his own expense provide first aid equipment at all camps and work
sites to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER, and shall ensure that at all camps and work sites
where 40 or more persons are engaged on the Works there shall at all times be a person
qualified in first-aid with access to appropriate first-aid equipment.

B.3.6 Measurement and Payment

Health and Safety will be measured and paid in accordance with the current DPWH
Department Order, Series 2005: Re “Guidelines for the Implementation of DOLE D.O. No.
13, Series of 1998, Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry”.

Payment will be under:

Pay Item Description Unit of Measurement

B.3 Construction Safety and Health Month


B.4.1 Passage of Traffic

B.4.1.1 The Contractor shall construct and maintain detours wherever the work will interfere with
traffic on existing roads, footways or other ways over which there is public or private right-
of-way, until such time as permanent diversions to serve such traffic shall have been
completed. No detours shall be constructed and no traffic diverted until the Contractor’s
proposals have been approved by the Engineer and by the appropriate government
authorities. Prior to the commencement of the construction and of the use of detours, the
Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a full photographic record of the existing roads,
pathways, etc. as required by the Engineer.

B.4.1.2 No work that will in any way inconvenience the travelling public shall be started until
adequate provision, satisfactory to the Engineer, shall have been made to divert or by-pass
traffic in safety and comfort. No road shall be closed to the public except by permission in
writing from the Engineer and the appropriate authorities. Where traffic conditions permit,
single lane operation may be permitted by the Engineer. When the road under construction
is being used by the travelling public, special attention shall be paid to traffic conditions so
that the public can travel in comfort and safety without undue delay. Materials stored upon
the roadway shall be so placed and the work shall be so conducted as to cause as little
obstruction as possible to the travelling public.

B.4.1.3 All detours shall be maintained in good condition at all times of and shall, where possible
and where not specified to be a higher standard, have a total width of at least 6 meters and
provided with a graveled surface having a minimum compacted thickness of 80mm. Where
existing public or private roads are used as detours, the same shall be maintained in good
riding condition at all times and just before completion of the Contract, such roads shall be

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

restored to a condition not less satisfactory than that existing prior to the commencement
of the Works.

B.4.1.4 After receipt of the Notice to Proceed and official handing over of road sections, the
Contractor shall assume the responsibility for maintaining the road sections scheduled for
Construction under this Contract. This obligation shall extend also to public and private
roads outside the Contract limits which are used as access or haul roads by the
Contractor. Maintenance shall consist of but not limited to routine patching, repairs and
correction of deformations on asphalt and concrete surfaced road, and cycling grading at
the Contractor's expense. Maintenance and repair work shall be carried out in accordance
with accepted practices. Any failure of the Contract in the performance of these works
shall entitle the Engineer to carry out such works as deemed necessary and to charge the
Contractor with the full costs thereof plus ten percent (10%) of such cost, which sum shall
be deducted from any money due or which may become due to the Contractor under the

B.4.1.5 Proper detour and construction signing and the employment of qualified flagmen will be
the responsibility of the Contractor when required for safety of the traveling public or when
directed by the Engineer's Representative.

B.4.2 Traffic Control

B.4.2.1 The Contractor shall at all times during the Contract provide, erect and maintain at
his own expense such barricades, warning light, danger signals, reflectors, signs and
watchmen as may be required by the authorities or deed necessary by the Engineer.

B.4.2.2 Barricades and signs shall be constructed and used in accordance with the
requirements of the Engineer. All barricades, fences and such other aids as are required
shall be reflectorized and shall conform to the regulations of the DPWH and shall be
illuminated at night by lanterns.

B.4.2.3 The Contractor shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Engineer's Representative, a
responsible member of his staff to inspect daily traffic aids within the site and to
arrange such cleaning and repair as the Engineer considers necessary to maintain the
proper effectiveness of these traffic aids at all times.

B.4.3 Measurement and Payment

Except as stated otherwise, payment for the works involved in these Special Provisions
are deemed to be included in pay items for other items of work included in the
Contract's Bill of Quantities.


B.5.1 General

Clause 75 "Public Convenience and Safety" of the 2004 DPWH Requirements and
Conditions (Volume I) sets forth the Contractor's responsibilities for public convenience
and public safety and the requirements concerning flagging and traffic devices.

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

To quote Clause 75:

"The Contractor shall at all time so conduct his work as to assure the safety and
convenience of the general public and the residents near the work site and to assure the
protection of persons and property.

Care shall be taken to regulate the operations so as to protect visitors and campers in
the National Forest or Park or other Government reservation if affected. No road shall
be closed by the Contractor to the public except by written permission by the Engineer.
The Contractor will provide, erect and maintain at his own cost all necessary barricades,
suitable and sufficient lights, danger signals, signs and other traffic control devices, and
shall take all necessary precautions for the protection of the Works and safety of the
public Highways closed to traffic shall be protected by effective barricades, and
obstructions shall be illuminated during the hour of darkness. Suitable warning signs shall
be protected to properly control and direct traffic.

The Contractor shall erect warning signs in advance of any place on the project where
operations may interfere with the use of the road by traffic, and at all intermediate
points where the new work crosses or coincides with an existing road.

The Contractor shall furnish, erect, maintain and remove when directed any information
identification signs shown on the Plans. Warning sign shall be posted, whoever,
directed, during blasting operations."

B.5.2 Flaggers

Flaggers while on duty and assigned to traffic control or to give warning to the public that a
bridge and/or highway is under construction and of any dangerous conditions to be
encountered as a result thereof, shall perform their duties and shall be provided with the
necessary gear so that they can be easily seen by approaching traffic.

The provisions in this Sub-Clause B.5.2 shall in no way relieve the Contractor from his
responsibility for providing for the safety of the public as provided in Clause 75 of the
Conditions of Contract

B.5.3 Barricades

Barricades shall generally be used in conjunction with signs at or near hazards for the
control or diversion of vehicular, pedestrian, or other traffic. Barricades shall consist of
rails at least 200 mm wide mounted at a height of between 1,000 to 1,200 mm on fixed
or portable posts and shall be constructed of lightweight commercial quality materials, as
approved by the Engineer. The color of the rail shall be either one of the following

a) Alternate diagonal black and white stripes

b) Alternate diagonal black and yellow stripes

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

If the barricades are displaced or are not in an upright position, from any cause, said
barricades shall immediately be replaced or restored to their original location, in an
upright position, by the Contractor.

B.5.4 Flashing Lamps

The color of the flashing lamps shall be restricted to yellow (amber). They shall not be
used to delineate the limits of a hazard of trafficable route. Their use shall be limited to
the following circumstances:

a) Single flashing yellow (amber) lamps may be used to draw attention to a sign, barrier,
or hazard, and shall be so located that not more than two (2) lamps are visible to
approaching traffic at any one time.

b) Yellow (amber) flashing lamps of the routing reflector type shall be used only on
emergency or service vehicle while they actually cause an obstruction or hazard to
road traffic. Permission of the relevant authority must be obtained.

c) A lamp having twin alternate flashing yellow (amber) elements may be used for the
same purpose and under the same conditions as the single yellow (amber) lamps
described in (a) above, provided it does not conflict with any regulatory traffic control

B.5.5 Non-Flashing lamps

Non-flashing yellow (amber) lamps shall be used to define the limits of usable road on a
through route, side tract or detour, and to define the limits of a hazard or non-
trafficable construction area.

B.5.6 Delineators

At the discretion of the road authority and subject to any limitation imposed by traffic
laws and regulation, a proportion of non-flashing yellow (amber) or red lamps may be
replaced by portable delineators of the same color.

Portable delineators, including the base, shall be composed of a material that has
sufficient rigidly to remain upright when unattended and shall be either flexible or
collapsible upon impact by a vehicle. The base shall be sufficient weight or shall be
anchored in a manner such that said delineator shall remain in an upright position.

If the portable delineators are displaced or are not in an upright position, from any cause,
said delineators shall immediately be replaced or restored to their original location, in an
upright position, by the Contractor.

The vertical portion of the portable delineators shall be of a fluorescent orange or

predominantly orange color. The posts shall not be less than 75 mm width or diameter.
The minimum height shall be 900 above the traveled way. A minimum of 3-reflective
bands, each not less than 75 mm wide shall be mounted a minimum of 37 mm apart
and a height on the post so that one reflective band will be between 750 mm to 900 mm

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April 2019

above the roadway surface. The reflective bands shall be visible at 300 meters at vision of
or corrected to

Only one (1) type of portable delineator shall be used on the project. The type of portable
delineator proposed for use on the project shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
prior to placement on the project.

B.5.7 Construction Area Signs

The term "Construction Area Signs" shall include all temporary signs required for the
direction of public traffic through or around the work during construction.

Construction area signs shall be selected and located in accordance with established
standards and practices and as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall clean all construction area sign panels at the time of installation and
as often thereafter as the Engineer determines to be necessary.

Design. Standard construction area signs are shown on the Plans. A special sign may
only be used if the design conforms to the following:

a) Message shall be brief and concise as possible, using the maximum size of legend
which can be accommodated.

b) Lettering and numerals shall conform to standard alphabets.

c) The shape and color of the sign shall conform to that of a standard sign used for a
similar purpose.

Some of the standard construction area signs are:

a) BRIDGE WORK AHEAD - The "BRIDGE WORK AHEAD" sign shall be used to give
advance warning of any bridge construction or repair which creates a temporary

b) DETOUR AHEAD -The "DETOUR AHEAD" sign shall be used to given advance warning
of a detour from the normal direction of the road.

c) BRIDGE CLOSED- The "BRIDGE CLOSED" sign shall be placed on the road pavement
where the bridge is closed to the traffic facing the sign. Usually this sign will need to
be supplemented by a sign "DETOUR".

d) DETOUR - The "DETOUR" sign shall be used to indicate the direction and point by
which traffic should leave the through route to detour via existing roads or streets
which by-pass an obstruction in the main route. On roads carrying fast or heavy
traffic or where sign distance is limited, it will usually be necessary to use the advance
sign "DETOUR AHEAD" in conjunction with this sign.

The confirmatory "DETOUR" sign shall be used, if necessary as a reassurance guide

along the route of the detour.

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

e) Channelizers

Channelizers may be used in conjunction with appropriate signs in order to:

1) indicate temporary traffic lane;

2) guide traffic passing personnel working in traffic; and
3) guide traffic around obstructions in the carriageway.

Traffic Cones. Traffic Cones shall be at least 300 mm high and at least 150 mm wide at the
base of the cone. They shall be of good commercial quality and fluorescent red-orange.
Then used at night, a minimum of one-third of the surface area visible to approaching
traffic shall be covered with yellow reflective material.

Flexible or Collapsible Posts. Flexible or collapsible posts of suitable design may be used.

a) in place of rigid barrier posts if the probability of their being accidentally struck
or displaced by traffic is high; or

b) in place of traffic cones if greater stability is required.

Such posts shall be a minimum of 450 mm high by 50 mm wide, as seen by approaching

traffic, and shall be provided with alternate bands of contrasting color. The posts shall
display to traffic a retro-reflecting surface of not less than 500 sq. mm.

B.5.8 Measurement and Payment

B.5.8.1 Measurement

a) Works prescribed in Section B.1 shall not be measured and paid for separately, same
shall be deemed to be included in Pay Items for other Items of Work.

b) Works prescribed in Section B.2 shall be measured and paid for on a lump sum basis.

c) Works prescribed in Section B.3 shall be measured and paid for on a lump sum basis.

d) Furnishing and installing construction area for traffic control devices as prescribed
under Clause B.4 such as barricades, flashing lamps, non flashing lamps and other
aids required which are used to fulfill the Contractor's responsibility to provide for the
safety of traffic and the public during construction in accordance with the
requirements of Clause 75 of the Conditions of Contract, shall not be paid for
separately and shall be deemed to be included in the pay items of other work.

Flaggers, construction area signs and channelizers shall be in accordance with the
specification and as directed by the Engineer. Cost of furnishing flaggers including the
necessary equipment and cost of furnishing, erecting, maintaining, moving and
removing construction area signs and channelizers shall be as determined in
accordance with Sub Clause 102(5), Erecting. Provisional sum (Sub-Section 4.6 of

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

the Conditions of Particular Applications) and shall be charged against the Provisional
Sum provided for in Item B.4 - Construction Area Traffic Control Devices.

c) The maintenance of traffic shall include the furnishing of barricades, warning lights,
danger signals, reflectors, signs and the posting of watchmen and/or flagmen in
accordance with Section B.5, Construction Area Traffic Control Devices. This work
shall be paid for on a monthly basis included in the Bid Schedule which price and
payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials
including all labor tools and incidentals necessary to complete the works prescribed in
this Item.


B.6.1 The Contractor shall set out the works in relation to survey stations, markers, reference
pegs and benchmarks, which have been previously established. Great importance is
attached to these stations and the Contractor shall safeguard and protect them from
harm at all times until completion of the works. The Contractor shall be paid
responsible for the establishment of any further survey stations, markers, reference pegs,
and benchmarks as necessary for the proper setting out.

B.6.2 Benchmarks and reference points shall be established by the Contractor. The stationing
shall be scratched or clearly marked with paint on the surface of the concrete or otherwise
clearly marked as to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

B.6.3 Should the Contractor discover any error in line or level in the basic setting out, he shall at
once notify the Engineer who will then issue amended drawings or instructions regarding
the correction of the error.

B.6.4 The Contractor shall establish temporary benchmarks at intervals along the road not
exceeding 200 m and shall provide the Engineer with a schedule of their levels.

B.6.5 The Contractor shall set out the roads line and level, the tops of cuttings and toes of
embankments, at intervals of not more than 50 m or such lesser intervals on horizontal
and curves as the Engineer may require. Reference pegs shall be provided clear of the
road in such positions that the centerline or level can readily be re-established at any time.

B.6.6 The Contractor shall after or in connection with staking out, survey the terrain along the
alignment, shall submit to the Engineer for his approval, a profile and cross-sections
generally at 20 m intervals and at intermediate points where make changes in slope
occurs; cross-section intervals may be increased to 40 m in uniform terrain at the
discretion of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be given by the Engineer not less than
24 hours notice of his intention to commence any setting out or surveying longitudinal
profiles or cross-sections in order that arrangements can be made for checking.

Checking of work by the Engineer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility under Clause 17.1 of the General Conditions of Contract. After having
been approved by the Engineer, the profile and cross-sections shall form the basis for
measurement and payment.

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Proposed Construction of New Magsaysay Bridge at Subic Bay Freeport Zone Technical Specifications
April 2019

The Contractor shall be responsible for measuring the horizontal detection angles. No
extra payment shall be made for any deviation from the angular measurement shown
on the Drawings.



Where removal, relocation, replacement and inclusion of public utilities and site facilities
are essential to the Works under the Contract, but such works are not to be executed by
the Contractor but by the respective owners of the utilities. Any damage cause by removal
and relocation operation shall be replaced by utility owners. The Contractor is instructed to
recognize the following stipulations:

a) The Work Program to be submitted, as required by the Conditions of Contract, shall be

the basis, reference or the factor that will determine any negotiations or working
arrangements to be entered into by the SBMA with the particular water supply,
telephone, electrical and other utilities and site facilities and it is therefore essential for
the Contractor to provide details on the priorities and subsequences of his construction
activities and operations and any particulars that may be required by the Engineer on
the said program.

b) No work shall commence on any part; portion or section of the Site of the Work that
may affect or disturb the functions or the original conditions of public utilities and site
facilities unless written permission has been first secured from the Engineer.

c) No expense shall be borne by the Contractor in connection with the removal, relocation
or inclusion of public utilities and site facilities except for the purpose of payment of
any claims from the owners of the utilities as a result of any damage or injuries caused
by the Contractor or any of his sub-contractors.

d) The works to be done shall consist but not limited to:

Pay Item Description Unit of

No. Measurement
B.7.1 Removal and Relocation of Existing 13.8KV Poles and Lump Sum
69KV Poles (Enerzone)

B.7.2 Removal and Relocation of Existing Water Line and Sewer Lump Sum
Line (Subic Water)

B.7.3 Line Revision and Pole Relocation along Columban Road Lump Sum

B.7.4 Removal and Relocation of Existing Fibre Optic Lump SUm


B.7.5 Removal and Relocation of Existing Globe Line Lump Sum

B.7.6 Removal and Relocation of Existing Freeport Cable Lump Sum

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