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Individualized Education Plan An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a blueprint for a child’s special
education experience at school. The Plan describes what services and supports
SPED SPEC 16 the child gets. There’s a lot to know about IEP and how to support the child
with different type of disability. Understanding IEP basics can help you get
started. On this Module, you will learn and understand the importance of
specific goals, support and services for the child to achieve success despite of
their limitations.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate understanding basics of IEP for children with special
needs and what it looks like.
2. Learn about the benefits, and students that IEPs serve
3. Apply the knowledge of making an IEP.

Directions on how to use the module properly: LESSON 1: UNDERSTANDING IEP

1. This module contains 2 lessons. Please read the discussion thoroughly so you would
understand the whole concept of each lessons. Objectives:
2. Each Lesson has specific learning outcomes which you are expected to acquire at the At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
end of the lesson.
3. Answer all Learning Activities and assessment completely. Follow each instructions 1. Demonstrate Understanding the basic concept of the IEP.
and provide specific answers or responses. Please avoid “copy and paste” behavior 2. Explain the five elements that makes an IEP
for your all essay and insights responses. If proven so, negative grade will be given. 3. Describe the effectiveness of making an IEP for children with special
4. All activities, assessment and assignment must be written in the long size needs
notebook, write the subject code/ title, your name and instructor’s name.
5. Ask for clarifications, you can call/chat/message me any time of day but not later Motivation:
than 7pm, your queries, reaction or clarification about the content of the lesson or
to the given activities. Create a bucket list. Identify your personal and professional goals. Use
this bucket list to keep yourself focused, and make an effort every day to
Prepared by: accomplish at least one small task that will lead you towards success. Read
your list on the day of our virtual meeting.
Mrs. Lara Eve T. Bisabis

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Discussion: includes communication, social

skills, eating, dressing, and mobility.
What is an IEP?
How it applies to your classroom:
IEP is an acronym that stands for Individualized Education Program. An IEP
is more than just a written legal document (or “plan”). Some people may refer The present level of performance guides:
to it as an Individualized Education Plan. It’s specially designed instruction,  The current stand of student’s skills and knowledge.
provided at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a  The student’s disability impact in the involvement and progress in the
disability. general education curriculum.
Special Education is specially designed instruction, provided at no cost to This information helps you support the student’s learning in your classroom.
parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. It can include If the student’s challenges are in the subject you teach, knowing the present
specialized activities done in gym, music or arts education and level of performance will help you adjust your instruction to meet those
specialized instruction for home, classroom and community settings. needs. Keep in mind that some challenges—like reading—may
impact many subjects.
Each program is designed to meet a student’s unique needs. The term IEP is
also used to refer to the written plan that specify the types of help the child 2. Annual Goals
needs. Both the program and the written plan are covered by special education
law, or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). All IEPs have annual goals. These goals build on the student’s present level
of performance. The IEP team believes the student should be able to achieve
Now, let us take a look what IEP looks like: the goals in one calendar year. Depending on when an IEP is written, the
goals may span more than one academic year.
5 things in IEP
1. Present level of performance goals that explain in
describes a student’s current details to what the
abilities, skills, challenges, and child be providing,
strengths at the time the IEP is about the setting
written. It covers both academic modification, the
performance and everyday assistive technologies
functional skills. he/ she will be use
and the timeframe to
Academic performance refers to reach that goals
how a student is doing based on SMART ( Specific,
grade-level standards. Measurable, Agreed,
Functional performance means Realistic Timed)
activities of daily living. This

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How it applies to your classroom: as throughout all school

Each goal describes the skill or subject area the student is focusing on and
the targeted result. It’s like a map describing where the student is going this 5. Notes and Considerations—Including Special Factors
year, the route for getting there, and the stops along the way.
An IEP generally includes a catch-all section for notes. It will have comments
3. Special Education and Related Services and concerns that the family raised at the IEP meeting. Often, this part of the
IEP also lets you know whether the student has other barriers that get in the
Every IEP has a section that describes the services a student receives. This way of learning.
includes specially designed instruction (special education) and related services
like speech therapy, occupational therapy, and social work services. An IEP How it applies to your classroom:
also states how often and where the services take place. There is also
Knowing a family’s concerns, as well as what they see as their child’s
information about any services outside the regular school year, as well as
transition planning strengths, can help you build a relationship with both students and families.
Plus, it can give insight into ways to engage the student.
How it applies to your classroom: A student whose disability involves behavior challenges that impact learning
might also have a behavior intervention plan.
It’s also helpful to know how often a student may be pulled out of your
classroom for services. You can then work with the service provider on Student Activity:
scheduling to help the student get as much instructional time in your classroom
as possible. Identification: Write your answers provided before the number. (1 pt. each)
1. This specifies child’s targeted results, and describe where the student
4. Supplementary Aids, Services, Modifications, and/or Supports should focused.
The IEP will have a 2. This is a program that educates student’s which addresses their
section on supplementary individual differences and special needs.
aids and services. It may
list accommodations, 3. This services help special education children participate and benefits
modifications, and from the general education settings.
assistive technology, 4. Any device or software that makes a child’s with disability complete
along with when and everyday tasks.
where they’ll be used.
These supports will help 5. Individualized Education Plan.
the student access learning
in your classroom, as well

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6. What curriculum that provide children without disabilities the subject What tools or supports will you have available as you are learning
matter (math, science and history) and associated skills which are your new hobby or improving your skill? Make a list of any
expected to develop and apply? supplementary aids you will need to learn your new hobby or
improve your skill.
7. IEP must be develop at least _____ a year.
8. The IEP must contain the 5 basic and important elements and information Notes and Considerations—Including Special Factors
required by ________. Make any notes below about special considerations you or others
may have about learning your hobby or improving your skill.
9. This information captures the disability of the child that affects his Also, share any concerns you may have. Write 2-5 sentences.
performance in academics and functional skills.
10. This plan contains the academics and functions progress of the child with
disability, his annual goals, what services is he needing and the
supplementary aids that help him perform in a given setting.
Practice Task
Making Your Own IEP. Take the 5 most important concepts of an IEP from Assignment
“What is an IEP?” and apply it something that you are trying to learn or a
personal aspect of your need.
For example: A habit that might you want to improve, like cooking or
reading skills. Think about a personal aspects you would like to improve and As future SPED teacher, we are responsible in identifying the limitations of our
write an IEP for yourself. students with different disabilities and have a specific needs, aligned to the concept
of IEP and Special education to pull the potential of our students without any
Present Level of Performance discrimination. State a self- reflection about the quote “Disability is a matter of
What are your present levels with your hobby or skill that you Perception”
want to improve? Write 1-2 paragraphs describing your current
abilities, skills, challenges, and strengths with that area.
Annual Goals
What annual goal(s) do you have for the hobby you want to learn
or the skill you want to improve?
Will you receive any special instruction for how you learn you
new hobby or improve a skill? How many times per week will
you be receiving this instruction? Where will this take place?
Supplementary aids

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Lesson 2: Benefits and Students of IEP motor skills, academic interest, family structure and other extra-
curricular activities.
During the Discussion on the process to special education, IDEA requires a
1. Demonstrate Understanding the importance of IEP in special education
child to be evaluated whether or not he/she is eligible to the services of the
2. Identify learners with disability that are eligible in IEP
3. Explain the disadvantage and advantage of a child with and without IEP.

Motivation Benefits of the child getting evaluated:

1. A child gets a support he need in school.
2. The school understand what was going on with the child.
On your created, bucket list for lesson 1, write less than 5 reasons why you 3. It helps the school, most importantly the teacher figures the support
hope to accomplish those? Share your reason during our virtual meeting. that might be included to the child, like accommodation in classroom
and school settings. Modification in the curriculum and assistive
The IEP is develop by the multidisciplinary teams that consist of special devices that will help him.
education teachers, general education teacher, school principal or 4. Not only the school and teacher, but also it creates understanding of
representatives and a child’s parents and a child, if the child has aged 16 child’s to find strategies at home.
years old. The opportunity that the child participate in the development of his
/ her IEP is she/ he can determine whether the identified progress and
limitation are correct and in the setting of annual goals, is it capable of her an-iep
abilities to engage or possible to his/ her limitations. Who gets an IEP?
Specific importance of IEP cannot be understated, but IEP is developed Individuals with disabilities Education Act ( IDEA) Stresses that IEP
specifically for a child with special needs to help the child attain his/ her development is only for children are eligible in Special education and under
highest potential and bale to participate in the settings (classroom, home and the 13 categories of exceptionalities which a child’s educational performance
community) and show progress in priority areas. must be adversely affected due to his or her disability.
So why IEP is needed in Special Education? Autism Multiple disabilities
1. The importance of the IEP are the measurable and specific goals. As Deaf-blindness Orthopedic impairment
Deafness Other Health impairment
what you learned in the lesson 1, the goals must be SMART. These
Developmental delay Specific Learning Disability
helps and allows the student to have more opportunities to reach the
Emotional Disturbance Speech 0r language impairment
Hearing impairment Traumatic Brain injury
2. IEP’s are focused in the achieving the understanding of whole areas
Intellectual Disability Visual impairment – including blindness
of the child, these includes the strength, dislikes, motors and fine

| College of Teacher Education, NORSU-BSC 1st Semester 2020-2021 | College of Teacher Education, NORSU-BSC 1st Semester 2020-2021
11 12 INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY significantly sub average general

special-education-students-are-important.aspx intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive
behavior and manifested during the development period.
AUTISM - means a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal
and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident MULTIPLE DISABILITY
before age three,that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA),
- Difficulty relating to others in a typical manner. multiple disabilities refers to “concomitant [simultaneous] impairments (such
- Extreme aloneness that seemed to isolate the child from the outside as intellectual disability-blindness, intellectual disability-orthopedic
world. impairment, etc.), the combination of which causes such severe educational
- Resistance to being picked up or held by the parents. needs that they cannot be accommodated in a special education program
solely for one of the impairments. The term does not include deaf-blindness.”
DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY - developmental delay, as defined by each
State, means a delay in one or more of the following areas: physical
development; cognitive development; communication; social or emotional disabilities/
development; or adaptive [behavioral] development.
EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE Defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as “a
- Inability to learn that cannot be explained satisfactorily by severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational
intellectual, sensory or health factors. performance.” IDEA specifies that this term “includes impairments caused
- An inability to build or maintain satisfactorily interpersonal by a congenital anomaly [birth defects], impairments caused by disease
relationship with peers and teachers. (e.g., poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis), and impairments from other causes
- Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal (e.g., cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or burns that cause
circumstances contractures).”
- A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. Orthopedic impairments involve physical disabilities which could affect the
- A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with academic process.
personal or school problems.
HEARING IMPAIRMENT impairments/#:~:text=An%20orthopedic%20impairment%20is%20defined,
Deafness means a hearing loss that is so severe that the child is %5D%2C%20impairments%20caused%20by%20disease%20(
impaired in processing linguistic information through learning.
Hearing loss means a loss in hearing, whether permanent or
fluctuating, that adversely affects child’s education performance but that is OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRMENT
not under the definition of deafness. means having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened
alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with
respect to the educational environment, that—

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- Is due to chronic or acute health problems such as asthma, attention or temporary impairment of cognitive, physical, and psychosocial
deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, functions, with an associated diminished or altered state of consciousness.
diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning,
leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, and
Tourette syndrome; and Adversely affects a child’s educational Student Activity: CROSSWORD.
performance. Instruction: Read the Clues in the box below and fill in the correct answers.


Means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological process involved
in the understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may 8
manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write 3 7
or spell or to do mathematical calculations,
including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal
1 9
brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia.


- A communication disorder such as stuttering” provides an example
of a fluency disorder; other fluency issues include unusual word 5
repetition and hesitant speech.
- Impaired articulation” indicates impairments in which a child
experiences challenges in pronouncing specific sounds.
- A language impairment” can entail difficulty comprehending words
properly, expressing oneself and listening to others.
- A voice impairment” involves difficulty voicing words; for instance,
throat issues may cause an abnormally soft voice. Cross Down

( 1. Ex. Braille 6. Inability to perform task

languageimpairments/#:~:text=The%20Individuals%20with%20Disabilities 2. A blueprint of child in sped 7. Problem in social skills
%20Education,Each%20point%20within%20this%20official) 3. Symptoms: Fidget 8. Needed to be SPED eligible
4. A federal law of SPED 9. Program for children with
TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY 5. Intellectual Disability disability & impairment
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a nondegenerative, noncongenital insult to 10. Difficulty in reading
the brain from an external mechanical force, possibly leading to permanent

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Assignment: Reflection
Hi! My Name is Maleah, 12 years old and I have Down syndrome. This
First, Get a Goal:
school year I’ll be start schooling. They say I need an IEP to help me
succeed, I don’t know if IEP is good or bad for me. A goal is an idea of the future. It is your desired results, a plan and
commitment that you as an educator need and thrive to achieve. As your
Can you help me explain the disadvantage and advantage of having an
practice teaching is fast approaching, have you set your goal to what you want
to become? Or imagine what you need to do? Or you just have to wait and see?
In this reflection, look yourself in the mirror look into your eyes, and say “I
am a future special teacher of special kid, who waits me to change his/ her
life”. Do I know my plans? As your Mentor, share with me your commitment
and plans. Write your goals as a Special education Teacher.



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NORSU HEALTH ADVISORY FOR COVID-19 9. Postpone mass gatherings to curb the spread of the virus. It is suggested strongly
(Coronavirus Disease 2019 Prevention/ 2nd Edition: August that you follow the recommendations of the DOH/Local Government with the
2020) number of people allowed to gather following social distancing.
How to Protect Yourself and Others 10.Without proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), avoid close contact with
sick people
As of August 2020, there are currently no vaccines available and no proven antiviral 11.Seek advice and get proper assessment from City Health doctors/Hospitals or
drugs to protect us against COVID-19. However, we may be able to reduce possible any equipped and accepting physician if you have fever, cough, colds, sore
risk of its infection by doing the following: throat, difficulty breathing, and any respiratory illness.
1. Wash your hands anytime as needed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. 12.Be aware that OFWs and LSIs are subjected to fourteen (14) Days self-
You can also use a hand sanitizer or an alcohol with 70% solution antiseptic quarantine with proper coordination with the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF)/
disinfectant if soap and water are not available. City Health or Barangay Health Unit starting from the date of arrival in this
2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. province/country for proper guidance and assessment.
3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing (a cough 13.Seek advice from the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF)/City Health or Barangay
etiquette), then throw the tissue into the trash bin. Do not forget to wash your Health Unit if you have possible exposure to a probable or confirmed COVID-
hands after. 19 patient.
4. Use face mask while in public areas. This face mask has to be used when we 14.Be aware that a “No Smoking” health advice is encouraged because smokers
feel sick with fever, cough, colds, sore throat and other respiratory symptoms. are more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection as it increases the chance for
The use of face shield is recommended as an additional protection. bilateral viral pneumonia in which 25% of them have been admitted to ICU
5. Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces using alcohol with 70% solution (Intensive Care Unit) needing mechanical ventilation or, worst, they could die
antiseptic disinfectant or 0.5 % chlorine solution (DOH: 900ml water mixed once infected with COVID 19 based on recent studies.
with 100ml bleach or 90 ml water mixed with 10ml bleach).Note: Chlorine 15.Drink enough water and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.
solution is not recommended for misting and spraying as well as hand washing 16.Cook food thoroughly.
or for any skin contact. Wiping objects with cloth for disinfection is 17.Wash spoon, fork, and other eating utensils properly.
recommended by the Department of Health (DOH). 18.Avoid close contact with sick or dead farm/wild animals. Avoiding contact with
6. Maintain social distancing especially in public areas by observing 1 meter space live wild animals is also recommended (e.g., bats, snakes, etc.).
(DOH Recommendation) apart from each other (front and back) to comply with 19.Try not to worry too much if you are not truly at risk.
the social distancing protocol. 20.Stop posting or sharing false/fake news as well as inaccurate information that
7. Avoid handshaking, touching, hugging, kissing or any form of physical contact. may lead to panic and undue distress.
These are definitely discouraged. 21.Pray always for each other, for our families and friends as well as for our
8. Avoid unnecessary travel community, country, and loved ones. Seek divine protection from Him against
this COVID-19 pandemic.

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Note: For Clinic Consultations, please call the University Clinic first for advice, Negros Oriental State University strives to achieve:
guidance, and triage to determine who will be referred to the Hospital/City Health N- national development through effective partnership
and who will be catered for at the clinic for physical consultation. Here is the O- opportunity-laden educational access to poor but deserving students
University Clinic’s contact number: (035) 225-9400 local 187. R- research-based and competency-driven instruction
S- scholarship and innovation
NORSU CARE CENTER U- unity in diversity of cultures
Amid the presence of COVID 19, the CARE Center
continues to offer its services to the students and employees of CORE VALUES
NORSU through our Hotline Service, Facebook Messenger, email, S -spirituality
landline, and other Online-based Counseling.
We will be happy to be of help because WE CARE for YOU. A-accountability
Should there be any need for Counseling Service, please do
P -professionalism
not hesitate to connect with us. Details are shown below:
P -patriotism
NORSU- Monday-Friday Contact person: Mrs. Annabelle Reyes
Bayawan-Sta. 10:00-12:00 Phone: (035) 430 0248 H -harmony
Catalina noon Mobile #: 0936 471 3645
Campus 3:00-5:00 p.m. I -integrity
R -respect
E –excellence

NORSU VISION-MISSION, GOALS, CORE VALUES, Negros Oriental State University commits itself to provide quality
QUALITY POLICY instruction, research, extension services and production as well as to
VISION : A dynamic, competitive, and globally responsive state comply with applicable regulatory requirements and continual
university improvement of its management system.

MISSION: The university shall provide excellent instruction,

relevant and responsive research and extension services, and quality-
assured production through competent and highly motivated human
---- KEEP SAFE-----


| College of Teacher Education, NORSU-BSC 1st Semester 2020-2021 | College of Teacher Education, NORSU-BSC 1st Semester 2020-2021

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