Institution of Engineers

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The story of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) began with our
nation’s independence. It was established in 1 May 1959 exactly 20 month after
Merdeka. The primary function of IEM is to promote and advance the science and
profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange
of information and ideas related to engineering.

The governing body of the IEM is the Council, headed by the President. The
institution prime mover and founder is President Allayarham Tan Sri Ir Dr Haji
Yusoff Haji Ibrahim. He managed to gather a few engineers who were interested in
forming a local institution when he was transferred to the Kuala Lumpur JKR
headquarters. The affairs of the Council are carried out by the Executive Committee
comprising the President, Deputy President, seven Vice Presidents, Honorary
Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and five members elected from the Council.
Operations are supported by a full time Secretariat.

Membership of the Institution is currently about 45,000 and the growth rate is
about 10% per annum making it one of the largest professional organization in the
country. In order to support the needs of members, the IEM has 8 Standing
Committees to attend to the different administrative functions of the Institution. To
support the multidisciplinary needs of engineering practice, there are 16 Technical
Divisions and 4 Special Interest Groups to look after and to organize activities for the
different disciplines. There is also a Young Engineer Section and Women Engineers
Section that caters exclusively to the younger members and women engineers

IEM has their own mission which is they shall promote sound professional
engineering practice in support of the socio-economic development objectives of the
nation. Next, give a service to the needs and interests of its members and the public
and uphold the social standing image of the engineering profession. They also need
to contribute towards nation building and shall strive to enhance society's
consciousness of science and technology.

There are several objectives of the Institution which is to hold meetings,

exhibitions and visits, and such other activities as the Institution may deem incidental
or conducive to the promotion or attainment of the profession of engineering. Next, to
raise the character and status and advance the interests of the profession of
engineering and those engaged therein. Third, to promote honourable practice and
professional etiquette among members of the Institution. They also want to
communicate with the member information on all matters affecting the profession of
engineering and to print, publish, issue and circulate such publications as may seem
conducive to any of the objectives of the Institution. Lastly, to do such other things
as the Institution may think incidental or conducive to the attainment of the
objectives of the Institution.

Anyone can apply to join IEM provided he or she has the necessary recognised
engineering qualification. IEM organises many courses, seminars, talks and visits,
which are of interest to the engineering profession as well as to the development and
well-being of engineers. Through technical activities, the IEM members gets the
opportunity to enhance his or her technical knowledge and skills as an engineer. This
is important for their development as professionals and essential for the progress and
promotion of the profession as a whole.

Most of the people would be more familiar with the technical activities of IEM,
some may question the need and rationale for non-technical ones. Non-technical
activities include social activities during the weekends, talks and courses or
workshops on personal development, investment and health, and visits to places of
interest such as the Firefly Park at Kuala Selangor. IEM also organises community
service projects. All these activities provide the avenue for interaction among
members, senior and junior alike. It is one of the ways for IEM members to network,
socialise and be exposed to the outside world. The member gets to meet engineers of
all disciplines, from various sectors, of all levels and age, and from all over the
world, for activities of the IEM are not confined to Malaysia or Asia alone. These are
means of developing a broader outlook, honing your communication and social

The IEM Member can also participate more actively in the Institution by giving
his or her time and energy to organising the above-mentioned activities, and play a
role in issues of concern to engineers by giving opinions and be proactive in
effecting positive changes for the good of the engineering profession in the country.
The various Committees and Sub-committees in the IEM will always welcome such
participation, commitment, and enthusiasm from its members. The basic criteria is to
be sincerely committed to the betterment of the Institution, and subscribing to the
basic noble values of excellence, creativity and professionalism. Of course, IEM
needs people with a sincere voluntary spirit. If the engineer satisfies these values, be
a committee or sub-committee member by participating actively in the running of the
Institution too. The member could train themselves in leadership and management
skills, apart from the non-technical skills mentioned above.

As members, one would be informed regularly of the events and upcoming

activities of the IEM through the monthly bulletin, the Jurutera, for which one pay
only a nominal subscription fee annually. There is also the IEM e-community that a
member can be part of. Members also enjoy cheaper rates should there be any charge
for the activities organised by the IEM. In short, no matter what level of participation
the member chooses to be at, the IEM provides them with a numerous of avenues to
better themselves. One should be all the more keen to be an IEM member because
this is the place for engineers, and the IEM is the organisation which protects and
looks after the rights and welfare of engineers.

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