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A.I Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i) They were the steps of a man walking rapidly around the dining
room table. 1
(ii) Herman always suspected that something would ‘get him’ in
the night. 1

A.2. (i) There was no sound. 1

(ii) The steps had ceased. 1

A.3. (i) quick-cadenced, dining-room, back-steps, plate-rail, grand father

(any two) 1
(ii) (a) dine (b) sleep 1

A.4. Do as directed :
(i) misunderstandings - gerund ½
(ii) could - possiblity ½

A.5. If I heard sounds in my kitchen on a dark night, I would first listen

carefully to make sure that it is not the sound of a window banging in
the wind or a rat running around. Once I am sure that there is
somebody moving around, I will check that it is not a member of the
family. Once I am convinced that it is an intruder, I will quietly awaken
my family members and find any sturdy object to use as a weapon if
required. 2

A.II Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. 'A' 'B' 2

(i) Pavitra Vana (a) Ramanagaram
(ii) Sage Valmiki (b) Ashoka Forest
(iii) 1989 (c) Published a book
(iv) Sanskrit names (d) ten synonyms

A.2. (i) It took him a year to research on ancient texts and correlate the
plants' ancient Sanskrit names with modern botanical names. 1

(ii) By 1989, with the help of Vedic scholars, he had published a

book, Sacred Plants, through the forestry Department in
Dehradun. 1
.. 2 ..

A.3. (i) (a) common x uncommon ½

(b) familiar x unfamiliar ½

(ii) (a) identification, identity ½

(b) creation ½

A.4. (i) Didn't all this result in setting up the gardens?/All this resulted
in setting up the gardens, didn’t it? (any one) 1

(ii) creating - gerund 1

A.5. The various qualities required for the accomplishment of a task are
proper planning, dedication, devotion, perseverance, patience, proper
time management, paying attention to minute details and taking the
initiative to lead by example. (OR ANY SUITABLE ANSWER) 2

A.III Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (ii) He quietied down and called the police for us. 2
(iii) I prevented her.
(i) The police were on hand in a short time.
(iv) They began banging at our front door.

A.2. 2
(i) banging at the (ii) shot flash light up
front door and down walls

the actions of
the police inside
the house

(iv) rushed inside the house

(iii) broke the front door all over the living room, dinning
room, hall ways, upstairs

A.3. (i) (a) shoo (b) knot 1

(ii) (a) frothing (b) rending 1

A.4. (i) We can sell the house and go back to Peoria. 1

(ii) to go - infinitive 1
.. 3 ..

A.5. No. I feel that there was no need to call the police. Although the
writer’s family heard the footsteps, they should have gone down and
checked first and only if something was suspicious, they should have
called the police. (OR ANY SUITABLE ANSWER) 2

A.IV Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i) False 1

(ii) True 1

A.2. The two benefits of bilva plant are : 2

(i) it has certain volatile oils which enrich the atmosphere.
(ii) these oils induce the mind to greater concentration.
(iii) they have various medicinal healing properties. (any two)

A.3. (i) (a) economic / economical 1

(b) medicinal 1

(ii) (a) holy 1

(b) improve 1

A.4. (i) healing - adjectival present participle 2

(ii) This used to/would generate certain chemicals. (any one)

A.5. The medicinal healing properties of plants have been long established
by Ayurveda. However, often, due to the unavailability of these plants
or due to lack of awareness, we are unable to avail their benefits.

A.V Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i) The taxi driver was waiting in the next street because parking
was prohibited in the street where the shop was located. 1

(ii) The writer decided to pick up all the ten ties because he had a
ten dollar note and did not want to wait for change. 1

A.2. (i) I told the group to go on. 2

(ii) The driver stopped at each shop.
(iii) The driver refused to wait.
(iv) I paid the taxi driver the double fare.
.. 4 ..

A.3. Noun Adjective Verb 2

hope hopeful/less hope

prohibition prohibited prohibit

A.4. (i) Adverb 1

(ii) Verb/Infinitive 1

A.5. The poor writer has a harrowing experience looking out for a specific
tie asked by his friend. At the end he gets the tie but somehow does
not board with it. It’s an annoying and difficult situation for the writer
as he is not able to take the ties which are bound around the neck as
well as was not able to bind his friendship. Thus the title ‘The Tie that
does not Bind’ is appropriate.

A.VI Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i) False 1

(ii) True 1

A.2. (i) a special brand of ceramic paint 2

(ii) Cartier lighter refills
(iii) a vaccine for a horse (any two)

A.3. (i - b), (ii - d), (iii - a), (iv - c) 2

A.4. (i) various - Adjective 1

(ii) lasted - Verb 1

A.5. The poor writer has a harrowing experience looking out for a specific
tie asked by his friend. At the end he gets the tie but somehow does
not board with it. It’s an annoying and difficult situation for the writer
as he is not able to take the ties which are bound around the neck as
well as was not able to bind his friendship. Thus the title ‘The Tie That
Does Not Bind’ is appropriate.

A.VII Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
A.1. (i) cold winter 1
(ii) lugging, 10 times 1
.. 5 ..

A.2. 2
Things Value
tree this too shall pass
army of ants team work and perserverance
oyster takes in a grain of sand and
they open up with a pearl.

water without a hint of ego, changes

its form.

A.3. (i) (a) unhindered (b) passion 1

(ii) (a) strength (b) majesty 1

A.4. (i) An army of ants was seen lugging a fly by us. 1

(ii) makes - Simple Present Tense 1

A.5. Our problems are so colossal and we are so small yet if we persist
with a never-give-up attitude and if we persevere with our
responsibilities and have patience, the problem can surely be overcome.
Nature through its own magic has taught us to overcome such
tribulations. (OR ANY SUITABLE ANSWER) 2

A.VII Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i - b), (ii - c), (iii - d), (iv - a) 2

A.2. 2
(i) Through the day (i) it smiles with the sun
and dances with the wind
(ii) When evening approaches (ii) it starts wilting
(iii) The morning after (iii) it withers completely
(iv) The next evening (iv) it falls and becomes one
with the earth again

A.3. (i) (a) bloom × wither/ fade/ wilt (any one) ½

(b) soft × hard ½
(ii) completely 1

A.4. (i) opening - gerund 1

(ii) We may/could instinctively turn to nature as a way of relaxing.
(any one) 1
.. 6 ..

A.5. A flower teaches us that it is the deed that counts and not the number
of days it has lived. Even in its short span of life, the flower gives its
everything to soothe the surroundings and does not regret its wilting
away. We should also inculcate such a way of living that brings cheer
to the society. (OR ANY SUITABLE ANSWER) 2


A.I. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow :
A.1. (i) read 1
(ii) a fantasy, a fairyland 1

A.2. 2
rots the senses
kills their imagination dead
in their heads

Harmful effects on
children because of
watching too much TV

clogs and clutters makes their brains as soft as

up their minds cheese (makes children dull
and unimaginative)

A.3. (i) freeze ½

(ii) proceed ½

A.II. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i) True 1

(ii) False 1

A.2. (i - c), (ii - d), (iii - a), (iv - b) 2

A.3. (i) birth - mirth / earth ½

(ii) sun - run ½

A.III. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. (i) (c) hare 1

(ii) (b) hare 1

A.2. During the night time, there was a roaring in the wind and rain had
come heavily and flooded the place. 2
.. 7 ..

A.3. The sky rejoices in the morning's birth.

Personification - The morning is given the human quality of taking
Raises a mist, that glittering in the sun, runs with her all the way,
wherever she doth run.
Personification - The mist is given the human quality of running. 1

A.IV. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow :

A.1. Complete the following web diagram with the adjectives used to
show the poet's disgust for the TV : (any four) 2


nauseating Description of
the TV


A.2. Write any two reactions of the kids once they start reading ?
(i) they will enjoy reading them
(ii) their hearts will be filled with joy
(iii) they would have an aversion towards the TV. (any two) 2

A.3. The rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb. 1


A.IV. Do as directed :
1. turning — verbal present participle
2. might — remote possibility
3. to win — infinitive
4. charming — adjectival present participle
5. If you are to score marks you must study hard.
6. winning — verbal present participle
.. 8 ..

7. travelling — gerund
8. blessing
9. will /could
10. should/must/ought to
11. opening - Gerund
12. might - Remote possibility
13. enquiring - Verbal present participle
14. taking - Verbal present participle
15. Will/Would

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