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TrellisWare Announces

Completion of Field
Demonstrations for HMS
Operational Test Risk
Reduction and New
Warrior Robust
Enhanced Networking
(WREN) Narrowband
(WREN NB) Waveform
23 September 2020·4-min read

TrellisWare Technologies, Inc. is leading the

development and deployment of the next generation
waveforms for the US Army. TrellisWare recently
completed successful execution of two field
demonstrations that show the continued advancement
of Army communication capabilities.

First Field Demonstration –TSM Waveform

The first field demonstration was of the TSM™
waveform on all four Product Manager (PdM)
Handheld, Manpack and Small Form Fit (HMS) Program
of Record (PoR) radios forming a single
interoperable TSM network that supports the
Army’s voice, data and Position Location
Information (PLI) Concept of Operations (CONOPS).
By collaborating with all of the platform vendors
– Collins Aerospace for the AN/PRC-162, L3Harris
for the AN/PRC-158 and AN/PRC-163, and Thales
Defense & Security (TDSI) for the AN/PRC-148C –
TrellisWare proved that a Software Defined Radio
(SDR) based waveform can be deployed on existing
Army platforms to bring new networking
capabilities to the Army’s toolset.

In addition, TrellisWare worked closely with

Program Manager Tactical Radios (PM TR) and the US
Army Combat Capabilities Development Command C5ISR
(Command, Control, Computers, Communications,
Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance) to show that the TSM waveform can
seamlessly support key Army systems, namely the
Nett Warrior End User Device (EUD) and the Joint
Battle Command-Platform (JBC-P).

As a result, the network that TrellisWare

demonstrated was a system of systems
representation of the PdM HMS Integrated
Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) test
scheduled for early 2021. The success of the
demonstration is a significant risk reduction for
the PdM HMS IOT&E, an event that will influence
full rate production of the PoR radios.

TrellisWare will continue collaborative efforts

with PM TR and the platform vendors to demonstrate
a Secret and Below (SAB) TSM capability that
leverages the Warrior Robust Enhanced Networking
(WREN) security specification.

Second Field Demonstration - WREN Narrowband

The second capstone field demonstration was for

the WREN Narrowband (WREN NB) waveform,
a new Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) waveform
developed by TrellisWare. The new WREN NB waveform
represents the modernization of resilient long-
range narrowband communications.

The WREN NB waveform is a fast frequency hopping

narrowband waveform that is Electronic Counter-
Countermeasures (ECCM) capable. It provides
simultaneous voice, PLI, and Command and Control
(C2) data in a single network of 250+ nodes;
operates in VHF, UHF, and L-band frequencies;
supports Multiple Independent Levels of Security
(MILS); and is portable to the PoR Manpack and
Handheld Leader Radios. The WREN NB waveform
represents a new technological capability for the
Army to operate in congested and contested
environments and is planned for inclusion in their
future Capability Set.

In this field demonstration, TrellisWare was able

to show the WREN NB waveform operating on both the
TDSI AN/PRC-148C and Collins AN/PRC-162 platforms.
Simultaneous voice, PLI and data communications
were shown in a multi-hop network topology. PLI
and chat messages were exchanged using Nett
Warrior EUDs, and a JBC-P system was used to view
a Common Operational Picture (COP). "The Office of
the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Spectrum Access
Research and Development Program (SARDP) has
afforded the Army the opportunity to add this
modernized capability into our toolbox," said
Herald Beljour, CIV US Army CCDC C5ISR. "This
coming fiscal year we will transition this
waveform to PM TR, and we will continue to put
this capability through its paces."

"TrellisWare is leading the development and

fielding of scalable and resilient waveforms for
the US Army," said Metin Bayram, president and CEO
of TrellisWare. "Our TSM waveform is already a key
component of the Integrated Tactical Network (ITN)
that scales to support an entire battalion. With
the completion of WREN NB, TrellisWare is further
enabling the Army with resilient communications
for operations in congested and contested
About TrellisWare Technologies, Inc.

TrellisWare Technologies, Inc. is a worldwide

leader in highly advanced algorithms, waveforms,
and communications systems that range from small
form factor radio products to fully integrated
solutions. Our TSM™ waveform is incorporated into
a wide range of systems, including TrellisWare
radios and trusted industry partner radios, as
well as multiple government and commercial
solutions. TrellisWare is delivering the next
generation of communications for military and
commercial markets When Nothing Else Works™. For
more information on TrellisWare’s products and
solutions, please visit

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Tina Bachman
Marketing Communications Manager
TrellisWare Technologies, Inc.
PH: +1 858-753-1603

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2020 年 9 月 23 日· 4 分钟阅读

TrellisWare Technologies,Inc.领导着美国陆军下一代
波形的开发和部署。TrellisWare 最近成功完成了两次野

首次现场演示–TSM 波形

TSM™波形,形成了一个可互操作的 TSM 网络,该网络支持
(CONOPS)。通过与所有平台供应商的合作– Collins
Aerospace 适用于 AN / PRC-162,L3Harris 适用于 AN /
PRC-158 和 AN / PRC-163,以及 Thales 国防与安全
(TDSI)适用于 AN / PRC-148C – TrellisWare 证明,

此外,TrellisWare 与战术战术无线电计划经理(PM
TR)和美国陆军作战能力发展司令部 C5ISR(指挥,控制,
证明 TSM 波形可以无缝支持关键的陆军系统,即 Nett
Warrior 最终用户设备(EUD)和联合作战司令部平台
结果,TrellisWare 演示的网络是计划于 2021 年初进行的
PdM HMS 集成运营测试与评估(IOT&E)测试的系统表示
系统。事件将影响 PoR 收音机的全速率生产。

TrellisWare 将继续与 PM TR 和平台供应商进行合作,以

展示一种利用 Warrior 健壮增强网络(WREN)安全规范的
秘密(Secret and Under)(SAB)TSM 功能。

第二场演示-WREN 窄带

第二个现场演示是针对 WREN 窄带(WREN NB)波形,这是

TrellisWare 开发的一种新的移动自组织网络(MANET)
波形。新的 WREN NB 波形代表了有弹性的远程窄带通信的

WREN NB 波形是具有电子反对策(ECCM)功能的快速跳频
窄带波形。它可以在 250 个以上节点的单个网络中同时提
供语音,PLI 和命令与控制(C2)数据。在 VHF,UHF 和 L
可以随身携带到 PoR Manpack 和手持式领导者收音机中。
WREN NB 波形代表了陆军在拥挤不堪和竞争激烈的环境中

在此现场演示中,TrellisWare 能够显示在 TDSI AN /

PRC-148C 和 Collins AN / PRC-162 平台上运行的 WREN
NB 波形。在多跳网络拓扑中显示了同时的语音,PLI 和数
据通信。使用 Nett Warrior EUD 交换了 PLI 和聊天消息,
并使用 JBC-P 系统查看了通用操作图片(COP)。CIV 美国
陆军 CCDC C5ISR 首席先驱 Beljour 表示:“国防部长办
“在下一个财政年度,我们将把这种波形过渡到 PM TR,

TrellisWare 总裁兼首席执行官 Metin Bayram 表示:“

TrellisWare 引领着美国陆军可扩展和弹性波形的开发和
部署。“我们的 TSM 波形已经是集成战术网络(ITN)的
WREN NB 的完成,TrellisWare 进一步使陆军能够在拥挤

关于 TrellisWare Technologies,Inc.

TrellisWare Technologies,Inc.是从小型无线电产品到
全球领导者。我们的 TSM™波形被集成到各种系统中,包
括 TrellisWare 无线电和可信赖的行业合作伙伴无线电,
以及多种政府和商业解决方案。TrellisWare 在 Nothing
Else Works™之上为军事和商业市场提供下一代通信。有
关 TrellisWare 产品和解决方案的更多信息,请访问。

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Tina Bachman
TrellisWare Technologies,Inc.
PH:+1 858-753-1603

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