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Syllabus Sample

Topics Outcomes Mode of Delivery Activities and Assessment

Topics – These are the topics that are already in the syllabus. However, if you feel like you should re-cluster or re-design the scope and sequence
of your topics to meet the needs of the dates/sequencing as well as the viability for online comprehension, then go ahead and revise first then
place the topics here.

Specific Learning Outcomes – SMART outcomes that follow Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude (or Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor).

Mode of Delivery – Choose between the following, or a combination, of each: (a) Recorded video, (b) PDF Readings, (c) Video Conferencing,
(d) Chats and/or Forums, (e) Web-based lessons/Readings. This part will help you prepare any of these modes of deliveries in advance.

Activities with Time Allotments – These activities can be in the form of Forums, Individual and Group Reports (live or recorded), Chats, Video
conferences, graffiti, and other activities that will be possible online. These activities are not necessarily graded. The time allotments will help
you decide on the depth and scope of these activities.

Formative and Summative Assessments – Place here activities such as quizzes or online recitations (through forums) which are formative in
nature. Also place here any Summative assessments in the form of major exams and major authentic projects or papers.

Resources – The most important preparations that you’ll need to do in terms of online learning is the collection and use of different resources.
Place here general (PDF, URL, Video) or specific references to the resources that you need to prepare. It is recommended that you become
specific. Make sure the said resources align properly with your objectives. Examples of resources are the PDF readings that you can download or
prepare yourself, the videos from Youtube that you want them to view, or videos that you yourself will produce. Resources provided by
publishers through their textbooks, as well as ebooks, are also meant to be here.

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