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lookup_ext feature in BODS

Posted on November 9, 2014 by Adil Siddiqui — Leave a comment

Scenario is while generating data from ECC (VBAK and VBAP) output in one table with some additional field
like MTART (Material Type) and MBRSH (Industry Sector)

 Create Project
 Create Workflow
 Create Dataflow and Double Click

 Drag VBAK and VBAP and connect to Query as below

 Double click on “Query Transform” icon

 Transfer some fields to schema out
 Define proper relationship
 Add new primary field “Row_id” and Map function “gen_row_num()”

 To get information from other table. Right Click and Click “New Function Call..”
 Select “Lookup Functions” and then select “lookup_ext”. Click “Next”

 Click arrow on “Lookup table” and select table

 Assign Condition and Output fields as below and click “Finish”
 Now your output will look like

 Create Template Table for Materials

 Connect Query transform to Template Table

 Execute
 Check the output result in SQL Server with 2 addition fields.

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