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“A Study of working Capital Management on the profitability of India

Infoline Finance Ltd”

In finance the study deals with the Investment. Finance Cover the changes in assets

and liabilities over the time period with degree of risk and return. It is also defined

science of money management. The company success depend upon its working

capital. Working capital show the financial strength of a company.

Working Capital Management defined the total of all current assets. In respect to

other term it is the Gross working capital for current Assets. It can also defined as

the excess of current assets over current liabilities and provisions. It can be

obtained through the following.

Working Capital = Current Assets – Current


Objectives of the study

The objective of the study is to determine the impact of working capital

management on the profitability of India Infoline Finance Ltd. Working Capital

Management is important instrument for any firms and financial institutions.

Success or failure of any firm or financial institution depends on its investment in

current assests.
The main Objective of this study is to examine the working capital management on

profitability of India Infoline Finance Ltd. The specific objectives are as follow:

1. To analyze the working Position of the company

2. To analyze the relationship between working capital management and

profitability of the company.

Need of the study

 The study aims of profitability to ensure the survival of the company for the

long run.

 It helps to maintain proper Balance sheet between profitability, risk and

liquidity of the business.

 The management of working capital helps to manage all the factor affecting the

working capital in the most profitable manner.

Reason to select this topic

The reason to select this topic is related to working capital management and

profitability. Working capital management is related with the short-term assets.

Significant amount of total assets is invested in current assets are invested in

current assets. So, it is necessary to select the topic to know more about the
working capital management in organization. The significance of the study of its

important for following reasons:

1. This study will attempt to measure the efficiency on working capital of the firm

and there by anyone can easily know how far it has been successful in this area.

2. This study will provide relevant and pertinent literature for the future research

on the area of working capital management and profitability.

Research Methodology

Data is an integral part of the research report. In research several method used for

the collection of the data but it is categorizes in two, i.e. Primary data and

Secondary data.

For this project secondary sources used are:

 Annual report of the company

 Company website

 Books

 Articles

 Journals

 Magazines

 Newspapers report
 Research Scholars

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