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Classify each of the structures shown as externally unstable, statically

determinate, or statically indeterminate. If the structure is statically indeterminate
externally, then determine the degree of external indeterminacy.

r = 3, The structure is statically determinate externally


r = 5, the structure is statically indeterminate externally
ie = r – 3 = 5 – 3 = 2 the degree of external indeterminacy


r = 6, fi = 2, & nr = 2
r + fi = 6 + 2 = 8, 3nr = 3(2) = 6
r + fi > 3nr the structure is statically indeterminate externally
ie = (r + fi ) – 3nr = 8 – 6 = 2 the degree of external indeterminacy

r = 3, fi = 2, & nr = 2
r + fi = 3 + 2 = 5, 3nr = 3(2) = 6
r + fi > 3nr the structure is statically unstable externally

2. Determine the reactions at the supports for the beam shown.


Solution; 29.2 kN/m

Ax A B

Ay By
3m 6m 4.5 m

Static Determinacy r = 3, The structure is statically determinate

Support Reactions
+ Σ Fx = 0
Ax = 0

+ Σ MA = 0
(29.2) (10.5) (5.25)- BY (6) – (29.2) (3) (1.5) = 0
BY = 246.375 kN
+ Σ Fy = 0

Ay + By = 29.2 (13.5)
Ay + 246.375 = 29.2 (13.5)
Ay = 147.825 kN)


100 kN 20 kN/m

Ax A B

Ay By
3m 3m 6m

Static Determinacy r = 3, The structure is statically determinate

Support Reactions
+ Σ Fx = 0
Ax = 0

+ Σ MA = 0
BY (10) - (20) (6) (9) - (100) (3) = 0
BY = 115 kN
+ Σ Fy = 0

Ay + By = 20 (6) + (100)
Ay + 115 = 20 (6) + (100)
Ay = 105 kN)

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