Borins, S. (2002) - Leadership and Innovation in The Public Sector

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Leadership & Organization Development Journal

Leadership and innovation in the public sector

Sandford Borins
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To cite this document:
Sandford Borins, (2002),"Leadership and innovation in the public sector", Leadership & Organization Development Journal,
Vol. 23 Iss 8 pp. 467 - 476
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Sandford Borins, (2001),"Encouraging innovation in the public sector", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 2 Iss 3 pp. 310-319
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Shelley D. Dionne, Francis J. Yammarino, Leanne E. Atwater, William D. Spangler, (2004),"Transformational

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Leadership and innovation in the public sector

Sandford Borins
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Keywords management innovation awards. These

Innovation, Leadership, Introduction awards shared two key objectives:
Bottom up decision making, Crisis
Innovation has become a topic of great countering public criticism or hostility to the
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Abstract interest to managers in both the public and public service, in part because it is perceived
This article considers the nature as not being innovative, and encouraging the
and role of leadership in three ideal
private sectors[1]. In the private sector, the
types of public management rapid development of technology has development and dissemination of
innovation: politically-led provided opportunities for firms to launch innovations and best practices within the
responses to crises, organizational
new products, transform their production public sector.
turnarounds engineered by newly-
processes, and do business in new ways. The Public management innovation has
appointed agency heads, and
bottom-up innovations initiated by Schumpeterian process of creative become a subject of considerable academic
front-line public servants and
destruction has become particularly intense, interest. One line of research involves
middle managers. Quantitative detailed, and sometimes comparative, case
results from public sector and in many industries, the choice faced by
innovation awards indicate that managers is innovate or die. studies. In some instances, the innovations
bottom-up innovation occurs much The conventional wisdom regarding the were originally identified because they were
more frequently than conventional
public sector is that public sector innovation among the winners of innovation awards.
wisdom would indicate. Effective Case studies have dealt with innovations in
political leadership in a crisis is a virtual oxymoron. A number of
requires decision making that particular policy areas, such as community
explanations have been put forward as to
employs a wide search for policing (Sparrow, 1994), educational choice
information, broad consultation,
why this would be the case. Public choice
(Roberts and King, 1996), or civic
and skeptical examination of a theory argues that public sector agencies are
environmentalism (John, 1994). Other case
wide range of options. Successful usually monopolies, with no competitive
leadership of a turnaround requires studies of innovation have dealt with
pressure to innovate. Political scientists have
an agency head to regain political overarching themes such as alternative
confidence, reach out to observed that the media's and opposition
service delivery (Goldsmith, 2001), the
stakeholders and clients, and to parties' interest in exposing public sector
convince dispirited staff that application of information technology
failures (management in a fishbowl) forms a
change is possible and that their (Fountain, 2001), and organizational
efforts to do better will be powerful impediment to innovation. transformation (Barzelay, 1992; Osborne and
supported. Political leaders and Furthermore, stringent central agency Plastrik, 2000). Another approach has
agency heads can create a constraints ± to minimize corruption and
supportive climate for bottom-up involved using large samples of innovations
innovation by consulting staff, ensure due process ± raise barriers to identified by innovation awards to generate
instituting formal awards and innovation. Organizational sociologists have and test hypotheses about the process of
informal recognition for innovators, noted that public sector organizations are
promoting innovators, protecting innovation (Borins, 1998, 2001).
innovators from control-oriented
usually large bureaucracies structured to The objective of this paper is to use the
central agencies, and publicly perform their core tasks with stability and results of both case studies and quantitative
championing bottom-up consistency, and resist change or disruption analysis to explore the relationship between
innovations that have proven
successful and have popular appeal.
of these tasks (Wilson, 1989, pp. 218-26). leadership and innovation in the public
In recent years this conventional wisdom sector. That relationship can be probed by
has been questioned. The public sector has asking a number of questions. Who leads
faced challenges ± such as driving down costs innovations? Do innovations create
to reduce the debt burden ± and opportunities leadership capacity for the public sector?
± such as applying information technology ± How do leaders exercising formal authority
that have forced it to innovate. Non- react to innovations? What climate do they
governmental organizations in a number of create for potential innovators? This paper
Leadership & Organization
countries have attempted to catalyze public starts with a fundamental distinction
Development Journal sector innovation by establishing public between bottom-up and top-down
23/8 [2002] 467±476
# MCB UP Limited The research register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[ISSN 0143-7739]
[DOI 10.1108/01437730210449357]

[ 467 ]
Sandford Borins innovations, and then examines the role that service could conflict with traditional values
Leadership and innovation in leadership plays in each. such as due process and accountability
the public sector (Gawthrop, 1999; Goodsell, 1993; Terry, 1998).
Leadership & Organization Furthermore, stability-seeking public sector
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 Three ideal types of public sector organizations having strong central controls
innovation and operating in hostile environments can be
expected to have personnel systems that do
While students of business have found that
not reward career public servants for
strategic decisions regarding the adoption of
successful innovation but that punish them
innovations are often taken by CEOs and
for unsuccessful attempts. These asymmetric
boards of directors, they have also discovered
incentives may well lead to adverse selection,
that many innovations emerge from the
namely the avoidance by innovative
bottom up (Kanter, 1988, 2001). In technology-
individuals of public service.
based firms in particular, many innovations
That is the received wisdom. The results of
result from scientists or other staff with
extensive research using applications to
technical expertise following their own
several innovation awards tell a different
research interests to develop new products or
story (Borins, 2001, pp. 27-9)[2]. In the USA,
processes. Many firms have instituted the
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approximately 50 percent of the innovations

practice of giving their researchers one day originate from middle managers or front-line
per week, plus commensurate resources, to staff, 25 percent from agency heads, 21
work on their own projects. Peters and percent from politicians, 13 percent from
Waterman (1982) took the argument further, interest groups, and 10 percent from
pointing to innovations undertaken by individuals outside government. In the
mavericks working at ``skunkworks'' far sample from the economically advanced
from central offices, often operating without countries of the Commonwealth (Canada,
a clear mandate from above and using Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, UK), the
bootlegged resources. Hamel (2000) presented proportion from middle managers or front-
case studies showing that the inspiration for line staff (82 percent) and agency heads (39
IBM's involvement with the Internet came percent) was higher, while that of politicians
from two middle managers, one a (11 percent), interest groups (2 percent), and
programmer and the other a marketer, that individuals outside government (5 percent)
the idea for the development of Sony's was lower. For the developing countries in
PlayStation video game console came from a the sample (Bangladesh, Ghana, India,
mid-level researcher, and that the impetus Jamaica, Malaysia, Seychelles, South Africa,
for Shell to become involved in the Zimbabwe), the results are also similar. Since
production of renewable energy came from a some respondents gave multiple answers,
mid-level planner. Hesselbein et al. (2001), in these numbers sum to more than 100 percent
a recent collection of articles, showed that (see Table I).
there is a consensus among private sector In both Commonwealth samples and the
researchers and practitioners about the 1995-1998 US data, middle managers were
importance of such bottom-up innovations separated from front-line staff. It was found
and provide suggestions for how that, in the US sample, middle managers
organizations can support them. were involved in the initiation of 43 percent
In contrast, the conventional wisdom in of the innovations, while front-line staff were
the public sector is that whatever innovation involved in 27 percent, the same frequency as
occurs comes almost exclusively from the top politicians (27 percent) and agency heads (28
(Wilson, 1989, pp. 227-32). In both percent). The Commonwealth sample showed
parliamentary and presidential democracies, that in the economically advanced countries
voters elect politicians to enact policies. middle managers were involved in 75 percent
While the USA makes a greater proportion of of the innovations and front-line staff in 39
senior executive appointments on a political percent. In the developing countries, middle
basis, in many parliamentary democracies managers were involved in initiating 44
the most senior appointments in the public percent of the innovations, a figure
service are made by the politicians. This comparable to the 43 percent in the USA, but
would seem to place the responsibility ± and front-line workers initiated only 7 percent of
motivation ± for innovation outside the the innovations. The latter figure is
public service itself. (The rationale for the attributable to the disinclination of
system, of course, is to make the bureaucracy developing countries to empower their front-
indirectly responsive to the public through line staff. This may result from pay that is too
the politicians they elect.) Similarly, some low to be a motivator, an unwillingness or
public management academics have argued inability to provide training, a lack of
that innovation from within the public resources necessary to test innovations, and/
[ 468 ]
Sandford Borins or rigid hierarchy. All told, these data the initiators when the innovation was a
Leadership and innovation in confirm, in a wide variety of national response to a crisis. Crisis was defined
the public sector contexts, that a substantial proportion of broadly as publicly visible failure, whether
Leadership & Organization public-sector innovation comes from middle current or anticipated. This has an intuitive
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 management and the front lines. Similarly, appeal because when there is a crisis in the
Walters (2001, p. 9), based on a more public sector, citizens expect politicians to
qualitative look at the applications to the lead the response. Agency heads tended to be
Innovations in American Government the initiators when they took over as the new
awards, concludes that ``innovative ideas leader. When a public sector agency is
spring up from all over the place ± both inside performing poorly and its poor performance
and outside of organizations, and from the becomes publicly visible, citizens expect
middle, bottom, and top layers of an politicians to appoint a new agency head to
organization. Innovation, it turns out, has lead a turnaround. Finally, middle managers
little regard for title.'' Light (1998, p. 45) and front-line staff tended to initiate
studied a sample of 18 particularly innovations that responded proactively to
innovative non-profit and eight small internal problems or took advantage of
governmental organizations in Minnesota opportunities created by new technology.
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and found that ``almost all of them harvested These can be thought of as three ideal types
ideas up and down the organization or polar cases.
regardless of who had the idea.'' Subsequent research regarding the process
While the largest number of innovations of gathering support for an innovation also
are initiated by middle managers and front- showed that the three groups employed
line staff, substantial percentages of different strategies for building support.
innovations are initiated by politicians ± 10 Applicants were asked who were the
to 20 percent ± and by agency heads ± over 25 strongest supporters of their innovation.
percent (Borins, 1998, 2001). Because Innovations initiated by public servants had
organizations are pyramidal in shape, there a positive correlation with strongest support
are many more front-line staff and middle from immediate supervisors and a negative
managers than agency heads and politicians, correlation with strongest support from the
so that the propensity to innovate (that is, president or governor, the legislature,
innovations per capita) on the part of business lobbies, and the general public.
politicians and agency heads is greater than Innovations initiated by agency heads had a
on the part of middle managers and front-line positive correlation with strongest support
staff. Borins (1998, pp. 48-9) explored for from the political head of the agency and
systematic differences in the circumstances business lobbies. Innovations initiated by
of innovations initiated by politicians, politicians had a positive correlation with
agency heads, and middle managers and strongest support from the president or
front-line staff (the latter two groups being governor, the legislature, business lobbies,
pooled). Statistically, politicians tended to be the media, and the general public. Public
servants worked through bureaucratic
Table I channels, rather than going over the heads of
Initiators of innovation (percent) their colleagues to appeal directly for
Commonwealth, Commonwealth, political support, while politicians went
Initiator USA, 1999-1998 advanced developing through political channels and mobilized
public support (Borins, 2000a, pp. 503-4)[3].
Politician 21 11 15 We will consider each of the three ideal
Agency head 25 39 37 types of public sector innovation in more
Middle manager 43a 75 44 detail, providing several examples and
Front line staff 27a 39 7 exploring the role of leadership in it.
Middle manager or front-line staff 51 82 48
Interest group 13 2 11
Citizen 7 0 11
Program client 3 5 0
Bottom-up innovation
Other 6 9 11 What is the relationship between bottom-up
Total (percent) 126 148 133 innovation and leadership? To begin with,
n 321 56 27 bottom-up innovations require and create
Notes: n = number of innovations. a indicates that the breakdown between innovations leadership. The innovative process is not
initiated by middle managers and innovations initiated by front-line staff for the US data simply a matter of someone coming up with a
was based on the 104 cases from 1995 to 1998. In the 217 cases from 1990 to 1994, good idea, putting it in a suggestion box, and
these groups were coded together. the organization implementing it through its
normal channels. Innovations require
Source: Borins (2001, p. 28)
advocates and often become the subject of
[ 469 ]
Sandford Borins debate within an organization. They are permanent secretaries, and senior public
Leadership and innovation in sometimes introduced as pilot programs servants ± take toward these initiatives. It
the public sector which must be evaluated before being could range from negative, to neutral, to
Leadership & Organization applied in the entire organization. highly supportive. A negative stance could
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 Innovations also lead to new structures come from a permanent secretary and senior
within a given organization. For example, public servants whose approach to
innovations frequently involve inter- management is strictly hierarchical, or from
organizational collaboration (Bardach, 1998; a minister who, possibly for ideological
Borins, 1998, pp. 19-23, 2001, pp. 11-13) and this reasons, has an antipathy to her department.
collaboration is governed by creating An American instance of the latter is
coordinating structures, such as Republican administrations that are
interdepartmental committees (Borins, 1998, unsympathetic to the mandates of the
pp. 96-101). The initiators of the innovation Department of Labor and the Environmental
are likely to play a role in several of these Protection Agency and that choose political
aspects of the innovative process, such as appointees who want these departments to do
advocacy or leading a pilot project. Because as little as possible, certainly not to develop
they are on the front lines or in middle new programs. We can expect some
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management, they are creating an informal permanent staff to leave and those who
or alternative leadership structure. In one remain to keep their heads down. The
case the award applicant noted that ```rebels,' Republican appointees might be receptive to
idea people, and employees involved in a initiatives that improve efficiency, thereby
leadership capacity outside came to the fore'' reducing the cost of existing operations. The
(Borins, 2000b, p. 55). Innovation awards appointees would want to see savings
provide publicity for the winners, and employed in other public sector priorities or
initiators may develop visibility beyond their used to reduce taxes. Because there is no
own organization, as they become involved possibility that any of the savings would be
in educating potential replicators. returned to the department, permanent staff
Individuals at lower ranks who distinguish would be unlikely to come forward with ideas
themselves by initiating innovations are to improve efficiency.
likely to be put on the fast track to senior A supportive stance requires politicians
positions. and senior managers creating a climate
A recent example supports these favourable for innovation. Robert Reich,
observations. A group of young officers in the Secretary of Labor in the Clinton
Ontario public service had the idea of Administration from 1993 to 1997, excelled at
holding a national conference looking at this. First, he made clear the department's
human resource issues from their own priorities, which included initiatives to
perspective. They formed a planning improve wages and working conditions for
committee, approached the federal and America's lowest paid and most vulnerable
several provincial governments for funding, workers. Second, he made a habit of
and invited practitioners and academics as consulting career civil servants, for example
speakers. This advocacy process put them in in quarterly departmental town hall
touch with a variety of people they would not meetings. Third, he took every possible
normally have encountered in their daily opportunity to recognize staff initiatives
work, such as senior public servants (Glynn, 1999). Some forms of recognition
(including several cabinet secretaries and included establishing a departmental
permanent secretaries) and senior innovation award, bringing his career public
academics. The conference, entitled ``New servants to meetings with politicians and
professionals driving a new public service,'' political appointees, and inviting careerists
turned out to be a great success, attracting whose ideas had been incorporated into
350 participants from all over Canada. After legislation to White House signing
the downsizing of the last decade, public ceremonies to meet President Clinton (Reich,
services are facing a need for renewal, 1997, pp. 129-34). The department's roof is an
particularly at the entry level, and this ideal vantage point to watch the fourth of
conference spoke to that concern. The July fireworks. Previous secretaries always
conference organizers are maintaining their invited political appointees and friends;
Web site (, Reich used these coveted invitations to
accepting speaking invitations, and planning reward innovative careerists (Glynn, 1999).
to create a permanent organization. Reich's support helped put in place a
A second aspect of the relationship number of innovations initiated by front-line
between leadership and bottom-up staff or middle managers that were
innovation is the stance that the public subsequently recognized as finalists and
sector's top leadership ± ministers, winners of the Innovations in American
[ 470 ]
Sandford Borins Government Award. These included an borrow under the aegis of the federal
Leadership and innovation in initiative to eradicate sweatshops by putting government which itself had to finance huge
the public sector pressure on retailers to ensure that the deficits. The EDC capital markets group
Leadership & Organization products they were selling were not made in developed several sophisticated derivative-
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 sweatshops (Donahue, 1999, pp. 47-58), the based financial instruments that were
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation's marketed to both large and small lenders.
early warning program for large corporate Staff in the federal Department of Finance
pension plans at risk of default (Donahue, were concerned and wanted to oversee the
1999, pp. 187-204), and a program in the capital markets group closely. The deputy
Occupational Safety and Health minister of finance at the time took the view
Administration to identify pro-actively that the group should be given autonomy; he
workplace health hazards among large also felt that if his department tried to rein
employers (Donahue, 1999, pp. 114-27). them in, they would leave for lucrative
William Bratton, New York City's Chief of private sector jobs (Gorbet, 2001). His support
Police during the mid-1990s, led his gave the group the freedom it needed.
department in the implementation of Not only can bottom-up innovations
programs that led to a marked decline in the advance the goals set by politicians and
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city's crime rate. He espouses a similar senior public servants, but they can be the
philosophy: genesis of initiatives that politicians are
I know perfectly well that most police willing to embrace as their own. Canada's
departments don't encourage or value SchoolNet program (
innovation, cultivating instead conformity, demonstrates this. In the early 1990s, one
complacency, and even timidity among police
particularly innovative middle manager in
managers. But I also have met countless
police officers and managers in my career Industry Canada was thinking about how the
who are bold, inventive, decisive, and eager federal government could gain a presence on
for the big challenges of restoring order and the rapidly evolving Internet. An
safety to urban communities. My job as a undergraduate student on a work term in the
police executive was to bring these people to government proposed an interactive Web site
the fore and let them run. . . . Every to which primary and secondary school
organization has a core group of people with educators would send educational materials,
original ideas and untapped talents. Some are and SchoolNet was launched (Dubeau, 2002;
in leadership positions, and some are not. A
Hull, 2002). The program led to a federal-
successful leader reaches deeply into the
provincial initiative to connect all 16,500
organization to find these people . . .. To propel
a large organization forward, the leader has Canadian elementary and secondary schools
to enlist literally hundreds of coleaders at to the Internet by 2000. Federal and
every level. . . . When people show initiative, provincial politicians have become
perseverance, and competence in the field, enthusiastic and highly visible supporters of
reward them. I found my best managers in the these programs and have launched other
middle and bottom of the vast management initiatives to increase Internet access
cadre at the NYPD. Their promotions sent a throughout Canada.
signal of opportunity to their fellow managers To summarize: this section illustrates a
(Bratton and Andrews, 2001, pp. 252-7).
number of types of high-level support for
The Clinton administration's reinvention innovation. These include establishing clear
labs are another case of political support for organizational goals that encourage staff to
innovation. These were pilot projects, many achieve in innovative ways, consultation
proposed by front-line staff and middle with staff, establishing innovation awards
managers; Vice President Gore, who was in and providing informal recognition for
charge of the reinvention effort, tried to innovators, relaxing constraints upon
ensure that these projects would be granted innovators, protecting innovators by
waivers from regulations to facilitate ensuring that their projects have a fair
experimentation, and let it be known that his chance to demonstrate whether they work,
office would advocate on behalf of the labs and providing resources for innovators. The
within their own departments or in their last, providing resources, is implicit in many
relationships with central agencies (Osborne of the above examples. The main resources
and Plastrik, 2000, pp. 444-50, 564, 569). include giving the initiators time to work on
To turn to a Canadian example: the Export their projects, which might involve a
Development Corporation (EDC) is a federal reduction in their other responsibilities, and
state-owned enterprise which finances giving them the budget to pay for the running
purchasers of Canadian exports. In the late costs of their projects. While some
1980s it established a capital markets group organizations have formally established
with the responsibility for finding new ways funds to support innovations (Borins, 2001,
to raise money, rather than attempting to p. 32), the more likely case is that innovations
[ 471 ]
Sandford Borins are funded out of organizational slack that . Six-Day War. In response to an Egyptian
Leadership and innovation in senior managers can identify. Finally, naval blockage of the Red Sea and
the public sector
innovation is a two-way street, in that invasion by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, the
Leadership & Organization successful innovations provide opportunities Israeli cabinet initiated a war by directing
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 for politicians to take public credit for wise its air force to launch a surprise attack
policies and effective programs. that destroyed the entire Egyptian air
force on the ground, clearing the way for a
quick and massive victory over the Arab
Politically-directed innovation in alliance (Brecher and Geist, 1980).
response to crisis
As a set, these four examples present a
The most clear-cut crises, and those that have paradox. The first two are not well-known
received the most academic attention, outside of their particular policy
involve the physical security of a nation. An communities, but have been recognised by
immediate example is the terrorist attack on innovation awards in their respective
the USA on September 11, 2001. Leading the countries. The last two are very well known
response has consumed most of the time and historically, but have not been thought of in
attention of President Bush, his cabinet, and
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terms of innovation. Detailed historical

their most senior advisers. The following study, however, makes clear that the
crises, of varying magnitudes, have in American and Israeli responses were both
common politically-led and innovative effective and innovative. In the American
case, the alternative to a naval blockade was
. City of Seattle Recycling Program. The
an air strike and/or an invasion, both of
City's two landfills reached capacity in
which were strongly favoured by the
1983 and 1986, and ceased operation. The
military, but would likely have led to nuclear
federal government then designated these
war between the USA and USSR. The
landfills as Superfund sites, thus raising
blockade signaled the seriousness of
closure costs to about $100 million. The
American intentions, but gave the Russians
city's reliance on more distant landfills,
time to make an orderly retreat. In the Israeli
together with closure costs, had already
case, the air force attack relied on
doubled disposal assessment rates. The
intelligence information that the Egyptian
mayor and city council responded to the
planes sat wingtip-to-wingtip at their bases.
crisis by directing the city's solid waste
Since then, no combat-ready air force would
utility to undertake an in-depth study of a
ever again expose itself in a similar way.
wide range of options, including
The two famous crises have been of
recycling, landfill, and incineration. The
particular interest to students of decision
politicians also put in place a thorough
making and crisis management. In his study
process of public consultation. The
ultimate outcome was a greatly expanded of Israeli decisions in the Six-Day and Yom
recycling program, reinforced by pricing Kippur Wars, Brecher concluded that as
incentives and public attitudes, that tensions mounted, the Israeli Cabinet's
became a global leader (Borins, 1998; pp. search for information and receptivity to it
196, 201, 204). increased, the Cabinet broadened its
. Environment Canada Ultraviolet Index consultative circle, and increased its search
Program. The program was initiated in for, and care in the evaluation of,
response to NASA's February 1992 alternatives (Brecher and Geist, 1980,
prediction of a severe thinning of the pp. 403-4). The decision-making process
ozone layer over North America that followed by the Excom (the ad hoc group
spring. Environment Minister Jean chosen to advise President Kennedy) has
Charest gave his department four months been characterized as one based on inquiry,
to implement a program to inform the rather than advocacy (Garvin and Roberto,
public of ultra-violet risk. They developed 2001). A wide range of options was proposed
a daily index of the intensity of ultraviolet and studied carefully. Assumptions were
exposure that has been adopted tested, and participants acted as skeptical
internationally (Borins, 2000a, pp. 55, 68). generalists. Experts outside the group were
. Cuban Missile Crisis. In response to the also consulted. The American process was
secretive placement of Russian missiles in characterized by the same hunger for
Cuba, the Kennedy administration information, creative generation and testing
implemented a naval blockade of Cuba of alternatives, and widespread consultation
that put sufficient pressure on the (at least subject to the constraints of secrecy)
Russians to remove the missiles, without as the Israeli. These processes have been set
resorting to war (Allison, 1971). forth as best practice for collective decision
[ 472 ]
Sandford Borins making under the high stakes and time a result of factors that are unprecedented,
Leadership and innovation in pressures that typify crises. unpredictable, external, or environmental. In
the public sector These cases also demonstrate two patterns contrast, a turnaround is a response to a
Leadership & Organization of political-bureaucratic interaction. In each public sector organization that is simply not
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 case, politicians defined the problem and meeting normal expectations for service
took responsibility for choosing the solution. delivery. For example, some of the
They instructed the bureaucracy to provide turnaround cases mentioned below involve
information to inform their choices among failures to pick up garbage, provide swift
alternatives and then to implement their emergency assistance to victims of natural
decisions. In three of the four cases, the disasters, regulate parking, pay workers'
politicians were confident in the analytic and compensation claims in a timely manner,
implementation capability of the and maintain safety in public housing. Each
bureaucracy. Seattle's politicians were sure involves an implicit comparison with normal
the waste utility managers could analyze the practice in other jurisdictions, and each was
disposal alternatives in terms of economic found to be failing to meet minimum
and environmental impacts; Environment standards. The similarity between crises and
Minister Charest relied upon his scientists to organizational performance failures is that
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develop quickly a valid way of measuring both are publicly visible, leading to public
ultraviolet exposure; the Israeli Cabinet demands on politicians for quick and
trusted the air force to work out procedures effective action.
for a sudden attack (time of day, altitude, The first step in a turnaround is invariably
route, etc.). the appointment by politicians of a new
The exception was the Cuban Missile agency head (Borins, 1998, p. 157). The agency
Crisis. As Allison (1971) made clear, and the head who presided over the failing
recent movie Thirteen Days illustrates, there organization is fired or reassigned, and often
was considerable antipathy between the other members of the senior management
Kennedy administration and the armed team who identified closely with the
forces, manifested at both the analysis and discredited agency head, or who are unable
implementation stages. The politicians felt to adapt to the new head, are also let go.
the generals were trigger-happy, and the Turnaround leaders are generally energetic,
generals thought the politicians (especially dynamic, and relatively young for the post.
after refusing air support for the abortive They come from outside the organization, but
Bay of Pigs invasion a year previously) were are not neophytes. They know the type of
cowards. One political-bureaucratic operation well and/or are well acquainted
confrontation described in Allison (1971, with one or more of the major stakeholders.
pp. 127-32) and depicted in Thirteen Days Knowing the operation is important because
involved Secretary of Defense Robert immediate action is necessary, and the
McNamara giving explicit directions to turnaround leader cannot spend the first six
captains of ships involved in the blockade, months learning on the job. Knowing the
rather than going through the normal chain stakeholders is also important because
of command. The discussion of bottom-up gaining their support is often a critical early
innovation noted the difference between step in the reform process. Turnaround
situations where politicians trust the leaders are not classic charismatic leaders,
bureaucracy and those where they are who can inspire their followers in any
suspicious of its objectives. In a crisis setting. Much of their success comes from
context, suspicion gives rise to politicians their expertise about the operation and their
seeking alternative sources of information at knowledge of key stakeholders.
the analysis stage, and monitoring closely at Agency turnarounds are not seen very
the implementation stage. In the instance frequently among the applications to
where politicians were suspicious of the innovation awards. Less than 5 percent of the
bureaucracy, the politicians took full credit applications to the innovation awards
for the innovation. In the other cases, while studied were classified as turnarounds. In a
the crisis response was politically initiated, typical government, there are very few
credit for the innovation was shared with
agencies that are total disasters. Most are
public servants.
performing relatively closely to the mean
across jurisdictions, while a few may be best
in their class. Most innovations are,
Organizational turnarounds led by therefore, attempts to move adequate
agency heads performers to best in class, or initiatives by
The genesis of organizational turnarounds is the best performers to push the frontiers
quite different from that of crises. Crises are forward (Borins, 1998, p. 154).
[ 473 ]
Sandford Borins Agency heads attempting turnarounds face things. It is legitimate to question all the old
Leadership and innovation in two leadership challenges, one involving the ways and propose better alternatives. An
the public sector politicians to whom they are responsible, and organization in the process of a turnaround
Leadership & Organization the other involving their staff. The challenge may therefore take advantage of the
Development Journal
23/8 [2002] 467±476 at the political level is to regain confidence. receptiveness to new ideas that its new
Tactics for doing this include emphasizing leaders display to go from being worst in
political accountability to raise performance class to best, thus producing many
expectations of the organization, innovations.
undertaking new initiatives that will Even though turnarounds are relatively
demonstrate the organization's new vision infrequent, there is no shortage of
and priorities, and using initial successes to turnaround cases in the literature, in part
convince politicians to provide additional because the actions of the turnaround leaders
resources for the organization (Borins, 1998, are often heroic ± at least among bureaucrats
p. 156). A recent case that illustrates the ± and in part because turnaround stories
importance of political support is the share the same mythic structure as biblical
turnaround of the Federal Emergency or literary tales of redemption or deliverance
Management Agency (FEMA) led by James (Frye, 1982). Some recent examples include
Downloaded by University of Washington At 11:02 30 November 2014 (PT)

Lee Witt during the Clinton administration Witt's turnaround at FEMA and two
(Daniels and Clark-Daniels, 2000). After turnaround cases presented in fine-grained
FEMA experienced some dramatic failures detail in Mark Moore's (1995) well-known
during the (George) Bush administration, book Creating Public Value: Strategic
Clinton appointed Witt, who had served him Management in Government, one involving
previously as director of the Arkansas Office the Boston Housing Authority and the other
of Emergency Services. Clinton supported the Houston Police Department. The
Witt in several ways, including designating discussion of turnarounds in Borins (1998,
FEMA as the lead federal disaster agency and pp. 153-64) was based on four cases: New York
elevating Witt's position to Cabinet status City's child health care clinics and vehicle
(Daniels and Clark-Daniels, 2000, p. 8). (sanitation and snow removal fleets)
The leadership challenge involving staff is maintenance facility, the City of Chicago's
to convince dispirited people that change is parking enforcement program, and
possible and that their efforts to do better will Washington State's workers' compensation
be supported. One essential tactic is system.
scapegoating, namely, arguing that the
agency's problems are not the fault of the
staff who remain, but rather the fault of the Conclusion
discredited leadership. With the failed and
discredited leaders removed, anything is This article has made the case that there
possible. Many turnarounds involve exists a strong link between innovation and
reengineering the basic processes of the leadership in the public sector. The two ideal
organization, for example replacing a types of top-down innovation, responses to
centralized functional structure with crises and agency turnarounds, are led by
geographically decentralized structures that politicians and agency heads respectively.
give front-line workers more autonomy but Politicians determine the strategic shape of
also demand accountability for results. This responses to crises and agency heads the new
can be facilitated through the increased use vision and priorities for the organizations
of information technology. In addition, the they are attempting to turn around. The best
agencies will reach out to their clients and advice one could give to politicians
stakeholders, getting them more involved in responding to crises is to search widely for
both policy-setting and operations (Borins, information, consult widely, and investigate
1998, pp. 156-8). a comprehensive set of options. Assumptions
It might be asked whether turnarounds are must be tested, and politicians and their
necessarily innovative. Is it especially advisers should act as skeptical generalists
innovative if an organization moves from in evaluating information and options. Based
being worst in class to average in class or on a substantial number of case studies,
even better than average, if what it is doing is proven advice for agency heads leading
simply replicating those that are best in turnarounds is to work simultaneously at
class? Turnarounds may become innovative regaining confidence at the political level and
because the process of scapegoating the convincing dispirited staff that change is
discredited leadership, reorganizing, and possible and their efforts to do better will be
providing more autonomy for front-line staff supported. Tactics to regain political
makes it clear that the organization is truly confidence include emphasizing political
open to new ideas and new ways of doing accountability to raise performance
[ 474 ]
Sandford Borins expectations, undertaking new initiatives innovative organizations are both inventing
Leadership and innovation in that will demonstrate a new vision and and adopting. Sometimes adopted technology
the public sector priorities, reaching out to clients and (VHS) turns out to be more popular than
Leadership & Organization stakeholders, and using initial successes to invented technology (Beta). Public sector
Development Journal innovation awards, the source of data for this
23/8 [2002] 467±476 leverage additional resources. At the staff
level, tactics involve scapegoating previous article, also blur the distinction and recognize
discredited leaders and reengineering basic both inventions and effective adoptions.
work processes, often through information 2 Applications to three innovation awards have
technology. served as the basis of this research: 321
applications to the Innovations in American
The quantitative evidence shows that
Government award between 1990 and 1998, 37
bottom-up innovations occur more
applications to the Institute of Public
frequently in the public sector than received
Administration of Canada (IPAC) public
wisdom would have us believe. The
management innovation award between 1990
individuals who initiate and drive these
and 1994, and 83 applications to the
innovations are acting as informal leaders.
Commonwealth Association for Public
The visibility these individuals gain and the Administration and Management (CAPAM)
results they achieve lead them to be international innovations award in 1998 and
Downloaded by University of Washington At 11:02 30 November 2014 (PT)

promoted rapidly to positions of formal 2000. The American award was restricted to
leadership. Politicians and senior public state and local government from 1990 to 1994
servants create organizational climates that and broadened to include the federal
will either support or stifle innovations from government in 1995. The American award
below. Creating a supportive climate would required semifinalists to complete a detailed
entail consulting staff, instituting formal questionnaire that dealt at length with the
awards and informal recognition for process of innovation and responses were
innovators, promoting innovators, protecting coded and analyzed. A questionnaire modeled
innovators from control-oriented central very closely on the American award
agencies, and publicly championing bottom- questionnaire was sent to the applicants to the
up innovations that have proven successful IPAC and CAPAM awards and responses were
and have popular appeal. also coded and analysed. For a discussion of
A key thread running through this methodological issues see Borins (1998,
analysis is that the nature of the relationship pp. 12-18).
between the political leadership, on the one 3 The next section discusses the importance of
hand, and the bureaucracy, on the other, has an organization's top leaders creating a
an impact on the nature and extent of climate favourable to innovation. This can be
innovation. If the political leadership done without their being directly involved in
distrusts the bureaucracy, it will attempt to deciding the fate of many, or even any,
particular innovations. Thus, front-line
stifle bottom-up innovation, micro-manage
innovators would work through bureaucratic
the response to crises, and use widespread
channels, rather than appealing directly to the
replacement of staff as a turnaround tool. If
political level or outside the organization.
the political leadership has a better
relationship with the bureaucracy, it will
both encourage bottom-up innovation and
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