Analysis, Application and Exploration

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We just finished our discussion! Now, let’s do some activity/ies or exercise/s that
demonstrate/s earned skills/knowledge based on what you have learned.

INSTRUCTIONS: Input your answers on the online text box provided in 'add

submission' button.

A. Based on the discussions in this module, write an essay about your personal
experiences, analyze how problems were rooted in Filipino characteristics, and with
the benefit of hindsight, recommend how you would have done things differently.

 I have no existing major problem for now but I know one minor I am going through right
now. I’m having a hard time on my study because I am quite lazy when it comes to
school works getting done specially now that our situation is not the same anymore, we
have online class but we do not have online teaching and that makes the situation
harder. At first, I felt excited and diligent at the beginning of the class because I am
getting bored at home and I want to study already. I was really productive at first but
when the time passes by, I get to realize the situation that it was really hard to study this
way. In some students’ cases, some teachers are willing to help to make their study
easier but as the time goes by, the help is fading. they need to read and pass the
requirements without even taught by the teachers. This is what we call Filipino culture,
“Sa una lang magaling.” On the other hand, I am also learning with this situation, I need
to be independent and responsible because we will not be accompanied not all the

B. In this activity, identify at least three weaknesses of Filipino Moral Character and why do you
think it is important to us to improve on these areas?

 Kanya-kanya Syndrome: self-serving attitude that generates feeling of envy and

competitiveness towards others (status vs prestige). It is also known as crab mentality
that is lack of appreciation resulting unhealthy competition. This character must be
improved because this might cause greediness in something that leads to stepping on
someone’s personality.
 Colonial Mentality: Patriotism vs Active awareness. I believe that this is the major issue
in the Filipino, luck of love and appreciation on what they have. This must be improved
because I believe that if one person has its patriotism and nationalism attitude; if we will
love our own country then there is no such thing as “problem” in the Philippines.

 Lack of Discipline: relaxed attitude but poor time management; impatient and unable to
delay gratification or reward. Not all the Filipino but most of them are lacking of
discipline. Just look at the environment of the Philippines and how dirty the manila is.
This character must be improved so that our country could attract more tourist.

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