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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine State College of Aeronautics

Fernando Airbase Lipa City

Aircraft Electrical and Ignition System

AMT 2101


For this exam/quiz/activity, I make the following truthful statement: I understand
that acts of academic dishonesty shall be penalized to the full extent as indicated in the
provision of the PhilSCA Student Manual (page 30, No.6.)

Jomary Jay Del Mundo


Signature of Student Over Printed Name

Activity Question:

Make an essay about the use of personal protective


Answer: The Personal Protective Equipment is protective helmets, clothing

and goggles or equipment to protect our body from injury and infection from
the heat, electrical, airborne particular matter and other things. Personal
protective equipment have seven(7) rules for using it properly, The first rule is
known which ppe is required for your work role that means we know what
are gonna be set for us to make our self safety. Other than that is Use the PPE
in the manner you have been trained to use it and ensure the equipment fits
and we are comfortable to use it. Be fully trained in the use of your specific
PPE and also do not misuse the PPE that you have provided. Overall it’s
better to be safety conscious than unsafe and unconscious.

 “Somebody told me I’m a failure, I’ll prove them wrong.”

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