Reed 3 Module 2

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LESSON 1 Activity | 1.1: Describe me!

1. Study the different picture below and answer the following question. Write
your answer on a piece of paper or on the space provided below.

a. What can you say about the picture above?

The pictures above shows about life of a person who is lost and seeking
God. When a person had a problem we pray and ask God for a help. God
has a big heart to always lay his hand for His children.

b. What do the pictures above signify?

The picture signify about faith in GOD. What we asked for in prayer, believe
that you have received it, and it will be yours.
c. What do you think is the message of the pictures above?
The message of the picture shows about faith . If we have faith in God, then
we completely trust that He will provide all provision needed. Have faith in
God, have complete trust and confidence. Feeling of worry, stress, fear and
doubt should never surface if we have Strong faith in GOD.


1. Using the diagram below, write at least four characteristics of a politician you



confident Faithful
Activity | 1.2: Processing
1. Based on the diagram, answer the following questions.
a) What is the finest characteristic of that politician that you like the most?

Faithful because I can say that they are trustworthy and reliable. It is good
to be faithful in their duty.

b) What do you think the reason behind why that politician was chosen by
the people?

I believed that wise people choose a good politician because they can see
that a politician has an integrity, confidence, responsibility and faithful.
Integrity and needed to handle the target assignments, They do their best
to be on time to meetings, meet project deadlines and keep people's
feelings in mind. Being confident pave way to reach the desired
objectives. Responsible and faithful to their duty.
A. Direction: Write a 1page reflection paper. Write it on a short bondpaper.
1. In what way are we similar to the way of Moses responded to God’s call
especially in this time of covid-19 pandemic?

God commanded Moses to return in Egypt to save Israelites from slavery. Even
though he is afraid a little because he had left Egypt in fear of being killed by
Pharaoh he face it. Because Moses knew that God is with him. He believed in God.
He trusted God that he can help the people from slavery. He trusted God to guide
him and show him where he was to go.

The way we are similar to Moses is we have faith in God that the world will be
okay. In this time of pandemic we get closer together to God. We pray that we will
overcome the crisis. We believed that God is with us. He will help us to survive in
this pandemic. We must pray to God. We must help each other follow the orders of
the government, and the frontliners so that we will be safe. I know God sent good
people to help us in this situation. We all can be like Moses in this time of pandemic
through believing in our God.
B. Give your best insight about the following. Minimum of 7 sentences. 10pts each
1. Described the call of Moses.

God’s call to Moses came while Moses was at work. First, God confronted Moses
and arrested his attention at the scene of the burning bush (Exod. 3:2-5). A brush
fire in the semi-desert is nothing exceptional, but Moses was intrigued by the
nature of this particular one. Moses heard his name called and responded, “Here
I am” (Exod. 3:4). Second, the Lord introduced himself as the God of the
patriarchs and communicated his intent to rescue his people from Egypt and to
bring them into the land he had promised to Abraham (Exod. 3:6-9). Third, God
commissioned Moses to go to Pharaoh to bring God’s people out of Egypt (Exod.
3:10). Fourth, Moses objected (Exod. 3:11). Although he had just heard a
powerful revelation of who was speaking to him in this moment, his immediate
concern was, “Who am I?” In response to this, God reassured Moses with a
promise of God’s own presence (Exod. 3:12a). Finally, God spoke of a
confirming sign (Exod. 3:12b).

2. What was the mission of Moses?

The Jews were living as slaves in Egypt over a thousand years after Abraham.
The mission of Moses is to save the Israelites in Egypt. Because God want to
bring them out of Egypt, where they are being treated cruelly, and will take them
to a rich and fertile land—the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites,
the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Moses return to Egypt. Moses led
the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the Holy Land that God had
promised them. The escape of the Jews from Egypt is remembered by Jews
every year in the festival of Passover.

3. What similar role do we have to take today as a response to God’s call?

Having faith in God is a similar role that we have to take today as a response to
God’s call. Moses, he trusted God and now he saved the Israelites from slavery.
Moses have lot of faith in God, even though he is afraid because he had left
Egypt in fear of being killed by Pharaoh, but still he manage to save the Israelites
from slavery. Because he has faith in God. So, Moses teaches us to have faith.

Activity | 1.1: See the difference!

Direction: Study the pictures below (1 and 2) and answer the following questions.

1 2

1. What can you say about the Picture 1 and 2?

First picture shows gathering of high status , elegant, and royalty, I can say
that they have something to give to the two persons. Second Picture shows
group of poor people, starving and hard working people.

2. Compare and contrast picture 1 to picture 2.

The first and second picture are different. Because in the first picture I can
see that they are offering to their king and Queen. In my opinion they served
them as their lord. While the second picture the people are working hard for
their life at the same time they offer it to the lord our God. I can see in the
second picture that the people are starving but they have faith in God. The
first and second picture are both serving to their lord but the difference is that
the first picture they served human who are wealthy and have a high status.
While the second is they are poor who work hard and serve only one God
who created heaven and earth.
Activity | 2.1.
Direction: Imagine writing or composing vows/covenant for your best friend or family members
you loved. What would be the content be like? Write vows below.

Vows faithful


Activity | 2.2: Processing

1. What is your dominant feeling upon doing the activity?

My dominant feeling about this is I am happy because I make my vows to my

love ones.

2. What do you think is the most essential element in a covenant?

For me it is love because we can do everything to our love ones to make them
happy. We protect and secure them. God love’s us. He is with us. He keep his
promises to us. He will do good things to us because He loves us. So we must
love and have faith in God.
Lesson 2

A. Give your best insight about the following. Minimum of 7 sentences. 10pts each

1. Why do we gather as a Christian community on Sundays?

We gather on Sundays because it is in the commandment that we should keep in mind

the holy sabbath day. We go to church to “give something” to God. We give our
worship. The reasons Christians go to church on Sunday is because we have been
rescued from our sins, united with a risen, living Christ and with each other through faith
in Jesus. We gather, praying, singing and hearing God’s word and celebrating the
ordinances of Jesus. Christians corporate joy and thankfulness to God. And it is in the
1 Corinthians 16:2 that they were to come together and give their offerings on the first
day of the week. So, that is why we do it on Sunday.

2.In what way are we guilty of misusing God’s name?

We misused God’ name through profanity. Sometimes we say o my god, that is an

example of misusing God’s name. Any time we take the name of God and remove it
from its sacred context, you are using God's name in vain. When someone takes the
Lord's name in vain, they are using His name in a perverse way. To use His name in
vain means to use it in an empty or superfluous way. The way we are guilty of it
because it is in the commandments that we should take the name of the Lord in vain.
So we must obey that.

3.How does love in marriage imitate God’s love?

It imitate God’s love because God is love. The nature of God is to love, everything
about God starts and ends with love. A marriage expresses God's ultimate love for man.
And Marriage expresses Christ's love for the church. Husband and wife must grow to
love each other unconditionally. Christ Jesus is God's gift to man by him dying on the
cross; this shows us that God was willing to give his best for us. When we look at
marriage, everything about it represents God.
A. Directions: In a sheet of paper, answer the question below concisely.
In what way do we violate the ninth commandment? Why is it that we must
be pure in our thoughts?

We violate the ninth commandment of God by having an affair to others wife. The
way you desire wrongfully. inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others.
We are ordered to be pure in thoughts and in appetite by the ninth commandment. Mere
thoughts are not always immoral in themselves about impure things, but certain ideas
are harmful. When a person thinks of unchaste actions and purposely takes pleasure in
thinking or when unchaste desire or lust is stimulated and consent is given to it,
thoughts about impure things become immoral. So we must be pure in our mind in order
to obey the 9th commandment.
This commandment focuses on thinking, unlike the other commandments which
concentrate on outward behavior. It is an imperative against setting one 's desire on
prohibited items. The act of adultery forbids one commandment. The desire for adultery
is forbidden by this commandment. One commandment bans robbery. This
commandment prevents the ability to purchase things from others.
Activity | 1.1: Describe me!

a. What can you say about the picture above?

These images display the cycle ordered by the Lord to Joshua to begin
the unfinished mission of Moses and lead the Isrealites to go to the promised
land granted by God. Moses was training Joshua to lead Israel in the first picture
if the time came when he was going to die. And that is why God used Joshua as
a means to lead the chosen people to the chosen land. The land promised by
God was full of goods. It is abundant with fruits and any other food that will meet
their daily requirements. In this picture, we can see that everything follows God's
will. They moved only when they were ordered by God to move. They were all
waiting for the word of God in order to have an simple way of doing it.
b. What do the pictures above signify?
It means that the Lord has never left the Israelites. Despite the fact that
they have endured cruelty in Egypt, The Lord shows compassion to them. This
indicates that God made a promise to them that they would be free to live and
worship Him openly. It has also shown that the job is simpler with the aid of
collaboration or teamwork.

c. What do you think is the message of the pictures above?

The message that the photos were given, there must be a good leader. A
leader who listens to God's will. A leader who makes a choice that comes from
Heaven, too. In this way, the Lord has blessed all and shielded them from the
enemies they face. For today's situation, this relationship showed in the images
was important that a leader has good relationships with his member showing the
humbleness and the individual who fears God.
Activity | 2. Hear and Watch!
2. Give your best insight about the video maximum of 15 sentences. Write it on a piece
of paper.

It was the fulfillment of God's vow to his forefathers in the book of Joshua. It all started
in Abraham's day, and his family became the Israelites people. And then they were
Egypt's slaves. It was the moment when Moses saved the Israelites and went to the
land of promise. Joshua takes over after the death of Moses and leads the Israelites to
the land of promise. Joshua continued with Moses' unfinished mission of leading the
people to Canaan. So, Joshua obey the order of God along with the Israelites. Then,
Joshua and the people conquer the land of promise. The same as what Moses did at
the Red Sea crossing. Canaan was known as the land of flowing milk and honey, the
land the Lord sowed to give to his father. With them, the struggles persisted, making
their trust in God stronger. The Israelites are going to face several wars. Joshua 's time
was a clear example of believing that in time of need there is really a God who guides
His people. Their trust was very strong because sometimes they are out of the numbers
in fights that they still win. In all times, the book of Joshua inspires the people of God to
always trust God because he will do what you want and satisfy the needs of every
A. Give your best insight about the question below.

1. What was the mission of Joshua?

Joshua's mission is to continue the fulfillment of Moses in what was promised to their
fathers by God. To let people see and touch the land of promise that was ordered to
them by God. The Lord's vow to his people to be free to live. To let Joshua and the
Israelites to take the lead, to fight great battles. To gain what Israel needs, and to go to
the promised land, for the Lord is preparing it for them. It was destined to let Israel lead
Joshua. This form of quest was a very significant part of the achievement since it
continues God's plan for him and faces yet more obstacles in their ways to ensure that
they will make it to God's promised land.
2. Do we also have missions from God? What are they?
Yes, we have our missions from God. Our mission To fulfill all God's plans in the world
in which we live. To make everyone repent of the Lord and serve him. And our mission
is to live and to love. We should love each other. We should love all the creation of God.
We should Glorify God. And also we have to accept Jesus Christ His son as our savior.
3. What is the significance of the renewal of the Covenant for us today?
the significance of the renewal of the covenant today for us to feel secure about the
promise that they gave to us. It is make us more comfortable about it, because there is
an assurance for us. For us today, the importance of the renewal of the covenant is to
acknowledge that God has already done it to show people His love. All was fulfilled, and
we should give thanks to God and live like Him in relation to the present.
B. Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.
Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False

Direction: Answer the question below concisely.
1.Compare the crossing of the Jordan in Joshua 3:14-17 to the Crossing of the Red Sea
in Exodus 14:21-29. What is the religious truth being affirmed in both?
These two are what God showed His glory, that the sea and the river were crossed by
the people, the red sea and the Jordan River. It shows that everything he ordered was
correct. It prompted the red sea to cross to mark Israel's deliverance from slavery. And
the Jordan River crossing marked the conquest of the promised land that God had
granted his people. We can see that the miracle of God actually still remains. His
miracles, then, operate with them through their obedience and confidence in God.

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