Soal Us 2017 Kode A

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Kelompok : Semua Program Keahlian Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

Tingkat : XII Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30

Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures
Questions : 1 to 3
For each item, you will see a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the
tape. They are spoken TWICE, and are not written out in your test book, so you must listen
carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), or (D) - that best describes the picture.
Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Example: Look at the following picture.

Now, listen to the following statements.

A. The young boy is smiling at the patient.

B. The two ladies are about the same age.

C. The nurse is talking to the patient.

D. The lady standing is very skinny.

Choice (A) ‘The young boy is smiling at the patient’ best describes what is seen in the picture.
Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.
Let’s begin with question number 1.


Part II. Questions – Responses
Questions : 4 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by four
responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers
say. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear
Woman : Could you tell me how to get to the convention centre?
You will also hear
Man : (A) No. the convention was already over.
(B) Sure. Go two blocks and turn left.
(C) Yes. I have to get it.
(D) Yes. I met her there.
Choice (B) - “Sure. Go two blocks and turn left.” - is the best response to the question “Could
you tell me how to get to the convention centre?”Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III. Short Conversations

Questions : 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on
your answer sheet.
You will hear : Woman : I ordered that last Tuesday. It should have arrived by now.
Man : Maybe there was a delay in sending it. Have you called them?
Woman : Not yet. I will call them now.
You will read : What will the woman probably do?
A. Phone the company
B. Order the software
C. Arrive at the sotre
D. Cancel the order
Choice (A) – ‘Phone the company’ – is the best answer to the question, ‘What will the woman
probably do?’ Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the woman mean?

A. She refuses the idea
B. She agrees to the advise
C. She doesn’t decide it
D. She has a good idea

9. Why is the dress worth buying?

A. It’s not expensive
B. It’s the prettiest among all
C. It looks fit with the woman’s body
D. It’s good looking

10. What will the man do?

A. He will propose her
B. He will not edit it
C. He will help her
D. He will go soon

11. When do they have to move to the new place?

A. Not later than April 1st
B. After April 1nd
C. As soon as possble
D. At the end of April

Part IV

Question 12 to 15
Directions : In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two
times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and
remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will
be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it
on your answer sheet.
Questions no.12 and 13 refer to the following announcement

12. What is the announcement about?

A. Special offers from a department store.
B. Grand opening of a new book store.
C. Special discount in a restaurant.
D. A music concert in a park.
13. How many coupons for free drink are available tonight?
A. 100
B. 200
C. 250
D. 2000

Question no.14 and 15 refer to the following monolog

14. What is the speaker talking about?

A. His/her working experience.
B. His/her unforgetable experience.
C. The trip from Jakarta to Bandung by train.
D. The performance of his/her favorite dancers.

15. What time did they arrive at Jakarta ?

A. 05.00 a.m
B. 05.00 p.m
C. 09.00 a.m
D. 09.00 p.m

This is the end of the listening section.

Reading Section
Questions 16 – 18 refer to the following descriptive text

The Maritime Museum (Indonesian: Museum Bahari) is located inside the former Dutch East
India Company warehouses. The museum focuses on the maritime history of Indonesia and the
importance of the sea to the economy of present-day Indonesia. It displays models of fishing
boats and other maritime objects from different parts of Indonesia. During the Japanese
occupation, the warehouses were used as a logistic storage for the Japanese army. In 1976, the
building was declared a cultural property. The building was inaugurated as a museum displaying
the maritime history of Indonesia on July 7, 1977.
16. What does the text tell us about?
A. The history of the Dutch East India Company.
B. The location of Maritime Museum of Indonesia..
C. The maritim history of Indonesia.
D. The description of Maritime Museum of Indonesia.

17. What was the museum building used for during the Japanese occupation?
A. As a warehouse for the Dutch army.
B. As logistic storage for the Dutch army
C. To keep weapons and ammunitions.
D. As a logistic storage for Japanese army.
18. When was the museum building declared as cultural heritage?
A. During the Dutch occupation.
B. Before it was inagurated as a museum.
C. After it was inagurated as a museum.
D. During the Japanese occupation.

Questions 19 – 20 refer to the following procedure


1 egg, 50 g cheese, ¼ cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.


Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate.

1. Crack an egg into a bowl!
2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth!
3. Add milk and whisk well!
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir!
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan!
6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan!
7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns!
8. Cook both sides!
9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper!
10. Eat while warm!

19. What is the goal of the procedure above?

A. How to make fried rice
B. How to make a cheese cake
C. How to make an omelet
D. How to make milk shake

20. What should the readers do after grating the cheese?

A. Add milk
B. Add pepper
C. Heat the oil
D. Stir well
Questions 21 – 22 refer to the following story

Afgan Syahreza’s career began when he and a few friends decided to record a private
album at Wanna B Instant Recording Studio. The producers at the studio offered him a contract
when they heard him sing. His first album, Confession No.1, was released in January 2008. It is a
mix of jazz, pop, and R&B influences. In 2010, he released his second album, The One.
He won the Best Solo Male Vocalist Award for the song “Terima Kasih Cinta” at
the 2009 Anugerah Musik Indonesia. In the same year, he made his first debut into acting when
he appeared in the film Bukan Cinta Biasa with Olivia Jensen and he also sang the title track for
the film's soundtrack. In 2010, he also appeared in the film Cinta 2 Hati and performed on the
film's soundtrack.

21. Why was Afgan offered a contract ?

A. Because he uploaded his record in a social media.
B. Because he and his friends sent a proposal to a producer.
C. Because the producers of a recording studio heard him sing.
D. Because he performed in a film and he sang the title track for it.

22. When did Afgan prove his talent for acting for the first time?
A. In 2008
B. In 2009
C. In 2010
D. After 2010

Questions 23 – 24 refer to the following label

Do not remove this tag
Warn children of potential risk
To avoid risk of death when using this product:
1. Always unplug after using
2. Do not store or use near water
3. Do not allow to fall into bathtub or sink
4. If product falls into water, unplug before removing
from water

23. Where would this label probably be found?

A. On a poisonous substance
B. On a bottled product
C. On a bath product
D. On an electrical appliance

24. Which one of the following should someone NOT do when using this product?
A. Take a bath
B. Plug it in
C. Return it to the store
D. Have children nearby
Questions 25 – 26 refer to the following job description

As a careers adviser you will provide information, advice and guidance to help people
make realistic choices about their education, training and work. You will deal with a range of
people, from school children over the age of 13, up to adults who may want a career change or
need help with further training.
Careers advisers help to identify options for suitable careers, build CVs, identify skills
gaps, advise on where to search for jobs, help with the application process and locate relevant
training courses.You can work in a range of locations in the public, private and voluntary sectors,
including schools, colleges and local authorities.

25. What does a careers adviser provide for a client?

A. Education fee support.
B. Information, advice and guidance.
C. Schools, colleges, and authorities.
D. Education, occupation and location.

26. What is implied from the text ?

A. Workers get jobs from careers advisers.
B. Careers advisers build houses to the clients.
C. Careers advisers will deal with delivery service.
D. Careers advisers help clients find suitable careers.

27. Read the following dialog and answer the question.

Nita : Wow that looks delicious! May I have some?

Fahri : Of course, here you are. My mom made it.
Nita : Great! But you used to have lunch at the cafeteria.
Fahri : You are right. But since my mom joined a cooking class, she always prepared
meals for me and I like taking them to school.
Where does the dialog probably happen?
A. At office.
B. At school.
C. In a cooking class cafeteria.
D. In a school library.

28. Read the following dialog and answer the question.

Citra : What s your routine activities as a secretary?
Arum : First, I file the correspondence of the previous day, then I open the morning
mail. After that, my employer usually orders me to type some lettters or to set
up an agenda for him. Sometimes I also arrange a meeting.

According to the dialog, which one of the following is the responsibility of a secretary?
A. To set up an agenda.
B. To lead a meeting.
C. To clean the hall.
D. To supervise the staffs.
29. Read the following dialog and answer the question.

Darren : I am thinking of visiting Bali next week. I want to see Barong Dance
performance there.
Anne : It sounds interesting. Let’s find a reliable tour agent and set the
What can be implied from the dialog?
A. Darren has a plan to visit Bali
B. Darren wants to be a tour guide
C. Darren will perform Barong dance
D. Darren has a busy schedule

For questions 30-41, choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialog

30. Kana : Your brother is a bit careless. Don’t you think so?
Juni : ... he often forgets where he puts his keys.

A. You’re right.
B. I’m not sure.
C. That’s so wrong.
D. I have to disagree.

31. Ratna : As far as I’m concerned, .... .

Oki : Well, I don’t suppose so. Some films have good stories which lead us to learn
about life. We can also learn foreign languages from them.

A. Watching western film is useless

B. Listening to music is nice.
C. Doing sports is important.
D. Watching films give advantages.

32. Andy : ….. on your new project?

Brian : I will be glad if you help me dealing with the computer work.
Andy : With pleasure. I will do my best.
A. Could you help me
B. Could someone help her for me
C. Could I help you
D. Could I give a hand for them
33. Teacher :  ….. The short one would be ok.
Student : What about the grammar exercises, do we need to revise them ?
Teacher : No, we will discuss them together in the next meeting.

A. You must do exercise.

B. You need to revise your essay.
C. You don't have to write a long essay.
D. You should finish soon.

34. Mark : Would you be quiet, please? … .

Shane : But we are discussing an essential part which is going to be presented later.
Mark : I understand but please do that after meeting, OK?

A. We are preparing the proposal

B. We are having an important meeting
C. We are controlling the staff
D. We are conducting a competition

35. Father : Angga, you should turn on the lamp. You need enough light when you are
Angga : ... , Dad. I’ll turn it on

A. No, I can’t
B. I’d rather not
C. Well, I’m not sure
D. Certainly

36. Ida : We’re too early. We have to wait 15 minutes.

Heni : How do you know that?
Ida : Look it is written on the restaurant’s window, it says that ... from 08.00 a.m
until 08.00 p.m.

A. It opens everyday
B. It renovates every year
C. It often packs and delivers
D. It usually returns the machine

37. Andra  : Hi, Dian. I’ve got a brochure about Sheila on 7 concert next Sunday.
Dian    : Really? I haven’t seen the concert since last year.
Andra  : Yeah, that’s why I tell you. I know it’s your favorite group band. …, I want you
to come to the concert with me.

A. Thank you for inviting me

B. Please be a good fan of them
C. Would you sing at the concert?
D. If you don’t mind
38. Onny : I just don’t understand why people smoke cigarettes.
Pika : Neither do I. Smoking ruins our health.
Onny : Yes. It’s also a waste of money. They will be able to save much money
if ………………
A. they stopped smoking
B. they will stop smoking
C. they had stopped smoking
D. they stop smoking

39. Bob : Hi Dolph, … .

Dolph : Well, I’m not sure Bob. Perhaps, I will stay at home.
Bob : There will be a “Stand Up Comedy Show “ in the campus hall. What do you

A. What will you prepare for the concert?

B. What would you like to sing?
C. What’s your plan for the music studio?
D. What will you do this Saturday Night?

40. Bella : How was your trip to Lampung, Mom.

Mother : I wish you had joined with us. Your father and I ... It was nice and we were
happy. We met relatives and old friends there.

A. Didn’t enjoy the trip.

B. Enjoyed the trip very much.
C. Didn’t like to stay there.
D. Wanted to go home soon.

41. Guest : Hello. I’m Robert from room 302. Can I have my laundry now? It was picked
by the roomboy yesterday. I need it now.
Clerk : Your laundry is done, Sir. ... to your room right away.
Guest : Thank you.

A. It will be fixed
B. It will be delivered
C. It is washed and ironed
D. It’s still being laundered
Questions 42 – 44 , complete the following text with the words provided


787B Orchard Road, Singapore

February 20, 2017

The Blue Diamond Merchandise
East Java

Dear Sir,

We saw your advertisement in the “Monalisa” a few days ago and are interested with your scarfs.

Please let us (42) .... the details of your product together with the sample, terms of payment and
the price list. If the quality is satisfactory and the terms are reasonable, (43) ... will place a large
order (44) ... . Could you give us details of discount and the fastest delivery please.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Han

42. A. read
B. send
C. give
D. have

43. A. you
B. she
C. he
D. we

44. A. gradually
B. diligently
C. immediately
D. carelessly

Questions 45 – 47 , complete the following text with the words provided

The Artist Committee for The Press Fund Show would like ….. (45) express our
appreciation to you and to all of your colleagues who presented pieces for consideration.
While we regret that your pieces cannot be included in the exhibition, we want you to know
how much we ….. (46) your participation in this unique event. We were encouraged by both
the size of the response and the quality of the works presented. We were determined to
include as many artists as possible, but the logistics of mounting any exhibition of this kind
made ….. (47) inevitable that we cannot include all the pieces we have liked.

45. A. in
B. to
C. of
D. by

46. A. appreciate
B. regret
C. reject
D. approve

47. A. you
B. it
C. them
D. him

Questions 48 – 50, complete the following text with the words provided

How to clean a smartphone screen.

(48) ... the device. If the screen is dark, it will be easier to see the areas that are dirty or
oily.Turning the device off also prevents you (49) ... accidentally pushing buttons you don't
actually want to push, which happens a lot when cleaning touchscreen devices like tablets, iPads,

Use a dry, (50) ... cloth and very gently wipe the screen with a microfiber cloths or dry eraser,
both equally fantastic choices.

48. A. buy
B. fired
C. turn off
D. switch on

49. A. by
B. from
C. during
D. without

50. A. thick
B. bright
C. rough
D. soft

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