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| famazing Sree pees cand oe ; THE atari 47 YEARS i CES TELS CS MAGAZINE | FROM THE MAKERS OF UNCUT GUNIEN LA. | AN INTRODUCTION BY RONNIE WOOD. THE ROLLING STONES! Frsh-faced (almost) andeager.the storystarts inLondon'sTinPanAlly... We know a lot of people don’t like us because we're scruffy and don’t wash. So what?” 1964: NE profiesthe five (ris itsie?)nextbigthings asthe Stones debuttakes theUKbystorm {4THEROLLING stonEs No. 210 England's newesthitmakers sell RivBhacktothestates OD stimdreading oldage. ‘There are only very few old eople who are happy...” Fintan oce: Jagger raps outhis worldview wth lig at fashion politics, ‘TheBeachBoys...andjustabouteverytingelse OBRETWEEN THE BUTTONS A sharptakeonSwingingLondon anda showeaseforBrian Jones We are moving after minds” 1967: Jagger ondrug busts, ots andthe horrors of touring America. 30 THEIR SATANIC MAsESTIES REQUEST! Psychedeli genius orapaleimitationot ‘TheBeatles..? 9. sfonjcan't bring back an era that is dead” 1969:Keithlthammeets he troopsas theyplana rnewcampaign armed with “humpin’ Jack Flash” ggnEccaRs anquerm The gokienagebegins. Ss 9B The days oftysterin are fading. [);2copte cannot afford to, Deine MO eit 1969: The deathof Brian Jones andMickTaylo's debutin HydePatke THE STONES AT ALTAMONT Photo spreae:the Hell Argelsinactin, California, December’69 AGLETIT BLEED Sexes, apocalypse! Oneof ther greatest works. ABSTICKY FINGERS cory hes and swaggering sou:thebandjourney deep into American music, andemergetriumphant Balsa OUTOPOUR HEADS ‘twat, [BrraonestneStnes Trosodthe ANTE 2 Mids gee pioneer. Re enttaerspencutsssucteee pacer Ses {garenuarits (GSS pest ONMAN st Remitonsartenesrot: | tetenatno | ODmrinesriey soasee thedeguerRichadsnetinents, _sldacerestot masterpacerevisnd.- Seba states es HgcoAts HEAD sourm The'73comedown:darkand strung-outfunkin Jamaica “We really didn’t care about ‘a i. Aethesipwtha reflective Mick Jagger, taking stockonthe band's first decade, 7 IZSONEYROGECN ROLL Aband reborn say goodbyeto Mick Taylor TP styoure gonna get wasted, get wasted elegantly...” | (HSHIAIECA2874:Keithsheds ight onthe scandals the crugs andthe gus. TQRLACKAND BLUE A surprisedownindrtyhitasgutaristsineup forthetop binrock. “What terrible monster lam” SSTATIITTITG77: Jagger talks violence, religion and Keith's impending drugtriatn Toronto SOME GIRLS! Againstall odds, fine disco/rock/actfusion slotsrightinto 78 UNCUT 9 Inallfaieness to the poppy, never once did Ihavea cold...” ‘(SSIRIVTT ANT 1978: Melody Maker Keithand Anita discuss Si Vicious, Rastafarans andhowabstinencemales your teeth growback. EMOTIONAL RESCUE! Adsittina ‘woridofpunk, opandgreatexpectations QB RATS YOUN stthomus xine offuts,just whenthey needecthemmost. 9 UNDERCOVER Rock’soriginalbad bo epatagetteVereen 10 102;o%eteinaumique position, No-one’s taken it beyond this rm 506 eth onetgigh ines playing at Live Aidandtryingtogrow up.. 10 {10voonectoenceee Bye byeBil Wyman, asbusinossgoeson witha mixed bagofbackto-basicsrockers {12:2ever looked to bean outlaw, they said [was one. ‘They made me one...” “11985. rejwenctedKeefon surviving “en unbelevablelif.” 12 {2pAncorn mann Eight years on, alate, lengthy classic {oqTaetvearsons ThecompeteSersin concer clue 128 ceca maisanyaitereneto ‘whatwe do. ‘2008: Shine ALightiscomplete ‘and the ist Century Stones arebacktobickerng... DIRTY WORK band atwarmakerockwithouttherol STEEL WHEELS Thereconelation that kepttheStonesrolingforanewdecade BRIDGES TO BABYLON Fiction againasMickattempts toupdlate the Stones 19BTHECOMEUATIONSD A guide tothe myriad Stones collections {42 nmstonesmscuttany USreleases,so/0L?s,collectablesandmore 14gstor=: ReyCarrolsbackstagewiththeStonesat thetmpressBalroom, Blackpool, 1964 Whe shad mPeTt Erotic An EDITOR Hc ins Sesto” PRONRON ETO ik ede ‘os Do es Dos Stereo fa Graeme ogee sie = Rr Dele feos ore, rt Pn Peete {rin fate Antti Roel Te aes Tm Benl sencinr THA: Wee Seber Sir of Me NiaBooh Yu Can as Cer hau Woes? IPC|INSPIRE “"*""Notvinet}cnesranrennveanninpaest rae reac unnrvereanarecooe EE THEROLLINGSTONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE |3 a TEU I ans ar ies eT IP LI ST eT CT gSE EVO AUTORe ray ee mer ere ne LeeCeons audition tojoin The RollingStones. I still think of PESO ea re ete eee Pens en eae es can ee Ty ame ae Ree cet oe Da Se ae ee nee Prater ie eet eee ee ett en noe ee eer ae tec Lots of other guitar players wanted to join the band and lots were ee ee et ee tolivewith them, Clapton once said to me:"I could havehad that job’. [told De ane ee es ee enc Oe See Sot et eee COR the Stones: just lasting this long, knowing where the next bunch offives ioe cin erates ea Eee en nee eee ee aC eee hittingourheights asalive band. Pre oer our entire Cua moe wasaround. When [joined the Stones, Ihad to learn M40 newsongs, but | also helped sharpen them up and made them appreciate the things they eeu n en Seah On eA eo PUR eae CROCUS eae oN ea Oe Coreen el er er on know they do, because I want to hearit I still bring that fan’s aspect to being theband and that’s partof what keeps us fresh. I geta kick outof that, Cena eto Cac eneanemne aor emu ec Ned ceo ace ten ORNs ceed ae ee ee nets a fantastic commit e i Onn mem i LI cn aera osc cas Reenter Sere mae eee Serer een ent ea COE Sinn SoA) VTE AILLING oT ONES: ALBUMS THE ROLLING STONES ‘emotions, hipshakes~buti'salsoabout themindseye,andifweconcentratehard ‘enough, wecanseethe blackvanturnoffSt Giles High Street ntoDenmarkStand park outside No 4 The RollingStonesclamberoutof theback,chaperoned by manager Andrew Didhamand’sixthmember lansStewatt. Each R=: VROLLISaboutinstinets, adrenalin, ‘onehasacigaretteinhishand, and Brian Jones holds a Daily Mirroroverhisheadto protecthis blondlocksfrom the January drizzle Such vanity! Thedoorway fRegent Sound Recording Studiosisbarelynine fectaway Thisiswhereithegins. Themostexaltedand exquistelyarrogantalbumcatalogteinthe history ofbipedal primates. tere, where they startbuildingit-FortheStones, the roadaheadivillbealitecinocompromise.a lesson inself-governanee,aparadaxofchange and continuity Therewillbe feuds, addictions, crises, deaths. The odyssey willbe Homeric crossfirohurricanes,ragingblitzkriegs, ‘encounterswith monkey men, parachute womenandstrangecat people. Do hey tll ‘wanttorollthedico? Thedoorafthestudio claseshehind them. Wehaveouranswer ‘ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE ETITTTEM CENTS ON TUITE TACIT WTF 6) ULTIMATE MUSIE GUIDE TEROLLINGSTONES StonesbookedintoRegent Sound ‘on anuary3, 1964, hey werebusy men, The New earhadbeentoasted with atriptoBBC Manchesterforafilmingof ropOfThe Pops("1 \WannaBeYourMan"),andathree-weektour ofBritainwasaboutto getunderway visiting townslikeSiough, Maidstone and Kettering, Recordingsessions forthe Stones’ debutalbuim ‘had been relegated to secondaryimportance- ifnottertiay,fortheirlabel Decca, seemsto have been moreinterestedinEPsatthetime.A four-track, self. titled Stones EP-featuring “ByeByeJohnny’,“Money", You Better Move (On"and "Poison tvy"*-wasteleasedon January VandDeccawashighly encouragedbyits sales. Buteven before the labelgave themthe green lighttomakeafull-lengthalbum, the Stoneshad ecordedaboutadazen tracksat Regent Sound, tacklingthesongsinbatchesas theirtouritineraryallowed, andnailingtheir nextsingle ("NotFade Away") whilethey were atit,Conditionsat Regent Sound were primitive. Keith Richards would aterrecal: ‘Wedid ourealyrecordsonatwo-trackTevox inaroominaulated witheggeartons,ltwaslike alittledemo [studio] in TinPanAlley Andwhatwere the results ike? listening tothecallow, Oldham-produced Stones of carly btisaverydiflecent proposition to boppingeroundthekitchento Brown Sugar" Forty-sixyearsoftechnologicalinnovations have transformed thewayrockmusictravels froma studio to us Power, botiomend, mid range: you can imagine. Thedebutalbumisin monoandhasathin, trebly one, MickJagget, 20, soundedalotsmallerinstature thane \wouldat22and23 Jaggerhad ontvrecenthy started cing with Richards 'TellMe", and despiteacoupleof Nanker Phelgegeoup ‘compositions which nuagethealb ‘uptoaSminutes LittleBy Litl GotA Witness"), the Stoneswerestill essentiallyacovers band, Thesalientpointwas that heirehoice of material Route 6 WalkingTheDog","TmAKingBee" showeda lackofdelineation between the American stylestheyloved-rock''oll, R'n'B, blues \Whichhadannoyedsome fLondon’s blues puristsandcaused acoupleofearlymembers (oleave, buthaderuciallystrengthenedthe resolveatthetive whoremained, Thisisaband thatknowsit’sontongoodthing. And ES Tala itstntast! Iwi go ‘strastosaythatt loesttaeovertom ‘eBestleatthetop chart ites ny colt Rare scope. neophytesornot clear progresswas being made, *Cavol,aChuckBerry numberon Side Two, wasten timesmoreenergeticthan the scrawnyversionofBerry’sComeOn’ released asthelrfirstsingleseven monthsbefore. We canhearthe tonesalmostfallingover ‘themselves withexcitement SideOne's infectiousequivalentis“Route66 a highway songaboutacountrythey haven'tyetvisited, withafastchuggingrhythm, asensational Wyinanbasslineandatypical toneseriss crosseffectasRichards gultarlicksaceentuate "unexpected offbeatsagainst ones’ chords, Whilethese early eutsmay bemissingthe menace anddangerof heStones' subsequent work-theyevenlackquitesmartonthecaver, bytoday’sstandards-i'scritcal oadd the provisothatthe albuimwasheardin stotaly differentcontextin 1964, Women who were 4 ‘15 thatyearcould probablyrememberwhat itfeltiketoputonSideTwo mA KingBee") andhear aggersingtheline ‘Letmecome inside’ while Jones sideguitarmimickeda setiesofpelviethrusis, Probably more {nterestingthan buyingthenewsingleby Eden Kane, Iftherewassuchathingasalineot decorum, Jones, the fiber ofthreeillegitimate childven witha ourthalreadyconeeived, was, theonemosteagertocrossit-Hesingshis harmonyvocalson ‘Walking TheDog" with sueltraucousabandon thati’shardio correlatethemto the ispingtair- haired top \wo'veseeninterviewed onoldnewstecls ApriltheLPwasimmediately popular, spending 2weeksatNo Judged with hindsighton today'siPods,i'sterptingto scoffatoneortwolessertunes Honest! Do") andsmirkat agers self-conscious Motown: isms("CanIGetA Witness”) But thesmiledies ‘onthelipsiwhen weeneountertheStones secondEP, Fie y Fe, recordedatChess Studiosin Chicagoinjune. Thetrack"Around And Around” isunmistakeably fantastic Richardshas oundarauinchy sound that will servehimwellfordecades, andtheStones swingasviciouslyasany Americanin their record collections. The LPhad eomeoutin the States in May, witha coupleofchanges the tracklisting under thetite England's Newest HitMakers, Remasteredandselssuedin2002, this version ofthealbum which beginswith ‘Not Fade Away")isnowtheonly one available ute 66 21m Wan To Make {eT ou Honest Ds Mona (Need ‘YouBsty) Snowrve Geta vines (Ute Ul Pil And nce Gone) Site By ite Taig Bee art State 0 Can Oot AWioess 1 You Can ake You Tyas 12 Walking Te Dog Feeased 16,1964 (unin 308084 (5 Eoin eest ‘ethers wth een tac Seent2ter fart dea abet: Deca Prosodic Eason sane eo Oak Peron ic eset (kode bckre pusion fran ores (quiz teria paesson oko eth charg ur, aso Ohare ais (runs pecisien 8 Wyman (ss tor): Gene ine ianoon tie By ii" Pa peter aac on tite By Lite Stes (enor) Highest Chart Postion: UKiUSIT THEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 7 OT THE AOLLG STONES: ARCHIVE '64 ‘We know a lot of people don't like us because we're scruffy and don't. wash. So what? The R'n'B commuter. The spendthrift dandy. The deep one. Alexis Korner’s old drummer. And, first, the one who hada. good amp... RICHARD GREEN profiles the five — or is it forallhe'sworth, And Keith runsbackwards ith his ‘guitar... Billjuststandsthereand grins! Holdinghisguftarsoerectthatit’s almost parallelto his body Billseems oblivious tote pane breakingoutaroundhim, Even whena sift, hurled by anecstatic fam, hits him onthehead heshowsnosignofnoticingit. Butthat’sjust theveay ills. Hetakes his workasseriously asbeinga soutand sends peopleinto fitsoflaughtcr. That isa ypicalSone-alwaysdoingtheunespected, Perhaps the most unexpected thing illever didwasto join The RollingStonesin thefirstplace.Irwasn'tathing. ‘rat he set outtodo deliberately from the momenthe irs heard ofthem. Andifyouhadtold hisemployersthathe \would aneday bea member of the group whosealbum was {gingto shift The Beatles from the No I spot, they would, have laughed atyou. 6 | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THEROLLINGSTONES ‘Stones as their debut takes Britain by storm. “When Ileft Beckenham Grammars faintest idea what | wanted todo," headmitted, aswe'sat listeningtoa recordingofthe Stones playing"Carol’,“t dlidntexcelat anything, except maths, Funny that being {goodst maths. [went toa firmin Lewishamand starteds nothinginalide office ob. Ireally was nothing. Lgotall the oddsand ends hat ther peopledidn'twant todo” Then things be, appen. Billgot promotedioa storekeepingjob with thesamebusiness, Everyonewas hhappy, anc things were going wellThen Billet. “Tdbeen there two years when I decided to pack \wenton.“Ileftand went to workfora bigdepartment inPenge That was OK, and foratime both heand the bosses goton fine. Then one day-Bill lef “The first place asked me o gobackfor about £3aweek ‘more, so greed. [wassoonin linefora good ob, There was oneaboveme, then themanager.Thada good future, ‘and they allasked menotto leavewhen I beganto geton, the Rallingstoneskick Forsome time, bill had been interested intheStonesand. the kind of musicthey were producing, That commer oes» SE — TNE AULLittG STOiics; ARCHIVE'64 \washissortofmusieand he was lad to find a Iunch of youngsters who playedittheright way, hisway. Hishairgotlongerand longer. Visitors o the firm wherchewas workin, often threw curious glancesat’the boy with thehair"astheyealled him, ‘Eventually it got so bad with myhair that the managementsaid Ia haveto makeup may mind between the firm and theStones. chose the Stones. That surprised the bass!” he exclaimed. “Iwasplayingwithareek'n'roll {group in Pengebefore Isawan ad forabass {uitaristwith theStones, wentalong, practised with themand satin fora few numbers. We went through foad of tunes and ‘messed aboutalotItwasn'tareal audition, herecalled, ‘They didn'tlikeme, but hada good amplifier, and they werebadlyin needof amplifiersatthattime!So they kept me on. er, when they were goingto get rid ote think clicked, andl stayed. Inwusthavejust fistedin, You'd berteraskthem abou tha. ‘Charlie Wats, who untilthistimehas been sitting silomtyisteningto Bill talk, came in with: "You're no good now!" Bill smiled, then spoke bout his“double life’ whichhe led uniiljusta few monthsago. “Even though I wasplayingwith the Stones, I hhadntleft my otherjob by then," hebegan. “I \wasneatly dead, though. Tbe working with the Stonesntil2am, then /dgo home and have tobeupagaina Samo go otheother place. Halfthe time didn tknowwherel was, Sointheend leftmy firmand concentratedonthe Stones.” Burevenalterhe joined the ssfoup full-time, he dida'¢find italleasy going. "Rr’Belubsweredeadin those daysand sometimes \weidgethardly anypeople comingalongtolisten.Ithas been a gradual buildingup ofincerest, Now, it’sbetterknownallover, andelubsget packed ages before we appear: Bul westill gt those ‘people that don'twantto knowus, They protend we don't exist and justignorous. They donttlikeitbecausewedon'tconform, But whyshould wer KEITH RICHARD STANDING fon aplatformata railway station duringthe morningrush-hourone day,ayoungRn'B fanmet achaphehadfirstcome into contact with years before, They had drifted apart, utwhen they met again, they startedtalking about Chuek Berry and john Lee Flooker. Nobodyelseon thestation tookany notice of the long-haired youngsters whowere arranging tomeetandlisten tosome LPsina few days time, Really, they wereltkeany two Ri’Bfans. Except that they were Keith Richard and Mick Jagger. “Thad known MicksinceT asst primary school, but didn’ seehim forages” said Keith, Welesttouch withoneanothes then ‘when! met himagain was waitingfor the traintogotoworkandhe wasotftothe 10) ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THEROLUNG STONES “AT THE MOMENT AND FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS I'M HAPPY. WHETHER IT WILL LAST, I DON'T KNOW...” KEITH RICHARD London School Of Economies. haa Chick Berry reeord with meand Mickasked what it was. [told him Back In The USA’andwe started talkingabout Berryand people ike that. Thadonly afewrecordsatthetime, but Mickhad a fantastic collection sowedecided togettogetherandlisten other.” ‘hat wasthat. Within afewmonths, Mick ‘and Keith wereappeating ogetherand'The Rolling Stones were born. Ifkeith hadn't met “Mick that morning, he would havecaught his tuainand travelled o anadvertsingoffice, Keith peered through thewindowothis cco-manager’s office overlooking Regent's Parkand toldme:"I went toDartiord Technical School, but ourpoliciesdid'tagree sotheyasked me oleave. Then Istudied for threeyearsasSidcup ArtSchool Atthetime,t was goinginto advertising. finished my courseand |wasall ready togointothebi wide world of dvertisingfull-time, but Inevermadeit because The Rolling Stones overlapped ‘When Keith and Mickteamedup, theyspent quitealotoftimegoingroundjazzclubswith allsorisofodd people. Then theyheardofan RinBelub chat was openingin Ealing “We thought: "Oh, bigdeal,thisisit, so we \went along to havealook, Keith recalled ‘Charlie was playing the drums there with Alexis Korner, and Brianused to go there quite often Tedidw‘takelongforKelth, Mick, Chavlieand Briana get togetherand formalitte clique. They spent hourstalkingand playingi'n'B. Theyhad found somethingin commonand they ‘wanted tomake the mostofit. Someone suggested forminga group. Noneed totellyou the name twas given “We began in 1962, but we didn'thavea drummer, Wehad one that wasn'tmmuch good and, whenheleft, wewerestuck. Charlie ddidn'tbegin withus, hestayed with Alexs, bbutby that time hehadleftthat band sohe joined up withusand Diek Taylor who played swithus, lett eorgio Gomelsky got the Stonestoplay atRichmond Station Hotelon Sunday ‘nights wherehe ran the CrawDaddy Club. ‘Suddenly, everything went mad and the press descended upon theplace togetinon theew craze. The Beatles wereoften among the audience. got so bad that we lef," Keith wenton, “we were playing regularly fournightsa week bythen andyvehadmet AndrewLoog Oldham and Eric Easton who became our managers, and the estis history! While most people, especially hose who havemade The RollingStones LP what happilyacceptthe fact thatthe group are purely R'E, Keith does notnecessarily agree ‘with that view Hesays:*R'nBsabitofa giggle. t’shardto saywhat R'is, So many people say that ChuckBerryisR'n'B, then hesaysheis rock'n'roll sowhere do yougo from there? Bo Didalley calls is musieBo Diddley, so that’s ‘nlm settled, Sul, don’tmaind what you calli, atthe momentandiorthe next 10 years'm. happy. Whether itwilllas,Idon'tknaw Obviously the Stones willlastlong enough foreithto goonaddingtohiscollectionot guitars, Maybethey'llgoon long enough for him to buy thehousehewantson the Thames, ‘CHARLIE WATTS| “ALEXIS KomerandGyrilDavis wworethestartofhythm and bluesin thiscountry. If thingswereasthey should be, Alexiswonld be rightat thetop Thiswas CharlieWatts speakinghismind. A lotof true RB fanswillagree with him. Chatliehasa grest respectiorAlexlsand strongly believes that more people should goandlistentohim. Then, he A recalled. “Whilel was away, Alexis formed his band andl eamebackto England with Andy: Joined the band and CyrilDavisand Andy use osing with us." Inthoseearly days, Alexis Korner'sband was rather different tots present format, and the sound! they produce has changed somewhat. Itmaybedueto the differentlinewp. ‘We ad some great guysin the band like Jack Bruce,” Charliecommented, “These guys knew what they were doing, And because Chartiehas come back from Denmarkand joined Alexis, le motBrian, Mickand Keith, ‘We were playingata club in Ealingand they used tocomealongand sometimessitin,” he explained. “Iiwas.locdifferentthen, People used tocomeuponthestandandhavea go and the whole thingwas great The Ealingelub and London's famous “Marquee were the twomain hhaunsof the Korner outfit. But gradually, Chari found he wasn’t ableto continue. Says theywoullher Ra Kathie“ "Woweredingsomuch work being played. ‘woppedihe’s' om that I couldn’tkeep up withwhat Its through Aexsthat Nesumamebi963 Alc wnnted wsavery Chari beara parol The EMD Steen soos ies aroee RollingStonesin thefiestplace Ifhehadn' played withthe band Laog Oldham. who was very big With regret, Charlie left Keithand ick Trees eth Gthergroupsunllh ote imcetAletsinachb wcagtsiens —nteresedinthe Stones, twas someviereandhcastedmeitta YoSSNESEE ha whe atitade and what they Plydrumstorhim.AfriendofsS)0syhanheane ddthatappeated tim, Init AndyWebb,sidIshowldgoaiecane’“TheRolingtoneswerethe ony CDemaevericgr eT MERGE candinervtovscrayhe Sethe hohe ee) who etingpakl Kies eR, though, soTjoined,"hesaid."Then,aftera hile, westarted gottingpaid.Irwas ‘marvellous, youknow, getting paid fordoing somethinglikethat.Even then, loragoodsix months, we were gettingvery little money. ‘Weused olive on what we could earn at Richmond Graw Daddy Club, ewasascene like nowhereelsein this country. "Weld go on and play and the whole place ‘would go mad. I'sdifficul to describe what ‘wenton there. Everybody raved ike mad, and ‘we thought itwas great. The biggest kicks thatotherpeoplelikeyou.Asdiffcultas peoplethinkweareto geton with, they still like us. We're just thesamenowaswhenwe played atthose clubs Chavliehascomealongwaysincehisart schooldays Harrow. When heleftschoolhe ‘wanted tobeadesignerandhe joined an advertisingagency. Even whenhe firstjoined the Stones, hewas tll working atthe agency: Buteventuallythe musicwonthebattle, and the group thatwas totakethe country, the singlesand LP charisby storm becamebishife Texpeethe's glad MICK JAGGER 1 YOU reckon, theStonesarerebels-with orwithoutacause-then youmustalsohold Mick Jagger up tobe thebiggest ofrebels.ItsMickthat peoplegotowhen they want«o hear something sensational. Theyknow they canexpecthimto speak his ind. fhe likes something, he'llsay so.lthedoesn', watchout! — commesores» "HEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC OUIDE | 11 Yougetlots of groups going ‘around sayingthatthey flog themselvestodeath woeama living, bucthati’sreally very funny. Micksays:"R’snotallabig laugh, butlcan'takeit seriously ether. What sppensis, we goalongtoplay andwhenit’s time goon, wegoonand thar'sthat. We know alot of people don’ likeus because we're scruflyanddon'twash. So what? They don’t havetocomeand ook atus,dothey?itthey donttlikeus, they can keep away!” {hat seems fair enough, Buttherearebound tobe some parenisisho willread thisand hen moan about Mick attitude. "Aload offanstreacuslike ordinary blokes andyelikeitthatway.” Mick commented. ‘Wedon'e go forall thisbigstarbit. Were doingajob thesameaseveryone else ‘When Mick'snotworking, he often shoots downto he WestEnd intheCarnaby Steet areaandsspendsalotofmoney on lothes. If somethingtakes hisfancy,heisquiteliableto togointo theshop andbuyit,“THespends ‘moneylikewaterand has noideaofitsvale,” the Stones’ co-manager, AndrewL00g Oldham, told me once BIT. W ‘Which isstrange when you cometo consider that Mick once studied economy. Ifthings hacin' gotto thestage they reached aboutthe tumeot“ComeOn,”" height stillbestuckin notice *When I wasat Dartford Grammar Schoo, Mick began, “I wantedto goin university and study economies. didnt go touniversityasit (ATE MUSICGUIDE | THEROLLING SYONES ON E'RE happened. Iwentto theLondon School OF Economies, Witheconomies, you donc becomean economist, yougointothe business. While was nmy second yearat the LSE, webegan playing, and wasstillthere when the listrecord came out. (The Stones were forged asaresult of general appreciation for’n'B. Keith, Brianand Mick used to meet at various elubsand get together Twasjustinterestedin music andplaying generally” said Mick, “Tknew Keith rom primarysehoolandweused to gotochibsand Uhings where wemet Brian. Twasdoingabitot singingwith Alexis Korner. had loads of 'n'3 [LPsand singles,and play themallthe ime Istill do, when getthe chance. Thingwas,we allused otalkabout tn’, soone daywe ddecidedto do something aboutit That was the beginningol The Rolling Stones. Mick gave up his oddsingingspots with Kornerand eoncentratedinstead on his own group. "Weused to messaround orhours playing things, burit wasn’t until wewent downto Richmond thatwe gotgoingatall," hepointed fut. “Afterthat, weall got busierand busier tuntilwemadethe record, Then when that gotinthe charts thingsgotto such astatethat Teftthe LSE DOWNG A JOB THE SAME AS EVERYBODY ELSE.." MICK JAGGER Moreoften than nat, Ihave seen Mickwearinga pulloverthathe appeared iohavejustlaid hands fonand donned. Weall know whats haiclooks ike ‘Wedressthisway because we wantto,"hemaintains."Ie’saload ofnonsenseto saywedoittoran age: When westarted out, people began to identify usbyourstyle,now we're stuck with thisimage whether wewant tornot.Idon't really care whether parentslikeus ornot Idon'tknow how manyreasonsaregiven for the Stones’ phenomenal success, butitimust bea lot to dowith the fact that, given the chanee, half thekidsin the country would like tobelikeMick, Keith, Charlie, Brian and Bll. BRIAN JONES | OF ALL.THE RollingStones, Brian Jones Isperhapsthe deepest. Ils quite truethatyoucan noverreally tll what hei going todonext. One day hewillhaveathingabout savingmoney,andthenext ddayhewill eppearwearing afineruffiedshirtonwhich hehasjustspentsomeenormoussum, Unpredictableisthe word for Brian, whois also the mostexpressive ofthe Stones, notthat anyofthemare exactly word-shy Pleture the scene five years ago insedate Cheltenham. Tinklingieacupson well-kept lawns, old maiden dies taking their daily stoll tothe park, birds singing overheadin the trees... andalangcomesalongehaired youth with abunch of rhythmandblues records tucked underhisarm, Iewasin Cheltenham thatBrianwasborn 19 yearsago, amidall the peaceandsedateness ‘thatoneassociates with thartown. Hewentto thecountygrammarschool and atone time hadiplans ogo touniversty: Thenthingstook aasharpehange,andinstead ofuniverstythe ‘everyday lifeofayoungman who likes taenjoy himselfall hetimetookover. "Tstarted drifiingand got interested in drinks, girlsand things,so jackeditallinand ddidexactly what pleased,” he said with great honesty. "What hasproved tobe theruination ‘ofmany people has been the makingof me.I wentagainsteverythinglhad been brought uptobelievein.” Infact, Brian tookabigchance inbecoming afreelancewanderorandspentawhole year justhitch-hikinground thecontinent. Ofchat period, henowsays:"Tjustwent from place to place spending litletime in each and doing hhardlyany work. Iwashappy goingwherel fancied and itwasn'tcostingmeanything,1 teamed upwithabunchofpeoplewho were doing the samme thing andwelived theLife Of Riley, ust kickingaround doing nothing. Eventually he returned to England, but the "urge to warksteadily was still not with Brian, "Tgotafew jobshereand there when needed money, but wasnotinterested in things-1had norealambition. Aslongas! \wasnot absolutely broke, was OK” Rin'Beamenestandit wasn tlongbefore Brian foundthat that musiewas taking up ‘mote ofhistimethan whateverworkhe happened obedoing. Tusedto leave workearly and goand practise either witha group or alone go toclubsandlisten toR'n'B bands. Teameto London atthe instigation of Alesis Korner. He started the whole thing ffand shouldbeon top now: Unfortunately, he's nos," he explained. "Heinteoduced metoMickand Keith ataclubin west London andirsreally ‘true thatheisresponsibleforthebirthof The RollingStones inasmuch asheintroduced us. ToriginallymetAlexiswhenhecamero ‘Cheltenham with Chris Barber, Westruckupa friendship because wolikedthe samethings” The famousmeeting between Brian, Mick and keithled ooneof the mast fantastic British groups ever. But though today they are ranted and raved about from LandEnd to John 0’Groats,wasn'talways ike that. ‘Weplayed ourkind ofmusie and people sed to think, Oh, yeah, Rin'B/ andl they just didn't ‘want toknov” Brian pointed out, Ea od forit. Then camethreesingles— teach one berterthan telast-aknockout Pan EP whieh shot Up thesinglesehart and shocked tours galore. “Nowwe'regoingto ‘Americanextmonth and|vefinally provedtothose peoplewho said wasalvaysdoingthe | —_—¥ Wwrongthingthattve | [arta been rightallalong, Tegotsomewhere bydoingthingsimy ownway.’sbeen funand we'vehad some laughs. UNSTEWART| IPYOUSAW Tan eewartvealkingalong, anystreet, you probably wouldn't give himasecond glance. He's atfairsize, sportedabeard until afew weeks ago and hasnormal- Jength hair.Buconething that makeshim different fromthe restoftheherdis thefactthatthisweekhe and The Rolling Stoneshavetaken an EPway up the Top 10 Stewis, in fact, the Stones’ road manager, but onthe “Five By Five" EPheplays organ. He'sin thereswingin’ on the LP, too, this timeon brgunand piano. Heisn'tonehogthe limelightandsshen theStonesaren working, like thiswoek, he's natalwayseasytolocate. 1 eventually racked him down oa bungalow ‘onthe London-Dorkingroad, “Lvegot thisplace with two friends," hetold ime. “Itstandsinitsown groundssowecan makealotol noise, Which wedo, I'vejust connected my record player toagreatbig amplifier. You only have to touch the volume controlandthethingblasts our.” Inacorner ofStew'soomstands the organ hheused on the Stones’ LP.Ithasn'tbeen played! since, “Idon t get that much ime to,"heexplained, "When wemade the EPinAmerica, used Hammond that thestudio had. When we're here, we're nearly always away fromhomeand Tan'ttake iewich me: Stewisprobably thesixth Rolling, Stone, though he's nor as obvious tathepublicas he used tobe. wesatonthestairsbackstageat __THestonesoftn en the Stones were ust gettin Landenthecte cyl | (SewalOOB aredmaryocttege Sem y really ROMEENE! —startedmanymoonsago, Stew brought usdown, butwebad Gievgawuline played iththem. thisgreat optimism whic! Gettine’ Pay) “Tjoined before Charieor Bill fortunately,sawusthroughand, _WithFFe"(eb'S),_andwhen wewantedanew thoughwesometimesfeltlikei, _wasthe/estlse==/ drummer, suggested Charieto ‘weneverpackeditin, Fsterdsorwnsit Brian" he explained overacoflee. sieleandtherthird Then the ioneswentto Gethineuencs “Weusedtoplayalotofstutiike Richmondandformerlorrydriver_jqyeus-sewrene ‘Polsonlvy'and Love PotionNo9! andarchiteevsassistantBrian eran (wih ve” inthosedays,notlike now. Abouta Joneswasinhiselementplaying _asta-sde)wached _yearagoTTeft because fone or musicthathelikedwithouthaving _Ne8StHet Way —_twothingsand the Stonesstayed tocarewhetherornot people —_<_, 25 jus five blokesinstead of six Stewleftjust when the mobbing! beginning forthe Stones. Nowada ‘aremuch worse, and torn clothes and pulled hhairispartotlifeforthem, ‘don cwant tobe pointed atin the street and gettornto pieces,sol'mbetter off like this. eon'twanttogo to places ikethe Ad Lib (Club atnightelther, sol'm happy collecting the odd three farthings that comein fromthe record," Siew pointed out. ‘Wewere joined by Spikey Stew'syoung, Jong hairedassistant. Spikeylovesthe ‘mobbing that the Stones getandwantsto join agroup playingiambourineand maracas, "Hecanhaveall hat” Stew said quietly | don’tknow what the majority of Stones fans feel, butto my mind, ‘Now 'veGotA Witness sone ofthebesttrackson theLP. Andasfaras the new EP isconcerned, isa knockout, And theorgandefinitely helps don tthinkt magreat organist,” Stew ‘commented, Ithink!'m OK, then Thear someone elsend think I'mno good. Long Jobn Baldry’s pianist ismarvellousand someone who's neatly very, very, very goods the Nashville Teens' pianist” AskStew which organist helikesbestand he'ljokinglyreply: "Eric aston, He's the best cinema organistin the country Evieisthe ‘co-manageral The RollingStones.Then he'll beseriousandnamea couple ofguysunheard ‘ofby99per cent af pop fans. Hesayshehasn't reallyheard muchof Jimmy Stith soe can't judge him. “don't thinkalf the people who've gotthe EPKnow there'san organ oni.” Stewsald rathersurprisingly.“fyouputit onand justlet itplay, you can't really hear the organ. Butif ou go upstairs, oucan hearit.Idon’tknow why; itjustseemsto comethrough more, When mymotherheardit,shesaid:"Are Beinga RollingStone-evenifit’sa part-time ‘one— has iscompensations. On thesideboard thereisa huge stackof R'n'B LPsthat Stewhas boughtandin the driveoutsidebehind the lipstiek-covered Stones van sStewslatest Dbuy-a Jaguar. yhat’s son 06 he laughed, Jags insured and the companies 250 each hingthe Stones haven't ‘wo ofthem tried toget ated "EROLLING STONES | ULTIBIATE MUSIC GUIDE | 1 THE ROLLING STONES NO. 2 # NEIL SPENCER sTTHEDAWWof945 theSioneswereahend Jttensere stent fighters Cleat cova thaterytalised ther hadboy my logy inerecomplely hannytiingon tao er thoLat ne Pay WF was thefistinalongseriesof'pu-down’ songs bylagger/Richards:thea sidedevelopingtheir Thamesestuaryblues,thetlipevokingthe iingupper-classLondon inwhieh they inereasinglymoved, By contrast, No.2wasanalbumalmost entirelypredicated on America, andthe ‘burgeoningloveatfairbetween theStonesand the USA. Itwasatwo-way hing TheStones ugthefreedomofthesiates isrichseam of bluesand soul itsrecordingstudios. Young Americaloved theStones' strangeness, the shaggy bandon-asurlystepon from'The Beatles~thatwassocontraryto American, conformism. And, ofcourse, vaungAmerica lovedthe Stones music, even though mostofit \wasavailablein superiarformontheir doorstep. FortheStones' audience, however, black America remained amoreremote (and ‘morescary} lace than LondonorLiverpool. OILING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE EXECCTCERTECNITT 1 / ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE Notonlywasthematerialon No,2borroweed from thelikesof ChuckBerryand Solomon Burke, withacoupleofStonescompositionsin themix, muchofithad been recorded during thesStones'qwoUStoursin 1968 aveltherthe CChessStudiosinChicagoorat CALA suaios, Forthe Stones, Chess wasasiteofholy pilgrimage, andthe easewith which engineer Ron Maloadded muscle totheirsoundwasa revelation, RCAsHollywoodstudios, recommended by il Spector, were sumptuous, andoffered theinspiracional assistanceofarranger ack Ntzsche. By comparison tocither,theegg boxecho of London's RegentSound wasprimitive Thesessionsrackedup bytheStones enabled them oreleasetwo UKalbumsinayear,and three inthe US allthetimemsintainings relentless touringschedule.IntheUS, 25 wrapped the Five y Five EP with material from ‘No.2, while The Rolling Stones, Now! was No.2 plus sides andoddments, Theassorted sourcesforNo.2madeltamoreunevenand Jessurgentelfortthan dhetriist butistill rocketed tothetopofthe chartsand stuck thereformanths. Ason theirdebut, manager Andrew_.oog ldhaminsistedonacoverthat wasall picture, notitle and commissioned David Bail takeit. Bailey'shalf.litshorpresented the Stonesasbaleful younglords,toggedoutin American ivy Leaguetinery, with aggerplaced atthebacktodispelanyaccusationsof favouritism fromhischum, Baley.Thecover's messagewassimple:messwithusatyourperil Loog Oldhamslinernotes weresimilarly provocative. Writtenincod Clockwork Orange prose, they presented the Stonesas hip malehicks whoprancethestreetnewspaper strewnand grey’: What's more, Oldham, advised, ifyou werebroke, “See thatblindman, knockhimonthehead,stealhiswallet,andlo andbehold, youlave theloot.liyou putinthe boot, good. Anotherone sold.” Predictably, this ‘eauseda furore albeit monthslater, with the rmatterraisedin Parliament and the offending passageexcised from future pressings, ‘Troublefollowed theStoneslikea faithful dog: their gigsbroughtriots everywhere they played;France, Australia, New Zealand, ‘Sweden. Theywereridicisledfortheirlook, deplored fortheir morality, andbusted for takingapitstop pissonagaragewall-Loog Oldham gleefullystokedlevery controversy Unlike theSexPistolsand:heirroyal cacksnookingadozen years later, though. itis hhard.oforgealinkbetween the public outrage ‘andthe Stones’ celebratory R'n'B “Everybody NeedsSomebody To Love" ishardly ana social message.YettheStones'coverversions ofblack American hitscarriedasensuousness, vitalityandimpatienceutterlyatoddswitha Britainstil sinigglingoutof austerity grey Manyotthe tones’ coverversions were, in anycase, unknown beyondacoterieot centhusiasts-fewhad heard tema Thoma: gospel-laden “TimesOn MySide” oreven Otis Redding’s“Pain in My Heart” Moreover, the Stonesprovided theirmaterial with their own originalspin.Theirlineup,dominatedby the twvinguitarsoFRichardsand jones, gaveallbut their ChuckBerrycoversa spangled, rocky sound, and whileJaggerteverentally apedhis, soutces hislighter one andmid-Adlantic _mockneywere friendly toadolescentears. ‘he group punch theirweighteonfidently through theopeningSolomon Burke's Everybody Needs Somebody through Chuck's ‘Can'Caich Me" and“Down The Road? recorded arChess, where themaestro himsetfgaveitehe hod) anddon't 4 falteronthestower, rmoredemanding SS emotionsofTimelsOn = MySide" which lagger allegedly addressed toh gil ‘model ChrissieShrimpton, Muddy Waters "Can't BeSatisfied” stark and forebodinginitsoriginal-isrendered softerby lagger and comeswithsplendidslide guitarfrom Jones. The Drifters'“Under The Boardwalk’ likewise benefits from Brian's 12-stringacousticguitarratherwiseit’s ratheramess~the Stonesnevercould ‘manageconvineingvocalharmonies. Alvin Robinson’scomie“Down Home Gir! fares better, isthythmaceentuatedby playful iguitarparts-here'stherootoflaterspoot drawlslike"Deat Doctor" Dale a TH TET Everybody Neds Somebody To Love 20own Hem i YouCant Cate Me Tine On My Side Sihat Shame Grown Up Wrong Down The Rad pecs Under The Bosra Cant Be Said Pan a My Heart, OFF The Hook Suse else ner) 1965 (08 ebay, 1965 (US tee: re Aating Sons Nowth Lab cea Produce: rere ‘Log Ota Peon ick aser (at nei rene, tameunn prs ‘an Jr gaara sida Beora- ty rd gata (chums ersion BI Nya ay iamboutie an Steve ‘carey Highest Chart Peso: UKEUSS ‘Suzie "isa hrowawayclosing track thoughitsa remindertharina Bricalnteemlngwith Rin Bgroupsplaying such ae, theStones ‘were thechampions. Thethreeoriginals| showMick'a'Keith ‘stillearningtheireraft. "What Shame" isafeeble blues. an Stewar’splanomakesa contributionand Miekblowsdecentharpbut “Youmigh wakeupinthemorningand find ‘yourself dead isalvricisttreadingwater. Grown UpWiong’,theseedofagoodideain itstie,issimilariylame, though BillWWyman trieshard to injectsome urgency ‘Off The Hook” isanother matter Hovering midway between bluesand pop, Mick’syries offeraplayful,Berryesquevignetteofthe frustrations ofmodern dating, whileits ‘mesmericgultarriffand catchy chorus anticipatethe greatertriumph, "Satisfaction ‘was nowonlyafewmonthsdown theline THEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE Toit Rist ing SY OWES: ALBUM: our heads uk THE ROLLING STONES* 1965, THERollingStones' practice ot releasing different versionsofalbums or theAmericanand Europeanmarkethad reached such alevelofchaosthatfansin differentpartsof heworld werebeingsold wildly diferingileas ofwho theband actually were, The US version of Out OfOurHeads, releasedin July, wasentirely dominatedby TheLastTime" andSatisfaction’ theewo epochal originals that alongsiderecords by The Beatles, Bob Dylanand TheWho, ushered intherockera few weekslater neatly September, British fanswereserved a 12-track setthatsuggested the Stoneswerestilla rough-and-readycovers band, Nevertheless, the Brit version of Our OfOur Headsstllsoundsmorelikeanalbumthanits Americantwin,evenifitisasimilarlyeynical hotch- potchofrecordingsfrom theprevious sixmonths Thecaversofrecentamerican deepsoulclassiesthatdominateshoweasethe band’ssincereloveofblackalladryanddance music, whilethe fouroriginalspainttheway, ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE EXETEOETT 16) ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THEROLLING STONES hesitantly. toward : testunningpop-art group whowould soon emergeon Afermath, Thher’sstillplentyto Jove,though,in Out OfOur Heads"*50shangovermixof innocenceandeynicism. Fora start, theUKverslonbeginswitha key ticvofproto-punk-aspecd-freak takeon Sonny Bonoand RoddyJackson Said Yeah’ thatremindsust efirstAmerican garagebandstooktheircuefromthevisceral poweranderoticised violence ofthe Stones. Jaggerhowls ikeawinoinavind annelovera batelyeontrolled X/secondsoffir7guitarand, runaway dhythims, se mingly played whilethe lightofstairs.The band collapse down: Urashapproachwas oneofthefirstcasualties ofanimperialphase that beganassoonas JaggerandRichardshad wrltten“TheLast Time” But "SheSaid Yeah’ isathrillingand hilarious goodbyeroallthat. WE RAD/O Fromthere, themajoriyof Oweofour Headsisa primitver forwhat wouldlater Detagged blue-eyed soul’"MercyMerey" exudestheswaggering pleasurefeltby whitekids who've mnedthethythmsofblackelubculture. vin Gaye's "Hitch Hike” remindsyouthat itsintrowasalmostsampledby The Velvet ‘Undergroundioe*ThereSheGoesAgain’ That's How StrongMyLovels”isasincerestal atdeepsouland, if*Good Times" isalmost araokeSamCookeisstilla warm, fits tribute tothemasterof gospel pop, ‘TheoldSide Oneconcludes with “GottaGet Away’, aJagger/ Richards orignalthat mightas wellbeacover, withits echoes ofearly Chess labelsouland ge-to-the-pointangst, The StonesaresoinlovewithsoulherethatSide SHOW WITH THE AFG Twokicks offwith Chuck Berry’s“Talkin’ About ‘You’ coveredinthestyleofRufus Thomas’ "Walkin’ The Dog” afunkywo-and-«-halt ‘minutes hat givesany Stonesbeginnera ‘crash-courseintheireatiestinfuences, cry To Me” flagsup thegreatstrengchsof Jagger the vocalist. Ofcourse thenice middle classboy from Dartford cantmatchthedepth ‘andresonanceofSolomon Burke onthis achinglysiow,lovestruckballad, uthejust bustsonthrough toreplacetechniqueand authenticitywithsly modernism, Ateasing hhumouron thelowpartsoftheverses,a raspingpassionashebits thehighnotes onthe bridge, apoine where confidentsediaction ‘meets desperatesexusl anxiety, He'smatched towardstheendbyafallingstaccatoguitar ad-libfrom Keith Richardsthatseems¢o both laugh andery atthe singe’sknowing seduetionrituals Theslight*OhBaby (WeGotAGood Thing Goin} almostseemstosignalapactbervecen bbandandlistener:we'reall bored withthissoul showhand thing. right? shallwemoveon? For good Cue the daree originals, which mark the ‘transition from parent-scaringblueshookigans togeneration-detiningpop-ativisionaries, HeartOfStone” maystillhaveitsrootsinthe ‘ominously draggingsoulballad. Buri'sthe firstunvellingofthedominantaggerpersona thatexiststothisday;the perpetually predatorylust monkey, whose desireforsexis matched by hiscontemptbothforwomenand thedreamoftruelove. aggerrides thesongts laconiedronewiththesleepy-eyedroneotan assassin, playing beautifullywiththeideathat theonly woman who couldreallysuithimis ‘oneascoldandsadisticas hissatanicselt Listenhardenough,andyoucanstillheara millon emalemasochistsswoon Similarly, "TheUnderAssistant West Coast Promotion Man’ introducesawholenewidea tothecomingwaveofchange. Ann’ strll, ‘reditedto the wholeband under the Nanker Phelge nom de plume, this perennially underrated song(theb:sideof*Satisfaction” in TTS 1 She ald Yeah Mercy Mey itchite 4 Tats How Strong My Loves 5 Goo Times 6 atta ety Thai Abo Yoo 8h Baby cot A ‘oa Ting at) Heart OF Stone Te Under Assistant WestCoast Prometen Man Tmiree Released Soto 24,1965 (U9 30, 1965 (US ofr ateret ‘rch Label Des Produced: cen loegOittan Pesan ic ser (estos amon, asso rin Joes (cet at sonate utc orn soe) Rath ears (Guta oho cori int rums peso yran tes oc ose ore alr) lan Stevan) Highest Chart Pesto UK2UST theUs)sneersknowinglyatboth thesleaze andthetediumofhemusicbusiness, withits titularant-heroin theseersuckersuithelping toteardown that fourth walland demystify the'magic’ Tisetsthe stage perfectly forthe closingshot. {'mFree" essentially compressestheyouth cultural aspirationsofthe 1960sintotwo-and ‘-halfminutes,andisrecordedso olthandedly ltspins entirely outofsyneafteritshalf-arsed utarsolo. Thereareshimmeringpost-Dylan ‘drones, andapostureof rebellion shiehis soon enoughrevealed to bemerenarcissistic hedonism; proof, perhaps, thattheStones hadalready een through thehypocrisesof hippiedom. Andthey wereabsolutelyfine with that (oo, That freedom tabewbatthey want, anyoldtime,anel the defiant determination with whichthey pursuedit isexactly what \would make TheRollingStones lightning conductorforeverythingtranscendentand appalling aboutthecountercultureforat least thenext I5years THEROLLINGSTONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE ‘ine Fra. Lite STONES: ROB YOUN FTERMATHISFREQUENTLY heldupas thestones' equivalent of Rubber Sou, released four months earlier. Butwhere The Beatles'efforrmarkedadistinct maturation anda palpableslidetowardsthe Jnboweereativtyoftheirfinal phase, much of Afiermat, despiteicstile, stl feelsloaded down with baggageframtheir American blues'nsoulinspirations.Andwhereother iconicalbumsofthe eraaremarkedbya consistency ofmood, ntentandstye, the Stones fourthalbumeanatworstcomeacross ‘assomethingofahotchpotch:anthemicpop "OuLOFTime","TakeltOrLeavelt”)sbluesy aragerock "High AndDry","DonchaBother Me"); ironicmadrigals Lady ane") egligible fillers ("What ToDo" Jandrichly texturedsongsthatrankwith the group's best ‘UnderMy Thumb’, "Think", Goin’ Home") Aside romtheextendedinstrumentalcodato ‘Goin’ Flame" there'slittleherethat anticipates, as Rubber Souldid, the approachingpsychedelictde, ‘infact the album'sproductionvaluesare relatively straight—layersofrootsy acoustic guitarbackingswith surprisingivlittleupfront ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE 1 | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE |THEROLLING STONES sguitarfrom KeithRichards.Theaddedspice and timbre thatpepperstherecordismainly downto the combinedbackgroundseasoning offrian Jones, an StewartandJackNitszche, colouringinthe edges with mariinbas bells, harpsichord, dleimer sitarandorgan. ht, accondingtolaterreports Jones’ experimental touchwasgoingincreasingly against the grain ofthe groupmentalityof thetime. Joneswas becoming adeadweight’, accordingto Richardsins 1979interview, fiddling around onthesidelinesandleavingthebulkofthe guitarduties to Keethimsell. ‘Assuch it's temptingto hear fermathasthe soundofaconflcted groupstrivingtoengage itscorrectgearin the year prio the greater leapsforward and sideways) madeoverthe next L2months with Hetween The Rutionsand ‘Their Satanic Majesties Request. Afthere’sany uunifyingtheme i sapervadingand,tomodern ears,ratherold fashioned sensation ofbrattish, spikymisogyny. Womenare thelistless pill oppinghousewivesof"Mother'sLittle Helper’ for whom je just much too ard today’ theiiotichussyof Stupid Git the “obsolete” fashiondummyot"OutOfTime":or thesubjugatedarmcandyof"UnderMy Thumb’, The courtlylovetone of*Lady ane” likelyinspiredbyIaneOrmeby-Gore,ofthe \westLondon poshhippy’set-isoffsetbythe InonythatthetidewasalsoJagger’spetname for thevagina. Theselicasfarfromdreamy romanticismasit'spossibleto get inwhieh \womenarenotthealluring’other'ofcountless pop ballads, ut abjectsoftauntingandridicul. Forallits macho swagger, though, "Under My Thumb is abriliantlyachievedrocknumber, \withthehigh-horsepowerand crunching gear change chords that would hallmark Beggars Banguetand Let ir Bleed, steamyelectic organ, and amemorablespirallingmarimbarifffeom Jones. Asforthelyricalsentiments, twas alla,and toomany dumb chicks’, explained Richards, Jagger frameditasmoreofasexual revenge song: “The wholeidea was that... wasunder hr, she waskickingmesround, Sothewhole Ideaisabsurd,allIdidwasturntherables around... neality.itwas..tryingto getback, youknow,againstbeinga ‘repressedmale’” Sessionsforthealbum, which tookplacein December 1965and early March 1968atRCA aioe Theseratsrmins ehnathedectrie ‘macineshove prodedthetnest ale for money erercn this” “Asmusiclansthey've -mprvedtemetousy sth tine has ome {elevate the Jagger. ihardsongwtng twamtothe ranks Jeb andPad, ace rogetnGon ose, rains Studiosin Holly wood, weredeseribedas Uunusuallyrelaxed compared o previous recordings, noticeableinaraggednessaround theedges tracks ike"Flight®05"andtheodd out oF tune guitar string Between these sessions, the Stones toured Australasiaand, janes purchasedasitarandanumberaf other exotic pereussionitemsduringa stapoverin Fiji. Theamplified star providest Uistinctiveleadlinein Mother'sLitle He aswwellasthe core sotindin*Paintit, lac captured atthesametimeandissuedasthe irsttrackon the LP's USedition, wich differs ‘considerably from the British version. His Appalachian dulcimer-apift rom Richard Farina-lendsan appropriate hiffofthe antique to"LadyJane” and"“IAm Waiting’ whilehecan still puffoutaconvineingrailroad bbhuesharmonieaon*Goin’ Home" and the hocdown “High AndDry"Thefolkyliltof1 AmWaiting" teachesafeynessthe group wouldrarelyemulatein future ‘Doncha Bother Me” and”Goin' Home contain moresinew, theformer abarrel housingbluesstomperwith cheesewire lide fromRichards:thelatteran ll-minute sy y hothousejam thatjterbugsbetween3/4aned 4/4time,seethingwith 1remologuitarand funky bassuppercuts. Take ItOrLeavelt” and the inconsequential loser” What Te Do" withthelr soupy acoustic shythm gutarsand close harmoniessre, frankly paleimitationsofthekindotbl pop territory The Beatles hadalready eft behindon Aeatles For Sale, OnSideTwo,only Think” with"Satisfaction’-sylefuzzboxand ‘Wyman sbassinlockstepwith Watts rhythmic chug, broods with he thunderto come. all addsto the generalsenseof inconsistency; the suspicionthat, thankstotheschismsthathad ‘opened up between Brianyonesandtherest, no-one aspropertyat hehelm. OnthefirstLPtofeatureallStonesoriginals, Keith Richards’ presenceis understated while hed Jagger's performances, even on thedud tracks, areuniformlystrong. Theworkingtitlewas Could YouWalkOnTheWater?andacover magewasactually mocked up, featuringthe group up totheirnecksinalake.Decca, fearing (Chistian wrath, refused tosanetiont Aftermath wasabeavestepforward, butthe realmiracleswere yettocome, Te a i io AFTERMATH pees. SMCS Weer te Her 2stpdan sty dc ae seria are son tone rst 505 nents oxtorrme rwrenetEay tg 12hleorLanet Released Ar 15.906 ne 20 65 US ‘athe xa) Late Dora Protucady: ro Logan Personne kt (od eas. ting amo ei sir pig Ban dones (utara seta, marina bls Ao chandler an oa haenies yen) ith ison ta, backing cal Cle Mats (rus prison, rants) Wyn (ost ert, ‘wpa lacklce (pecs pana. pst: Stewart (pene) Highest Chart Poston: UKLLS2 firre f ney TE ROLLINGSTONES | ULFIMATEMUSICGUIDE] 19 Tm dreading old age. There are only very few old people who are happy. Americans are “bloody awful”. The Beach Boys are “rugger types”. The Beatles are “very limited”... As the world craves outrage from the Stones, Mick Jagger maps out his worldview toanattentive JACK HUTTON, then handles a quickfire Melody Makerinterrogation. “I'm thinking,” he says, “of making a film about stags.” ‘witharadio andwooden steering wheel. Hisnew Aston Martin isin dockfor lightblueshirt, white trousers, ehite shoes and dark glasses. Nursinga glass ofBell's and Coke, he tackled subjects with relish, candour and humour, ‘When you andKeith Richardwritesongs,do ‘youtearany up? Ohyeah, Ireckon we'vewritien about 200 between us. Wedon'twrte that many songsfor other people. Usually theyaresupposed to be forusandwehaven'tdonethem. Werecord everythingwe do, Weleave thetapeonand Keith and Igo daaa-eee-daaa-daaad’ We just singdaft wordsand sometimes thedatt words ‘comeoutasthesong, In'Painttt, Black’ areall the different songs youuse onitjuststriving after effect? Did you thinkitallouct ‘Ofcourse not. Sometimes we hinkup things like Lady Jane”, Thatwas calculated beforewe ‘even went intothe studio. But “Painttt, Black” ‘iasjustgoingto be abeat group song, Wasitasend-up? Yeah. Ifyou'd been atthe session, twas justone bigjoke- We got Bllon pianoand he playsinthis funny style. He goes, “Bi-fing, bi-fing, bi-fing,” andallthatstuff,andweall went runningabout ‘going, “Bijing,bi-jing b-jing” and that’showit allstarted. twas in LosAngeles. And we just stuck thesitarinbecausesome geezer camein. Hewasina jazz group, playingsitarin his pyjamas. And wesaid, "Oh, chat'llsound ‘good becauseit’s got thisthing that goes ‘gedoing, doing, doing, ete: LE TNE MULLING STOWtD: AACHIVE 66 Peoplearetakinglongernowadaysto makesingles? Yeah. iftheycan.[couldn'ttakeaslongasThe Beatles, don't think, Because 'dloseallsense ofexcitement Haveyou heardany tracks on The Beatles’ new LP? Yeah, 've heard mostof them. Theyare very good. They'vetakenalongtimeoverthemand Alotafcareand trouble. They'veusedlotsof soundsandsomeinstruments they used on Rubber Soul, And they have used more normal ‘things likestrings and otherinstruments, Doyouthinkthe futureof The Rolling Stones Isinround-the-world ours? 'No.Idon'tzeally like doing orld ours. rather tourhere thananywhere else. But we haven'tbeen international all thatlongand \we'vejust finished touringeverywhere forthe firsttime, We'vedoneall these litle places because kids wrteinand they buylotsofour recorts. We eel we should play there once. So ‘many kids write from South Afticaand they're soddisappointedwedon'tgothere. Would yougo to South Afric Yeah. Idon'tseeanythingwrongin goingto South Africa, Isirbetterto play toane white audience andone coloured audience orisit betternot o play to either ofthem?Wholoses ‘out?Do the coloured people gainanything fromnotseeingus fthey want to? Would yougoifthey said youcould playonly towhites? Ohno. Butthey woulda’ say that-They just say theaudiencesare segregated, InAmerica it's very different. Youcanturn aroundand say, "Wewon't play tosegregated audiences; andallthat, which smainly donefor publicity Butifthey ‘want to segregate them, they'l segregatethemnomatter ‘what youdo.Theyjustwon't letcoloureds in. They woulda“ themin when weplayed Birmingham, Alabama, ‘There was nothing we could do, We've gota clause in our contract, buthowcouldwe prove ‘tuntilafterthe show? ’snotlikeplayingin Kilburn! In kilburntswould be the rishand thecoloureds Youstill don't dig Americaallthat much? Thateit. ike certain thingsin America like Los Angeles becauseit’s warm anditmakesa change from England. [rsjustaneasylifefora couple of weeks. Materialy, Americals fantastic, I’sjast the peoplewhoaresobloody avfulI’Sagreat countryiftherewerentany people there. Vietnam has changed America thas divided itand made people tink, ‘There'salotofopposition~much more than youthink becauseall the oppositions laughedatin American magazines. t'smade tolook ridiculous. But theres realopposition, Before, Americans used toaceept everything “My country rightorwrong” Butnowalotot young peoplearesaying,” My countryshould beright notwrong” Have you been asked questionson this subjectin America? Yeah. [said ustwhatl'vesaidnow. you're not American, yousee, you'renotbeing "unpatriotic 1f The Beach Boyssaidit, they ‘would be called unpatriotic. Can etalkaboutyourfortheoming film? No,t'mnotsupposedto talkaboutit-and] car'tsay much about itanyway, because’ allsortofdaft. But wewillbeactinginit How about authorDave Wallis’ alleged remarksWwhen heheard the Stoneswereto Blmhisstory? [don't really know whathe sa. Anyway. it was supposed to be is wife. Itmighthave beenblownup. He'streatingitlikeagreat wworkofliterature. I'sjusta good story. We're changing canyway. Hedoesa’t ownit. We ownit BobDylan-haveyouleardhe's supposed to becopyingMick Jagger? keep reading this. Ivenever seen Dylan, Well, 'veseen him, bur?wenevermethim, 'venever talked. Everyoneelsehas, but haven't Heasked meround theothernight butididn'go. Doyoulike hiscurrent single, “Rainy Day ‘Women Nos 12And:35°2 Yes it'salaugh, Dohislyries meananythingt “Let'sgoand getstoned."meanssomething, How about “Paintlt, Black”? tmeanspaintitblack. "ICanrtGetNo Satisfaction” meansTean' getna satisfaction, ‘Therestofthe songs just expandingon that. Do youcareif people an'thear your words No natweally. I'sthe sound we'reatter. “Though peopledo know the wordsof mostof “| HATE THE BEACH BOYS, BUT | LIKE BRIAN WILSON, HE'S NICE... THEY ARE ALL SORT OF STUPID” MICK JAGGER them, Peoplehave beensayingthey haven't beenable hear the wordsonrecordsever sineerock nollstarted ‘What doyou thinkofinatrabeingbackin theTop 10? Stranger hingshavebappened. lhaver heard his record, Once in awhile these things camealang, Like Ken Dodd. NSINGLErecords, doyouthinkThe Rolling Stonesareaseasityidentifiable astheyalwayswere? Yeah, Ido. mnotbeingbig-headed or anything, ie'sjustthat happen to bethe singerandl think people recognise my voice straightaway. Itheydo, theyarenot goingro think, ‘Ohyeah, that’s The Rolling Stones. But itdoesn'tsoundlikethem. Otherwise they \wouldn'thave recognised! the Stones. What are your thoughtson The Beach Boys? hate The Beach Boys~The Beach Boys, but like Brian Wilson. He'seryniceand very different to them. They areall sortof stupic lUkesome ofthe groups werewhen they started offand acted daftall heim, yelling aboutandall that. Takingthe"*™ out of everybody: Like alotofruggertypeswho come toinvade. pub,1'vejustgot The Beach Boys 22| ULTIMATEMUSICGUIDE | THEROLLINESTONES album, Pet Sounds, I's good. I don'tlikethe songs much. Ithink they are great records. 1 think Brian Wilson sa greatrecord producer. Butl thinkhecould vary the actual sound of ‘thewices The sound -not the harmonies gratesonmeabit you saw‘The Beach Boys playlve, you ‘wouldn'thelieveit, Thedrummercan'seem tokeop time tosave hislife.llikewhat Brian Wilson does. I'sal very Hollywood. I's soft. Hee writes yricsthatare unbelievable theyareso naive. Things wouldn'téreamof writing. “Disneyland sureworth akinga rip ‘to. Ohyeah."W'sthe big Youth Of America bit andall that. People wouldn'twritelyricslike thatin London? 'No, because people haven't got"pride” in their ccountryand they don't thinkof their country asbeingromantic. Americansarebroughtup tobeliove theircountry isroinantic. I's all “bast Coast girtsare hip. they really dig” andall that And “Northern gil, the way hey is." ‘mean, isso naiveit incredible. WhatwasthealmofThe RollingStonesin thedaysyou playedtheclubsin Richmond andotherplaces? Tokicktradoutofthejazz clubs. Ta nothing againsttrad, butthe National azz Federation tuiedco"** onusso many times, wefeltike theunderdogsfightinga hnge international gang. Butwe beat them. ‘Wesawourselvesasan R'n'Bgroup, but it dlidn'tmatcerwhat they called us. Wedidn't thinktradhadany appealto yyoungpeople. thinkwewere right. Bucittook usages to prove ‘and people tried ta patus down somuch thatwehatedallot them. Intheend, trad wasout anda thechubs were ullof sock’aoll groupsandwe thought iewasal How doyouseeyourselfin oyearst OhGawl!Thoperlibeanactorand could stillbemakingaccasional records. Frank Sinatraisstll makingthesamekind of records hemade 15 yearsago. Youright say Frank Sinatraistechnicallya million times beiterthan me, bucitdoesn'treally mean anythingasfarassellingrecordsis concerned. Nomatter what style youre, ifyoulzebigenough youcanhave ahitrecord every iveyearsorso. DoyoucareifaRollingStones singledoesn't comeinat No 1? No.No5~that'sallright. Aslongasthe recordsellsabout four arfive hundred ‘thousand, EMIclaims incredible sles for ‘TheBeatles' records. Whatmustarecord sell tomakeNo 1? Ahundred andfifty thousand, Tha’swhat ‘Manfied Mann sold upto aboutthree weeks ‘ago. The Walker Brothersywere tops forfour or five weeks and they only old abouta quarter ‘ofa million. Outbiggest record was"ICsAll OverNow’,iewasNo onlyinthe Melady -Makeranditseld abou 100,000, Doyou think The Rolling Stones willbe going in loyears? Iesvery unlikely. But we'vebeengoingfour years nowand that was very unlikely, People say tingslike, "Wel, the film will come out next Marchand then weldoa quick tour and they rite things onlittebits of paper aandsign contracts!Its very weird, Doyouagreethat thenext Beatles filmis veryimportantand that they couldbeinabit ofaquandary? Ithink the Beatlesare verylimited. Every ‘group islimited, but think they are very Timited because lcan'tsee, forinstance, Ringo withaguninhishandand beingnasty ina movie and going1okillsomebody. Itjust \wouldn'thappen. fut don't thinkyou'd think itwas peculiar if yousaw Brian do it.The Beatleshave got too comedy: Theirlastone \wasjusta rotten story. Ifyou geta good script story youreallright.l’svery difficultokeep sgoingoncomedy Do youget choked when peopleaskyou about polities? Notre y-butt’swery difficult to saywhatyou think. Isai lke Paul jon sone, 'mCND aandallthag,iesvery easyand that's what yourviews. Butmost peoplearen like that Didyouvotet No, didnt last time. Nobody cameround andasked esol thought‘*** themall’ Anyway, [know (Quintin Hoggswold get in Doyouconsciously try cokeepupwithor lead fashion? use buy things Tike, ‘They try tolinkyouwith fashio pictureswith Francoise Hardy, etc? Yeah, Ithinkitsabitofa drag, Isupposeinthe enditdaesn'¢doanyharm. justtzyto bay thingsthar noone elsehasgot. I hinkthave ta. Everyone riesto wear daft hings. [just wear daft things. Doyoulikebeingseenindaftthingst Tjustfind tamusing suppose must like beingseenin them because [don't vwear them for my own benefit, Doyougo aboutin hestreets alot? Yeah, Lennonandlwentdawn Portebello Road forfourhours recently, Wejustwandered aboutand bboughtthings Doyougetannoyedatpeoplewhoask foryourautographandsay,"Itsnot forme”? Tgetused tot. "t's not forme, ts for ‘myson in hospital witha holeinbis hea.” Or. “DoitforJohnny, he'sa ctippleand hissister, she's got leukaemia” Iimykidshadleukaemial wouldn't goandielleverybody: Its how many people'schildeen arecripples, sound hard saying that, butTimnot. sign myautograph anyway. [ean'tdoaspecialane! Peopleare very funny. When some of them sayit'snotiorthem, itreallyis. ‘Oneold dear ofaboutS0cameuptome Inthestreet the otherday andstarted kissingme.Shesaid,*Comein fora drink," and said, No, mustrush, Anotheronecame up and said, like allyourrecords, Do youknowhowold ‘am?” said," No. 40?” She said, "No, 'm “2! Shelooksabout60-she' pretty good, but"**,She'sdoneit four times, ‘Onlyries,do you find thatpeople ry toread thingsintosongslike “Satisuetion”? Yes. "Gi feaction" was really "Girl Thedirtestlinein ‘Satisfaction’ they don'tunderstand, see? W'sabout “Youll better come hack next week cause yousee Tmona lasing streak." Butthey don'tgetthat. Its justlife. Thar sreally what happens togirls. Why shouldn't pooplewriteaboutit? Whatrecordsdoyoubuyt Ineverbuy theso-ealled quality singerslike Tony Bennett. He's awful. He'socomy. Actually Tam fgoingto buy Tony Bennett LP becauseheddaesa fantastic thing ‘nit. Youcouldn tpossibly goany farther inbetween everytrack he says,"Thankyouvery much Td Like tadoasongnowthar'sbeen goodtomeaver the years, one that'sbeen weiten bysome wonderful people, thenhe does whatever itis, "TLeftMeTartin San Francisco" orsomething, and thenhesays,“Tdlike to introducemy 2." He’sjust got everything, the whole uldn't do better. 'ueboughtsome jazzLPs, Imustadmit. Oxnette Coleman, thought! might get someideas forsongs. Didyoulikeit? Thaven'theardityet like fimmySmith, Nothissingle~ahorribleattemptat ‘commercialism. Ramsey Lewis "In Crowd ‘wasgood. But“ Hard Day's Night" justdidn’t \Work-Ithinkbecause there’ no tune Joc Haton TEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 23 Jagger on politics and pop in the Melody MakerThink-In ur ort anUL_cwAIBAR: Quote from Melody ‘Maker! (Chuck shows what Mick’sallabout = Jan29, 1966). Haha, Idon'tthinklsound nythinglikehim really, buceveryone'sbeen very much influenced by him, not just the singingbutthe whole sound, HUMES: read about themand youcan'tbelieve alotofall you read. Both parties mergeinco ‘each atherat the centreand bothhave their extremes, The fringeshave power, especially when the government hasasmall majarity ‘and they can worry the main body, CUMLEMATE:AADsolutesilence.) lk nice lad, PF Sioan has done quitea nice songforhim.l'sallrighttohearinthe moeningin the bath. [’sdificultto measure howbigheisin Americacompared with us. ‘Wegetdifferencaudiences fromhim, funnier audiences. Some are those Limaginewouldgo toob Dylan concerts Is funny whenvwe get aastadium ofpeopletryingto beintellectwal, listening ousasasocial phenomena, University audiences tryingto belong haired. Wslikewhen wefieststartedin England. 1 enjoybothaudiences,thekidsandthe intellectuals. When they areall mixed up you getvery funny scenes~people saying, “Ssh, wwe'eetrying listen.” Butthelisteners always move on tosomeane else when a group gets popular, Aotofitisduetosnobbery-they are ‘nolongerthe*in thing~andalot duesimply tosuecess. The group arena longerplayingto ‘400 people, but 4,900 and therearen' 4,000 listeners. There aren't many people in England who goto listen to shows, MDE: | lr’ ikeit. Charlie plays me some thingsand likeCharles Mingusand Jimmy Smith. justlike sounds. 'mnotabigeritc and fldon'tlikeasound Tean' gofarinto k.A, locof immny Smith srack'ntollyand someot thethingsBookerT & The MG's do aresimilar Butwhen youplay Ornette Coleman, That's really differentand don'tlikeit DBLLARNATE Not my favourite bluessinger. Td rather listen to Robert Johnson. When | was about 13the firstblues record leverheard was by Broonzy, when Iwaslistening topeculiar rock'n'ollrecords by The Coasters, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, and BoDiddley. Lotsof them have become hits today by groups. Then [started buying Muddy Waters records. Inthe jazz periodicals and Melody Maker, they used toreviewa Broonzy recordand say twas ‘marvellous. But when they came to Muddy Watersthey dsay:"I'snottherealthing.” But hhewasdoinga differentthing. They would never tke him on his own merits, Theyhad to tulkaboutsomeoneelse, Like today'srecard reviewers, Peaplearealwayssayinga record's copied from so-and-soancl they usually get thewronginfluenceanyway! A good trend of ‘mine sahvays doingthis.Shesays, “He sounds ike Bob Dylan, Wilson Pickettand Mick Jagger" It fillsup acouplef columns. Still don'tblame her, because ean never thinkafanythingtosayaboutany of them, WiSEPRUSIEE: When heydoaplayon TVabout pop italways presentsamusic publisherasa rmogulbehind deskcontrolling everything. usedtobelike that, butnotany more.In the days of sheot music ifthey worked very hard they could makea songahitforsixmonths. Speakingasa publisher, theresa lotto earn, because you can get canned out of afortune. 26 | ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE | THEROLLINOSTONES HIAEGUIR-Oh, tha’sagreatplace. We'vehada ball there. Do you knw in May thisyearit wil havebeen threeyearssince we made "Come On" 2K does fee! ike three years. Longhair, shor hair, peoplearestillwritingthesame thingsabout us. Why do we spend so much timein America® Fight weeks wespentin Americalastyeat! And oneweekin Germany. “Why do you stay way?” Butl ve been here thewholetime! TEYSONPIPSHNS:Scem 1obegectingworseand ‘worse. Only great onewas Ready Steady Go!In itsheyday.Irwasgood TVand good pop. But they areal restingon theirlaurels. have thoughtkids would be very receptivetonew ideas in pop TV. Innately they aremore receptive than old people who would go round the bend ifthey took Coronation Stree oft AWUSOHEABNE-Only seen itonce. ’sonly one Step up from The Five O'Clock Club. And Barry Fantoniisso bad. whispers Mick] He'sa young ‘man'sBenay Green, OWI Benny Green s funny. He makes me die. Lalways expect him tostartsaying somethingabout CharlieParker. Benny Green sgavealecture wentto about the blues.15went ‘upand told himhedidn'tknowwhathe was lalkingabout. He thinks nothinghas hhappened since Bessie Smith. Buthe'ssonice. [always fel so embarrassed for him on the programme.ThatDeeWells.There’sno Iunging,rapierlike wit. I’sallso slow. But like Benny Green. Hegotanicesortofface ish: Chavie's gotquitealotofthatstuft He'sacockney, he would do. 'm not madabout i Who thought thatone up, Jack Hutton? Fo0k Oh, love food. thatebad food and foodin America [like nterestingfood. In America you only getone sort—steaks, Steakisall they thinkabout. isa virility thing alldown ose. “Havea Man-Sized HunkOfT Bone Only A MAN CanLat! I prefersteak’ kidney pudding (MURBE A necessity ike ther, but'mnot achildomaniac. (hate precociouschildren andall American children seem precocious, MRIS Never went into one until weplayed them. Ipreferlttleclubs. Idon'likeglitering Emies’ Paradises. Flashing, revolvinglights hhangingirom the ceiling. orribleguysin ‘evening dressannouncing:"Andnave from imsdykethefantasticFalcons!”Itsa hortibleritualyoutead about. AMJUAE ow controversial. talkabout italot because peoplearealveaysbringingitup, When went down o Charlie's we hadahug argument, None of usarereligious, butwe are alwaysarguingaboutit.Idon'tchinkmany kkidsare religious, Lotsare brought upin schooltobe consciousofit, and they arehalt- afraid say they are notrcigious because theyareatraid of blaspheming, Especially ls tinfluences them much more. Catholic countries are generally much more dominated by the church, which [thinkis uusuallyabad thing. In thepast the church was ‘comparativelyrich and the peoplevery poor, and they ustdid what thechureh told them, ‘The decline ofthe church began when The Biblewas translated inco people'sown, yguages. And asall readersof the Melody Maker willknow, The Biblewas previously \writtenin Latin. Thechurch kept the people infear of going tohell andused theirpowerto keep theminawe. They used spectacle, and ddessingup,andrites, and ashow of pomp tat was completely against the original teachings of Christ. treachedapeakin the Middle Agesand the church would inflict, vif punishments on people whostarted asking questions, But winen communications improved, more people questioned the chureh'sinterpretationsof Christianity Here endeth the second lesson. (WDME.'m dreadingit. There areonly very few ‘old people whoare happy. Whentheirminds stop thinkingabout the present andthe fucure aandstay wrapped upinthe past, they are avsull dul. 1dow’twancold dearsseying, Howolddoyou thinklam? 48? Nom Iwatchall thepop showsand 'vegotallyour records!" Then I thinkit’ time to grow up. HB: don'like English beeratall Weused 0 drinkitin clubsto quench our thirstbat people getting drunkonsixpinisofbeerand beingsickareso ful, ean'tdeink sx pints cofanything. AskZ00t Money NMFABNUNE The group or the guy? Ihalfknow him. Heused to teach jazz piano andverote articlesin anowdefunctjazz weekly Ithink he's frustrated and 'msorry fheis, UNL Good, burtoo fashionable tostayas popularasheis, His latestrecord no-one Tikes, which isawful,andsuddenlythe pop colurmnistswhoknowwallstartsaying:"You might aswell forget Bob Dylanasfaraswe are concerned here atthe Daily Plog RAKING: He's the blond guy on therightand avery good frien. CAGIVUPTHAPARK Ridiculous, Moreinteresting things comeon TVandall they wantto doiskillthem. Bura otofthethingsthat sgetsaldare unnecessary: I's veryeasy 10 beoutspoken, SMN68.00,'m chiakingofmakinga movieabout them —astag film, AndI'murritinga song aboutnaruralism, Andrew'sin Parisright nowlooking or goodstags and ‘| WANT TO LEARN 10 FLY... SS THEROLLING STONES: ARCHIVE 66 Brian Jones discusses birth control, Barbra Streisand and toast in the Melody Maker Think-In ‘Abu TSAO CTEM Aplaceofmany memories. Butitsadrag. MORIMOUKE Fantastic creativeguy-Iadmirehim for that. Idon'tlikethenew LPcoverhe di, but dont thinkitwasreally his Fault. ‘ani: My bread and butter. WHEE Ostencatious. 1 bought one oncetfor igele but felt daft drivingit around, so got rid ofitto someone else. believe George Harrison boughtitoffthis other guy. Buthe's otridofit too, ALOE We used tohave ideas fr forming a band longtime ago, Weactually madesome blues tapes and sentthem to Alexis Korner. But Idon'tthinkheever got them, Wane rm nocready forityet.Iessueha permanentthing It'sananachronism, really ‘arwill oon become one PUNE ke ther. want fo learn toy. 've had acouple offlyinglessonsandsohas Mick WOE hate readingaboutJohnand Paul's ‘money. Itmakes mejealous. Useful ‘NoMOL:1 gor quicea reputation acouple ofyears agoforbeing the youngestaleoholicin London. But now Idrinkyery cle MUToweit. 1's my favouritedrink. ‘NIBTNE: Albert who? Never heard ofhim, (MSHBOAE Great -Hlovehim. He's one of my favouritesalongwith Wilson Pickett, CAMERA: very good friend, admire Charlie alot. He's managed to remain serene through allthe chaosofthelast couple of years Hout: just ike abig, horrible movie set TWist A bitboring isnt Italldependson what youputonit UD: love‘t. My favourite form ofrelasation, In fact, it'smy only form ofrelaxation. 1 sometimes go for dayswithout sleeping and then spend days in bed catching up. MIMMNDROME ove comics. Superinan’s ‘my favouriteand Arom Man, Silt ove the instrument -itgivesa ‘new range. Iehas completely different principles rom theguitarand opens Uupnew fields fora groupin harmonics, BECOME all fort. mall for legalised abortion, as wel AAMASTIERME she Jewish show business tradition. tdon’tlike that big, show bizscene, Shes very alented, sol hear.All1 knowaboutheristhat "Second Hand Rose" thing -andthat was crap, She's supposed to beavery: goodentertainer. Butthen sols SammyDavis}t-And don't like him, AUNOREE I've always ike his singing. even befoteheleft The Animals, heard sometapes ofhisalong timeagoand they werevery good. He'sagreatguy. felt sorryforhim when he packed itinwith The Animals. So'm pleased he'sgot this hit. WeKWGEdE Hes the best pop performer Britain's everhad. A great inspiration... Without Mick, the Siones would have been nothing, ‘WLEKE There's allsorts of violence sexual violence, violenceon TY. l'spartofhuma nature (GDSLUFE Very sick. ovehis stuffin the Dally ‘Mail. m surprised they printhis cartoons He's takingcartooningtightbackto the briginal lampoon.llikehim very much, MMMENLEE naven'tseen him sincehe got married. Aniceguy, buthe’snotmy favourite photographer. ‘INP: Ike fresh shrimps. Thateppotted shrimps. [don like shrimp cocktails withall that mayonnaise. Isuppose, as this question follows David Bailey Ishould thinkabout the twosisters?|Christineand Jean Shrimpton FS: Can’tdowithout them. [iketheones who \writeand buyourrecords, Hhatethe ones ‘who comeround to where liveand makea nuisance bangingon the doors. American ans are very pushing. They take the atitude, "We made you, now you belong ous. PPMEISAPBE: Some are OK. They should write about muse, notbe fanmagazines, Melody Maker's OK—itgives plenty ofinformation. DowOW Where itallstarted. wentbackthere notlong agowith Keith andabloke tried pick fight with me outside, That wasn'tmuch ‘ofaweleome back, DaTBEMRI| agree with what Alan Price saidin hisThinkIn, Bacharach isa composing doll- bbuta very good composing doll [MNOWLNEIHPE Tread them ever day, but the national newspaperreporters|'vemet have been in rather unfortunatecireumstances.1 hatethelotthebastards. gf The AOLLING STONES: ALBUMS BETWEEN THE BUTTONS Aspiky reflection of Swinging London, and a showcase for the eclectic skills of Brian Jones. JOHN (CT escent er rue fe Andre og oldnanid erate infact ewer bans=he Wh arog canbe Ttete tka he fon vas oa tr irr compari’ Oda asthe Soe prodcer hough sawhincrankuptia comtyiigwifvenand THe Bott tay Selesogup winding et Tuber Soul terlerand Se Pepperthe Stone peat hrs gear wen Teuton then finds Oldham desperate rn aggerandRiarsinothe feplcod yal qulnwagag enon ‘Sasi odhamdaserbestthebands mos questa Enis aBuny and sis Englahmdcfalintheshapet ok CamAndCalecte hard 25) ULTIMATEMUSIEGUIDE | THEROLLINGSTONES LEWIS ragtimepianoandkazoo,andontheclosing track "SomethingFTappenedToMe Yesterday” where Brian Jones’ horn performancessoundlikeacollieryband playingtradjazz, and lagger'samasing farewellannouncementmimics wartime radioannouncer Bothsongs find Jagger unusuallyrevertingtohisnativeLondon accent inplaces. Exploringa diferent stra Englishnessis "Ruby Tuesday” [on sheUS versionof heafbumonty,an“Eleanor Rigby inspired chamber pop single that consciously tries to soundlikea courtly Elizabethan ballad ‘ThelatterisoneafthatselectcanonfStones songs (like “Lady Jane’ or°Child OfThe ‘Moon inwhich womenaredeseribedin hushedawe;idealised asehusive, mystical muses, “SheSmiledSweetly" wouldalsofitinto that category, but generally, enween The Buttonscontainssomeotthe mostshockingly sexistlyrics in theStones'canon. Thecastal- ‘rsometimesbrutal-misogynyoftrackslike Aftermath’s Under My Thumb’ or ExlleOn Main Stree's“TumblingDice"isusually not explained awayasbeingpartand-par Dandl’s obsession with Afican-Amer ~agentethat couldarguablybedefinedbythe notion fmasculinityinerisis-That’scertainly thecaseherewith theBoDiddley pastiche Please Go Home’ buttheStonescan laimno suchexcusesonother tracks. ‘etwoen Dhe itionsright beoneothe Stones'leastbhuesysbums, but themisogyny isasrampantasever albeitcouchedin rather ‘more genteeidioms. “Yesterday's Papers’ in which womenarepresentedasdisposable productstobeusedandabused,isa Featherweight jazzy construction, with harpsichord and vibraphone, while“AllSold Out" (anembitiered rejection ete andMiss AmandaJones' facontempruousaccauntofan it" git) arebothstrandedsomewhere betsveenMerseybeatand Britpop. Allpaleinto insignificance heside"BackStreetitl"ywhere gentle, “Norwegian Wood -styleacoustie waltzswweetenssometruly hateful-andhate filled-Iyries(*Don'twant youpartofmywords Justyoubemybackstreet git, with Jagaes, the PEteacher'sson fromDarford,informinghis lowlybiconthesidethatshe's “tathercommon andcoarseanyway Sonically, what'sstrikingabout Berween The Buttons like Aftermathbeforetr sthelackot Keith’selectricguitar. Indeed. guitarsofany THECRITICS rete Holy BeachBoye Spatman=The ong Stoneshovedoneit again~ Between The Bittonstemockinthe idee of Wondeand— Sbeatndotantasa ‘astm iter than reborn eset ‘aration pace sound tadescementthe ‘Stonessenthemind reaingandtholins ‘whee. EAM ME descriptiononlyplayaveryminorsupporting -onafewrsongs. Most aredominatedby keyboards inpartcular,lanStewart’s percussive,rock'nvollpiano.Eventhe ccompanyingsingle,Let’sSpend'The Night Together, sentivelypiano driven, withonly thebarestevidence of guitar. Morethanhalfof ‘thealbumistracksareinMajor, which suggests thatthey were written on thepiano,or ‘adaptedto suitlanStewartortheinstramental requirements fBrianyones-who,atthistime, ‘wasstillvery machcallingtheshotsinthe studio, Indeed, obsessivescholarsofBrian Jones Throbbing Gristle's Genesis P-Orridge amongthem-regard Between The Buttonsas thebest Stones albumbecause of the way ones stampshiswayward geniusallovertheplace, Youcanhearhimplayingtromboneandeornet ‘onSomethingHappenedTo Me Yesterday duleimeron'CoolCalmAndCollected’ Dylan-stylcharmonicaon“Who'sBoen SleepingFlere?”.Heprovidestheraga-siyle backlngvocalson" Obsession’, the Parisian styleaccordionon BackStreetCinl”,andthe Thereminon"PleaseGo Home’, andplays interestingobbligatosontherecorderona numberof racks, twasn tonly Joneswhowas pushingattheboundariesofrock Instrumentation though:"SheSmlled Sweety” featuresKeithRichardsonachurch ‘organ, while the alteringcelloeffecton "Ruby Tuesday" wascreatedby Bil Wyman doingthe lefichandifingeringon thefretboard while ichards deployed the bow. Forallitsinterestingpoints, Burzonsisnocactassie. Thereareafewstand: ‘ux trackslike the BlondeOn Blonde eibuxe \Who'sBeen Sieeping Here, thehymnal She Smiled sweetly" and the twobigsingles which leadthe USeditionofthealbum. But alongside some wonderfultalking pins (thejaunty vaudeville odeto SD thatis"Something Happened To Me Yesterday"), thereare too ‘many songs thatreek of will his-do” filler thekind of makeweightsthat,say,Lennonor MeCartney wouldhaveboen ashamedtohave cevenbroughtintothe rehearsal studio ‘Nextup,andevenwithoutLoog Oldham, the Stonesiwould taketheir competition with The Beatlestoridiculousextremes, 0een The OT yesterday's Papers eee _2My Obsession ‘Back Seat ot seb 1957 (U8) Let Decca Produced few aogOldm Persona (eadieas Bees, pcuson) Brn dns (orem, ean, eatin, ero, score prison 2a saophone Yoo rapier a ino, tranpet hon tomar ‘heron andl) Kath Retr gta vocal bass pao re, ‘liebe aes on-Camection "yO Ss "Sometig Hay pred Tole se" re Mats ums, on BW Sr pecusn, Inkl ara urged pores, Tarnan an tows Highest hart postion uKause a LToyA CARESS Lose OS EIN ecu Pte b Lay Paris hearing Mick Jagger pontificating on America, Eastern Europe, drugs and riots. BU p oul eae ME SOU M SOME oui oatel norte OSC) Marianne Faithfull’s copy of Omar Khayyam, and discovers the secret fuel behind Their Satanic Majesties— pork chops after midnight! Reeccn ce! Cent snatchingat cigarette SE eed eT one een Ce a them, Mick’ssprighily oleate ees enc een ety Cree esto ees es Ester eats eet emt ee enters Ne es bizarreclothesandhisleadership ofthe See ce ae aE pee oe eet rem eee eats DaughtersOfThe American Revolution have ST eo ae oe fetes eee tenn ted ent on eens foe seen sae Eocene at Ree ene popularnewspapers whosought toraise circulation by exaggerating the drugmenace, Pertti e erenerotd eee eet eee ay ene cette ey eee eee eee cere En UR n “ewwas ouridea ogo to Poland =I wanted the eee don'tsee why half of Europeshouldbeleftout. ones eae burit’sastart. Ourrecordswillbeon sale there Cc uain Ten era Renee ao exer SC tr estes Seen eter tas etd See er ca ey peat erent need one-nightstands, ea eee ees Den ee ee Seer tern renner? pee eet ety eae et) Stones there have been alot ofbiggroupsbut ees ieee SVC nena Tay eee ne ee ery Pere eer eC ey Seen eset ty dothem.lewould be very expensive-andit's nsiguntaticiernermnmermnaeel THE GLLitts STOWies; AACHIVE 67 difficult oll whetheri'd beasuecess. For ‘example, on thistourwe played in Romeand allthe people nthe frontrows were over25~a Totofthemover40. They wereallsocialites~so ‘wehad to giveaproperconcertand play really well Thisiswhatwewanted todo atthe Albert Hall-butthekidsdidrvwantit.itwas hopeless when they started jumpingonstage. Allthey wanted wasto seeusleaping about ‘and scream. Well ifthat swhattheyenjoy..'m certainly nocgoingto stop them.” ‘Theend ofthe group eramay-bein sight, but the wild receptions given otheStoneson this, European tour (particularlyin Paris, where21 police ans were mobilised and somewere driven fullspeed down the pavements, dispersing firework-throwing fans) showthat Jaggerandco are stllridinghigh, ‘Bat we shall nevertour Americaagain,” said Mick. “itis very har workand one bring downafteranother: Youhavenoideaofhow terribleitisunlessyou've been through it Every place yougo thereisabarrageof relentlesscritieismand,afterabout the fourth \week, ou juststartashingout. You can't expect peopleto keep their tempers with al thisrelentless purdown. Youget 10 reporters every day who justlaughatyou,andyoudon't getone even vaguely intelligent question.” Jagger's perceptive comments cutright across the drearyimagehehasbeen saddled with, and nevermore than whenheistalking~ with genuine conceraand Sincerity~about the problems ‘ofyouth,“Peopletalkabout theriotsthathappenwhen we play. Ofcourse, thereisa violentelement,and,toa certainextentthekidsare conformingto whatis expected of them, Butthereis ‘moze toit¢haa that. Whatmakesan audience dduringthelasttwo mumbers suddenly pileall thechairsinthemiddleof thehall?veseen thiswild behaviourinso many counteiesand the patternisalwaysthesame. Becauseitis thesamesymptom: frustration. And these are kids from ll kinds ofenvironments. It happens more today becausekidsare more aware ofwhatsgoingon. "You can't solvea problem by ockingthem ‘up. Lookatthe way the policearebehavingin LA. Theotherdayabouta thousand kidssat downina field and started smoking cigaretes. There were about three jainisof marijuana ‘and the police could donothingbecause they ‘couldn't find which were cigarettes and which \waspot. Thekidscalledita'smoke-in’ But they coulda’tlock upa thousand kids. That ‘sn’ Uthe answer—youhave tofind outwhy itis thatkidsare discontented, They’renorall ‘morons spoiling fra fight withthe police Fartrombeinganti-policein general, Mick Jagger sympathises with some of the jobs they recalled todo, “Everyoneknows that Britain Isshortofpolice—bucthey send ig groupsof them raiding clubsand even barnsin Lincolnshire. Ir madness, Thesituationis not only becomingridiculousbut frightening. Yousitathomeandyou thinkyouare safe because youarenot in South Africa orsome otherpolicestate. Butwhensuddenly the 90 | ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE | THEROLLINGSTONES police moveinitsvery disturbing and you begin ta wonder justhow ‘much freedom youreally have” Micksaid he agreed with Manfred Mannthatitwas Importantto discriminate between addictiveand non aaddictivedrugsand he deplored thefactthat Britain se ‘moving towards the Am asfarasaddiction was concerned, “Thereareonly abou 1,000 eal addietsin Britainand nabodyis goingtomakeafortunepeddling heroinbecausetheaddietscan get ion prescription. Butifyoustop this, the Mafia will move inand we're going have the same problemas America Finally asked Mickaboutthelong-awaited, long: postponed RollingStonesfilm, “The original project’sjust notanywhere at themoment, Whatareyougeingtedowitha group ina movie? But Ihave decided odoa tilmonmy own thisyear.Iwasoifered thelead inUp The junction but turned itdown, because! don'tthinkitsuited me.” “Mickleitto get ready to get onstage. “Ithink.”he said, “thatthere isan enormous. untapped market in Eastern Europe for British pop." Thenheadded withagein,“andabig imatketforsocial upheaval, too!” “WE SHALL NEVER TOUR AMERICA AGAIN. YOU HAVE NO IDEA OF HOW TERRIBLE IT 1S UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH IT” JAGGER Thetimestheyhave ‘changed, as Bob Dylan predicted~and with them, ‘heRollingStones. There ‘wasa timewhenone 2) approached a Mick Jagger- Keith Richardincerview ‘with earand wepidation, astheylashed the backs of theesiablishment. Today theyareolder, perhaps wiserand certainly kinderto the worldaround them, ‘Now instead ofthe old "Fab gearvwhack” routineandsolictousenquiriesafterKen Doda'shealth as enter thelr recording studios lam met with smilesandanorange jie is pressed upon me by theever: ourteousTones, while Keith remarksthat hehasnotseenmeinalongtime. “Please helpyourselftoadrinkatany time,” smiles Mick, indicatingthecardboard carton stacked with juicesand Cokes. Billsmilesa slightly saddersmileandonlyCharlieremains immortal eyes wideopenashedrums but seeingnothing,talkingofColtraneand Gillespie. Heknowswhat's"Watts!™ Outside the studioare parked the Mercedes, the Rollsand the Aston Martin—thematerial resultsoffivelong, goneyears’hardwork “Siew” isstllthere-theirbigyhearted road manages stillleading with hischin a BranJones was talented mt formidable weapon), shirtever agaperevealing tehaiey chest and bluejeans displaying something new in pychedelie white patterns rian moves softly aboutthestudioin paintedshoes, red andblackstriped tousersand hug sheepskin waistcoat which ‘makeshimappearlikesome bizare troglodyt.Kethiscladin oneofthose unbelievable blue creationswith manyether colors that billow from hisarmsndfall infringes almostto thefloor. He sitstuninghisuitarandappeals desperately othe celling ‘Someone givere an" Jaggersits perched uponahigh stoolinthecontrolroom surveyingthe music rmakerswithan indulgentaig hislegtwisted ahoutthelowersteutsafthe seat and leaning forwardso thathisspinesticksout through thethinpurpleshirt Marianne Faithfll sits cvoland detached behind him, readingacopy ofA Treatise On White Magicomwhichshe lakestimeouttotalkalitilewith me. “Ilove The Supremes'new recor, ‘Reflections andraifie's singe" she enthuses.“Mickisprodocing sometracksfor anewLPorme-youbeard onetrackasyou ‘cameinviritenby the Incredible String Bond? Texpresedaninterestinthesmallbookin herbaghy poet philosopher OmarKhayyamand shegaveito ane. The whole atmosphere inthe studiowasone ofa sendy, unhurried meetingbetween fve bd friends who werenotgoingto rushintoanything thatwasnot theiebest.Therewashacdiva discordant quotetoruilethe sexenityescept ven dejgned to mention The Monkees and Heatesinthesame breath and Keithistip cuttin theoldfamiiar manner. Mick explained alitl of tuenew diretion inwhichthe Sonesaremovingalongith manyathertop groups. really began with The Beatles Revolver” sald Mick. "twas hebeginningofanappeal tothe incllect. Once yoxtcould ell howe wella group wasdoingby thereactiontotheirsex appeal butthedaysofthehysteraare fading andor thatreason there willneverbeanew Stones oranewBeatles Wearemovingafter “mindy andsoaremos ofthe new groups Heplayedmeone oftheirnewcompesitions, “sheComesinolours’ ihichis augmented by strings forinclusiononthenextalbumand 15-minute backingtrack where guitars, piano, tambourine, tom-toms,hassand drums are thrown together to providewhat Brian call, “Indiawitha touch of the Arabian “Night!” Brian wasplanninganexcursionto Libyaandindicated the glossy brochusehe hhadboughtonthatcountry.*Lookatthese fantastic Romaniemains’ heenthused, ‘Tm going find somewherein themiddleofthe Sahara where there areno photographers” ‘AsBrianlet theeontrolz00m, engineer Glyn Johnsextlledthe Stones musicianship. “riansincredible,"he aid. "Didyouhear thatharpon thelasttrack? Heplayed that justpicked itupinthestudio, Hecameinlast hightand there was thslitle child's plastic ukulelelyingaround,I’salmostimpossibleto ‘getatuncoutofthose things buthedid. He seems tobeableto playanythinghepicksup! A backing track was aiddown andthe Stonesset about making muse with isolated playingtom-toms. agger and Johns talked about “fixedand round sounds” and sd from Billsbass-gultar,namely Bill. Hewas apparently workingtoo eloseco the bridgeofhisbass. Stones’ recording session nowadays beginsabout 7pmandrolls ‘onuntiltheearly hoursofthemarning, “Stow sends out forsupperabout midnight and quantities of poriechopsand chicken are ‘consumedalong with pleandice-cream, A great deal oftheirmusicisproduced spontaneously inthestudioasthey improvise ‘onanidea that one ar the other has created Astrangeassortment afpeopledriftin outofthestudi, including policemen who lamely excuse theirpresenceby,“I'venever been inarecordingstudio before" or"your door wasopent" The Stonesaccept this in id stoiesilenceandanyonewho isnotassagger describedit-“aterrificnuisance” —isallowed tostay. Atthissession awell-known agent who they hadnotseenforneatly theee years ‘tured up insuitandtie lookingas comfortableasapenguinin the Gobi stthe presentcompany Heexplained ratherembarrassedly that there was thisgirlwith himwho wanted o just seeyou~y’know" Jagger collapsed, “You don't see usforaver tdueeyearsandthen you turn up withthe same old reasons-—uisingustoimpressyour Bir.” Buthesmiled and thegislwas broughein and the Stones trated her kindly Justwhatisgoingo turn up on thisnext StonesLPisstillsomewhat confusing, but therearelikely obe quitea ew surprises Marlanne,forexample, revealed that Mick hasabookonnurseryhymes—"the'lwas going StIvesandmetamanwith seven andhewasconsidering Wworkingsomeof hemintothealbum, Brian Jonoshadathingaboutsome 1930s dises owned byhisfatheron which there wasan organist called Harry Foote, One particu titlehementioned was"Phum Blossom In between: times, Charlietalked to Mick of “Mick’smeeting withthe Maharishi Vogl, and wanted toknow what Mickasked him, ‘Oh, aboucthe church and religion," said “Mick vaguely-Charliewassceptical about the little portrait that Maharishicarried afhis, guru (Maharishi eacher).“l’sonly something tohelphim rememberheisearryingthe thoughts on from another, said Mic There wasstheated discussioninthecontrol root between Glyn folns, whoabhors bllfights,chough he's neverbeen to one, and Brian Jones iterceded onmy beball forthe defence. "Irsnotasport-that san English misconception" said Brian. “W’saspectaclein, wives’ variety the same wayaGreektragedy isaspectacleit islifeasitisdeath andsad asitishappy. Glynwas nattobeconvinced thatthe desirable oneand Mariannefinally made a profoundremarkabout, ‘Nature atthemerey ‘ofmankind” and weal forgot the subject, Keith had aequireda cap during the evening srecordingwiththreebadges resplendent on the peak. “Thebacge with the twowhitestrokes stands for equal rights" he explained, "The photointheotherbadgeisof the Russianastronautwhowas burned © deathon re-entering he Larth's atmosphere: ‘Thelast badge depicteda latterday Hollywood blonde in surrealsticbackgrounn that" said Keith islovely Rita’ Charlieentered the eantioloom:oconduct bewildering conversation aboutasession ‘musician with “perfeetpiteh’ whom Glya know, Mickreveuled thatGlyn was shortlyto bemarried, Glyn revealed Mick had his production techniquesachisknee. About2am I madeto gowhile everyone was siillbeingsonice.ustas Heft through the ‘door. theiklea of asking Keith to insult someone, ustoncefor od times’ sake ‘occurred, bt ITearitwould havebeen futile Thisistheyearof the Nice" and saving ‘Omarkhayyain'smemory—"The Koling Stoneshavingrolled=roll on" gl THE ROLLiNG 5 TONES: ALBUMS THEIR SATANIC MAJESTIES REQUEST Be rs ® DAVID QUANTICK Stonesdidsixmonths ates" saidJohn Lennon, andit’snothard ta workout ‘whathewasthinkingofwhenhesaidit- With lisfaney-dress leeve~TheRollingstones dressedaswizards,imagesof The Bes Erin Esdid, the nestlingin the undergrawthbehindthem-its Woolworthspsychedelicimageryandits ‘rnatetitle, Their Satanic Majesties Request mirrors The Beatles latest release s0 comically ‘that's not Sgr Pypper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, ’snoteven Magical Mystery Tour the Beatles'ownattempetocopy Pepper while ‘dressedaswizards) its Sgt RuttersOnly Darts (lub Band, The Rutles parody whosegreat advantage for many over Satanic Majesiesis thatitdoesntactually exist. Their Satanic Majesties Requestisthectickoo intheRollingStones’ nest, theblipontheir rockdarand, fornew Stones fans, themusical ‘equivalentofarchaeologistscomingacrossan Egyptian mummyburiedwithamopedanda copy of Hearmagazine, Youcan hear bitsofitin Paint, Black" and" WeLove You" that year's ‘other Beates/Stonescolision) but that’s aboutit. Noteventheextraordinary direction ‘ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE EISEN suggested by “Have YouSeen Your Mother, Baby..."=theStonesinventthe Velvet Undergroundayear before LouReedand Jot Caledid was ollowed up here. Andasfor afterwards well, for ThelrSazanicMajestes Request there wasnoatterwards. The Rolling ‘Stonesputaway hepointyhatsand the acid andefectively became the band they atenow Inaway, the 1960sStones werekilledoffafier thisalbum, whichbecamejustonemoreof Brian ones'unwantedchildren.irslmosta shame they didn'tealliBrian, lke Tones roputediydid withhisownsons, Not thatit’sttally unminedby theband, She'sARainbow" turnsupencompilations, aswellitshould, beinga very goodpsych-pop songthat sometimes fiddling with theradio, Sydarrett musthavewonderedithe'dvritien ‘onthe waybackfromaPink Floyd gig. And then there's"2000Light Years Fromiome", a songyshich wouldalso itinsnuglynextto “Astronomy Domine” of “Set The Controls For TheHeartOfTheSun’.Theseareproper singles ifnotproperStonessingles, and almost teveryhhomeshouldhavethem, Completing the band'sFloydianslipis‘Citade” whichisavery hard-edged cousintothatband’s"Apples And Orang Aftertha, tall gotsabittightunderthe armpits.nayearwhereifihe Stones weren't ‘akingdrugs, they were beingarrestedfor takingthem,itwasarguablyabitambitiousto record a follow-up to Berwoen The Buttons an album released less than 12 monthsbefore.It wasalso abadtimero falloutwith the producer, Andrew LoogOldham,and to decide foproduce yourown work especially when the bandwereattemptingseveralnew directions atonce, l’sabitunfairtodirectly compare Pepper with Majesties, buttheformerwas, producedaveralongperiodoftimein relaxed circumstances, withanexperienced prodiicer prepared toexperimentandnooutside pressure. The atterwas put ogetherby The RollingStoneswith ittlearnohelp, inbetween courtappearancesandaftera European Frankly,fithadbeen brillant itwould beenamizacle Tnwasn brillant. Itmay notbethe three dimensional urdsome people (who paid their earnedeashforit)havemade itouttobe butts not much fun, Whetherit'sthe utterly aT VERDICT Tssthetpto int - teres {theca sparse betwen thestarsand Beyond Tht are Esstand est andthe Ives both sane and insane This The Beatie ben saying inpart.arc now Tet Steric Majesties equesthassaii” 'fipiesare Impressed that’s nee unsophistcated opts doh, ‘eltotid No rest Imeolesemerge, Noting ipareary oting Bute ted nat” unconvineingtone ofcheerfulwhimsy ‘hroughout-thestonesasjolly mins! ratherthanevilbastards-orjustthedearthof greattunes,itshardtosayIrsprobably allot ‘hosethings, plusaslight sense ofshock that The RollingStones have decided, foranentire album,notiobeTheRelling Stones, ther way, Their Satanic MajestiesRequests very odd, Youcan find pleasurein thesing althoughnotthefreakish mutantrunt third Single "In AnotherLand”, throughout whieh ‘ill Wymanintonesvaguedrivellkeabroken. Dalek l’sno“SiSijeSuts Un RockStar’sthat's forsure, Then there's Sing This All Together’ ‘which eaturesl.ennon and MeCartneyon backingvocals.i'sm0"All Together Now There's “OnWith TheShow’ where lag sings forthefirstand thankfullyonlytime,ina sortof"Rollup, rollup!” Magical Mystery Tour voice’"2000Man”startslikeTheKinksand ‘henbecomesadfferentsongentieely jomper” drifts intosomenicelndian ambience. Nothingreallytiesup, orcoheres, Things don'teven{allapart Theresul,painfialand alarmingatthetime, doesn’t sound sobad now Things rock fans once hate, like theclateringariftoftablas or thechunksof London streecverte which must oncehavesoundedlikepurefiller areaccopted partsofalbum-makingnow;andifthere'sa lackofperfection, thereSsalsoanadmirable Jutofexsperimentandageneraluillingnessto lrysomething-oftenanything-new Inthe yeatstocome, the tones wouldrarely be ‘chastised for their willingnessto experiment Maybeheretheyjust gt their ingers burned, ormaybe.intheirnext Joneslessincarnation, they simply didn'tknowhowtodait ‘Whateverthetruth, Their SatanicMajestiesisneither asbadassomepeoplesay orastinderrated as some therpeoplesay: If youtreaStoneslan, you probablyshouldownit Andifyou'reafanof underrated, peculiar cuckoo in-the-nest psychedelia, youdetintely shouldownit ETS Innate Land Shes Rainbow Sing Tis Together 4 Cael S The Lanter Released Decor 21867 Labo aces Produced. Thelin Personne it ae (headed ene vocals. moog sess pcs) Brn nes (Grass met prs recede cet ng ‘aophone crerthp, altacacking ea ath tae ota acing oa Cate Mists (runs pecs, tag Wyman ts, eso nang vor ado on aL Mey opis (ano pst cher en mal “etna Janes ng nargemerter'Shes Fanon” tae ane (Gerassion: Rane Lane(tckngvessisen Tada Lac) Sere arate et Sanus gtaron Aaa Lae ohn Tennanand Paul cooey (rca oS ‘TislTonsher Aaa Palerberg oa) in Steuar (rm) ighest Chart Peston uK3.U52 THE ROLLINGSTONES | ULTIMATEMUSICGUIDE | 33 THE ROLLING STONES: You can't bring back an | era that is dead. i “Jumpin? Jack Flash” givesthem fresh impetus, the Stones move into new offices and plan their next campaign. pops round to meet the troops, and learns there are worries about Brian’s dodgy dairy business, Marianne’s cooking, and what will turn out to be Beggars Banquet. ofthe ate Fasilier SEW Wal Crimea, Herfavourite pheasesare “outasie’, and “toomuch’,Sheisan American, HEMOST REVEALING thingsaboutthe who soldieredin the are usually learnt while theyare not ‘are watching them, So itwaswhen ambled downtown toobserve Michael Philip agger atworkin theirnew London offices, which, asyoumightexpect, are beautifully bizarre. RollingStonesLidaresituated sixfloorsup,one loorahovelssy Bonn Lid. Issy inging" Every TingIs Hunky Dory" ta wartime ‘audiences on BBC radio before Mickhad becomea litlepebble, mightfind the goings-on above his head above his head! atte Thetwo chief Stone rollersarelittle,loveable[o 7) Bergman, formerly Beatles pressofficerand thena publicist or HarpersBizarre group before becoming * asuper-“express” otheStones:and » Maggie Philip, with nicelegsand nice smile, who % formerly worked fornice Kenny Lynchbetore becoming personalsecretary tothe group, Jositsather deskinaredesigned invalidchairon wheels, The deskitseisa converted pre-war Singer sewingmiachine. Her telephone dectoriesand pads are pledona hugetravelling trunk, the late property Sometimes she loses Mick who is wont coroll around the world lookingforthe sunshine inremote spots ofSouth America, which isneither "neat ‘outasite" or “too much’. Butshelsoverjoyed when he finally turns up insomeob Northern Ireland on akin ‘Occasionally someonelik y Stones’ chauffeuranda good man ohaveonyour side-will appear outofthe"Board Rooms” and regale youwithananecdote aboutthetimehesaved Bob Dylan’slifewhen someone pulled knifeon himina club up north, ortell you what Keith Richard itn the Bentleyrecently, Then there'sSue Cox, fugitive from KRLA,aUS West Coastradio station. She never ‘managed ta getoutoftheofficeand sobecamean ‘employee, On radio she was known as Princess Of Razmatazz, Other additionsinclide Theodore the ‘Toledo Turtleand Clarence, thecoffeemachine When larriveat the office, Micks sitin withadarkbluecapeclasped about —cowmmvesovens TWEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 95 hisneck, Heissmilinginto phone, Laterhe asksif would liketo hearthesingle andwhen assent, shows meintothe Board Room. The dominatingfeature ofthis oom isahuge wooden dresser stacked with jarsof dried fruit, currants, apricots rasinsand pumpkin seeds forgueststonibble upon, He places “jumpin’Jack Flash’ on the playerand retires totheothersideofthe room whileTlisten. He isobviously concerned aboutthis single, but justasobviouslyisnor goingtolecanyone Knowhow concerned heis, “I don't fee the success ofthis singleisany moreimportantthan thelastonesays Mick “Ishallbe pleased iftisa hit, burtharapplies -any time. thinkitisa goodrecord but rot goingto tirn round andsaypeople are out oftheirskullsifthey don'tbuyit. Ithasanice catchy chorusline andit’sagood performance number. Ithinkit’.."Atthispoinchegota litlesuspiciousof my ineof questioningasto whether thesiccess orfailure of thisdise ‘would besignificantforthem. "Look, whatdo youwantmetosay?” heasked.“Doyouwant metosay itwould beabigthvilland groovy itit adeNo 1? Allright, itwould be groovy! ‘We'vehad some lousyrecordswhich have gone toNo L,and somefunnyones—Ithink thisdiscisbetterhan those.'LitleRed Rooster was funny because just didn’t sound likea No record, and ‘Get OH OPMy Cloud wasnot very groovy Isaid liked therecord thas sineetaken nother fourhearings forme roloveit)Ithas thatbig vulgar Stones sound which sjust \whatisneeded toputsome guts backintothe present pop mediocrity. Wereturned to the mainoffice and Mick mentioned thathewasconeerned about 296 | ULTIMATEMUSICGUIDE | THEROLLING STONES Brian's proposedinterestina dairy farm. Ithinkitllmake hig happy and heshould haveit” said Jo fromhersewing machine. ‘Iwanthimtobehappy,too, burl wantto makesurebeisgectinghismoney'ssvorth,” said Mick."Fifty aeresisnotrealiy that muich when yougoand look ait Tye got «Bacresand itsjustatew fieldswhen youlookout the window” Jomentioned that theiraccountant inthe outer office knewall ahoutthese things. Right," declared Mick, "Tllgotalkto him.” Inthecourseofthealtemoon | gleanedother litle pieces ofinformation, Forexample, Mick hasacquizedasmal, round Napoleon table ‘and some Charies furniture forhis house. He hasalso boughtabeautifulantique bed for $200, which was.used inthe Liz Taylor and Mia arrow film, The Secret Ceremony. Micktetumstotheroamandsitsin achair alongside round kitchen table, onwhichsitsa ‘vasefullofelegant long stemmed, red roses Ho growlshisdispleasure ofone recentreportthattheStones hope thissinglewill ea hitbecause they have nomoney/eft, Hethreatenst0 thrawa bucket of water overthe offendingjournatiston theirnest meeting, Ofcourse, hedoesa’t really meanitiutit'sallapartof boeingthe big, bad RollingStone. Thestrangethingabout ag thatheisinstinctivelyagentle, kind-hearted person. Buthe justas instinctively defends himself by altacking the resultofmeeting toomany ess kind-hearted people who areonly too happy tokiek him Intheteeth (metaphorically atthe firstsignofa softspot.Oneemotive reaction hecouldn'taligguise, however, was hisdelightatthereceptionaccorded the Stonesontheirfirstliveappearancefor 12 ‘monthsatlast week's NMEPoll concert. “Irwasjustlike old times,” smiled Mick."In fact itwasbetter than old times~oneof the best receptions we have ever got. Wewere all lighted. We intended doing Turpin’ Tack Flash’ only andthen ustacceptourPoll award, unless there wasaworthobile inwhich ease we wouldako do Satis Withadefinitedemand formoreexciting soundsandmore danceablemusicbeing demanded by youngstersat present, the Stonesare re-emergingat juste righttime, They went to considerable rouble ifm alive production of Jumpin'Jack Flash” and “Child GFThe Moon’ at Olympic Studios, Barnes. The studios were so fulloffilm equipment it caused abewildered Chaelie Watts, expecting justacouple ofeameras, tosaytoa Ltiendlaer:"I’slike bleeding Paramountin there! Youshould be seeing theresultsofthison BBCY's Top OfThe Popsshortly Asofficehoursdrewtoaclosewe spentsomeminutes discussing MarianneFaiehfulls culinary ability, over whieh Iwill draw an Indiseceet veil, and the staff began toput theirheads round the door osaygoodnight. Mickremained hhunchedinhischairandioeach withdrawal wished thema, ‘good night" adding, like some Machiavellian Uncle “Mac’, ‘children everywhere" under is breath, Heabviously thought this Inugelyamusing, Finally hechauffeurarrived totake Mickhomeand from thereweweretogotoa, recordingsession ursiverHereconting Disistensctoi ‘cenboppertone tygmneap teterngtomtte tainastopdncrey ini hope cfoelingt te Mii est they werent toetcrini ou enceat piace Mette manne The Talhnichansat oop upentetlorentcing teplatnteatloguac tnrch yulotedand Tohinegctaes tecmsshehal peedrncit cctecrontnichgnethe aeonaotaariagen floningpousbentteroom, anion atic cntenighlimer mele inpeputontanntart RIDE ees Malton hase thansualbatels comeing nga poblen beng soarcaceniare “tcklspaolingheaeatandtom he ines meta tistaeciotbe cal taaghen peaythngtofrietentan= ca gauge opr tctphehasneer etre lols ict ea Chae Was abo ppctigraiturnt Iseshon an none cinta an paces panes ‘imctoanimignry stage i Grunkiswarngorestxtteimagoary cont Rooaretctgge eaguaatige cons esate Solin ng um snote te tetom hi oldaesonutis Seuaceuione wae stout uloiodosomehingsoantch ‘onesogednancominced hati orthehoswasthemorecommerct sheet ovetrecrasgcec eon tonsrtetineandeubleintoringot theomopone toon saber hth pliers “furthemoret hee mp ck hemor reales war ong miler Masta ‘Seappeaay Stato’ snot feng lve ely gas ag! tsb eb hisdneth popimusofatcanchow'siopped Tetinguitccfcammansagr vac, the rally poor udneretngtingsspped “THE MORE | HEAR JUMPIN’ JACK’ THE MORE | REALISE | WAS WRONG. IT REALLY IS AGAS, GAS, GAS!” BRIAN JONES happening!" Beianalsoefers tothel fl which begins shortly, ashavingathemeot ‘destruction andereativeness™ Wecreate, headdswithawry grin Jimmy Miller goesdown thestudio andsits Inonapart ofthejamsession ondruims. He workshimselfinto such alather that the mane ofblackand grey harfliesinalldirections and he sweats profusely if Keith Moon everneeds replacement! This"playtime-tike” approach by Jimmy hasmoresignificancethan some might realise, forhebelievesincomplere Identification with the artistsheisworking With,andinabsorbingas much oftheir ‘musical idemttyashe can. Consequently you willseehimeven doingalitle cod impression ‘Jagger'sji” duringarun-through, Tdon'twanttoimpressany ofmy musical ideasorattitudesupon the Stones” says Timmy, “Tjustwantto bringoutall thenatural talent they have, [want theStonesbeingthe Stonesand that's whatwe think Jumpin’ Tack Flash’ is. TheStonesreally sellsounds. Youre inthestudios with themaneleverything seems tobedriftingtonopurposeand:thenit allcomestogetherquite suddenly ‘While Keith and Biianareworkingouta igutar thing, lllsitsin the contralroomand interestshimselfinatrade paper. He ishugely amused byanad foraD) called Jerry Conway who hasapicturewith the heading, "Recognise Him?” and continuing, “Direct {rom hisfantastiedise-ockeyingsuccessin theStrand,”" Bill had apparently missed out, Jimmyisplayingatapeback ofan earlier recordingcutby the Stonesin which theresa fine piece ofpiano bashing "Who's playing piano?” Task, committing EEE THE ROLLING STONES: ARCHIVE G8 the cardinal sinofexpecting Mick toreply to pedestrian questions. Charlie” says Mickimmediately ‘withoutflinching, Lulled intoa senseoffalse security I getasfaras \writing"CH’ inmynate book before allinginand findingmy informantregardingme out ofthe comerothis eyewithaderisive rin aggeredagain! Havingwatched mewander about the studio for some minutes, iytakes pityonmeand suggests, “Maybeyou would ikea askine some questions? "That would be nice” Iagreeand \weretiretoasmallsoundproot roomhalfwaybetweenthestudios ‘andthe controlzoom—akindof ‘no-man’s-land. Mickis in one ofhis let's beco-opetative butnot 109 c-operative’ moods, ‘Child ofthe Moan isprobably themoreoriginal af the wo numbers we'vecutforasingle’ sad Mick. "W's pretty song, thinkitIdowellin America’s morefortheAmericanmarket” “why? “IthasaCaWinfluence;’ replied Mick with touching straight faced sincerity ‘Was theirnewalbum likelyto beareversion to orm? Thekind cofthingiwe expected before Satanic Majesties? “Therewillbesomesimplethingsandsome ‘complex ones,” sald Mick ‘Would there beany love songs? “Ohyes plenty ofthat,” agroed Mick fervently. “Lots ofthat!” ‘Songs dealing with boy-girrelationships® "There's Parachute Woman,” offered Mick. Plenty of good solid beat numbers? Mickshakes hisheadand nods violently indicating much beatwitha tampingothis, foot. Other Stones were driftinginto the room and sattolisten othecrossfre.latcempted togivehimahardtimewith onequestion— somechanee. ‘Why hadhedecided to accept theraleot pop starinhisfirstfilm whenhedabwaysstatedhe ‘wouldn'tplay thatkind of character? Keith Richard madean asidewhich, collapsed Charlie, Did you hear that?” smiled Charlie.*Hesaid, On behalfot the board | should like to hear thatreply.” “No, theroleisnatlike thatanyway."said Mickdefensively-“I’snousemysayingitis gooduntil youseethe result, butit’snotthe Conventionalideaofapop stat ‘Why had the early excitement ofpop music cooled -Wwasitduetoso manytap groups ike the Stonesdoing fewerlive appearances? “all hesethingsgoincycles,” said Charl “Youcan'tbringhackan erathatisdead.I'The Beatleswent backtoLiverpoolnow there be noneedto.cordonoffolockstopreventthe ‘thousands offans gettingac them. Thetimes havechangedanditsgoingiobealong time tillthey changeagain. Outside thesestudios theresretwoKi Aeargo brewery that 20ormore: "HEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 37 Mickti Wandayearbefo ————— iff AULisNa STuiteS; ALBUMS Polling Sones = SN \ The imperial phase begins. Pleased to meet you... “PETER WATTS Ppeseieiscinrnesinnit point pda, ure Stones Ihadnotbeentgpodyetr The Sau Malte Retest oped the Redlands Faeatomnmen certian Noel geopercusheneaded iplnstephy orimpledincllvar bute Sone aed themsehesinttheros le perodt el sent oppedpetningtobe Phe Tats andcorcenatedontsngT Rolling aoe explicate pel eee lesa araeinctin sen Arty cso Maythe bendhadeeasedfompin ack Fas efi vaggetingalg eth wsio that Stones underedin chest et 28) ULFIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THE ROLLING STONES love, buctlourishedin theyearofthe barricades, 16wasangry violent bitter and turbulent, ayearofbrokendreams, tots revolutions, assassinations, Black Panthers Yippies, Richard Nixon andl the TetOffensive. Themood suited themand ‘eventhe Stones, usually themost apolitical ‘ofbands,couldn'tignore what ‘wasgoingon, Thatwasstlltocomewhen theStonesgathered inGTones TT ie tracks, beforethe final mixingin jlyat Hollywoodsstudios. March 17 wasalsotheday ofamajoranti- ‘Vietnam Warmarchia London, whieh agger attendedand from which ear FightingMan’,astrutting, urgentriffmarried tosmartlynon-committal commentary: "Well nowwhatcanapoor boy dolExcept tosingforareck nvollband?/'Cause insleepyLondon Town theré'sust nnoplaceforastreetfighting man.” Se eS Ee ee ete Riaydwkcoticatwts ae tortor wLencts Revie soiipteraghearyrecione (EERE bxtrecdredacehlngario ostayCattines No Beetataee cppobrumtomihe Expectations” and-hupin ack Sh Eee eae eere Fach Ashilymanitrsaig, ATMEL SrsomeradosttionsintheUS Fveybodvknewihatwehadto facmatine _whenitsreessecsncdedwitha ‘startover.” By March 17, thebulkof (Merbapceg eee! Chicago. Itwouldeventuallylead thealburnwaswrtten and frabmatineacome cesideTwoofthealbuin recordingheganatOhympic ageemralanen dene begins Siren Ser hee Scrcieniesne uniorgetableloopingsamba PoducerlimmyMiler ian Sogmadeten rhythm Sympathy ForThe Joneswasaniniermitent Beirbvesstoter evi Originallya Dylanesque eae ect ae eee meee eee ricco Tsecaloe mtky UN peosmemmmen Test fed res hrrat assassinated, beefingitup,addinghypnoti “qwoo-woos" andallowingagger to plurals thekeylinefrom"Who killed Kennedy?"to Whokilled heKernedys?"1'soncotthemost bracing situp-an¢-listenopeningstoany album. Nicky Hopkins’ piano sprominene, land would be throughout Thesideends with Jigsaw Puzle™ which is swhat“Sympathy.,." might havesoundedlike if theydstucktothe original plan. Asprawling, wordy ballad, atfrstlaggerstrugelesco imposehimselfonanclusive tune, butthe beat coalesees intosomethingmotesinewy and confident hankstomontamental work from Charlie Wattsand Hopkins. Jagger’s Iyricsarewityyandselfreferential “Ohthe singer he looksangry/Atbeing thrown tothe lions/And the bass player helooksnervous About the grtsoutside/And thedrummer e'ssoshattered/Trying to keep on timelAndthe guitar playerslook damaged /They vebeen ‘outcast het lives. Tewasa time ofexploration. Jagger was dabblinginpolticsandreadingoverything fromWBYeatstoCarljung, while Keith Richards was. pettingturnedonto new sounds, Hemet Ry Cooder, hung outwith Tal Mahal andspenttime with Gram Parsons,who \wasin London with The Byrds. That might explainthethiee countrysongson Beggars startingwith"No Expectations" rch, acoustic andlanguorouswith Hopkinslavingdowna, onkytankgrooveon piano. Brian Jones conteibutes memorable slide guitar~hisonly real involvement with thealbum (somesay this isCooder playing, buti’sneverbeen verified). For"Dear Doctor’ Faggerputsona high-pitchedyokel accent oimpersonatea \womanjilting herliancé on their weddingday. The “that's folks" pay-olffrom Hopkins suggestshowseriouslyitshouldbe taken Laleristhesweetsketch "Factory Gil which exaggerates the Celticoriginsof CarterFamily folktocteateakindof Irish Appalachiahybri. Alongside this country tiptyehare three tracksofsultrydauble-trackedechoey Delta blues, withRichardsathisspider-fingered TT Eras Sympathy Pee i ForThe Dei a Ne expectations Dear Detor |4Parochute Warman sagsan Pure Stet Fighting Man Prodigal Son Say Cat Bes Factory Gt at The Earth leased Decree e168 abet Deen Produce ye linen Persone ik ens (oe ei. fv ees le tar alg eas ta tebe mtn hae ‘eri feth hrs iran (ts. prs son baci): hare ats (rs per ‘helo aching) Ney Hoek (pos Dasani Ric rch acy Dp egos) iy i sl ts Set espe i asking oc) Highest har postin: UKSUSS: best. “Parachute Woman" and Stray CatBlues" areas raunchy astheycome, while Prodigal on’, originally by Reverend Robert Wilkins, ‘wastheband'sfirst biuescaversince“Little Red Rooster’,Thesultry*Stray Cat Blues’ soundslike The Velvet Undergroundandstarts withalewd chucklefromJaggerashe anticipates what's tocome:savage threesomes ‘with underage groupies. "Iso hanging Her i'snocapitalerime,"hegtins. "Betyour ‘mamadon tknonoyouscretnatike tha.” Thefinal track, “SaltOfThe Earth" is, musically and thematically, aprototype of "YouCan't Always Gee WhatYouWant".A state-of-allnationsaddress like therest olthealbuim, tha's more sardonie than cynical. thegins with anacoustiestrumand Richards’ falteringvocals,belorelaggercomes. infollowed by theWattsStreet Choir. Hopkins, ingly ends thealbuminaswitlofboogie ‘woogiepiano layingdownarhythm that, despitethemyriad scandals that continued to surround them, thebend sustained forthe next fouryears, ‘ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE CORTTNRO SNCS NOTA E TNE SSS AN A THEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE. fea see _______, ThE AULLING STONES: ARCHIVE'69 “People cannot afford to be intolerant anymore. Aneventful summer for the Stones, with the arrival of Mick ‘Taylor, the death of Brian Jones, Hyde Park and “Honky Tonk Women’. In June 1969, Mick Jagger introduces the “new band” to . And in August, hears Keith Richard's predictions of violence, riots and the band “playing in our wheelchairs”. .. WHAT MAKES Mick Jagger run, leap, bounce, smile, cov, work, hick dodge, embrace, jeer, love, soft aed? The ‘mystery boy of pop isamystery ‘man of pop. Likesherrywifle orhashcake, heissweet with akick Mr % ‘aRevive'The Rolling ‘ampaign. They daitiontothe Corny TEC lyperked up with th ‘of immy Milleras record producer Since theend of the touring days, manag splitsandrecords hat weren'tas success teyshould have been -nottomention the ‘occasional brush with the forces oflawand order theStoneshave been, in truth, eingingonto reality with theskin of theirteeth Mick'sstrength, driveand workhaveensured thatnotonlyhavetheStones survived more than ‘most groups haveever suffered, theyhavekept ‘ereativeand enthusiastic ‘Where others might quail, hey are keen fornew projects. Thesuepriseaddition of Mick Taylor, ‘unknown guitarist from John Mainall'sJazz Band" as somenational newspapers would Inform us, is going tobe the boost to relaunch s working group backon theroad. beactuallyrevistingKen Colyer's nday afternoon blues sessions, butby Club ors 40 | ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE | THEROLLINGSTONES ‘the ghost of Cyril Davies, wecanexpecta free ‘concert somewhere notone thousand miles from, London fairysoon! Andthe group that pioneered the British R'n'B boom backin the eatly'60sand ‘created the climate forboth the bhuesand progressive groups of taday will beback~ playing ‘music and having good time. Sowhar’sitgoingto belike, Mick? “Amazing. itsgoingto blow your mind! I's just rousers, orock'n'vollon photographs that m ‘yearsold,itmast he reported that Micklooked extremely well andvery young, ‘plained Bill Wyman who wasintheviinity 8 packed tina couplet fastone” Andhe looked incredibly young, aswell-butenough of thesemedical bulletins, Said happy Mick, pausingonly to greet passing lady reporter: “Mick Taylorisvery quickto pick things up and he's gettingon well with Keith. By the way, [read callin the newspapersthat Brian ‘wasou. lead guitarist ell don tthink hewas. Mick Taylorhas been through the obn Mayall school, and when knew hewas leaving! thought Fateyand gethold ofhim, had himdown toa sessionand he was quite good, thenhecameta another and he was very food. don tknow Mick sowelllcansayhe'sasgoodas —conrowesovens Tae nUiittta STbWeS: ARCHIVE 69 EricClapton, but anyway, that’snotwhatThe RollingStones areallabout.” ‘Would thenew Stones daaconcertatthe Ken Colyer lub, Lsuggested pointlessly? I don'twantto gobacktothewomb. We \vanttodo something new. Pm notinterested inrepeatingourselves. The newbandisn't goingtobe ike early Stones. Thethingisto go ‘on,on, doingsomethingnew.” ‘TheStonesseem tobe goingthrough an extremely busy and creative period. ‘Well, that'stheway welike todoit—in phases. Irscooler forme, because like tacool ‘out nowand then and goontosomething different. Keith andThavewritten about 24 songs recently. Someaf the group want todo theold ones, and we'llprobably doalotofthe tracks on thelastalbum. In act, all ofthat album contains stuff wecan play onstage TheStones'lastappearance wasa concert a yearago. Their nextonewillbein Rome, Tune 25 and26, WasMicknervous, and why Rome? “Iedoesn’t make menervous-i'sjusta natural thing for moto go onstage. Wechose Rome forthe coneertbecauseitisa very good sual thing. Andthe other reason, which haven't told anybody else, is wasn't satisfied with the RollingStones partof the Rook nd Roll Circustilmwemadeandwewanttodoit ‘againin the Colosseum, which was the fist: "The film should be dueoutin September with the next LP. Wewanted the LPout inl, Iutthemogulsoftherecordindustrysayi’sa bbadmonth because ll the factories that make recordsare onholiday: Infact, wehavedone twoalbums.and the frstwill beout September. woof the racks will have Mickon guita.” ‘What ill irianJonesbedoingnest? Teantellyouverylitle~itsbetteryouask hhim yourself. [guess he ustwanted todo something different andhelhasdoneforalong, time. hope whatever hedoescomesof. “Mick was with Mariannest the Blind Faith ‘concert in HydePark. How did hereact to their performance? Tthought they were very nice. Iwasrightat the backofthestageandI couldn'seethem, ‘but! thought somehow they were very strained. [guess they'll get moretogetherand inger \aker| was fantastic. Hea beautiful irummer-thehestcrummet haveever Iwasabitsurprised Stove Wineood) din’tplayany guitar, though. \wish head stood up and played Hoverosee teviewigglehisbum {TH RICHARDinterview Aircon, ‘heron TifegSoes bards hep Wig? Maelo “petcainttateccng he = art from the s concerti same people. Fp ccc Paha Thcretyront —. lee Senseocite (URGREREEREE some Tse romny fwarenesthatplyazsGaay — tingtat happened inbetien iyminwe "Suid thattuppetal ecg anytingright nTeAtOlThe thngoeqin Lever wanted. Tappenthes g2imomnlng RO) Seah rom my gan 1, Foling Sones /ERAMRAIS Feset grr mu lw eftcetsouch “Samet fan tealthetine Hsten oan Meanbodyseice east | SATEEN muchsfean iene: ——— "Whe! |, sober-suited men with sleovesrolled up, one with shortspiky hair who mighthave been the daddyofaskinhead, Iwas waiting for Keith Richard. Mick Taylor. beinginterviewed inthe boardroom sauintered out inacrumpled white garmentlikeanightshirt, mumbled semi-surly “Hello” and passed.into thenext room. Bill Wyman madea colourful appearance preceded by thelongblonde Astrid, collected messages atreceptionand dispersed nto the innersanctum. ‘Would Like to wait inthe boardroom?” “Mick, havingmet enough press forthe day. was intherealso waiting forKeith and playing the onnie& Delaney LPsolowitwasbarely aucible.“No, interviews don'tbother me,” said Mick, adoptinga sitting position of knees tuckedtnderchin, But not chenationals, “They'reso unaware of what'sgolngon,"he srimaced. ‘Allthey'reafterisseandal” Bill wandered inand Mickwanted toknowit Charlie was back from Greece “Yeah, he phoned me theothernight. What ddkd Chali phone for? Astrid? Astrid, ASTRID. Yeah tars right, he'd gothishouse insured by someblokewho wasgood and he thought might want to use him,” Houseinsurance? Can The Rolling Stonesbe ordinarymertals afterall? ‘When Bllleftto good-natured Tayloribes of ’Goingtodosome gardening?" Mick speculated onalengthy wait for Keithandwas abouttoairhisviewsonskinheads when in roared beaming figureinawide-brimmed black hat, purple vest and green trousers, “Tall bombed out ‘announced the uunshaven Kelthallte breathlesslyafter descending oreefully onachair. stonelike pleasantrieswere exchanged bythe two Stonesand recording arranged. Haveyou spoken to Mick?” asked Mickona partingnote, ‘Yeah, he'sbored stiff There'snothing todothereandhe ‘wantstobeback” | TajMahal. Drfohn.Led Zeppelin. Blind Faith. Everythingis becoming moreand more mixed, barriersarefalling, away. Like Johnny Winter’sas whiteasthey ‘come, butwhen Ifirstheard him was ‘convinced the sound was something from (Chicago. The divisionsinmusie getlessand lesseveryyear:” ‘Wewerefacingeach other across the board:oom table, Keith behind hisblue-tinted circularglasseshavingmeatadisadvantage because! couldn't gaugereaction from hiseyes. Though hismood was mostly friendly, at somequestions| felthim fixinga dlisapprovingglate. Butbecause the lenses hadamirrorelfect when viewed face an, all could seewas the reflection ofa colourful bowl fruit. “Hyde Park? Yeah, hesmiled, “lean'tstop reamingaboutic Ithado bethebiggest crowd ve everseen. They were thestarsofthe showslikesome massive religious gathering ‘ontheshoresof the Ganges. wasabitshakey atfirst, butthen [started enjoyingmyselfand ityvas ustlikeitwastwo yearsago.” I prefaceda question with the Stones ‘observations that they didn't want sereamers and Keith interrupted w correct me:“Uhave alwaysdugthem. Ifpeoplewanttolisten and they areal! siting there quietly Twill ‘concentrate on playingand givethem something for thelr ears. Butlftheyare sereaming]willforget about solosand justhiit, Anartist feeds offanaudienceand vice-versa, Also Uhink one ofthe reasons ‘that people go to those showsistoloseabit cofenergy.” thas fallen on Keith tobe the chief Stone spokesman while Jaggeris away entertaining Australia [lming Ned Kelly. Though Keith's content todoitnavs, thebruntofinterview ‘workwillfallbackon Mickwhen he returns. Does Keith thinkhecould iake the kindof stick Mickhas hadtotakefrom the pressin inawayifithappensto Mick, ithappensto ‘me anyway." hereplied, and [eouldsee th reflection ofthe fruithovleomingup.“I don't givea ‘Whateffectdoesithaveon Mick? "Heusually laughs. When you thinkaboutit there isnothingyotican do. Andtobotherto fightabout every litte detail. well... The knowtheyaremakingyouappearaneven more glamorous person toa certain public nomatter whatthey write. You know, theoldbitaboutany publicityisgood publicity ‘Wejust do whatwewantto aandit’sfunny tosee what things wedo that they pickup ‘onand splash aerossthe headlines. thinkthe way they ‘treated Brian wastervible...youknow, mentioning drugsthefirstthing...butthat ‘wasmainly the Sundays suggested that maybe the Stones went out oftheir way tobe provocativeand enjoyed the response, citing Mickwho limaginehad a ball in Australia choosinga diferent outfit each dayto stun thestaid Aussies. "Yeah, Mick does do that, "agreed Keith, smiling, then moreserious."They were vultures over Marianne, When [spoke to Mick, Fknew that she wasn'tasseriousas she wasmadeouttobe.Iguessina wayheis havingaball When Mr Jaggerreturns from being MrKelly, the Stones ill have enough finished material tostocktwo LPs. Workingtitleof the first LPis Sticky Fingersand Keith comments, "I'sthe beststuffive've doneso far Likea progression from Beggars Banquet, only heavier. ‘We digressed to talkingabout "Satisfaction and wasiascinated tolearn thatatfirstKeith didntlikethesongmanyeonsiderto bethe Stones finest single achievement. wasn't until Mickhad played ttohim forages” that “HYDE PARK? IT WAS LIKE SOME MASSIVE RELIGIOUS GATHERING ON THE SHORES OF THE GANGES” KEITH RICHARD Keith gottolikeit, Furthersidetrackingtook us into theinfluence the musicof TheBand hhad on Beggars Banguet. Keith was friendly and responsive ‘Yes, suppose lam ina more peaceful frame ofmind than Iwastwo orthree years. ago, Hut ddon'tknow how! willbewhen we get backto ably biffingphotographerson n,with people holdingmeback. iolencethen Violence aboutyout Alotot kids don't wanttolivethesamesort oflivesas theirparents,and their parents ddon'trecognise theirrighttochoosea different life because theyare so conditioned, Butthingsaregoingtocha ‘now like two forees, with youth anone and both ave gettingbiggerand stronger. Idon' lke the way police attitudes have changed. They aregettingnew poweranditis growingatanalarmingratebecause once somethingis that igit wants to gt bigger. tis becomingaasocial police, moreand more cconceredl with how you live. Clasheshave hhappenedalreadyin America and thepolicearereallyloading themselves up with hardware” Where dothe Stones it in? “Weare ustup thereshouting with everybadyelse. Whatfor? “Who knows: nobody eanteally say. Just notthis,Peoplecannotafford tobe ingolerantany more Keith isnow25andhesmoved oanew housein Chels child Anita allenber ick Jagger's, where illpresent hima with next month will grow up. "How willl brngitup? [do haveideasbut ddon’twant totalkabout them yet. Brian? could alkabout Brian, butIdonltwantto;not yet.It'stoo clase Thefuture? | don't thi laughed. ‘Weall haveour visions ofplayingin chairs. [don'tknow. My, aren'twe bitheavy?Forthe immediate futurel ‘wantto keep the Stones playing, becauseifI don't all the workofthelastfew months will beblown. Fiestprlortyisto finish recording forawhile. hen finish theStones Rock And RollCircusNo3,doafevliveshowsbefare theend oftheyear "Well that's fine," Fconcluded. “Good, saidhe, jumping up oleaveas tuptlyashe arrived, parting“Imust go and fixsomesessions’ hanginginthe ait - behind him, Mktogen A 5 TEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 4 JROLLING STONES | es LET IT BLEED > ET [penetra tperotrbadoackot Ltt Bleed cracan “Tha aindofnd-thewerdong eal Thapeclpes tev ocrd lat Inet aie toncanne Shera trotonderlvesongsYouGor Thus foryilence night ‘evamped ber oson ue Lveln 46 | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THEROLUNGSTONES hopeto. And, like any Stones platterworthits lacquer, thereissex, sex, sex. Thesecondina stunningfour-albumrunofstudio ‘masterpieces released between 1968.and 1972, Let itBleed'sroughshod rock’ n'ollstandsasa kindofteacon agoldstandard-gainingin statureastheyearstickby. *Someofthoseearlyalbums,likeBetween ‘The Buttons, Jaggerexplained towriter Stanley Boothin 1968, “weresolight. There wasnolight touch timmy Miller'sStones productions, though, and Letit Bleed, akindof Beggars Banquettaketwo, isdowaright pugilisticin sound, Richards’ bone-crunching guitarsmeld into creepyharpfils. Thegroup's rhythm section, elevatedin hemixtospar with Jaggerselegantly wasted voeals, pushes thesongs, whennecessary,tobrutalextremes, heres alotofangerinthemusicfrom that period,” Richards wouldlaterexplain,‘Aspell Inprisonar Wormwood Scrubs forarrumpe ‘up 1967 drug conviction} would certainly give youtroom forthought.Iwasfuckingpissed with bbeingbusted, Soitwas:Right, we'llgoandstrip thisthingdown: Thesuper-silly*MonkeyMan,” arguably Bleea’smosttheowawayeut found theStones playfully mockingtheirdemonicimage("T opewevenottoomessianicoratrifletoo Satanie”)and gotby on Richards rapid-fire guitar. ButwhenthesStonesturnedballadicon Loveln Vain" and "YouGot TheSilver’ the results weresimply gorgeous, Conversely ‘Midnight Rambler’ cartoonish thought might be, delved fulL-boreintotheheartof depravity, borrowing ts imagery fromaserial killerknownasthe Boston Strangler Miller'stimely aerivalasstudiogurupar excellenceccoincided with whatmight be termed aggerand Richards second songwtitingBigBang.Theypenneda staggeringbody ofworkcirea 1968-69, songs that carried theirlogendwellintothe next decade. “AllDown The Line Morphine” and“ShineA Light”,amongothers, vwereattemptedat the LeitBleedsessions, before ukimately beingscrapped, destined far Silky Fingersand ExlleOn Maint. “Honky Tonk Women’, another signature tones anthem missing om Let Bled splavlist (though, frankly itshouldhavesup lesser cousin, “Country Honk”, solidified the TTA VERDICT “itstremendous The ‘Stonesmayhave sullered many wounds ding theres, btlet Blade proba ebest ‘Atheros {rodved Atermach antockngito ‘Sterntaacces ‘Sheetheeay day. theStoneshavefound themsehesagain” what agreat bunt Peoplearegoingto, fvetogoalongwayto beat srl an increbepleeot ‘roupandtiendsat {helrbst ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIMELINE: EOECENETCOATOTACEC TMNT WCAC TTT tion, dominatingradio ainwavesasahaltmillion soulsgatheredat ‘Woodstock’ Yasgur’sFarm that August Intnith, from death to disaster the Stoneshad noshortageofplotlinesinate’s9,asthey ‘undertook their fistmajortourin threeyea BrianJonesmakesacameoon Let /tBleed but had quitthegroupby une,andwasfound dead weeks ater. Newcomer Mick Taylor hotshot gulcarrefugee rom John Mayalls Bluesbreakers,wouldin timealterthegroup's ‘chemistry considerably but wasbarely through thedoorbysession time. Murder, mayher, and HellsAngelsurked towardtoursend. Holding things together was Keith Richards who, along with keycontributions from Miller, RyCooder, and keyboardists Stewart, AlKoopet, and Nick Hopkins, fleshed outthesongs purposefully, withararegrandeur, Taylordoesprovidea glimpse oftheirfuture, though.on LiveWith Me",abitofprarience only theStonescould getaway with. Dueling ‘with Richards onthe song’slean, sinew rhythm-ancdrfftemplte,it'sa protorypeot TET ie Steer alot amy Ho seine stat eed ‘ae abe edo Te Sher venta esa Ahaye ata Wat Released Oecerber 51969 abe Dea Produced in we Personne ick ser (cone cing seat nme Eran ees aha pete sie; Rotncrards sie yt as aching vocal aoe "euGct the Ser Mek Tale (eti and slide gute) rr vats (Grams Biren ass staacthap ies, Ian Steuart (po Ny Hopkins ino, am Byron Beine 3) ey Cyn (oe) Ry Coed (art 200 ess (ona sahone: ry ier pees aus, cnr Len tl (panoan eraronee rei) ack Niche (eralarargenens): Ape (par Fen error Rane Maran Docs, Maeine ol ck steed sorts,asuccessfulfirsttake onanapproach the group wouldperfect downtheroadon curslike ‘Brown Sugar’, Bitch’ and"I’sOnly vocal Rak Dion Rock'n'Roll But Like (pseassen Te London Theglorious"YouCan'iAlwaysGetWhat You BachCha oral) Want’~aglimmerofhopeand orgivenessto Mies Ghat Peston: offsetthegatheringeloudsof*Gimme UKKUSS Shelter’-shutsdown Let tBleedin * style Jagger'simpassionedvocal presides overadizzyingswial fburblingpercussion, wile pianoruns, acoustic JE guitars. and goosebump | YocalsfromtheLondon o — i . BachChoir. l'san schinglyhumansong, dinthe exigenciesofchaos coststhereof and floatsawaynasonic eloudastranseendent asanyrock’n ol everproduced. ee ANE OLLinG STOW: ALBUMS STICKY FINGERS Adeep trip into American music, and an unusually revealing Mick Jagger. 5" GRAEME THOMSON |CRATCHTHESURFACEof Sticky Fingers anditsoundsverymuchikebusinessas tasual Richards brings the groove Jagger suppliesthestrut,andthebattalionof chetypalknee-ieemblers~"Brown Suga itch’, Can'tYouHearMeKnocking”— capturethe Stonesattheirmostfuriously primal, Listen moreclosely,however,and you'lhearthatsomethinghaschanged.Irsnot justthe factthatRichards'razor-wireriffsnow tanglewith Mick Taylors lithe guitarlines;its alsothatagger’sarch theatres comewithan "unexpected depth, asoberingintrospection ‘Sticky Fingers the bridge that carried the Stonesoutofthe’60sandintothe'70s, pieced together overtwoyearsinthegapsbetween ‘tvomajor somewhat mythical tours;various legal shenanigans; theintegration of Taylors ‘fully fledged Stone;and their departurefvom Deccato ormthirown recordlabol Ath stopover at MuscleShoals,Alabamain December 1969 delivered “Wild orses' “You GortaMove" and “Brown Sugar’ thelatter debuted twodayslateratAltamomt, The rest thesickly"SistorMorphine' aside—was recordedthroughout I970atStargroves, Jagger’scountry pile and tidiedupat Olympic Studiosin London, 49 | ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE | THEROLLINGSTONES Inwas, according oagger,“aheavytime and you canhearitinthemusic, Unlikemost otherStones albums, however magnificent, Sticky Fingersisanemotionalaswellas visceraltide. 1's analbumoftheiling extremes: therockersaremalevolentand ‘merciless theballadshearteltandreflective Jagger traditionally hidesbehindavariety of pposesand postures, buton "Wild Horses” and "MoonlightMile thelong daysandlonger nights spentontheroad'sleepinguner' strange strangeskies"seemedto pull something deeply personaloutothim, ‘Written by Jagger with Taylor-Richards,in hisownwords was" veryoutofit”and doesnt even playonthetrack~"MoonlightMtile falls somevwherebetweenadreamanda prayer: The interplaybetween Jagger srollingacoustic Paul Buckmasterssiringarrangementand Taylor'sguitarconvergeatthe rystingpoint ofblues, countryandsomethingmore ‘mysteriousand Middle Eastern, Thereare Iyricalwinkstococaine,butthisisway beyond ‘adrugsong. "Moonlight Mile"istesoundof lonelinessdistilled a movingeoncession othe tollonthepsycheand spirithislitedemands.I perfectly capturesthe hallucinatorystatethat ‘descendsinthedeadofnightinsomeplace without anamearaftiend, ‘dreamsfading downtherailroad tine" HaveweoverheardTaggersoopenand vulnerable? Only, perhaps,on “Wild Horses ‘Richardscameup with thetitleandwrote the achingly lovely country-tinged melody, but Jaggermeets the challengehead onwithsome ‘exqusitelyies~"Faith hasbeen broken, tears mustbecriediLet'sdo some nvingafter wedi andoneofhismostcommittedvocal performances. “Iwas definitely veryinsidethis plece emotionally,"helatersald."Wsvery personal, evocativeandsad.” ‘SisterMorphine" isanothergruellingifless personal-descentintodarkness. TheStones haverarelycovered thegrimaftermathof addictionin such unsparing detail rarely allowed themselves ohear thesereamofthe ‘ambulance Jagger disputes Marianne Faithfullselaim thatsheweotetheentiresong herself-"Shewroteacoupleoflines: cousin cocaine... thatbit"-butit’sanother outsider, Ry Cooder, whostealstheshowwithhis ‘whiplash bottleneck guitar." You Gotta Move’ sounds similarlyhaun Reverend GaryDavisand Fed McDowell’ rusticdelta blues. With tsclankingchain-gang rhythmandeerie,keeningvocals.i’san Ty ae “Themusitantips| ‘optional ar Mis sealsareasvdl~an ‘Soontaled~as ever ‘aatuntichis ‘Simple ane getsback {otheroosthatmade theStone.” “Thar thea, gusty Stones thslon ‘Stave Stores. the espting lds ad Ico the roots hut tei bse ‘stun they ead brassthatdoesrt quite ‘rent. ROLLING STONES SINGLESTINELINE EEZTEEE immersioninthebluesratherthanan imitation theculminationofajourneythat began many years before. MonehalfofStickyFingersexploresdeep ‘and troubled waters theotherlsmore ‘magnificently vicousthanever before stitching ogetherblues country rockainelsoul influenceswiths fearsomeflueney. Thefirst thingyouhearontherecordisRichards latest weapon, the‘Open © tuning, memorably describedas“fivestrings,twonotes,two fingers and oneasshole’. Taughttohimby Cooder he'snotslew io useit. The unholyguitar attackthat announces" BrownSugar" sounds suspiciously likea statement ofintent, although itsJaggerssong, wrttenin Australiain 1969 while filming Ned Key. Originallycalled ‘Black Pussy’, irsadouble-dare-youtriumph oftadtaste,encompassingslavery, rape, racismandsmack.Helateradmitted thatit covered allthenasty subjectsinonego. Td never rte thatsongnow.ldthink, OhGod, can’, Ivegottostop. ‘The |uddering" Bitch” and "Can't You Hear MeKnocking”-lessasongthan aninvasion~ similarly find Richards'choppinghisway through OpenG'toawesomeetleet. "Sway ontheotherhand,isdefinedby Mick Taylors ‘more subtleapproach,liquidand mysterious, and perfectyeapturingtheambiguouspullof the “demon fe’. IGorThe Blues” and Dead Flowers’, ontheotherhand, areboth superior exercisesin pastiche. Theintroto theformer daresyoutobelievethat Otis Reddingrather than aggerillstartsinging, andtherestisall aboutStaxandgospel,thewarmhornsand Billy Preston'ssearing Hammond break building oarousingpeak. “DeadFiowers"Isa elightfullyeasy country-rockstrll—albeit onevwherethepathislittered with needles blackened spoons-noddingoRichard's growingfriendship with Grem Parsons. Despite thefactthataggeris hammingitup somethingrotten,ithassince been recycled backintothecountrymusiesongbook, covered byeveryone from Steve Barleta Caitlin Rose Sticky Fingersisdeep, funky, funny, sex, shockingand ftenverybeautiful Forts release, though, thegrauphadonemore rmasterstioke~an Andy Warhol coveras icone asanyinrock’nroll. Now, theStones wore definedasabrancaswellasa band TAMING 1 Brown Sugar 2Suay Wid Hoses cart You Haare Kooskng You ota Mave Beate ‘700 The Bes Sister Morphine ‘Dead Flowers 0 Moos Me Released pa. 97 Produced nny ler Late Teng Stoneshtonie Person ick ser (hates seas ‘nde puta, esi ath rc erie lacs seassicgutar bho Mayr saath ands ‘hare ats ros) a ‘yan (ns utr bc ‘eplro Pau Bk era sangomer fy Conte se gusta JinDekrson (a) ely Don os ck Hopes (ae) Bony ey: Rae Lane ea) iy al (Gees iy Neat ec) ack oslo iy Preston asm Pro (romper on Star (lan) Pete Tounsend (ea) Highest Char Peston: UKIUST MATE MUSICGUIDE| $9 Hive PMU Mt AS hs | didn’t enjoy France at all, fucking drag itwas... Asworkon Exile begins, joins an upwardly mobile Mick Jagger for a night in Cannes. Then, a year on and back from LA, Jagger tells how much he hates rock'n'roll. Mick Taylor, meanwhil promotes Exileby telling itisn’tas good as Sticky Fingers CANNESISastrangeplace sitsonthe Cate DAzar beckoningthe ita part with their dollars, pounds ind franesin glorious sunshine. IfPrance conjuresupa pictureof beaded revolutionaries isitCannes whereanyore inbluejeansisan “ippi where giganticsaling ychtslitterthe harbour with pennants from alloverthe lobe and whereahotel without chandeliers islikea pub with no beer. Irisyearsoutofdate, where men with fat eigars, blueblazers, whiteshirts ‘and hagey grey trousers coveringsandalscan reflect on how lifeused tobe. Duchesses with lorgnettesmingle withthe srendy debutantes nwouldn't beaseason towhomasea withouta forinightin Cannes. An odd choice, perhaps, for The Rolling Stonestomaketheithome.Iaxdodgingwas their motive, they obviously aren tthe only tones with thesame idea, ButTdetect achange in'yerserufly RollingStones. Atany rate there'sachange in theircolousful lead singer The old Mickwho perpetuallystucktwo fingersat society isnow well onthe way to becoming part ofthat society. The hairs shorter, neaterand well-groomed, hisjacketis superbly tailored velvetand ahané-made shirtreplacesthevest. Theangryyoungman isnot soangry ashe used tobe. Hemay'stil gyrate wildly onstage burofistageasuaveandeonfidentyoungman standsbetorew stood before the music presslast weekend with the restofthe groupin their ‘new surroundings. TheStones don’t come o your you gotothem. Andifthatmeansfiying toNiceand back via Geneva, itmakesmo difference. They’vejustsigned recording ‘contract which willmake them veryrich indeed ~andifthat isn't somethingto shout about, whatis Soitwasthatl found myself aboard flight ir France950 on Friday bound for thesunny Riviera, whieh turned outta becole and cloudy. Mickandhismenhad ken overa restaurant or the evening orthekind of press conference befittinga property like The We've heentheretwohoursandit's approaching midnightwhen a hustle atthe doorturns ourheads, “Jagger's here someonesays urgentlyand welook round. Mickstridesinwith his beautiful lady on one arm, Hemakes forthe food tableand 20 photographers gather round. Hesmiles ‘and posesand the flashisalbs pop. A persistent ‘cameraman annoys Mick Miekcovershim Photographers persistand Mickeomposes pat the partys for, anyway himself Thisisy Publicist Les Perrin and other ones draghim o onesideand talk. Then Perrin ellsus Mickvwill be overt our table soon, justassoonashe'sgotadrink. But it’s much, much later when hedoes and inthe meantime the rest arrive, Mick Taylorin denims, and Bll Wyman instripes. Charlie arriveswithan entourage which appearsto include Stephen Sillsand Ahmet Ertegun, boss of hlentic Records, and the heaviest guythere, Flashbulbs pop inal directions now, and, ratherthan talkto Mieksenior, decide on a chat with Miek unior, who ishidingfromthe cameraswithhisladyinacarner, *I'verented my house here forsix months; hesays,"Billand areut Grasse, Ch isoverintheCamargueand Keith sway ‘over the otherside of Nice. What's happening inLondon® Onto thenewalbum, “haven't writen any ‘ofthesongs ont” saysMick,"Butweall contributein thestudio. Werakethelead ‘guitar, Keith and me, dependingon the ‘number. Ir'sabout 50-50, lamviting some stuff of myown though, but whether the group will pkayitremains tobe seen. We're gingcobuilda recordingstudiodown hhereassoonas wecan so we can rehearse whenever wewant. I'sagood placetolive ‘The weather’slousy today, but the past fortnighthasbeen gre keep lookingaround tosee iflagger hasstarted talking, atthe English-speaking able. He'sthere, and pickup the ‘conversation midway through some chatabout The Rolling Stones’ nev label *Wecan ecord what wewant conit, really" hesaid. ‘Tiwelikea {group wecan putthem onourlabel, and we ‘may makesolo albums, butthereareno definite plans. Idon'tknowwhae mine would belike, probably songslike' Wild Horses’ with Keith playingiacousticguitarar something Mick unsthrough the trackson the new album witha few comments on eachone “Bitch” was written fr dog overs, hesays ee i ULL STUN: ARCHIVE 71-72 There’sno real change of direction musically forthe group butweall thinkit'sthebest albumwe'vedone,”hesmiles TaskhimaboutStonege, thealbumsush released by Decca following their departure from thelabel “Iwasso mad when iteame out" hesays. That was why spental that money on the adsinthe papers. When weleftDeceawe knew they had tapesofuswhichhadn'tbeen released and which they were entitled put ‘ut But we had a verbal agreement thatifthey did, they would contactus first. We urn our backand they putone outwithouttellingusat all. The tracks aren'tup othestandardofthe group's currentmusicand i's wrong for the fans. Maybe they could haveputitoutona Dbudgetlabel. They can doitagain and again, just taking tacks fom variousalbumsand repackaging them: Keith Richardacrivesinawhitesilkjacket and looking morelike gypsy thanever, Eaztingshang from his ears hisspikyhair standson endand hiseyes look strangely dark, Helunges forward to greet Mick who jbviously wants tobringourlitvechat oan end. There'sone morequestion lwanttoask ‘Whataboutall the bootiogs? "don't mind them, really. Youcan'tstop themdoingit, They/reeverywhere.'sapity thacthey re too “TM NOT INTERESTED IN GOING BACK TO SMALL ENGLISH TOWNS AND TURNING ON THE 10-YEAR-OLDS...” MICK JAGGER expensiveand the people that tape the group. canpickabad night” That's it Mick’slady istiredofhavingnoarm toclingontoandhewantstotalkwith Keith The photographers persist untilthey get the whole group together, and then there's an enormousshotofthe group with llthe Kinney people WEA}, and with the Atlantic s boss, and withall heStonespeople, and with thegilfriends. tsratherlikea wedding ception where the two sides~Stonesand recording company’ allwant thevarious combinationsof the active personnel pictured together: Kinney do even iftheStones don't Around two the partystartst breakup, “Micksayshe'sgoingto thecasineand breezes out. CrisCharlesword MICK JABSER| Mick Jaggeris late, ofcourse. Butthen does anyoneexpect himto a Appointments on time? chickwho washis secretary once told me: "If hhesayshe'llbethereon Tuesday attwo o'dockhe'll bethereat exactly that time-aweeklater” I's ‘great moody. Butintheirheartofhearts, journalistslike the gameofeatandmouse. Evenifthey'eesometimes notthecat But... “Only got back from New York yesterday and still feelin’ zonked." Jagger bips ikesome conqueringPrinceacrossthe expensively white, fleecycarpetinthe ‘capacious office ofthe managingdirector of WEARecords alias Kinne alias Warner Brothers). He lances. thesurroundings, sniffs thenflipsopenhiscan ‘ofbecr.I’snotlost onhim that several yearsbackthissame officebelonged to Andrew Oldham. My, howtimeflies. Thebeer, thebighow af crispsand thelarge plateof brown sandwiches are providedon the rable. Forthis Tuesday afternoon he's required to performbefore an audience ofcassertemics and scribblingbies. ‘Interviews# Naaah” herepliesin that Corr) ‘comie Cockney accent."T've'ad sixmonths of ‘emin LA, avea' tl” He sees thephotagraphershapingup. “Gonna ave me picher taken thent™ He flicks hishand through hishairand stsforwardon, theleathersofa. Youeanseehim quite unconsciously reacting in hisfaceandbodyto thelens. Asever he's compulsive viewing, He's talkingaboutthemusiesceneintheUS. “Ah,” hesays,grimacing, the differenceis there'sno poppy thing there, i’sallroek, What about the David Cassidys, sai. *Naaaah, there'sonly'imand edon'tsell records.” The toneofdisdainisheavy.“Tve beenlisteningto Humble Pieoverthere and they regreat, they'rereally heavy players. And Mato,tha’sagood band.” And T.Rext Hehesitates, hismouth serewing upatthecorers "Idunno, .'E’sallright.Iden'twannahe rudeabout theband, dunno... italldepends whatstandardyou're judging themby. When saw em in LATthoughahe best bitwas the ‘acousticntumbers when he justsatthere with hisguitar twasgreat. Buttheband!Y'see there’sno pop nA, noteenybop.Youcan get, away with tup toa point mao, to playin font af 5,000 people a¢the Palladium. In theo teenybop days you didn't aveco play very Idon'tthinkhedid” He pulled hardonhisbeer, then resumed. toll musle e's nothing mach listen to Tong, $'matterofa dunno, Idon'listentor nowadlay ‘except for gospel music, maybe. Hi heard of Dorothy Morrison: Mbuquerque andsuch, Shesends us {greatleters, endin’ ith ‘the Lord Devwithyouandallthat She's really sweet He went offintoalong explanation ofone ofhersongs, The SingingSlave’ sounding uunaccustomedly excited. Theme hacanother thought “John MeL aughlin! Hike". sMcLaughlindoes God, arefuckinggr mnber him inthe old da used to ee him eaning against the pillars in he Marquee toned outof is ead. Hemadethe appropriate motion, asifhe were holdinga guitar,"But ike thestufthe di y with it bueheres onlyhim, fyoudon'thave agood shythi pable, 3 she's gonna the southern partofour American our, doing with Miles Davis, Histento, chain process, the conver hichisthe otherrockband ation arrived ike atthenameof Don Harris, Ieseemshe played ‘onthe new album:"He played a few note and likedit,buttherestof em said, Ohno, ohn Tere was Dr ohn, too, stutt” None ofthat went down, either. But then, there appearstobs there'sot much of Mick Jagger on the album, aswell. Notso, hesayssharply,hislowerip juttingoutin alarming fashion. Iwas there foralotofthetimein France. thinklwasthereforatleastthree ofthebasie tracks Andwhat about France?“U Ididn'tenjoy tata, fucking dragitwa smeidea that Be Ofreattainrom thet frst UK turin rmorethantouryears. _froggie Theystartedwth— Theanl concersinNeveastio right outinthecountry but SeedNanchestr then tee sig rodent Cont werent andLeeds before ening London st The Roundhouse Hisexpression of disgustis Everyone elselikedit. But hot, andthe fuckin arethieves. Tie place thas nice there you've gottog, itwasOK'cos ether. Ifyouthinkthe dthenitwasnita albu The album, Se] On uatthey’ve patit Allen Klein, hesay New Yorks "He Keto May26,I¢ That waswhyhewasin Jimed he had two track downto salidwe were gonna pay him, butit Asettlementhasnowbeen reached. "Le beawaringtoall this and-comingEnglish guiterplayers, heads, wage Insouclantwas the right word, etalk about the Stones’ albums since boogying, hesays, the ast onewa: London’, “Itshould vebeen called Too Lo "be mutters [tell him think the albums havebecome successively betiersince Beggars Banquet. Hesbrugs. Didyouknow; he replied, that Beggars Banquet and Let I Bleed were recorded around the ‘And that therearealwa Ibuim car Asnotusedan ‘one lover tothe next ike Sister Morphiine,"*Sweet Virginia” and "shines Light" on the new album areboth fram the Sticky Fingers period, There's50 hoursaswell ‘ofunreleased material the hich hethinks regoingtoputout kingback, didn'the think Saran jajesties wasalitileinconclusively experimental the Siones'versionof Sgt Pepper? Frankly, hedider. asthe moodof the times. You can'tplay or write outside the moodofthetimes, unless. commuesovene youliveonameuntain-andevenintheSouth lf France wasn't thatoutofiteouldn't get the Melady Maker. In those timesit floyvers, beads andstars on yerface that's swhatitwas, n fact rather fond ofthat album, and | wouldn'tmind daingsomething like that again Sobetweenhimand Richard, hewas the more experimentally inclined? ‘Well,inapartnershiponeof youhasto be. Tmjustas mucha rock’n'olleras Keith, but one ofyerhastobethat way elseitdbe too ‘much for peopleotake I wondered why they hadn't hoth written outside thesongiriting partnership. Naaah, that was stan ego thing, hesnorted. ‘idon'tlike people saying'thisone is mine! doesn't matter whatanyone fucking says nyou getinthe postion of wantingto be known for your greatness, Aslongasyoucan work with someone... you've gat someone to bounceoff, Youcanthounceotf yeroldladylike you can yer songwriter” Isaid'd heardittoakthemagestowritos ‘number, He looked sidewaysatme:""Ooyou ‘earingallthisfrom, then? Yougettin’ these Impressions fromout ofthe ir?” Hegrinned athie sarcasm, "Its balls, No, Twrite'undreds everyday. Writing'emallthetime, lam, There wasalsoan impression, materialising outofthinais,thathelikedtogointhe studiowith everythingplanned, oratleast worked upon, ‘ah, well thats right, whereas Keith prefers tobemore spontaneous. That's ouronly disagreement.” Hechewed on thethought, ‘No, wouldn't call tspontaneous ifyou've been there for lohourson one Hemades face of mockdisgust. "Ejust goes intherewithasiffandifnothing appenshe goesbackthe nextday: isa right for'im, Ihave to write th There were songs, though, that they wrote Independently. LikeSympathy For The Devil’? “Yeah,” Henoddeddisinverestely wrote that~huti’sabitof aboregoing through who wroteall thesongs'cosThaveto thinkabootit ‘Sympathy For The Devil that wasabitofadrag, thatsong” Because oft connotationsat Akamont? "Not really.l'sall these youngrock'n'ollsingerswho come upto yerandsay, ‘are youstillintothat devil shit Thenaughty reputation againblack magic sexand drugs? Well he said, there were only few roferences ta drugs on thisnew record Thiswasavery undruggy album for the Stones. There was something about speed, and one ineabwout "cough mixture “That’saheavy Aspirin song,” he mumbled, like some Mile Endskinhead. Crist he’ cracking up me and the photographer Isaid dliketoclear upspoint, andasked him why hedeliherately appeared to mix down his vocals.On "Tumbling Dice, fo instance, the words were often lost Forte firsttime he began to lookeoncerned. ‘Ithinkthey used the wrongmixwith that, be saidslowly tohimself.°Tmsure they did. dunno, Helooked up, “Well, with thefast ones! really ike mevoiceto bepartof the band, but with theslowones! generally ikeit upfronta bit Tthinkieallstavtedin the Andrew Oldham days when couldn’treallysing” Helaughed, ‘Hemixedit down sol wouldn' get big-headed. l’samatterof tradition By now Jagger seemed to have warmed totheideaofaninterview,so put to him the ‘concept ofthe Stones like The Who, being survivorsofthe early G0srockscene indritain, ‘Ugh, orrible,” he exploded, “tobe the Grand Old Men. [all thistalkgetsany worse ilbe gettinganotherband..dunnowhy, but rakes isnot niceta beasked that question. I uussound like survivors from aholocaus spose should be grateful thatIsurvived the Swinging Blue Jeansera, butthatwasthe cera beforeus,Lalwaysbelieved. Inever et] twas partofit, the Swinging lueeans and that, doingzme Top 20hits every evenin ‘onstage. Whenever used to see them they werejustall there, standinginline together, doing their hits. thinkthey were somethingelse. Weplayedin adiffere Therewas the question, too, about whether ‘theyappealed tothe young I Rexaudience. Aw; I don'thave todoeverythingtovice!” he Pee shotback, "We don'thave togo backto the people. Why” he looked sardonic, “some of fouraudienceare much younger than am, Many ofthekids who dig sin Amerieaare 15, yearsold, Chris, in taly they'renine!Hereit’s ‘Students. Tharswho The Who andZeppelin sete as well ‘Naaaah, there's nothing happening’ ere. hemusicisnegligible, sal nothing. There's alackof originality, and that's why! don'teare about, 'maotinterestedingoingbackto small English townsandturningonthe 10-yearolds. 'vebeen: ‘We'veallvays had a much older aulienee thanthathere anyway. We played tothe Richmondartschoollot,andthey were ito 21. Tvealwaysconsideredouraudienceta be students, and that’s who was here when we played Manchester, Newcastle and thereston ‘hat English tour lastyeat: ‘What wouldhedaifhedecided to jackinthe musical business? Films? If}jacked that in, Ldjackitallin. vebeen \wantingtojackitin for years, But, Inno Hehesitated,“Tdliketodosomething completely different. There'stoomuch pressure beinginagrouprifidon'twannado something, they do, and ice versa. Tike to takeayearoffand study. ‘Study? "Yeah." Back to LSE®*Naah,'vegota fewprojects” He lookedreticent. “Ithinkicsal just ta,” hesaid finally Michaet Wass MICK TAYLOR | since the days of Snowy Woo and theblues with John Mayall fair haired ‘Mick Taylor, withthedazzlingsmile and turbanecomposure,hasbeenamuch respected guitarist. Now hetsaRollingSton \wedon' seehim playas much aswedia dduringdayson the oad with the Dluesbreakers, Buthehascertainlyadded apowerfulandrevitalisingvoiceto the Stones’ sound, Ithardly seemed ike two yearssincelast weet butiewasn'tlongafter heStones' historic Hyde Park fee concert of 1968. Today Micklooksatlitleolder,andatrflemore blasé, buthehaslostnoneofhischarm. Athis temporary London abode, onabriefvist from France, heordered tea and settled delicately inalargeleather chair: Heseemedalitteslow Inhistesponses, butadmitted later thiswas ddueto the night previous spentsamplingthe pleasures ofchampagne and tequila, powerfulbrew chatwould fellmostmen Tikeanox, AndyetMickseemed tohave suffered nothingworse than aslightheadache, He attempted co play atape of the Stones’ new album but gave up on realisingall his baste \were'lat,Sohe curled upandeasthis mind erpastandfurure, pausing only to procure ea. “Thaven'tmadeany definite plansfornext year, I'sdificule tomakedecisions becauseit’s allupto thegroup. Buton Tunes westartourfirst UStourinewo years. Weedid Europe, then England and thenwewent intoexilein the wasteland of France” Did Mick gothomesickfor England? “Wel, Imnotacountry person. Iikelivingin citles. Weall ented countryhousesin Prance =nocommunalliving rus! ean'tsayl'm homesick, asm fairly rootless. But Ido miss somethingsabout England music, the cinema, theatre-allkinds ofthings. Everybody seems to beunder the impression thatsincewe left England we have been totally {solated and inactive, We haven'tdoneany touring, but we have spent months recording. “Atourissuchamassiveprojectto arrange. Venueshavetabebookedinadvance-we've justbeen too busy to doit. Itwouldhavebeen ‘good odo ashowarthe Rainbow Theatee. Why did itclose? Weidlike o play England again, but ean'say when, ‘TheStonesalways seem to leavematters ‘untilthelastmoment. “Wellthat’s the way wework.Ie'salldone impulsively. We don't consciouslyhold backo Dulldup ouraudiences.1'm very happy \workingwiththeband buttherearealotot ctherthingsTliketodo. Possibly cout ‘makeasoloalbum writingmy ownsongsand partcipatingwith othermusicians, ouldn't 1 cee TEEErEEErerstemennnntl THEROLLING STONES: ARCHIVE'71-"72 tellyouwho yet, buttherearealot ‘fpeople Tike an the Atlantic label. lltheseideasarevague fhdnebubusandicoudntdoit | Apatfiombaigin been Alotefthecharsnaand slttnkensyodyiihegoup hSomstons® gnourtangne ura Resdecdediocxpbncochrareas S1OMirSMEK Sy thing Itsnotso phoney now anadlrectons. Tjrtasaopived A iencosaremuchinore SKyoudberictopeniion (MRR ancaaly rare tbeytacdis falling Stonelbelandsign up BEE e-Terciecomchchokc ante Somecthergroups Afterall hat’ Suseties,__manyiferentknds fuse thewholepainatkavigyour telekBnetBind — tisvalatofpeoplehave Delp tokewekpute theANinleeBand, preconceived andeven nostalghe artistic control: Piesre Moerien'sGong; memories about the past.” vty care Howhasiticsplyingbeen —St2D¥=."8 HowatheStonevicwthe progresingt MUA |) mecibtntoaet Retin, FHvebeenplayingaltafdruros “Shamil” thelrabeeneet ndyeneepinohe ga rs “Thaver winese any pew Inourfreetimel vebeenlearning toplaydrumsand piano toexpand my ‘musical scope. [turn upat thesessions early and play the drumsandI gotmyselfa Hayman kittopractiseon, Everybody turnsupwhen they feallikeitatour sessions!Somenights only three of us were in the studio and we just gotonwithit, Wetriedo convert Keith's basement intoastudioanditwas quite successful, Butldon'tthinkyoucanbeat uusingaproper studio," Mickearned hisplacein the Stones through thereputation he built up playing fine guitar inthe wakeofPoter Green with Mayall ‘Snowy Wood wasjustone ofhissolos that blues tansusedto enjoy. Micklooked backon hisearly dayswithonlymildnostalgia. “Before Ijoined John, Iwas giggingaround With local groupsin Hertford. Ive been “IT’S ‘ORRIBLE TO BE THE GRAND OLD MEN. IF THIS GETS ANY WORSE I'LL BE GETTING ANOTHER BAND...” MICK JAGGER playingguitarsince fwas!2.hwasblues ‘musicbut?vealwayslistened toallkinds of other music especially jazz, Ididn'tsee myself asanythingrealy, although youalways get knownasa bluesguitaristifyou've played with Mayall justwanted to makealivingout ofplaying music. “My frseproper gigas with John. Lwent alongto is itleflatin Bayswater and auditioned by playingalongy records. All the bands i bee ters had been blues-based, butnonewere particularly memorable. They werenever together long enough. IwaswithTohn when Jon Hiseman came in, around 1867and that was amostinterestingperiod, fon really alteredthe structure the musie we were playing. Andy Fraser wasinthe band, aswell. as really impressed by hisbass playing, didn't really haveastyle myselfand Pdneverhad any lessons. Butwith John! think astyleevolved.” DidMickeverhaveany regretsaboutthe way hiscarcerhasdeveloped? ‘absolutely none, Everybodyhas different Ideasin the Stonesand the reedomto express them,” Nay Howdidheview therock scenetoday? ‘Thelieve itsbetterthan i’sever direction manifestingitseltin anything MarcBolandoes. Hedaesn turn ‘me onatall just don'tlikehiskind of muse. ‘Thore'snodirectlinkberween The Rolling Sionesand MarcBolan. And don'tsee'T ex ‘asany competition. No! He'sgotapretty ace which isobviously appealing. 'mnot being derisoryand Idon‘twant toknockhim. I's lfficultio say whataudiences wemainly appeal to now. Wedon’ get the violence there usedto beatourconcerts. To somepeople, ‘Mickisprobably til their sexidol” Whatisitlike tolivewithasexidolinthe group? “ldontknow-lveneverlivedwith him. Its lifficultto talkabout Micklagger the 20th Century sexidol. Wedon’ttakeallthat seriously [try nattohave such preconceived ideas aboutpeople before !meetthem anyway. People haveadistorted View of Mick Ithappensto anybody who ispopularand getstotally exposed by publicity Welike wo create exeitementon stage, butwe ddon'teonsciously ry to createa public image: ‘Were they hurt byeriticism? “Idonteverread any artclesabouttheband. Wehearthings that aresaid -butwedon'ttake any nowceor them, How did thenew album comeintobelng? “We sueldenly found wehad somenew songs ‘thatwereall ood. [think FrileOn Main tis ‘more forceful than Sticky Fingers, butit’snot asimaginativeoradventurous. That’spurelya petsonalopinion. No, there isn'tany dissent Within theband, surprisingly enough. "We'rehoping odo alivealbumon the American tour. We diditast time, but the songs weplayed werealready onthe studio albums. Thetearealways changesbeing ‘made. Therehave been alotofchangessince yousawusatHydePark, Wewere so outof Tune then! Musically we'restrongerthanever. Thatconcert wasn't representativeo! theband atall, And mest ofthealbumsonly represent ‘one facet ofwhatwe're capable We're much ‘more than justa back-up band for Mick Tagger hasalready expressedhis view of France. Did Mick Taylorfindany language problem romfivinginanalien society? No problem atal dont speak French Sotherewasnolanguagepreblem." Gwistiech al THEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 5 ITE ROL 5 ONES: ALBUMS there,atKeith Richards’ rented villain VillefrancheSurMer,therewasaninvisible line,swhich thesensible visitor wasadvisednot toeross. Producer]immayMiller,engincer Andy Johns, even Mick jagger wereall mindful oft. Instead, they waited on the ground floor, ‘wherewhatever depravedthings wentonthere ‘wenton, “upstairs” [Even those higher than mostonthe Stones totem pole duringiheperiod immediately surroundingthemakingofxileOnMainSt found thatinany Stonesseenario,therestil remainedaflavourofthe medieval cout. The socialechelonswere éemarked likefloorsina Ihotel"(ChipMonek). Therewere'“rooms ‘within rooms” (Robert Greenfield). Therewere “whole strata polities" (Marshall Chess) Soit ‘wasiteresting to learn thatin209,the RollingStones were preparingtodemystify themselves: toemerge rom behind these uncrossablelines, andtalkfranklyabout Exile Onan sr. Yes, they congessed,intheirintorviewswith LUncut-therehad been drugs. Andtherehad been drink much ofitconsumedbyCharlie ‘Watts. Andinthedankand fetidbasementat | NTHEMEMORY ofseveral peoplewho were VillaNeleote, great musichadbeen made, But \whilea degreeofmystery wasdrawnaver proceedingsby hefading ofmemories collateral damageafternearly0yearsin the \world’sgreatostrock’ntrollband), the prineipalsspokecandidly, about their ‘combustiblerelationships andthe reputation oftherecord. Mick Taylor described Exileas, hhavinga‘mythology”,andthiswas \hattheband nowembraced, andalsowerenowhelpingto partallydismantle They were Maas Perhapsunsurprisingly, The Rolin \woren'ttelling:theblindscamedown,andthe drawbridgewaspulled uponceagainon Exile OnMainSi.itseemedafitingcodato the enterprise, Themorewefound out about Exile and The RollingStones, themoremysteriousit andtheybecame Fortyyearson, Exile On MainStremainsan utterly intoxicatingpackage, not least because thelegend of Nelled hhasgiven tasense ofplace that ‘can'thelpbut beenormously ‘comingelean eouttaeBeOr evocative. Butthealbum's Well almostelean. Certainly. the x synopsis-bandmakerecord in big Exilecampaignmadeawonderful Rjemamatee'™ —Frenchhouse:decadenceensues~ joboftidyingupafiairsinthe main tmafectedtythe Isperhapsmisleading Ofcourse, hhouse,sotospeak, but there boppinnstomparet _whetheryou'reaskingyaurbutler remained thequestionotits theBeimBrewe.” —— inopenyourssaadelixe mysteriousoutbuildings. Thenew, Kime ‘roadcase” edition, orputtingthe: remastered Exilecame with 10, needledownonthefirstoffour Tee Re emcees Seen rs trratacks-asthewine —— eenbutiy— clankingopeningeoah THunderedMySou!, Folowing eaten” “RocksOlT ane speedy Thelver"DireinglaThel igh Rewmetes rock halo RipTagin you himongticm, Wherchadihey” wbeoceranet—Sreineseapaiyinathasement comefromtAndwhyhadtheband —emmBedans”theceattunning down the walls So) ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THEROLLINGSTONES few imporiantothers,ineluding"Happy’ *SoulSurvivor" and“VentilatorBlues" let'snot {orget"Casino Boogie” and "kssingcuntin Cannes..”)emanatefromNelleotesessions, Exile'sreachextendsfarbeyond theRiviera:t0 Mick agger’scountry retreat, Stazgroves,t0 ‘Olympic Studios, eventoan unpromisinglock uupin Bermondsey where tapesTullofuseable material were discovered, seemingly accidentally Tracks wethinkofaspivotalto Bulewere mootwellbeforewhat weimagine tobe the timeoithealbum'scomposition:*Sweet Virginia’ (recorded June 1970),"Shake Your Hips” Quly'70), particularty*Lovingcup’ (fromJune 1969, and originally called, interestingly enough, "Sticky Fingers")-The timeframeisloose-butthesamehadbeen truco Sticky Fingers, bogunbefore Altamont, in 969butnotreleased il 1971. The thingis though we'vecome tothinkof Exileasadecadentrecord,alegendaryrecord, ‘one irtuallyinseparable from lisbacksiory, thealbumistruesettingisn'tNolledte, France, andtaxexile, but America~oneway oranother, ‘ROLLING STONES SINGLES TIELINE EE \where The ollingStoneshadalwaysbeen, Practically speaking, they copedvwith theit present Frenchresidence by buying Lnguaphone records andeatinghamburgers Musically faced with analien environment, they setrenched, and buried themselves further inthe Americanmusicthey knew: Ina \way,itwasnodepartureatall,butakindof diggingin, Overitsfoursides, eile travelswidelyin Amerleaanditsmusic,cothecountry musicot ‘Bakersfield, tothebluesandgospeloftheDeep South, andthe rock'n'ollofChuckBerry’sSt Lauis-Talignsitsefotheoriginofthe blues (tobertJohnson's"Stop Breaking Down"), and toAmericancurrentaffairsoftheday (the 1970 demo ‘BentGreen Needles” hecame"Sweet Black Angel”, ahomageto Civil Rightsaetivist AngetaDavis). When TheRolling Stonestoured in 1972,supportedby StevieWonderand ospel singer Dorothy Norwood, itseemed ess [ikea promotional tour, moreapilgrimageta sites ofhistoriealimportance, ExileOn Main Stalsobecamean American record by necessity. Accompaniedbyarosterot LOLI enna a ‘3 Shake Your Hips nae ‘casino Bogle rate on Soe Release Moy 12.1972 retin | Pee sects | ee, stoingtom | arma Ket eee a | eee rwdontienin “ior, Spay Pease eine ence ee See” | crane Gane: | aeeree rota eee eel ee eee Soma cee Bevan ame Peal ramos | Sera rape | coca ines eee mae Sooo pea sea eae pean orto peer ee a leadingsession players~DrJohnrecruited backingsingers, and broughthisown percussion playerDidymus-overa winter spentoverdubbingin Los Angeles, continulty andlastrewasbrotighttothese wel: journeyed, slightlywar-torntracks. Though thealbumissometimes thoughtofasKeith’s French record it'sequally MickJagger'sLos Angelesone. Thisisthe productofa partnership albeitanoddone, atitsmost fellctous.Bulesjet setandlowlile, aristocrat andbohemian, specficallyaproductofthe complementary qualities of Mick Jagger and KeithRichards ‘Nowonder, then, thatnowtimehas passed ‘TheRolling Stones havemade their mysterious sileOn Main Standwith Nellebte I; however isn"tquitesoanxious toforgiveand forget. Whenthe Stones riedto Visitthemansion cofilmmaterialfortheir ‘Stonesin Exiledocumentary,they wereturned vay. Wholivesin thehouse? And whatkind ot depravity sgoingon therenow?Itseemsthat «willhave toremainamystery,evento The RollingStones. THEROLLINGSIONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | 57 Tie ROLiNG STONES; § \/ OATS HEAD SOUP ® DAVID CAVANAGH in London tolaunch the*Steel Wheels Tour There wasabriefmomentof anxiety whenhe ‘tippedon thestepstothepodium, but that ‘wasasexcitingasitgot. Hereadout statement, dodgedsomequestionsandthen said,"Oh, Ihaveamessage from Keith.” ‘messagefrom Keith!Twohundred internationaljournalists leaned forward, pens poised. “Keithsays, Don tforgettotalkabout ‘themusie:" Twohundredjournalistssank backin theirchairs, Themusic. How boring, Wastharasadindietment.orwasita ‘microcosm? AretheStones,intheeyes ofthe world, defined bytheir rugs, theiriovesand Aheirlifestyles-withtheirmusierclegatedto thestarusofaMcGatfin, hobby hatthey doin theirsparetime?itcanappearso.tn1973,when Jwasan eight-year-old Top 0fanatic, heard aabousth ixmonthsbeforetsawthem ‘onTV(‘Angie").Theyhadaguitaristwho kept gettingarrested. Thesingerwasthe scourgeot ‘mypatents'dally newspaper. Howstrange then, toseetheStonessitting with those ‘unplugged guitarsthatVal Doonican played, hile, from agger scartoonishlyexpanded ‘mouth,cameabroken-heartedballad, Fist | N 198 MICK Jagger gaveapressconference 68 | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE | THEROLLING STON: exposureisunforgettable. Thedarkstage. Tag ofuncertainty:do follow thisornott Butlong.-termexposurelsamore potent acthetime-andits pparentalbum, Gaats Head Soup were ‘characterised by disappointment Justlookat the momentum: Beggars Banquet, Hyde Park, Letitbileed,” Paint, Black: you devils, Sticky Fingers, ExleOn Mains, STP Tour" Anyone vwhosemusicaldevelopmenttracedthat are asalwaysgoingto have qualms about ‘Angie” notto mention thedownbeat pensivenessofanalhumthatsomerimes seemslostinafugofregret. Melancholiawasn sanewconcept forthe Stones: Morphine” and“Moonlight Mile" areclear forerunners), but there were other featuresot Goats Head Soup thatmanyfoundanti climactic.Amor iswhyreactions "Angie mainstieam, keyboard heavyproduction, Alowquotaofrockers.A not so-obviouslyassertiveKeith, The STPTourhad finishedin NewYorkon, July26,1972-Jaggers2athbirthday In November, the Stonesreconvened in jamaica, location suggested by AmetErtegan rinawhitehat.[stillremembertheshiver ‘emotionallyandexistentially, which becauseof'personanon grata'issuesin Europe. Asitwas, therecordingsessions for Goats Head Soup wereinterrupted hen the Stones minusRichards)flewtoFrancein Decembertoanswerdnigehargesrelatingto theithedonisticsummerat Nelleote, They may have presentedadefiantfacetathejudge, but itseasytohearonthealbum thatthestrain was gettingto them, Happinessiselusve absent, Nomoneyin heircoats, Nolovingin theirsouls, Whereareallthelrfriendst The ligheson theChristmastreeshavegone out BruceRobinsonin WithnailAnd Fealledit ‘thearena oftheunwell. Thephotoof Richards “onthebackcovershowsaplumeofblack smoke rsingfromhis disembodied head, as thoughhe'sbeingeookedinaspoon, There's insidious, flirtatious devilryinside~agrinning \witehes’brew-but hegrinisterribiy twisted ‘Dancing With Mr", theopeningtrack, is almo torock soitalithersand undulaveslike thesnakesin 1973svoodeo: chargedBond movie LiveAndLeiDie:The insinuationofheroinishardieseape, but \werealsotalkingaboua blend ofsmoky, sensuousmusiethatwwasintheairin 1972-3, whichnotevenagroupasaloofasthe Stones Ty Nias in ame Sie pa Some Suntory cme’ eats, oats Head Soup (teneate teas {hecvratinpresion that canentats rruchrreonthe Songstheyemore ‘ought hanasu” could avoid. Traffic’ PheLowsSpark Oftigh Heeled Boys mustsurelyhavebeen on their radar; ifoniyforthe jimmy Miller connection, \whiletherwoepicside-closersonVan Mortison's Sant Dominic's Preview Listen Yo TheLion’, Almost independence Day") were likely nfluencesonlagger's“Winter” Stevie ‘Wonder’s"Supersition’,aClavinet masterclass released afew weeks beforethe Jamaicasessionsgotunder way, had electrified keyboard players throughout the world withits stabbing, percussivesounds. Onesuchman ‘was BillyPreston,whoseClavinet contributions to Goats Head Soxp—"100Years {Ago’,DooDo0 Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) ‘were, as laggerputiteomelastyear,aresultof Preston channelling Wonder. I's worth nosing, though, thatPrestonhadalready featureda Clavinetonhis1972 UShit“Outa-Space Attimesexceptionally moving Coming DownAgain” butalsodismayingly opaque ‘CanYouHear The Music"), Goats Head Soup hhasnothing-andeverything-todowith rock'n'roll. Mick Taylor prancesthrough: ayounggod, polinatingeverythinghesnif with beautifl solos, “StarStar* (retitled rom *Starfucker"afteranErteguninterventionis Jagger’smost mean-spiritedlyricoftheearly 7s, butcontalnssuchmiraculous teamwork initsmotorvatin groovethatitleavesuswitha comradely buckle, rather than acruelsneer, ‘onitslips "Silver Train” theclosesttoan Exile soundalikeGitwaswrittenin 1970) isthe weakest rack for thesimplereason that Exile's strutting Nelledte pose has noplace here, Intheend,i’stheClavinetsandthegouched: outwah-wwab guitarsthatsealitforme L understand why itwasperccivedasaledown, andiwhy agger'slyriesabout teenagers being mowndowinbypoliceinCentral Parkwerefelt ‘obehollow.Butagger'sinsincerity wasa rmattero{publierecordlong beforel reached myninthbirthday and forme, GoaisHead Soupbelongsinacusterofexotic, funky recordsrecordedaroundthesametime Stevie Wonders Innervisions, The Isley Brothers 3+3, Sly& The FamilyStone's Fresh andeevery oneofthem semindsme, every me, thatlwasrighttofollewthedarknessand sadnessofAngie" whereitled me. EERE ERENT OTT $F Doo Heartieaker) STII Dancng Wee D 200 fer Ae 20mg Ain cob oe ‘ange Stern fee 7H Yur Love ae Viner Scanvou Hear The Muse 10Star Star aeasod: hugs 5073 Label oilers! age Produced by: in ile Perstnna ic eset taardbacrg soak sete pit harman pa) ats ors ac seeaton" Coming Dom earings, ‘deticandanastie ili in Mek Taj (ete woust sb tar bass puta toe ea ‘hare ats ans) Tan (ss lt Ney eis (ao) ij Peer (Gemo,on. Cet passin un Stent {an By Kos (Gamers) mee (Goere) amon (hate). chusk Fey tempat oor bop Hacks uh (person Pal Ness Pas aioe (ereusson ly Hazon (ing Margene ry il pete Highest Chart Peston: UKLUST THEROLLING STONES | ULTIMATE MUSIC GUIDE| 9 ———————— THE ROLLING STONES: ARCHIVE "74 ‘We really didn’t care about anybody. catches Mick Jagger in an uncharacteristically reflective mood, taking stock on the Stones’ first decade. Ona Jengthy agenda: youth, ambition, fame, Brian Jones, Elvis and The Beatles, The New York Dolls and Mott The Hoople, wives and groupies, and why “domesticity is death”. THISYEAR THREATENS aspate of booksabout the Stones including [Anthony Scaduto's “unauthorised biography” offagger,and touraccounts byRabert Greentieldand some bloke called Nick Kent).So we decided to pre with His Satanic Majesty What sortofkidwereyou? Well memumisvery working/class,my fatherbourgeois, because hehad areasonably good tediacation, so Teame from somewhere in between that Neitheroneortheother, Didyouhaveastriet upbringing? Notparticularly iwasn'tas ad assomeofmy friends. nevergotto havea ravingadolescencebetween theageot 12t0 15because! wasconcentratingon my studies, but ‘that’s what] wantedtodoand lenjoyed it Whendid you first become aware of music? (Oh, when Iwas wery.very young. used tolistento everythingfrom theBBC o Radio Luxembourg, achildis, ‘musical, youcan see thatin children oftwo yearsold, ‘especially nowadays, You'llseesomechildren of wo years ‘old danice and others that dom, which doesn’t mean to say that they'll become musicians~ just that they'reaware of 60 | ULTIMATE MUSICGUIDE] THEROLLINGSTONES ‘musicand, by the time they're around tree, they'll disntinguish betveen the kindof musle they like and the kindthey don't You see, wedidn’thavearecord playerat homeand my immediate family wasn’ treally musical, and (Chris Uaggers brother was only about twoat the time and. asfarasl wasconcemed, he wasnothingmorethana punchbag,and used tobeathim up regularly but then ‘that's quiteacommonthingwith brothers. ewasn' neil \wasabout 12 that became really nverestedin pop. Didyou ever mimic pop stars ofthose daysin front ofthemirrort No, ean'teversememberdoing that \Was thereanyone around atthat time who youwould havelikedtohavebeen? No, ean'tremember anybody, notuntillater When Iwas 13the fist person Ireallyadmired was Little Richard. wasn't particularly fondof Elvis or Bill Haley... they were very good, but for somereason they didn'tappealto me. was moreintoJorry Lee Lewis, ChuckBerry and abitlater Buddy Holly. There wasalotof TV then... ool For Cs, The tx-FlveSpecial and Oh Boy!...andisawalotof people onthoseshows. Butockstarted aver herearouind 1955, bitheforeal that, Imean, Tmissedall that Teddy Boy-era. 1 ‘wasnt tata al, [neve ptforthetail endandi wasn'tparticularlyimpressed, —eomrmuesoven» s Were you anextrovertinthoseda Tdontckno atthat Tnever indulged ine inmylit Wel, wereyouspopularkidatschool? Don'tknow. [don'tthinkso, but then particularlyunpopular. Truthfully, leant remembert those days. Ia justan ordinaryrebellious,stadiows har Wworkingkid. [really diduseto workhardat schol. Did youhavemany gefriendsat that time Yealh, Basically the thingat that period was thatyou usedtojusttry andfind girlsthat \would fuck. Thetestofitwas just. moan, ityrasn tquiteas easy then as tis nals Sincetheinventionofthepillit'sbecomeso nthose days, itwasabigdeal ingyours Kinda wei, just disco ifandyour yerknow:1 Were youpleased or disappointed when you first gota! No,lwasn'edisappointed. [veal exvery exciting, but dida'tsutfer.Iwasvery temotionalat that time, but then most lolescentsare, ikeover-dramatising sand that’s why the averybig market foradolescent love songs. aysfound situatio salwaysbeen songsthat arebasedon the frustrations the adolescent. Anyone whe tunconsciously and writes fantas thatpremise etshits. Asonglike "Young, Love" whichw etypopularwhen Twas 14 was aheart- hugging songwhen youwere that age. I's thesame with Donny Osmond, When did you discover rhythm'n'blues? When Iwasaround 130r 4. became interestedin blues when If ‘muchas indoutthatita ted It wasnever played on theradioand, iit was itwas only by «cident. Things that ‘werehitsinAmerica, but here subse becameawareth: sil biuessingerand Muddy Waters was also ablues singer and they were all really thesameand itdidn’tmatter cae Reed { dinsunantts feat ae ‘Hadyoustarted to play gultarby the Yea Ihadstarted about then, traditional jzzandskiffle~peopletendio forgetjust howenormous thatwas. mean, the big thing hen wasto formaskifle group, whichwasavery what me ythingtodoand was bands of theday did, Butt Is0 playing rock'n'roll numbe guitarist was. folk player, bu they also play "Baby Let's Play Hou the chartsthacweek. A orwhatever \dthatwasit alishrock nll started...withskflle groups Wereyoueverinaskifflegroupt ‘Ohyeah, [was n loads ofskiffle groups 1 Lusedto play with Dick Taylor, whowasa folk guitarist, and another friend of minew Twenttocollege with. When did your friendship Richardsbegin? I, wewent to school together when we wer Were youaware of his Yealh, welived onthe great friends Kneweach ot pres ameblock, We weren't 1. Wealso er went iogrammar school while Keith went anotherschoolin thes illage,solusedto toschoolon his ike. Then t ‘him again when he used tocatch the wainto gotoschooland! wasonthesame trainto attend colle When did you decide that you wanted taplay rmusictogether? Idon'treally know when was... Offhandl thinkiewas whenwe were around I7. used to .goroundto hishouse and play recordsanel guitar, then after thar we'd goto ather people's houses, We ust used to play anything, (Chuck Berry stu ‘Keith’sstill playing Chuck Rerry tuff Haughs) try wavoiditasmuchaspossible Personally idan’ reallyliketalkingabout thosedays firstly because idon'tremember ittoowell,and secondly becauselseemto tell thestory differently each time. Allchatisve hhazy,'cos forgeteverythingandgetall he years mixed up and everythingwrong, ican’ ‘even remember three yearsago, Getallthe dateswrong Imean, lcan'treally emember \whenwefirst went to America... Ifswritten ddownsomewheresoI'vegotto go andlook thatone p. When did yourealise that itmight be possible tomakealivingout of music? Atthe time! didn'thaveanyidea ofhowtwas goingtomakealiving trememberthe frst time played with Alexis KornerImadea poundorten bob. Whataboutthestory that you didn’t broadcast with Alexis because the Stoneshad abookingon thesamenight? That'salie.Alexishad abandand Charliewas thedrummer.Hehad this BBCbroadcast which wasabig deal-but instead ofhaving Charlie, whowasinthe band, hegotsomeone lsebecausehe said Charliewast'ea professional musician, ‘eas he had someother jabas well. [didn'treally expect iogoonthe broadcast because Iwasonly oneof the Singers... Alexisused tosing, sodid Cyril Davies).Long John Baldry, Ronnie jones, Paul Jones. Butthe thingis, wo didn'thaveany gigsatall. We hhadagigthat night, butitwas one thatAlexishad given us Ithinkthatmust have been our very frst gig, ean rememberseeingyouat The Marquee when theband wasbilledas Mick Jagger And Brian Jones And The Rolling Stones. Was this Indicative ofajointleadership? ‘Weonly played down the Marqueeabouthalt adozen times, Asto who was the leader Well, Brianused towantto be, butnobody really wanted tobe theleader of theband it seemed rather outmoded idea. Eventhough \wewereall working together, Brian desperately wanted tbe theleader, but nobody everaccepted himassuch. [don't ‘moan within the band, Imean with the kes Upuncilthen i been acceptedby the public ‘thatthesingerwith theband was theleader ‘and, asljusthappened tobe thesinger, most people automatically singled meoutas leader. Brianusedto getreally upset... didn't gives shitwhowastheleader of theband. Imean, don'twanttobe theleaderof theband now, et alonethen. eho used to choose the material for the Stones? ‘Wealldid. There were certain speciality ‘numbers. Like"featuringthedrummer"? No,heneverwanted toplayanything, Charlie never could playa solo, and don'thelieve him whenhe sayshe onlyjoinedthebandona temporary basis laughs} twas the only gighe could ge Butreally, Charlie devi wanttojoin becausewe didn’t hhave any gigs. Whowaslooking afterthebusiness sideofthebandat that ime? Thefiesteatwehad | who lookedafter theband as Giorgio Gomelsky. Hewasa kind person, was Giorgio,because we really didn't care aboutanybody-justtookadvantageof everybody. We thought everybody was against us Whatmadeyouthinkthat? Will, they were, basically: Weworeveryhardio getonwithvery proud. Weknewwewere goodand wewer... Forthetimewewere very ood. Therewas justnobodyelse doingit IF Giorgio pucusonin front ofanaudience, we used! to make them gocrazy intwo numbers, bbutthere were other people who used to get really uptightand make thingsdiffcuk, We ‘werebooked astheintervalbandandwe ‘madelttough forthe band who had goon afterus-thesameoldstory, ‘Yousee, weknew wewere good because of theerawd reaction, but stillwecouldn' ge “BRIAN DESPERATELY WANTED T0 BE THE LEADER, BUT NOBODY EVER ACCEPTED HIM AS SUCH. ..” any gigs. Wedlidn'thangaroune that long, but atonepointwedidhavea very ad time when we ust couldn't getany gigs whatsoever. Iie dic gecagigitalwaysused ogo very, very well and because ofthis we coukdn'tunsderstand ‘why nobody would bookus.Itwasnothingbut professional jealousy. Nobody wanteda band lookinglikeusand playingwharwewanted to play, because they couldn'tunderstand anyonecoming heart. Consideringthisapathy towards youin the business, were you suspiciousof Andrew LoogOldhamvshen he appeared? mnotsuspicious-natured, you know: Infact'marather freeand ‘open-minded person, Even now, | don't get suspicious of people. NEA blueshecausethat’swhatwe liked. We wereplayingitwelland nobody else ‘wasdoingit. We were doingupto three-hour sets. Now, when we wentintatheballroors weusedltosee otherbandsand welistened to ‘whatthey were layingand picked up lott ‘new aumbers, Things that might not ave been current. burwere popularballroom ‘numbers ofthe time. Youknow, chingslike "I Can Tall’ and“Poisonivy": Weknew'em anyway, buthad never got around to actually playing them. lean remember buying Barzett Strong's" Money’ which wasa really bigR'n'B bitin America, butdida’thappen when it ‘cameoutin England, Whenwe sawthat those things were popular, wesatd, well-ler'sdo that So wedid There'sa recent spate of bootlegscontaining ‘much ofthe material theStones recordedat IBCaboutayearbefore“Come On" [1962]. Who ownsthat ‘material? Idon'tknow. {suppose weownit asmuch asanybody ‘Whosedecisionwasitto record “Come On" asthedebut single? Ours. Nobody else knewit,andto Use bestofourknowledge nobody/haddoneit. I don'tthinkitwas very ‘good, infactitwasshi... Iereally wasshit, God Knowshow itever gotin the charts, itwassuch hype. Infact wedislikeditsomuch we didn't doitonany ofeurgigs. nememberplayingat the Scene Cbin Ham Yard that oman (O’Relllyusedtorun. was quiteaniceclub anyway, Andrew came down and watched the setand wedidn'tdo "Come On’ whichwas ‘ourrecordatthetime, andhesaid why didn't ‘weplayit. and we told him that we diately likeit.'Yougottadoit; he yelled. Hedidat ‘wantto know that we thoughtitwashorrble Eventually we diditin the ballroomsand the people seemed to digit Howmuchofacreativeinfluence Didyoubelieweallthethings __LendondesimerJohn was Oldhamon theStonest Oldtiamsakd he could dotor Feshocimeupwih Tdoitrealyknow.Tdhaveto go theStonest emewictome houghalltherecordsonebyane No,notreallybutitwasstillvery —_Sgpereintye__fOanswerthat: Hehad some exciting Imean,wereallywanted —gagigurandgit tnfluence—butonwhatisa tobeverybig..yougotiawantto —‘rsietyPngersia_iferentmatter. twas 0ts0 be that big, yougottareally want to 1971 Pasche gotthe ‘much on whatnumberswe did beabigstar. ieesfromtic Hinds yurthathehelped togetthe whole BillWymansaysthatthematerial 4689/0! 46% hinggoing, makingsurethings aust £50, butwas youvereplayingchangedioa "0881520 88° weredoneandencouragingus. lt certalndegreewhenyouswitched — “fay yenrterin _ wasAnslrew who encouraged us fromtheclubstotheballrooms?sckovwsejgsmont of towrite.Ourfistsongwas It Whenvestarted,wewerejist _thedeserssice=ss, Should BeYou" and was recorded playingbluesand:bythn-and-— ——_—

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